Caption contest!
Tuesday, Sep 26, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Many of you won’t even know who these people are. For the rest of us, this could be brutally fun. Click on the pic for a larger image.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Rate Hike Politics (Use all caps in password - and use YESTERDAY’S password)
Tuesday, Sep 26, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - IEA Endorsements; Boland; Granberg; Geo; Target feed (Use all caps in password - and use YESTERDAY’S password)
Tuesday, Sep 26, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Tuesday, Sep 26, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller How do you feel about this idea? Most Illinois voters favor a smoking ban in all indoor public places, including bars and restaurants, according to a Copley News Service poll.
Group wants guv to lose law license *** Updated x2 - The guv has no license to lose ***
Tuesday, Sep 26, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Normally, I would dismiss press releases like this one. But if a governor proudly violates a federal law, even if he disagrees with it, then this is not a totally unreasonable hit. The Illinois Policy Institute today asked the State Supreme Court committee responsible for lawyer ethics to investigate whether Gov. Rod Blagojevich should lose his license to practice law. Also, remember that Blagojevich has been insistently carping about Judy Baar Topinka’s alleged violation of state election laws by not disclosing the occupations of all of her campaign contributors (even though a few of his own aren’t disclosed). So, one good turn deserves another. *** UPDATE *** It turns out that Gov. Blagojevich is not currently licensed to practice law in Illinois. Go to the ARDC web page and search for Blagojevich. No listing. Strange. [Hat tip to a commenter.] *** UPDATE *** From Greg Blankenship: The complaint filed by the Illinois Policy Institute asking the ARDC to investigate the Hon. Rod Blagojevich’s “Character and Fitness†is not necessarily contingent on his currently being a registered and practicing attorney. First, according to practicing attorneys the Institute has been working with, “Voluntarily inactive and not authorized to practice law,†does not mean the Governor isn’t bound by the ethical requirements of the ARDC.
More poll numbers
Tuesday, Sep 26, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Copley releases more poll numbers. This time, it’s on the “morning-after pill.” A sizable majority of Illinois voters say pharmacists should be required to dispense the “morning-after pill,” even if a pharmacist believes it’s morally wrong, according to a new Copley News Service poll. No crosstabs because Copley is still in the Dark Ages with the Tribune. “Only the bits and pieces we think you need to know.” Anyway, my own opinion is that the handful of pharmacists who want to opt out of dispensing this pill have forgotten that the American consumer intrinsically believes the old saying “the customer is always right.” Even if they didn’t like the pill, they’d probably be against the pharmacists. And despite the controversy, this medication is classified as contraception, and contraception is still immensely popular with the public, despite the efforts of some pro-lifers. The Tribune had a story on this topic yesterday. Emboldened by the anti-abortion movement’s success in restricting access to abortion, an increasingly vocal group of Christian conservatives is arguing that it’s time to mount a concerted attack on contraception.
Guv doesn’t dodge all reporters *** Updated x6 and item renamed ***
Tuesday, Sep 26, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Gov. Blagojevich was in southern Illinois yesterday to kick off several new Amtrak routes.
1) He issued a prepared statement. *** UPDATE *** My reporter pal may have been in error. The guv’s office just sent an e-mail claiming he did take some questions, at least from the Southern Illinoisan. I’m gonna keep the post up but close comments *** UPDATE 2 *** A TV reporter claims that the guv did not answer questions. I’m waiting for a reply from the Southern Illinoisan’s reporter who was on the scene. *** UPDATE 3 *** A different reporter who was there, from the SIU paper, said that the governor’s media spokesperson wouldn’t let a TV person talk to him (it turns out the reporter may not have had a camera during the first go-around and they wouldn’t let her get another shot at asking a question when he was doing a grip and grin), but at least a couple of other reporters did talk to him. *** UPDATE 4 *** The Southern apparently got to ask at least one question. From the hard copy edition: Following Monday’s press event, The Southern asked Balgojevich about the status of the ongoing negotiations between his campaign and Topinka’s regarding the scheduling of debates, particularly a southern Illinois debate that was proposed for today in the Marion Civic Center. *** UPDATE 5 *** From the reporter above. Apparently he shouted that statement out as he was getting into his car, and referred reporters to his spokespeople. I’m glad that’s cleared up. *** UPDATE 6 *** From the Southern’s Caleb Hale, who covered the visit: He took one question from me about the subject of debates, but I had to go to him. His handlers didn’t appear to be setting up time to take questions, then again Blagojevich was scheduled to appear in a union hall in Marion at 5 p.m. too.
White on the hot seat
Tuesday, Sep 26, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller The Tribune finally picks up on a Crain’s series from much earlier this month. Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White said Monday his decision to promote his daughter to a $112,000-a-year job and employ other relatives should not be compared to the corruption scandal that brought down his predecessor. Rutherford has tried and tried to get some traction. The White campaign is completely unconcerned about this relative stuff as long as nothing exposed is deemed to be illegal. But maybe the Tribune jumping on this will finally get the issue noticed, since newspaper editors and TV people slavishly follow the Trib’s lead.
6 & 8 roundup *** Updated x2 ***
Tuesday, Sep 26, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller * Tribune: Plenty of mud, not much clarity on border debate * The Illinois Republican Party steps into the 8th District race on behalf of 3rd Party candidate Bill Scheurer, an anti-war liberal. The Illinois Republican Party recently flooded the northwest suburban district with a campaign mailer contrasting Scheurer’s anti-war views with the supportive positions of GOP candidate David McSweeney and freshman Democratic incumbent Rep. Melissa Bean. * Joshua Hoyt, executive director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, writes that the GOP’s use of the immigration issue in the 6th and 8th Districts will backfire. Scapegoating is a tried-and-true recipe in the cookbook of political action. Previous right-wing frenzies against “welfare queens” and “homosexual marriage” have been whipped up, so why not aim the venom this year at “illegals” and “Islamo-fascists”? Nasty, racially charged attacks may be divisive, but what matters in politics is winning and losing and nothing else. * “Democratic Congresswoman Melissa Bean is largely opposed to privatizing Social Security, while top challenger David McSweeney says it is the only way to fix an ailing system.” * “With control of Capitol Hill on the line in this November’s elections, the two Republican candidates in the most hotly contested congressional races in Illinois have lined up the biggest fundraiser the GOP can offer: President Bush. Invitations have been sent to Republican boosters in the area for an Oct. 12 fundraiser with Bush for 6th Congressional District candidate Peter Roskam and 8th District candidate David McSweeney in the Chicago Hilton and Towers.” * And here’s Peter Roskam’s new TV ad. *** UPDATE 1 *** This e-mail alert from Roskam’s campaign was passed on to me by a friend.
*** UPDATE 2 *** Melissa Bean’s campaign recently sent out this e-mail to supporters. Forwarded by a friend and all emphasis is in the original. The NRCC spent about $23,000 to send a mailing that accuses Melissa of using our fallen soldiers as a political tool to raise campaign money. Reprinting an ad that uses a photo of flag-draped coffins, the NRCC has decided that falsely accusing Melissa of dishonoring our soldiers is the best way to win this election. Never mind that neither she nor her campaign had anything to do with the ad in question. Never mind that she has tirelessly supported our soldiers and their families. Never mind that the NRCC is shamelessly and hypocritically using the very tactic they are falsely leveling at her. None of that matters to them. They just want to win. This is just the beginning. Clearly, the attack machine has kicked into high gear…
Morning shorts
Tuesday, Sep 26, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller * Obama, wife cash in with book, new jobs * Jury’s out on malpractice reforms in Illinois * Editorial: Prescription for grandstanding * “The Green Party gubernatorial candidate unveiled Monday his ethics package that would ban corporations or state contractors from making campaign donations.” * “Pledging to put ‘the grown-ups’ in charge of state government, Republican governor candidate Judy Baar Topinka unveiled a detailed plan for the next four years that features no tax increase and an expansion of gambling to pay down the debt and finance new spending. But Topinka, the state treasurer, would not rule out raising taxes.” * “That’s the past administration. I wasn’t there, I’m a city councilman,†said Democratic candidate Todd Stroger. More here and here. * It appears that the Sun-Times News Group papers have all received an online facelift. Check out the Sun-Times and the Southtown’s new look. And here are 7 reasons to try the new site. * Pankau addresses Medicaid crisis * Press release headline of the week: Lt. Gov. Quinn Launches Virtual Teabag Campaign