Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rezko roundup *** Updated x1 ***
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Rezko roundup *** Updated x1 ***

Thursday, Oct 12, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The video referred to last night by ABC7 has since been removed from Google Videos, but I should have it for you later this morning.

This summer, Rezko whispered some last minute instructions to the governor before an appearance at a family celebration being held by some of Rezko’s friends.

Video posted on a public video website shows Rezko directing Blagojevich through the crowd.

* Sun-Times: Indictment helps Topinka — but how much

It is known that the feds also are examining Blagojevich’s personal finances. Notably, Blagojevich has yet to explain the $39,000 in cash that Rezko helped funnel into the first family’s personal bank account in 2004 through real estate deals in which he partnered with first lady Patti Blagojevich.

For now, however, Blagojevich can breathe a sigh of relief. The governor was not implicated in any wrongdoing Wednesday, and the campaign fund came through unscathed. But any calm may be illusory.

“I heard it more than one time [Wednesday] that Rod got lucky, but I don’t think so,” said one veteran Chicago Democratic lawmaker, who isn’t sure the indictment is enough to swing the election away from Blagojevich. “This tightens the noose. It lays the groundwork for the feds to go after the campaign fund and him individually.”

* Tribune : “Rezko’s life a story of pizza and politics”

“The Tony Rezko I went into business with in 1989 was a humble, hardworking immigrant success story,” said Daniel Mahru, who partnered with Rezko in real estate ventures until they parted ways last year. “At 19 years old, he came off an airplane and couldn’t speak English, but over the years he must have brought a hundred Rezkos over from Syria. He worked so hard to take care of nephews, nieces and children.”

Then he added: “But the Tony Rezko I knew after the governor got elected was not the same person. He changed.”

* Sun-Times: Rezko indictment: The ABCs

[Individual] A. William Cellini: Longtime Springfield powerbroker and associate of Stuart Levine’s. Allegedly acted as a go-between in one shakedown.

B. Christopher G. Kelly: Blagojevich fund-raiser. Allegedly discussed plans to raise political donations from investment firms.

C. Sheldon Pekin: Consultant who allegedly agreed to kick back $250,000 in fees in return for getting TRS business.

D. Joseph Aramanda: Rezko associate who allegedly got $250,000 from Pekin “in substantial part for the benefit of Rezko.”

G. Michael Winter: Rezko business associate. Had allegedly agreed to funnel fees from an investment firm to Rezko but did not want his identity revealed to TRS board.

H. Myron Cherry: Attorney and political donor. Cherry’s name was listed in place of Winter’s on TRS paperwork. Cherry said this was done without his knowledge and that he is cooperating with federal authorities.

J. Thomas Rosenberg: Movie producer and former investment firm owner. Balked at Levine and Rezko’s extortion attempt and threatened to go to law enforcement.

* Sun-Times: It’s ‘pay-to-play … on steroids’

Authorities have been tracking Rezko’s movements and knew he checked out of a hotel in the Middle East last week and paid in cash.
Some investigators said they feared Rezko wouldn’t return to the country because he’s in substantial debt, sources said. The indictment was returned last week but kept under seal in anticipation of his return this weekend.

On Wednesday, Rezko’s lawyers said efforts were under way to get him back to the United States. FBI agents were still looking for him. They visited Rezko’s North Shore home Wednesday afternoon with an arrest warrant.

* Sun-Times: Governor: If he did it, ‘I feel betrayed’

The governor said he has not spoken with federal investigators since about two years ago, when the subject was different pay-to-play allegations made — and later recanted — by Blagojevich’s father-in-law, Ald. Richard Mell (33rd).

But he confirmed that he did speak Wednesday with former Gov. Jim Thompson, but insisted it was not in Thompson’s role as former head of the Winston & Strawn law firm.

“You know, it’s nice to be able to call a former governor — who’s also a former prosecutor — who can give you some insights on the interesting workings of human nature and how it operates in an environment like this,” Blagojevich said.

* Daily Herald: How prosecutors say scheme worked

If nothing else, the alleged multitasking was impressive.

Federal investigators accuse Antoin Rezko and Stuart Levine of keeping nine different extortion and bribery schemes spinning at once like circus performers with plates.

But just five days before most of these schemes were set to come to fruition at a pension board meeting May 25, 2004, FBI investigators with knowledge of just a fraction of the scams in play came knocking on Stuart Levine’s door, sending most of the plans crashing to the floor, prosecutors allege.

* Mark Brown: Rezko was the man with a plan, and now he’s got a story to tell

What did Tony Rezko want?

A seat at the big table, and Blagojevich gave it to him.

What can Rezko give the feds?


*** UPDATE *** Flashback: I just found this line in a column I wrote in July of 2004 about the scandal at the Hospital Board, and Tony Rezko:

The governor needs to clean up his own house, or somebody is going to the Big House.


  1. - Wumpus - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 8:29 am:

    I think Bill is Governor Nix. That is the only person who will buy Blago BS. I still think Bill is funning us.

    I have a question, we know Blago said he will give the $70k back to Rezko, but what about all the money he raised? The $$300k to 1.5 mil that was going to a certain public official? Blago does not rasie the money he raised w/his top fundraiser raising only $70k.

    Finally, Rich, is there a copy of that flight itenerary to Teaterboro Airport? The passengers are Blago, Rezko, Levine, anc Cari.

  2. - KenoMan - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 8:29 am:

    The Tribune story today says that Rezko was involved in recommending low level employees at the Illinois Tollway. Does anybody know more about this?

  3. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 8:31 am:

    Did the Sun-Times read the same indictment I did? How can they say that Blagojevich’s campaign fund cam through unscathed?

    ““In or about April, 2004, Rezko and Levine agreed to use their influence and Levine’s position at TRS to prevent Investment Firm 7 from getting its $220 million allocation unless Individual J agreed either to pay an approximately $2 million fee chosen by Rezko and Levine, or to arrange for approximately $1.5 million in political contributions to be made to a certain public official.”

    Hello!? Who do you guys at the Sun-Times think that “certain public official” was? The Mayor of BF Egypt?

  4. - Ali bin Hadde - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 8:41 am:

    Dear YDD, we Egyptians are offended by your last remark. If only Master Poshard had been elected, we would be in a state of rightous wealth and harmony.

  5. - Roy Slade - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 8:45 am:

    This is just the opening blow to the Governor and his “friends”. I agree with an earlier poster who didn’t believe that the “friends of Blago” had the same loyalty as the “friends of de mayor”.

    The other disturbing part of this story, is really how many people here continue to defend this guy- and will seemingly still vote for him.

    I went against my normal voting pattern four years ago, believing the “it was time for a change” crap that he was hyping. NEVER again, will I allow myself to be conned by a typical politician. It was common knowledge that he was a mile wide and an inch deep- and it hasn’t changed. People still speak about his “political skills” or how he “connects with people” on the campaign trail. We are reaping what we sowed four years ago. The people of Illinois voted for a good hair-do, not for a person to lead us into the future. NEVER AGAIN!

  6. - In the Sticks - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 8:46 am:

    There is another Rezko appointee left from the list: Kelly King Dibble’s husband was put in place as Regional Manager of the Northern Region of CDB, at the Chicago office in the Thomson Building. He was such an utter failure, so evidently lacking in both construction experience and skills at supervising staff, that he was moved on to some other location.

  7. - Niles Township - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 8:49 am:

    In addtion Rezko’s connection to Kelly King Dibble & her husband, Jack Lavine, Director at DCEO, is the former CFO of Rezko’s business. This will continue to unravel, but Blago still gets elected. He’ll lose 2 - 3 points off this. Can anyone say good day Gov. Quinn. We’ll all be saying that sometime in the next 6 -9 months.

  8. - Country Girl - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 8:54 am:

    “The Tony Rezko I went into business with in 1989 was a humble, hardworking immigrant success story,” —- Sounds more like Syrian Mafia to me. Wasn’t that the whole basis of the Corleone family saga? Poor immigrant coming to American and “making good”……

  9. - Anonymous - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:05 am:

    I think Rod made the worst decision of his life last night in the press conference. Rod has political adviser around him. They are not his friends. Their interest is to keep their jobs or positions. Their only goal is to keep a democrat as governor. Eventually this will be Pat Quinn and thats OK with them.
    However personally they are not interested in Rod and that’s why they told Rod to throw Tony under the bus. Tony will now tell all. Chris Kelly has seen the handwriting on the wall. He will be the first in line at the feds office. Rod will eventually go to prison. But that’s a ways off. The Dem’s will hunker down, stay in power and wait for Lisa. Rod likes to quote the bible soon Rod will be saying “God help them for know not what they have done”. Too late for Rod.

  10. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:05 am:

    “You’ve got two guys trying to personally enrich themselves, and there’s not even a suggestion that I had any knowledge whatsoever that they were doing that,” Blagojevich said.

    Blagojevich claims here and elsewhere that he had no clue that his top two fundraisers — one a business partner of his wife — were working with his staff right beneath his nose to extort millions for his campaign.

    I guess, if you have to choose, it’s better to be known as “Governor Stupid”.

    I just want to point out that this is pretty much the same response we got from George Ryan when Bauer and Fawell were indicted.

  11. - Gubernatorial succession question - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:14 am:

    In the event Rod wins next month’s election and is later indicted & convicted…are there any conditions attached to a Quinn succession? Specifically, would Quinn get to serve out the entire term or would a special election be called?

    Anyone know the answer?

  12. - Cassandra - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:18 am:

    This is so George Ryan. Not very bright and ethically challenged Illinois politician spends a lot of time with shady businessmen and, at a minimum, takes their advice on all sorts of state matters including personnel appointments. It make the pol feel like a real wheeler-dealer, ya know.

    The pluckable and credulous Illinois electorate will still vote for Blago, accepting his defense that Rezko and pals betrayed him. By accepting his defense they are agreeing that they should be governed by an man with absolutely no brains or judgment.

    The Republicans will win for losing though because the pundits are likely right when they say more indictments are coming. The federal investigation will dominate Blago’s second term.
    Ambitious Democrats will avoid him (and any photo ops dancing with him) like the plague. He won’t be able to get anything done. Everything will stand still for four years while the Dems
    make sure he doesn’t run for a third term and scheme to avoid a Republican rout in 2010.

    I can’t believe some parts of the Democratic power structure aren’t trying to get him to resign now, but then, they ARE Democrats (we do corruption because we can).

  13. - Speaking of The Mighty Quinn... - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:19 am:

    Where has this loud-mouth do-gooder been for the last few months (and years)?

    What a phony.

    Remember when George Ryan was dealing with the Willis fallout back in 2000 thru 2002? Then consumer-advocate Quinn was promoting an anti-Gov. Ryan grass-roots website, holding impromptu conferences to criticize Ryan, etc.

    Where are ya now Quinn?

  14. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:21 am:

    Cassandra I cannot agree that IF Blago is re-elected, he won’t get anything done. He has proven these past 4 years he can do what he darned well pleases without the legislature. He will continue with his “business as usual” screwing the legislature and the voters. But hopefully, the democratic sheep will not follow this loser over the cliff yet again.

  15. - North of I-80 - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:27 am:

    And does Gov Quinn appoint a replacement Lt Governor?
    Or do we start sending our $1500 checks to someone and the new lottery will select one of us to be the next Lt Gov?
    Starting to look like the days of giving IL jobs to the highest bidder might be over.

  16. - Reality Check - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:32 am:

    Blago did a great job in that press conference. He really comes across as likeable and balanced. Will it turn into more? We’ll see. But that’s it pre-election. He dodged a bullet.

    Folks should also remember that Jim Edgar’s top fundraiser Bob Hickman wasn’t only indicted, he went to jail. And that didn’t seem to hurt Edgar. And Hickman wasn’t just some “associate,” he was one of Edgar’s oldest, closest friends, and also had a top post in the Administration. Recall Edgar put Hickman in charge of the Tollway, and that’s where the problems occurred on a land scheme.

    So seeing Edgar lovers bash Blago is a little odd.

  17. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:37 am:

    What the citizens of Illinois have to do now is very clear. We have to get rid of the current governor. How involved he is with his buddy’s crimes should not be debated. We have much bigger problems than Blagojevich has. While it might seem like fun to see if he can extract himself from this, we cannot sit around and let our future ride on his slimey shoulders as he does it. Exonerated or not doesn’t matter. We matter. We have to move on without him.

    Illinois is in a disaster economically. Like New Jersey and California, we are in a shocking mess. The current administration fixed few problems. Worst, it compounded them by tacking on social programs that cannot be supported. Frankly, why are we debating what Blagojevich knew or how innocent he is? Thats between him and the Feds. He’s done, but we have to move on!

    Topinka can work with Madigan, White, Hynes and Daley better than Blagojevich ever could. She did it for 12 years. We know she isn’t a conservative extremist, so there wouldn’t be any bombshells regarding social issues. But we need someone with her experiences to at least stabilize the disaster occuring in Illinois government.

    Blagojevich screwed himself. Does he even merit consideration, let alone re-election - by ANYONE? Let the lemmings walk off the cliff with him, we have had to face corrupted administrations before, and fortunately most voters vote these criminals out and let the lemmings cry.

    That is what we have now. No more excuses for Blagojevich. To think he came in as a REFORMER, and did this! He’s worst than Ryan.

  18. - Curt - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:41 am:

    Not everyone is as smart as you YDD…as you like to remind us here.

  19. - Shelbyville - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:43 am:

    If Quinn was to become governor today, no he does not name a lt. gov. I believe one would be on the ticket though, for the election. I am a bit rusty on that fact, though.

  20. - DuPage Dandy - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:46 am:

    A litle factoid for the JBT lovers
    Individual B:
    Pekin, Sheldon 1720 N. LaSalle Street
    # 24
    Chicago, IL 60614
    Occupation: Partner
    Employer: Pekin Singer & Shapiro Asset Mgmt $2,500.00
    2/9/2004 Individual Contribution
    House Republican Organization
    Wonder if that puts him close to theJim Ryan Birkett combine?

  21. - vole - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:46 am:

    Anyone know what Patty Blago. actually did to earn the substantial profit in the real estate deal with BB Rebezco? Is this legit or does this have shades similar to the $100,000 that Hillary cleared on trading with no risk while Bill was governor of Arkansas.

  22. - This Guy - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:46 am:

    Where was the emotion in Blago’s press conference?

    If someone that close to me was suddenly and unexpectedly indicted - as Blago’s words implied - and now me and the whole world realize that that friend had been deceiving me to the extent the indictments allege, I think I would have seemed a bit more emotional and sincere, rather than stoic and scripted.

    I just don’t buy what he’s selling, and I don’t see how anyone with a soul could either.

  23. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:51 am:

    Here’s my answer to Casey Jones.

    If Blagojevich is going to get indicted, I hope he will resign which will make Pat Quinn governor. I am somewhat concerned Blagojevich will want to claim he’s “innocent until proven guilty.” I assume MJM and Howard Dean will have a talk with him at that point.

    I have mostly committed myself to voting for Rich Whitney. This has been my position for a long time now.

    But Republicans trying to persuade Democrats into voting for JBT are full of it. I don’t hear Republicans saying they are withdrawing their support of Hastert and Shimkus in favor of John Laesch and Danny Stover.

    Republicans approach everything as a partisan political issue. North Korea, torture, invading Iraq, everything is about the quest for unchecked political power. No rules or sense of decency restrains Republicans.

    Democrats are suckers not to pay the game of politics by the rules established by the majority party. The game of politics is played by the rules as they exist, not as how you would like them to be.

    There’s a reason why nice Democrats like Fritz Mondale, Michael Dukakis, Dawn Clark Netsch and Glenn Poshard lose, while Democrats like Bill Clinton and Rod Blagojevich win. To implement Democratic policies it seems to take street fighters that can take cheap shots and throw a sharp elbow.

  24. - North of I-80 - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:52 am:

    Most likely the serious trouble happens after Governor Blagojevich is re-elected. THEN does Governor Quinn appoint a new Lt Governor and do both then serve out the rest of the term 2007-2011? What if indictments hit Public Official A between his re-election and the inauguration?

  25. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:53 am:

    Vanilla Man, how is Illinois a shocking mess economically?

    Why will it get better if Topinka is elected?

  26. - Buck Flagojevich - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:56 am:

    Enough speculation on who Bill is.

    Bill is P. Fitz. OK everybody? Now you know. ;)

  27. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:56 am:

    Speaking of TMQ, you expect Quinn to criticize the guy on the top of the ticket with Quinn!?

    Republicans are truly out-to-lunch. They will make stunningly moronic and dishonest arguments.

    When are Dick Cheney and George W. Bush going to rat each other out?

  28. - DuPage Dandy - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 10:07 am:

    Opps some more factoids
    If the governor returns the Rezko contributions
    should GOPs do the same for Stu’s ?
    If one just deals with current events it looks like Cross (HGOP ‘04) Rutherford and JBT need to get the refund machine cranked up

  29. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 10:09 am:

    Curt — You don’t have to be a rocket scientist if you’re the Governor to have known what was going on. You just have to be able to read news stories written at the third grade level, be at least a mediocre judge of character, and have either a functioning moral compass or a healthy sense of self-preservation.

    Apparently, Rod Blagojevich didn’t read any of the news stories about Tony’s wheeling and dealing on his behalf over the last 4 years, Rod Blagojevich never thought twice about why a guy who makes his living at the public trough was lavishing the Blagojevich family with gifts and had his fingers in every aspect of the governor’s business, Rod Blagojevich never questioned whether it was ethical for his fundraiser to extract major contributions from individuals and then “recommend” their appointment to state boards and commissions where they would steer government contracts, and Rod Blagojevich never for a second suspected this would all come back to bite him in the ass.

    Again, it ain’t rocket science. These are the basic skills of any viable public official.

  30. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 10:10 am:

    That’s a good question Carl!

    You sound like the guy in a raft in the middle of the ocean, asking his rescuers what kind of food they serve before you will decide whether to let them save you.

    Blagojevich is toast. It’s over. His problems become OUR problems if he is re-elected. Considering the incredible challenges we face in this state, it would be unforgivably stupid to keep him. Even if he is innocent, he is completely useless to us as a governor.

    It is OVER.

  31. - Reality Check - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 10:11 am:

    Whatever Milorad Kool-Aid drinker posted with my name at 9:32 is most definitely not me. To Mr. or Ms. Whoever You Are, get your own handle.

  32. - Wumpus - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 10:13 am:

    How does Pat Quinn get away unscathed (on this blog, at least)? He is Mr. Veteran lover, but when the news of possible disregarding of the Veteran’s PReference arises, he is silent. He has been the quietest of all on Blago. He is tainted, he is a beenfactor of this scheme as much as Blago. Teabag pat Quinn!

  33. - Shelbyville - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 10:14 am:

    If Rod is reelected and then Quinn becomes Gov., there is no Lt. Gov. and Quin serves the remainder of the term.

  34. - Anonymous - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 10:54 am:

    Ode to the pay Toilet of Government:
    Here I sit all broke and blighted.
    Paid to play and got indicted.

  35. - Guy Fawkes - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 10:55 am:

    First, Da Guv look as if he was medicated in yesterday’s press conference.
    Second, the bus is on fire and spinning out of control, but before it goes over the cliff, Governor Blagjevich will without hesitation throw anyone and everyone under the bus, including his own family to save his own behind.
    He is absolutely delusional.
    Our current governor in his own words is a
    “reprehensible liar”!

  36. - SangamoGoP - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 11:01 am:

    A couple of things that stand out about the Gov, he claims time and again that he has his hand on the rudder of state govt and if others like the Gen Assembly, the Federal govt, or opposition party members get in his way, he takes charge and does the “right thing”. And, yet, for his entire tenure, when questions of corruption have arisen; corruption under his watch, then it is not his fault; he had no control over those situations.

    Secondly, why did it take the IL press so long last night to actually ask the most poignant question - when are you going to release your tax returns? Of course, he was on his way out the door by then. When, indeed, are we going to see how much the Blagojevich family, NOT Friends for Blagojevich, but how much did the Governor PERSONALLY benefit this year from his friend, Tony Rezko.

    My guess is that we don’t see those returns this year…

  37. - I.D.O.T. grunt - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 11:03 am:

    Since Governor Blagojevich is setting the new standard. We can all go out commit a crime, get caught, say were sorry and give the proceeds from our crime to a charity.
    Case closed!
    What a massive load of BS!
    Nice role model for our kids, Rod.
    Good people lost their jobs because you!

  38. - He Makes Ryan look like a saint - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 11:07 am:

    In the past adminstrations, has anyone had the influence to get so many people appointed to Directorships and to boards?

    As Harry Truman said “The Buck Stops Here!”

  39. - RickG - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 11:10 am:

    Anyone here ever read Article V of the Illinois Constitution? It’s got some interesting stuff.

    Anyway, to answer the asked question, Article V Section 7 says that “If the Lieutenant Governor fails to qualify or if his office becomes vacant, it shall remain vacant until the end of the term.”

    Also, the Illinois line of succession is Gov-Lt.Gov-AG-SecState. So if Blago is impeached/dies/whatever, then Pat Quinn is impeached/dies/whatever, then Lisa Madigan becomes Governor, followed by Jesse.

    Why has there been no talk of impeachment possibilities? I wouldn’t say I support it, but there has to be some fringe legislator who wants to make a name for himself. Perhaps after the election.

  40. - Garp - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 11:22 am:

    Two thoughts come to mind about this scandel.

    Pat Quinn is having a fundraiser next week. I have been to many of them and I am always amazed at how few big shots attend. He seems to have just a small bunch of friends and supporters. This guy is the Lt. Governor of the State and gets 1/20 the people as some Chicago alderman. I have a feeling his upcoming funder might be better attended.

    How smart was the former head of the Tollway to bail out when he did? When I read he was leaving a few months ago, I thought somethings up and now I see what it is.

  41. - United Illinois Tollway Workers - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 11:24 am:

    Sure hope the feds come clean up this cesspool at Central Administration in Downers Grove, IL, and soon.
    The feds can start with Chairman John Mitola and the Master of all PaperHangers - Brian McPartlin.

  42. - Shelbyville - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 11:43 am:

    The few remainng big wigs that aren’t under indictment, will now show up at Quinn’s fundraiser. You can bank on it.

  43. - Fly on the Wall - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 11:50 am:

    To - Garp - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 11:22 am
    Jack Hartman bailed because he was knee deep in cahoots with Rezko and Kelly among other unsavory characters. Jack can run, but he can’t hide. He’ll look good a orange jumpsuit too.

  44. - Turnout, turnout, turnout - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 12:03 pm:

    All the R’s and disguntled D’s that post on this blog site might as well get used to the following two facts:

    1. The Stroger v. Peraica race will increase turnout amongst a significant % of the black vote, in major part due to the fact that Peraica is polling very well and the black block needs to turnout in HUGE numbers…and they will. They DO NOT want a “phony” like Peraica calling the shots (slashing jobs and social benefits).

    2. This same black vote will also “deliver” for Rod because he has “delivered” for them on a number of critical issues (AllKids, Childcare workers, etc.).

    If I were Team Stroger and Team Blago…I’d start stumping together in the black neighborhoods throughout the County (specifically on the West Side and South Subs).

    Its a ‘classic’ US (blacks, minorities) vs. THEM (elitist R’s) race.

    And for those who will be following the Feb Mayor’s race…this could be an excellent preview of things to come. Jesse Jr has an excellent ability to craft a similar US (blacks, latinos, neighborhoods) v. THEM (Big Biz, Downtown, etc.)

  45. - Captain America - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 12:29 pm:

    As a result of this indictment, Whitney and Topinka get more votes. Topinka has a “fighting chance” to resurrect her campaign. However, it appears to me that the governor still wins this election because he is not directly implicated by the Rezco indictment - his victory margin is cut in half. Blago’s presentation at the press conference was probably plausible to the general public,if not believable when evaluated by more sophisticated observers.

    As a committed Democrat, I prefer that the Democrats retain the Governorship after the Republicans controlled it between 1977 and 2002. I’m voting for Blago on this basis.

    It’s obvious to me and has been for quite some time that Blago has serious legal problems. I’m not in denial. Rich Miller convinced me quite some time ago! Let the legal process play itself out,and let the chips fall where they may. Nonetheless, I still prefer Governor Quinn to Governor Topinka. Even though no one in the Democratic party etablishment likes Pat Quinn very much, I think he’s a qualified and capable successor.

    I’m definitely against the bipartisan corruption that permeates Illinois politics at all levels of government. But at this point I’m voting for the Democratic Party, just like the Republicans supported Ryan in 1998 and Bush in 2004, despite their respective problems - corruption and incompetence.

    I think Patrick Fitzgerald is doing an outstanding job in investigating and prosecuting endemic public corruption in Illinois. But the wheels of justice grind slowly.

  46. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 12:33 pm:

    What is the evidence people are excited about Peraica-Stroger?

    I’m skeptical.

  47. - Garp - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 12:40 pm:

    I don’t think the west side is going to be pouring out the support for Stroger-that is for sure.

  48. - Bubs - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 12:44 pm:



    Anyone who thinks all Blacks are gushing over Todd Stroger based solely on his race doesn’t know Chicago very well. South Side and especially the 8th Ward? Maybe. West Side? A different story - those people will be screwed over by the Strogers and Daleys only so many times. Plus, the Black community saw its percentage of County contracts plummet under John Stroger, as other interests were served, like the 11th Ward.

    The Stroger group has one objective: preserving its power and the current corrupt system.

  49. - He Makes Ryan look like a saint - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 12:46 pm:

    There is no way the Daley/Madigan machine will work to get out the vote in Chicago. Daley has his own Fitzy problems and Madigan can’t stand the Gov…..especially now.

    If Lisa is going to run in 4 years it would be better for her if Judy got in rather than Blago to win, only to get indicted and have a Gov Quinn take over. The backlash could prevent her from winning, and plus have a primary battle against Quinn.

  50. - Wumpus - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 12:59 pm:

    turnout x 3, are you cereal? If anything, the elitists are the Blagos an dDaleys who are in power. It has nothing to do with party. Jackson is big business, his father ensures that.

  51. - Only Yesterday - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 1:17 pm:

    The SJR on March 20, 2003, in its article on Scott Fawell’s conviction:

    “Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich ran on a reform platform largely directed at Ryan’s scandals. In Springfield, he told reporters that the Fawell verdict underscores the continuing need for an ethics overhaul in Illinois.

    ‘Now more than ever we need to regain the confidence and faith and trust of the people, and this verdict is another reminder about the urgency to do that,’ Blagojevich said.

    Reading this makes me want to hurl.

  52. - Niles Township - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 1:20 pm:

    I’m not the first to suggest this, but I hear the following speculation: Blago gets reelected,within 6 - 9 months he is indicted and forced to step down, Quinn becomes Governor, Obama is Dem VP candidate, and if the Dem ticket is elected, Quinn is appointed to the Senate (remember he ran against Durbin for the Senate before) to fill out Obama’s term clearing the way for Little Lisa to become the incumbent (AG is next in line) before the 2010 election.

  53. - Da Dude - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 1:44 pm:

    Who’s going to throw Gov. Blagojevich under the bus?

  54. - Bob Hickman Hicks - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 2:15 pm:

    Not much mention of William Cellini in this thread. Now, I don’t know much about this dude. Is he a Republican? Does he have ties to Topinka? Can he be linked to Topinka, or, like George Ryan, is he not a friend, just a person that is nice to her on the campaign trail?

    I’m just curious, has she ever had any questionable dealings with this guy. It appears that he might be standing in a big pile of it, too.

  55. - Shelbyville - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 2:27 pm:

    Who is going to throw Blago under the bus? I would guess it will be the first person that the Feds really put the screws to. Remember Fawell saying that his head was in a vise?

    As far as Judy and Cellini - no they aren’t buddies, but she does have some ties there involving the hotel loan.

  56. - EmbarrassedNillinois - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 2:32 pm:

    Rich, it just seems amazing that these people continue to do this crap and continue to get caught. Why does each group who comes along and gets whacked think that THEY are the ones who will get away with. These are smart people. I just don’t get why they think they will be the ones who get away with it. Great column on your last update.

  57. - DuPage Dandy - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 2:37 pm:

    Come on Shebyville, give us a break
    JBT has been on Team Cellini since day 1
    Bill and KJ were about getting her the nomination
    Now they are tap dancing too.

  58. - Bob Hickman Hicks - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 2:40 pm:

    In 1995, Topinka was poised to allow a Cellini-led consortium to repay a $15.5 million state loan for an unprofitable Springfield hotel at a rate of only 25 cents on the dollar. The deal was subsequently blocked, leaving a $27.5 million IOU to Illinois taxpayers with interest mounting.

    Then Topinka faced criticism last August for casting a vote to invest up to $120 million with Commonwealth Realty Advisors, a real estate investment firm that Cellini founded and is now controlled by Cellini’s children. She later urged the Capital Board of Investment to revoke the deal.


  59. - B Hicks - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 2:44 pm:

    Call a spade a spade. If you are going to label Rod a crook, label her one, too.

  60. - Garp - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 2:49 pm:

    I just read Rich Miller’s July 2004 article and it truly is great reporting. It should be part of an Illinois “How To” pamphlet distributed to all new state law makers and officials.

    I especially enjoy this paragraph:

    …”mega Blagojevich fundraiser Chris Kelly worked to pass the pension-bond bill with former Bear Stearns managing partner and Republican insider Peter Fox, who employs longtime Blagojevich pal Paul Rosenfeld as his lobbyist and who brought the allegedly corrupt Nicholas Hurtgen to Bear Stearns and owns a company with Hurtgen’s wife that is now doing a ton of state construction business.”

    Absolutley priceless.

  61. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 2:58 pm:

    Sir Hicks, your dog will not hunt. First of all, the thread is about Rezko, not Cellini. Ask Rich to start a thread about Cellini and you can fire away. Until then, why don’t you “Nix” the dumb questions that you already know the answers to and stand up for your man Rod. He needs some support here today. Speaking of Gov. Xanax, here’s a few questions I would ask if I could:

    What happened to the Dept. of Ferreting Out Wrongdoing when Tony and Stu were shaking down hospitals, money managers, and God knows who else like apple trees in August?

    Speaking of apples, has the “few bad apples” defense officially been abandoned?”

    Did you ever read any of your own D-2’s? Do you know what a D-2 is?

    How did that “special government agent” section in the Ethics Act rein in Rezko and Kelly?

    Does your famous “bus” now say “U.S. Bureau of Prisons” on the side?

    Is it true that if you’re indicted and convicted, you’ll ask to have the Feds seize the Governor’s Mansion?

  62. - One Man Can Make A Difference - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 3:21 pm:

    The question is:

    Does he have the testicular verility to clean up his office now or will it take more indictments?

  63. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 3:28 pm:

    Hicks, this day might be better spent reflecting on why you people were so blind that you couldn’t see Rezko’s corrupt ways. Everyone else did. Why not you?

  64. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 3:48 pm:

    Amen, Rich.

    Further AA sayeth not.

  65. - Fly On The Wall - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 3:56 pm:

    Did Bill change his/her name to B Hicks recently, spewing reverse false propaganda blaming Judy, George for state’s past ills. The clean up should of started the day Blago was inaugurated, but it never was, ever.
    Let’s remmember the indictments are against Blago’s goons no one else.

  66. - Big W - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 4:18 pm:

    Its time for the BULL MOOSE PARTY! I’m taking nominations!

  67. - Rex - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 4:28 pm:

    I just read that Velma Butler has ties with Rezko. She had contracts with IDOT (imagine that). Butler also has ties or worked in Filan’s old firm - PT&W. Connect the dots.

  68. - Anon - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 4:59 pm:

    Velma Butler had some totally lame contracts at CMS too.

  69. - southside dem - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 5:07 pm:

    after reading the indictment and the news articles I am sure that the feds are going after the Gov, I am disappointed in this whole mess his cleaning up government act was a scam he better save some of his huge campaign fund for his defense. I will vote for Rich Whitney

  70. - Huh? - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 5:09 pm:

    For those in need of a chuckle -

    The Center for Disease Control has issued a warning about a virulent new strain of SociallyTransmitted Disease. The disease, Gonorrhea Lectim (pronounced “gonna re-elect ‘em” ) is marked by ignorant, dangerous and high-risk behavior. Many contracted it in 2004, after having been screwed for four years by the current administration. This destructive disease originated only a few years ago from a bush in Texas.
    Cognitive characteristics of individuals infected include anti-social personality disorders, delusions of grandeur with messianic overtones and tendencies towards evangelical theocracy, severe cognitive dissonance, the inability to incorporate new information, pronounced xenophobia and paranoia, the inability to accept responsibility for one’s own actions, cowardice masked by misplaced bravado, uncontrolled smirking, ignorance of geography and history, and repititive self-defeating behavior.

  71. - just wondering - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 5:09 pm:

    does a candidate need more than 50% of the vote to win the election in Ill. Its a three person race and I see Rich whitney gaining fast from all this

  72. - Mike Williams - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 5:50 pm:

    I am no big fan of Topinka, but will you people get off the hotel loan deal already? Look, no money was being collected by the state. It could not be collected as the venture was not profitable. So the Treasurer tried to settle and get what she could for Illinois taxpayers. If you think this is unusual, you should know that a rather large unit of local government in the northern part of the state has had to do the exact same thing on non performing loans. Amounts get written off because they are greatful to get anything on a previously non-performing loan. What the Treasurer tried to do was in the best interests of the state. If you do not think so, tell me how much the State of Illinois has collected on this loan since 1995. Then determine how much it would have collected had the Treasurer been allowed to settle.

    The hotel deal is IN NO WAY EVEN CLOSE to this situation, and Bill and whoever else tries to compare it is just flat out wrong and does not know what they are talking about.

  73. - Anon - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 6:07 pm:

    Given the Teacher’s Retirement System (TRS) statement regarding their disgust and disappointment at Rezko’s actions, I wonder if the Illinois Federation of Teachers will rescind their endorsement of GRod? Or do the teachers also not care about the pension situation?

  74. - Mike Williams - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 6:17 pm:

    Good observation about the IFT.

    Isn’t their exec director or legislative affairs person a former Madigan staffer?

  75. - Horace Mann - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 7:45 pm:

    All taachers care about their pensions. If anyone at IFT used to work for the Speaker, seems to me that makes them qualified for the job, unlike half the middle schoolers masquadering as liaisons in Blago World.
    Now, what does that have to do with Indicted Tony Rezko?

  76. - Just Bored Now - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 8:21 pm:

    The Springfield hotel thing IS a huge deal. The investors weren’t paying because their pals were in power and they knew they could get away with not paying. Don’t forget, Topinka’s friends who cried poor on that, like Cellini, have gotten extremely wealthy on riverboats in this state. That’s another insider scam.

    Topinka has AT LEAST as much baggage as Blago.

    Oh, speaking of Cellini’s, another Cellini family member was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the MSI scandal that occurred under Jim Edgar’s watch.

    Oh yes, things are SO much worse now, I forgot. Wake up folks. Only the names have changed. And some of them haven’t.

  77. - Here it is - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 9:32 pm:

    Longtime Republican leader William Cellini of Springfield has been implicated in a pension-fund kickback probe by federal prosecutors.

    Jon Bauman, executive director of the Illinois Teachers’ Retirement System, confirmed today that Cellini is the person referred to as “Individual A” in an indictment made public on Wednesday.

    (SJ-R website)

  78. - Anonymous - Thursday, Oct 12, 06 @ 10:07 pm:

    Interesting that the TRS management is so forthcoming on this. Most of them were put in years ago with connections to Cellini and others.

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