Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » One of, if not the, best negative ads of the year *** Updated x1 ***
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One of, if not the, best negative ads of the year *** Updated x1 ***

Tuesday, Oct 3, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Topinka’s new ad is up and running and we’ve got it right here.

You can subscribe to videos that I upload myself by clicking here. I uploaded the Topinka video this morning, so subscribers got the first notification.

Be advised, though, that when I see a video I like I usually add it to my video log with one quick click, and those vids won’t show up in your subscriber alerts. The video log is on the home page.

*** UPDATE *** Just another quick note. New videos by others that I’ve put on my “vlog” include:

* JakeCP, who says he’s a 14 year old attending Lincoln Park High School, talks about the governor, Topinka, public schools and his worn out textbooks. This is a two-parter. Part 2 has a long, highly critical rant on the guv.

* “Roskam makes a return appearance to Worst list”

* A spoof ad by blogger OneMan, “The Law is the LAW L-A-W”

* An Internet ad by the Blagojevich campaign entitled “Topinka’s No Bid Contracts”

The vlog is on our YouTube home page.

* Here’s JakeCP’s long rant about his cruddy textbooks, his mistrust of Gov. Blagojevich and, in the end, a plea for older people to vote for Topinka. It’s worth a look if you have a minute. Not bad for a kid.

* Here’s a short video made by JakeCP of one of his textbooks, “just to prove that Rod Blagojevich isn’t giving enough funding to the Public School System.”


  1. - bluedog demo - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 10:35 am:

    this ad speaks volumes about the state of politics today. Surely we can do better from both sides of the political fence. Blago, Blago, Blago what happened ?

  2. - Ken in Aurora - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 10:40 am:

    Yeah, Baby! Well done!

  3. - Jaded - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 10:41 am:

    I have to apologize to the Topinka camp. I said they would probably screw it up. They didn’t. (Although I would have preferred about 5 more seconds of stamering and stuttering to really drive the point home.) Nice ad.

  4. - Bulldog fan - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 10:46 am:

    By far the best ad of the campaign season. The silence is deafening. He is the proverbial deer caught in the headlights. I’ve seen candidates get caught flat footed before but that is ridiculous. That commercial should win an award.

  5. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 10:47 am:

    Damn. That Swiftboat guy earned his paycheck today.

  6. - Diversity of Thought - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 10:48 am:

    It is definitely a better ad, but it’s a shallow victory for most voters:

    “Hurray! Finally, a negative ad with real substance!”

    Extrapolating this current trajectory we can expect Muppet and HairDo to start producing positive ads with substance sometime in May of 2023.

  7. - HANKSTER - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 10:52 am:

    Very strong spot, unfortunately for her it is probably too late.

    Do I see a Topinka/Ryan Polka spot coming soon?

  8. - Coloradem - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 10:55 am:

    Excellent ad.

    Ironic that a Republican is using the “Had Enough” phase as a tag line.

  9. - the pug is on the prowl - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 10:55 am:

    clear and the way the best ad yet…unfortunately the blago peeps will probablly not be putting him in front of cameras again

  10. - Woodchuck - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 10:58 am:

    He reminds me of myself when my parents called me out for ditching 4th period math class…but I was in 8th grade…Rod is the Governor of Illinois.

  11. - Guy Fawkes - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 11:01 am:

    For Bill’s benefit- PRICELESS!
    1. Of inestimable worth; invaluable.
    2. Highly amusing, absurd, or odd: a priceless remark.

    Of great value: costly, inestimable, invaluable, precious, valuable, worthy. Idioms: beyond price, of great price.
    See value Extremely funny: hilarious, sidesplitting.
    Informal: killing, rich.
    See laughter

  12. - So-Called "Austin Mayor" - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 11:14 am:


  13. - OneMan - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 11:15 am:

    Perhaps I do have a future in advertising

    Mine came in on the 27th.

  14. - Sol - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 11:18 am:

    Ah there it is…the first swift boat reference…I keep forgetting it’s only a negative ad if it targets a Democrat..thanks for reminding us YDD.

  15. - Disgruntled 4X8 - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 11:20 am:

    that tips the scales of unintentional comedy. thank you very much, governor roboto.

  16. - the pug is on the prowl - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 11:24 am:

    this is the type of thing people have wanted…now they got it. cant wait to see how blago turns this into an allkids ad

  17. - Oversized Intern - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 11:34 am:

    Everyone thinks that Rod stood there in silence because he didn’t have an answer…actually, he was patiently waiting for his staff to scibble the answer on a piece of paper.

  18. - Tom - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 11:41 am:

    Good Job to Brian, Nancy and Carter. This finally makes your horse $#!+ campaign worth following.

  19. - Wumpus - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 12:04 pm:

    Governor Nix, I need an answer immediately. Perhaps Rod’s earpiece was malfunctioning.

  20. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 12:22 pm:

    Sol - Don’t be a partisan snit. I like the ad, although I would question whether it’s too little, too late for Topinka and whether she has enough money to put some serious points behind it.

    If she’s lucky, she’ll get some pretty good earned media behind it. The press certainly loves this story.

    The downside for Topinka is that, with such a large Democratic base, she can’t win without turning out large numbers of independents and new voters. Those folks are, by definition, unengaged in the political process and don’t follow these corruption threads very closely. With so many corruption stories out there, they are likely to lump them together under the general heading of “Government” and just not turn out.

    And, let’s face it, “Birthday gifts for Jobs” doesn’t have the same ring as “Licenses for Bribes.”

  21. - the pug is on the prowl - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 12:26 pm:

    i dont know…it seems licenses for bribes may roll off the tongue a little better, but is no less significant than jobs for bribes

  22. - Gus Frerotte's Clipboard - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 1:02 pm:

    It’s a good ad, no question about it. If you buy into the theory that the election is a referendum on the incumbent, this is an effective way to turn that referendum against him.

    It’s worth noting, though, that she’s not allowing anybody to tape her appearances (I think there was a story about it over the weekend) — maybe she’s getting worried about seeing an ad like this about her. All in all that’s pretty low-rent. Give the governor credit for allowing people to tape his appearances (although presumably that’s why the number of appearances has dropped rapidly).

  23. - 2trees - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 1:26 pm:

    This is from the New York Times editorial and was aimed at the Republican Party….what party (and more specifically, what candidate) does this apply to in Illinois? “History suggests that once a political party achieves sweeping power, it will only be a matter of time before the power becomes the entire point. Policy, ideology, ethics all gradually fall away, replaced by a political machine that exists to win elections and dispense the goodies that come as a result”.

  24. - Sol - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 1:31 pm:

    Partisan snit? I love the ability for people to debate in here…you don’t agree with them and you get called names…classic…I expected better from YDD…given how much he comes here and talks down to people.

  25. - Poor Milorad - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 1:38 pm:

    As far as this campaign season the new Topinka ad is a real class A, number one gem. Here is Milorad without his slick PR firm prepping him for an answer. This shows the real governor in all his splendid glory. But at least his hair looks nice.

  26. - Gus Frerotte's Clipboard - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 2:00 pm:

    As for Jake, by the way, nobody has disputed that Chicago Public Schools got more new money under Governor Blagojevich than under any previous governor. The Civic Committee has wondered aloud why CPS’ deficit keeps seeming to get worse when state funding keeps going up, and Jake might do well to direct his anger to CPS, which is actually responsible for buying his textbooks (unlike the state). CPS spends a ton of money on something; it’s a shame it wasn’t Jake’s books. Now, to be fair, Topinka has proposed more money for education, so if he wants to support her on that basis that makes sense, but to blame his crummy textbooks solely on the governor seems a little much.

  27. - Gus Frerotte's Clipboard - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 2:01 pm:

    Sorry, not the Civic Committee, the Civic Federation. My error.

  28. - Anon - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 2:35 pm:

    The ad is without a doubt well done. However, I don’t think they will score JBT much of a political windfall (as much as I hate to say it). The Governor’s scandal of the week somewhat reminds me of the old “Defensepack” Cold War debate (
    html). Rod, and probably Bush, have had so many negative stories come out about them (fair or not) that they all seem to knock each other out of the public’s conscience.

  29. - Buck Flagojevich - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 2:38 pm:

    - Gus Frerotte’s Clipboard,

    “It’s worth noting, though, that she’s not allowing anybody to tape her appearances”

    Big figgin’ deal if JBT won’t allow Blago’s people to videotape her events. If Blago’s people weren’t so drunk with power, arrogance and ignorance they would not have let Rod get himself into that situation. Smart move crew. Haven’t they figured out that Rod doesn’t possess the necessary faculties to be left alone with adults?

    I find it humorous that Rod’s camp is whining that they should have the same opportunity to film JBT saying stupid things but they are being prevented from doing so. Awwww!

    Get the video stalkers some press credentials and maybe they will be allowed to roll tape unhindered at press events.

  30. - cermak_rd - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 2:46 pm:

    I went to school in a small rural school system in central IL. Our books were usually ancient. Our history books in 5th grade were largely held together by tape and hope; yet aside from a few non-PC elements (I thought Fa would have heart failure upon reading the passage about “Good Queen Bess”–anything but to Irish Catholics), gave a pretty good view of pre and post revolutionary war American history. Our senior year pre-Calculus books were merely disused books from Eastern IL Univ. Yet they provided the best pre-Calc (actually Calculus which meant excelling in it at college) we could have received. SO old,ratty text books aren’t the worst thing you can say about Chicago or anywhere else’s schools.

  31. - North of I-80 - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 3:51 pm:

    How is this a “negative ad” ? Isn’t it video of the Governor of IL answering questions posed by the media in public?

  32. - Squideshi - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 4:12 pm:

    The supplemental debate with Rich Whitney, the Green Party’s candidate for Illinois Governor, is available uncut, for free download in MP3 format here.

  33. - Bill - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 4:13 pm:

    The only person it reflects poorly on is Maryann Ahern. If she was anymore shrill, angry, and confrontational she might be mistaken for Judy. I hope that they spend a lot of their money on this one. It will do a lot less damage than some of the others.

  34. - Squideshi - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 4:15 pm:

    The moderator for the supplemental debate was Terry Martin, Executive Director of the Illinois Channel.

  35. - Buck Flagojevich - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 4:54 pm:

    North of I-80,

    You’re correct. This isn’t a negative ad. It’s just an ad showing our capable, honest, Governor at his best.

  36. - Angie - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 5:07 pm:

    Oh yeah, Judy! That was THE best. Whoever is advising her on how to help the undecideds make up their minds is a genius. Perfect. Not long and drawn out, just “Had enough?”

    Much more effective than his ad nauseam attacks he was driving us nuts with.

    Hey, Rod. Why don’t you take the $1500 you got and pay some of the state’s Medicaid bill backlog with it? If anyone from the Topinka campaign pokes their noses in here at CapFax, jot that down for a debate. Ask him. Since he purports to be the I’m-for-healthcare candidate.

    All these checks, but he can’t pay the Medicaid bills?

    Had enough.

  37. - OneMan - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 5:08 pm:

    Yeah Bill people will focus on Mary Ann Ahern…. Keep telling your self that.

  38. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 5:08 pm:

    Hey Buck, are you channeling Bill?

  39. - Angie - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 5:30 pm:

    Forgot to comment on Jake, whose vid is just cracking me up. These kids in the city schools deserve better in the richest nation on Earth. I mean, what a disgrace. The Dems oppose school choice to get these kids the nice, private school educations that the rest of us got (although our parents had to pay for it all, of course), but they’re sending them outdated textbooks? You know WHY they’re getting outdated stuff, too, don’t you? To keep ‘em voting for Democrats. Note the text was from the Clinton era in that video.

    Come on. Every inner city school kid should have a decent textbook to use. Do you think Senator Obama’s texts looked like that when he was in law school? Good God. These poor kids don’t stand a chance at getting into and doing well at a community college unless they’re sharp enough to figure out how to educate themselves outside of school.

    Texts from Clinton’s time in office. Good grief. Why hasn’t this been fixed in all this time, Rod? Why the Medicaid backlog? Why no improvement since Ryan in Illinois? Why do we rank nearer to the bottom since the recovery as compared to other surrounding states? If he couldn’t do it, then what risk is there in trying someone else and voting Rod out?

    He can’t answer questions. He can’t pay the bills. And on top of it, he can’t even get decent textbooks into the schools. Shame.

    Come on, Judy. Learn how to fight harder. He’s vulnerable if you attack his record in a more forceful manner. He wants to get “around” parental notification of abortions for minors, too. What a creep! Even a pro-choicer, if they had a kid, would want to know if their baby was having this procedure. They have a right to know so they can talk to their kids. Get around it? This guy is just awful. Topinka is pro-choice, but sensible about the issue. She’s the clear choice for sane and much more centrist Democrats as well as pro-family Republicans who wonder why something as simple as parental notification is even an issue!

  40. - Buck Flagojevich - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 5:37 pm:


    Just being a touch sarcastic, with a touch of BillSpeak. ;)

  41. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 5:57 pm:

    I think Jake CP is politics version of Lonelygirl115.

    You guys are being duped.

  42. - Bill - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 6:13 pm:

    Broken Heart,
    Genuises like AA and Buck being duped?
    Nah, that could never happen!

  43. - Truth - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 6:31 pm:

    If she gets a chance, she’ll be a good Governor. And she’ll never have to answer questions like this one.

  44. - RealClear - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 6:56 pm:

    You have to admit, the camera loves Blago. Even when he’s bad, he still looks good.

    I think the Topinka people are kidding themselves. The impression I get from the ad is a shrill woman browbeating the Governor. But he keeps his cool.

    This negative ad may actually help Blago with men, most of whom can probably identify with the Gov’s situation from time to time (best advice, just listen and nod periodically).

    And you just know if the press gave Topinka the same kind of treatment, she would be losing her composure and going nuclear with the rolling pin.

    In summary, too little, too late.

  45. - The Hedgehog - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 7:19 pm:

    RealClear-let me ask you a question, is it Grape Kool Aid they serve at the Blago HQ or is it Fruit Punch Kool Aid? There’s no way you kept a straight face when you typed, “but he keeps his cool”.

  46. - Anon - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 7:20 pm:

    Way to go Jake! Simple explanation of the dire funding situation in terms that even GRod might understand.

  47. - Wumpus - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 7:38 pm:

    I thought hte Roskam worst was something from someone relavant, not a tv stalker.

  48. - Bubs - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 7:43 pm:

    1. If Bill says “will do a lot less damage than some of the others” then you know it’s right on target.

    2. Hedgehog, RealClear is far more anti-Topinka then pro-Blagojevich. You know what that means . . . the Kool Aid is mixed with water from the nearby (like a door or two down) Fox River.

  49. - Surely You Jest - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 7:45 pm:

    “This negative ad may actually help Blago with men” comment.

    If the men in Illinois want someone who stumbles over a check question in charge, that’s an insult to them.

    Come on. I hear all the guys making fun of the Aquanet Job all the time. He’s the Bon Jovi of politics, trying to croon to the ladies when his handlers have him all spiffied up, but when off the script, he just looks like a ball of well-coiffed fluff who can’t answer the questions.

    Ask the wife, Rod. Gosh, can’t he get the check issue figured out by talking to the little wife there? Between the two of them, they can’t get it figured out??

  50. - Angie - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 7:48 pm:

    What??? “You have to admit, the camera loves Blago. Even when he’s bad, he still looks good.”

    This ain’t Miss Universe, here. This is the sorry state of Illinois, complete with textbooks that–well–you saw Jake’s video. Spend less on hairspray and more on the textbooks for these kids.

    Have heard that many texts are chock full of outright errors, too. I mean, that’s really scary.

  51. - RealClear - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 8:10 pm:

    Hey, attack me all you want. Let’s wait to see the next poll to see if there’s been any impact adverse to Blago.

    I predict not. But I’ve been wrong before.

  52. - Squideshi - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 9:24 pm:

    The Rich Whitney campaign just released a new website. It’s built on a free, open-source system (similar solutions could be implemented in state government.)

    In addition, two brand-spanking-new radio Whitney radio ads can be found in the Audio & Video section.

  53. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 9:38 pm:

    Bill-glad to see you’re back on today’s message, bud. You folks didn’t have to go far to come up with that trifecta of tripe, as it fits Ms. Nix to a T.

  54. - Martha Mitchell - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 9:54 pm:

    I don’ know why people think the governor looks so good. That hair do is a big-time mop. I think he looks like a low-browed Neanderthal. A good razor cut would do wonders for him. If you add a bow tie - Nerd City. Also, like our other illustrious lying leader in D.C., his eyes are too close together. Shifty looking.

  55. - JakeCP - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 10:21 pm:

    I’ve been reading these comments about my video and I want to thank the people who praised me. As for the one person who thinks I am a version of Lonelygirl115 I am not. I am simply a 14 year old who is concerned and interested in politics. I know that may seem unusual for someone at my age to be so interested but I just like talking about politics. If I were an actor I wouldn’t be posting videos on You Tube! So just to clear the record I am tired of Rod Blagojevich and that I do this because this is something that I love. I have a podcast on itunes called Jake’s Chicago Politics in case you want to check it out. Thank you for the comments and oh one more thing, to that person who thinks I blame everything on Blagojevich I just wanted to tell you that I don’t. It just seems kind of bad when we ranked last in the state for funding our public school systems!

  56. - Little Egypt - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 10:29 pm:

    Jake - YOU ROCK!

  57. - Roy Slade - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 10:32 pm:

    I am almost stunned at which of the two Blagonuts (Bill or RealClear) made the worst argument tonight. It was close- they were both inane, and made no sense whatsoever. Now that I think about it- they are probably tied for the most desperate “god, I have to think of something good to say about my governor, though he may be in jail before JBT finishes her first term as Governor”.

    I hope neither of them works in the banking or finance sector- because neither appear to have enough sense to pour piss from a boot- (with the directions on the heel).

  58. - JakeCP - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 10:39 pm:

    Um I’m going to make a comment saying I’m sorry for bashing the person who said I am a version of lonelygirl115 I am a moron at times. I read it over and I said oh wait he’s joking and I had to laugh at myself. Thank you for the compliment.

  59. - Angie - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 10:54 pm:

    Check out the photos on Jake’s site. He’s got a shot up there with Koko Taylor.

    Big blues-driven rock ‘n roll fan, here, and we can thank the old school blues musicians for leading the way.

    Oh, and on Rod. Didn’t Al Gore once do something during the election where he was bashing the textbooks? Someone call Al Gore and tell him to get out to Chicago to tell Rod, in robot-speak (they both seem to behave as puppets on a string when doing press conferences), to get on this book issue ASAP.

    Laura Bush is out there promoting literacy and reading, but Governor Roboto can’t get these kids books to read that aren’t all beat up. Shame shame.

  60. - Da Godfather - Tuesday, Oct 3, 06 @ 10:59 pm:

    New Topinka ad is great.. needs more airplay.. get it out there…. i love blago’s facial expression.

  61. Pingback Reverse Spin » Governor Tax-brakojevich - Wednesday, Oct 4, 06 @ 12:07 am:

    […] While I’m on special assignment today, the discussion rages over at Eric Zorn’s blog over whether the governor’s 1 percent assessment increase was a matter of cold, calculated computer crunching or is a closer cousin to that infamous “birthday gift, christening gift or whatever.” […]

  62. - Tessa - Wednesday, Oct 4, 06 @ 6:22 am:

    I’m liking the ad Judy did. About time she did one that bit back. Better than the last one. Is it enough? Not yet.

    As for Jake. You go! A 14 year old interested in the political process, with a message. Keep up the good work! I’ve been taking my son along since he was 3 so he’s got 10 years under his belt now. Hopefully someone will be listening to you and improve the school system.

  63. Pingback AbeLog: A Blog » Blog Archive » The Race For The Mansion, E Minus 35 - Wednesday, Oct 4, 06 @ 8:25 am:

    […] Five weeks out, and Judy makes amends for her uninspiring debate performance with what Rich Miller aptly describes as one of, if not THE, best negative ads of the campaign.  It’s a perfect encapusulation of everything that is wrong with Blago and completely destroys his biggest (maybe his only) strength — his glib, polished political persona.  The only caveat is that I don’t know how much airplay she can afford, but she ought to sell one of her dogs if that’s what it takes to get this on as much as possible.  Because of that caveat, Topinka gets an 8 for today.  Blago gets a 2.  Whitney is apparently still waiting for the press to return from filing their stories so they can cover his “alternative debate.” […]

  64. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 4, 06 @ 8:51 am:

    I know it’s fun to play pretend sometimes. And I know a number of people on here have an unhealthy hatred of Blago. There are still over 30 days to play this game. So enjoy.

    But at the end of the day, Topinka loses. So keep bringing up reckless allegations like that he’s headed for jail. As all the polls show, voters without axes to grind don’t think Topinka is any better on ethics. When faced with two bad choices, they’ll go with the one who is 95% less wacky.

  65. - Da Godfather - Wednesday, Oct 4, 06 @ 1:27 pm:

    Anon 8:51 - You mean at the end of the day Blago loses… even if he wins he still loses.. he will be indicted within 6 months of taking office.

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