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Saturday radio & video blogging *** Updated x1 ***

Saturday, Oct 21, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE *** The Hotline’s blog reports that JBT’s campaign is dark this weekend.

IL: According to Hotline sources, Treas. Judy Baar Topinka’s campaign is off the air this weekend, less than three weeks before election day. The earliest she could go back on the air is Monday afternoon at this point. Will she go on that soon or is she saving money for the last week?

The Hotline is usually pretty good, but they appear to have blown this one, or at least worded it so obtusely that it could be claimed that they blew it.

The Topinka campaign says they’ll be back on the air Monday and will not be dark next week. They won’t confirm, but word is they’ll debut a new TV ad. I would bet money that the new ad will be about this guy, but one never knows for sure. [Hat tip: ArchPundit]


* It ain’t much, but gubernatorial candidate Rich Whitney (G) is running two different radio ads “on WCPT-AM 850 AM, the Chicago Air America Affiliate, and various Illinois Radio Network Stations,” according to the Green Party.



* Chicago Public Radio’s Shawn Allee filed this reported, entitled, “IL’s 10th Congressional District Dems Buoyed by Volunteer Group”


* This week’s edition of Illinois Public Radio’s State Week in Review is below. You can subscribe to the show’s podcast by clicking here.


* The following Internet parody ad shouldn’t be watched by those who are overly sensitive. Because of foul language it is not safe for work.

The “ad” is obviously a piece of satire. I take it as biting commentary on the over-the-top attacks on Topinka. Others might take it as biting commentary on Topinka herself. Satire can be like that sometimes. Either way, I think it’s brilliant. And brilliance is always controversial. So, please, don’t watch it if you’re easily offended, because I really don’t want to read a lot of “shame on you, Rich Miller” comments. You’ve been warned.


  1. - Lovie's Leather - Saturday, Oct 21, 06 @ 3:24 pm:

    Rich, by far that is the funniest thing I have seen this campaign!!! I think Rod should run that as a commercial downstate!!!

  2. - Walking Wounded - Saturday, Oct 21, 06 @ 4:37 pm:

    A little hard for me to understand, but the satire is hilarious. This one goes second after the “Get off my Trans Am” ad.

  3. - Just Observing - Saturday, Oct 21, 06 @ 4:40 pm:

    I’m not offended… its just not funny.

  4. - Angie - Saturday, Oct 21, 06 @ 5:38 pm:

    Not funny. We get the point, but it isn’t even good satire.

    You want good satire? Read PJ O’Rourke. That’s good satire.

  5. - So-Called "Austin Mayor" - Saturday, Oct 21, 06 @ 5:55 pm:

    I thought it was pretty damn funny. And best of all, it was quick.

    For a campaign season featuring fools, idiots and jokes as candidates, there are sure a lot of folks approaching this election with no sense of humor whatsoever.

    It’s okay to laught people.

  6. - Angie - Saturday, Oct 21, 06 @ 7:05 pm:

    Sorry for hogging three posts, but in taking a break from studying for a midterm, I opened up the Sunday, October 22 2006 Tribune. Hola! Endorsement for JBT, and it is a scathing criticism of “weasel eyes” in addition to backing JBT. Rich! Get that up on the blog. Check these quotes out: “The list continues, but space is limited” (the list of investigations, that is), and “The scent of scandal constitutes more than smoke. It’s a five-alarm fire,” and this gem, “The governor’s flimsy responses–he doesn’t know, he can’t recall, he’s the victim here–insult the people of Illinois.”

    Yes, the Chicago Tribune has the cajones to back the lady for Illinois Governor (give her a chance and see how she does, folks, and if she can’t do it, THEN we can all give up). And not only that, but they (expletive deleted)-slapped Rod around big time.

    Good job Trib!

  7. - Walking Wounded - Saturday, Oct 21, 06 @ 7:26 pm:

    Good to hear about the endorsement. I particularly like the comment about the “scent of scandal”. That smell is more from wastewater than it is smoke.

  8. - NoGiftsPlease - Saturday, Oct 21, 06 @ 7:43 pm:

    Have you seen the ad for Blago “paid for by friends of Rod Blagojevich?” JBT could have some fun with that one, make a parallel ad but scroll the list of friends’ names with the amount they contributed to his campaign and what they seemed to get out of it ($ amount of state contracts, salary of job, or seat on what board, or if indicted, show that, too). It would be hilarious.

  9. - desperate - Saturday, Oct 21, 06 @ 7:50 pm:

    Thank the Lord for the Tribune! Now go Judy go! I agree, just give her a chance PEOPLE, it can’t get any worse than it’s been for the past 4 years!!

  10. - Rich Miller - Saturday, Oct 21, 06 @ 7:52 pm:

    “Desperate,” I wouldn’t get my hopes up too much from an endorsement. I think the last time the Tribune endorsed a successful major Republican statewide candidate was 1998. The candidate? George Ryan.

  11. - Wumpus - Saturday, Oct 21, 06 @ 7:57 pm:

    Hahaha, this is as funny as the Songmonkey’s Quiznos ad. So is this ad sayin gthat Judy will eat the children of 9th CD resident and 10th CD candidate, Dan Seals?

    How the heck can the Sun Times endorse Stroger? I can understand them endorsing Blago, but Stroger?

  12. - Bridget Dooley - Saturday, Oct 21, 06 @ 8:36 pm:

    Hahahaha!!!! That is AWESOME!!! My first thought was that JakeCP made it.

    Guess who I found myself driving next to this evening? Rich Whitney! I think he’s following me.

  13. - Wumpus - Saturday, Oct 21, 06 @ 8:49 pm:

    The funniest thing about it is they act as if JBT is some stereotypical “right winger” that they can slander. She is a moderate by the reasoning of any logical person.

    Is this what JBT needs, to have Blago give money to Stroger? Link up these two goofballs and see what happens. If this happens, get used to people with money getting soaked moreso than current status.

  14. - Real Clear - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 12:25 am:

    I see Rich already beat me to the dig about the Trib also endorsing George Ryan in 1998.

    So I’ll instead predict that the Trib’s endorsement will have the same impact for Judy, that the Trib’s endorsement in 2000 and 2004 of George W. Bush had for him. He lost by double digits both times in Illinois.

  15. - annon. - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 6:39 am:

    Why have an election ???? The polls, arm-chair pundints ect. have about wrapped this one up !! Polls are only as good as the questions you ask & for specific purpose !! I guess it keeps blog response alive & sells newspapers !! The tale will be told Nov. 7 & I can’t believe {maybe I’m wrong} that the voters of Illinois are blind & stupid to the events happening in the state & so-called Guv office. Remember a couple of guys named Dewey & Truman ??? They though that was “sewed up” too.

  16. - Bill - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 8:54 am:

    We’ve already linked up “those two goofballs” in Cook County and they are unbeatable. If our perojections are correct watch for a Todd and Rod landslide in Cook.

  17. - Wumpus - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 9:27 am:

    Vote for Rod and Todd is what the two camps are saying in black communitiies? Vote for the Flanders’. Like abad SImpsons episode.

  18. - tough guy - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 10:13 am:

    I think JBT’s staff is just practicing for going dark forever on 11/7/06.

  19. - Lovie's Leather - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 10:21 am:

    I need a $100,000. I need it. I have got to have it. Money Money MONEY!!! If somebody told me that I had to give them $100,000… I would immediatly endorse the other candidate. Blago endorsing Peraica, that would surely be a kiss of death for Peraica.

  20. - Way Northsider - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 10:25 am:

    Not sure why the Trib endorsement is thrilling Judy supporters so much. This is the paper that endorsed George Bush. She would probably do as good a job as HE has been doing! And, for those of you who think shrub is doing a good job, I don’t think anything anyone says will make a difference.

  21. - Angie - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 11:04 am:

    It is thrilling us because the Tribune had the you-know-what to say what everyone has really been thinking about Rod Blagojevich, that it shouldn’t take nine bullet points to point out all of the issues under investigation by an incumbent governor.

    This state is desperate for a change, and the Trib said so in the least ambiguous manner possible.

    Give her a shot. I mean, what are you afraid of, that after two guys screwing everything up, she might actually run a cleaner administration, or something? Chickens.;-)

  22. - Conservative Republican - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 11:46 am:

    The YouTube clip was stupid and worse than amatuerish…. unfortunately, a lot like Illinois political types.

  23. - Just Observing - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 12:17 pm:

    Ok… this is insane… the Sun-Times endorsed both Rod and Todd!!!! I’m a Democrat and to me the Sun-Times lost all credibility — I astounded when they endorsed Rod, but now Todd??? I’m floored.

  24. - Angie - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 12:37 pm:

    Just Observing, are you getting it now? They are getting more and more irrational and insane in Leftland. Come on over to the Dark Side. It is safer over this-a-ways. lol

  25. - Just Observing - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 2:46 pm:

    Angie… no, no, no… I’m sticking with the Donkeys… you GOP’ers have your fair share of nut cases too — but you will be happy to know I voted early for Topinka, Peraica, and Radogno.

  26. - Deck Marker, Potluck & Roly Poly - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 4:19 pm:

    Is the Sun-Times endorsement of Todd an early April Fool’s joke. I don’t get it. Is it funny? Is it ironic? Is it mean? Is it from a call from Daley? Is it an attempt to stir up the pot to sell papers?

    Makes no sense on any level.

  27. - Paddyrollingstone - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 4:20 pm:

    The Trib in 2004 on GWB: “For three years, Bush has kept Americans, and their government, focused–effectively–on this nation’s security. The experience, dating from Sept. 11, 2001, has readied him for the next four years, a period that could prove as pivotal in this nation’s history as were the four years of World War II.

    That demonstrated ability, and that crucible of experience, argue for the re-election of President George W. Bush. He has the steadfastness, and the strength, to execute the one mission no American generation has ever failed.”

    The Trib in 2000 on GWB: “[In the debates Bush] showed a grasp of detail on both domestic and foreign affairs, and told the public what kind of administration he wanted to run.

    “That would be an administration dedicated to Republican principles of limited government, low taxes, free enterprise, personal rights and personal responsibilities. But it would be one shorn of the unfortunate vitriol that accompanied the GOP revolution in 1994. It would be an administration that trusts people to make their own decisions, but would not forget that some people need the government’s help.

    “It would be an administration that recognizes a president doesn’t succeed by browbeating, lecturing or intimidating Congress. A president succeeds by setting broad goals, leading by example, and recognizing that the perfect should not be the enemy of the good.”

    …”Bush has offered solutions to problems. He has, to his credit, not given the impression that he has the last word on every problem to confront government. He would listen.”

    …”There is, finally, the question of basic honesty.

    “Gore, unlike his boss in the White House, has by all accounts lived a life of probity. There’s no doubt that he is a decent man. But his penchant for enhancement has become something of a running joke. Created the Internet? Discovered Love Canal? While he may not have explicitly laid claim to those events, the fact is that Gore has a natural inclination for evasion that is deeply troubling. His explanations of his creative fundraising techniques–’No controlling legal authority’?–suggest that the public will grow disenchanted with yet another White House that can’t tell the whole truth.

    “The White House has seen enough of that. The nation has seen enough of that. It’s time to move on.”

    Good times!

    “This is an election about honesty, about restoring bipartisanship, about fostering government that will nurture a booming economy without getting in the way of American ingenuity. There is one candidate for president who will do all that, and it is George W. Bush”

  28. - Angie - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 4:54 pm:

    To Just Observing: Regarding “Angie… no, no, no… I’m sticking with the Donkeys… you GOP’ers have your fair share of nut cases too — but you will be happy to know I voted early for Topinka, Peraica, and Radogno.”

    Hows abouts you tell your nutty Donkeys to get it together, and then we’ll do the same with our whackos, and then perhaps everyone will finally have some real choices. OK my friend? lol

    Hey, you voted just like I plan on doing. I should vote early, too, come to think of it. And that’s why we have this, too, because they need to make it easier on people who otherwise wouldn’t drag themselves to the polls if they knew they had to wait in line to play roulette and see if we can just someone normal elected once and for all.

    They’re begging us to vote. Next time, there will be an open bar beforehand.;-)

  29. - Walking Wounded - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 4:58 pm:

    Don’t forget to vote for Rutherford. The SOS really needs a change in administration.
    I like the open bar idea…it would make the voting process a lot more tolerable.

  30. - Peachy - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 4:59 pm:

    How about Peraica in the Sun-Times interview today using the word “vicious” to describe his deceased mother?!?

    Who does that!!? Hopefully people will wake up in time to the kind of man Peraica really is.

  31. - Snark - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 5:28 pm:

    She gone.

  32. - JakeCP - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 7:00 pm:

    BridgetDooley you know I can’t make anything that funny.

  33. - Weethabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 8:42 pm:

    Hey Deck Marker… you’re right, the Sun-Times endorsement of Todd is quite foolish… they are off their rockers… next thing you know they are going to endorse Maureen Murphy for re-election… they have lost all credibility.

  34. - Citizen A - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 9:30 pm:

    Whew ! That was a close one - The Sun Times was about to endorse Al Capone for Liquor Control Commisioner But someone at the Trib called and tipped them off about his “condition”. They’ll probably go with Rezko.

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