Sunday, Oct 22, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
“WE HAVE TO WATCH ED SULLIVAN TONIGHT OR I’LL JUST DIE!!!” Sheesh. We should’ve seen this coming earlier this year. Many of the nation’s top political reporters, who you normally couldn’t pry out of a comfortable tavern with a nuclear bomb, eagerly hopped and skipped like ecstatic little girls behind Barack Obama through some decidedly uncomfortable African locations. Then there was the TIME cover and the breathless coverage of his new book and subsequent publicity tour.
A normally sedate Tribune reporter even compared him to Abraham Lincoln today, for crying out loud. And it was a lousy analogy at that. Then there’s Steinberg, who turns to mush at the mere sight of the man. Neil, pull yourself together, dude. Having known him for several years and watched him develop and grow, I respect Barack Obama, like him a lot and even think he ought to seriously consider running for president while the hype is hot. I don’t believe that he’s the problem here. He doesn’t act like he thinks he’s the Beatles. The political press corps and the punditry are the problem. They’re the screaming teenagers. There’s such a thing as too much hype. The Beatles eventually stopped touring because nobody could hear their music over the roar of the crowd. The Fab Four then fought constantly in the studio and eventually broke up. The press needs to calm the heck down and stop raising expectations so high or they’re gonna destroy Obama. He’s not a god or a giant or even a great American leader (yet). He’s just a man, who a few short years ago was an obscure but Take a deep breath, girls. Please. ![]()
- john lennon - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 8:41 pm:
I like the irony of a criticism of a bad comparison to Lincoln in the middle of a weird comparison to the Beatles.
- matchmaker - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 8:47 pm:
I think Lynn Sweet’s in love.
- Buck Flagojevich - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 8:59 pm:
Thank you Rich. This needed to have been said in a public forum.
- Rich Miller - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 9:03 pm:
I’m glad you caught that, John. lol
- Tessa - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 9:48 pm:
I liked Obama before the craze began, back when there was a democratic race for the Senate seat, when no one thought he had a chance. He talked, just talked, about things, with me. Didn’t matter who he was or who I was, and I dug that about him. Still do.
I wish the hype would die down so he could continue to build upon what he started, build a better base from which to launch a better future. But I’ll always be behind him.
You did good with the comparisons here, Rich.
- So-Called "Austin Mayor" - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 9:49 pm:
Ringo ‘08!
- NoGiftsPlease - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 9:50 pm:
Well, I saw him a couple of times on Chicago Tonight before he became the next big thing. I was impressed because he was the first politician I’ve seen who could be said to have “an intellect.” Likely if you compared him to Nobel Prize winners and a number of saints you could argue whether he stacks up. However, the comparison has to be between him and the crop of politicians we’ve currently got in Washington–in which case I’d argue he compares pretty favorably. I haven’t heard any of our representatives speaking in a manner I’d call thoughtful and holy cow do we need someone who does. I just want people to be prepared because politics is an ugly business and he’s involved with making that sausage right now. Don’t expect a saint because he’s going to get dirty. He’s got to work with the people he’s got to work with and even so, a smart guy like him will be the best.
- Elder - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 9:55 pm:
you are too funny, Rich.
When the screams of Obama-rama get too loud, I can only think of the political ghost of Sen. Alice Palmer.
- So-Called "Austin Mayor" - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 9:57 pm:
Please allow me to torture your metaphor just a tiny bit more…
It should never be forgotten: The Beatles were the Greatest Rock and Roll Band of All Time! I love many bands and many that sound much different than the Beatles, but — from the Flaming Lips to Black Sabbath to the Bottle Rockets to U2 to Acid Mothers Temple to the Orb to Shellac — the Beatles friggin’ invented modern rock’n'roll.
Those little girls might have been screaming for the lads because they were dreamy, but they created some of the best damn albums of the 20th century after Beatlemania peaked.
I guess my point is mega-hype can drive a once in a generation band — or politician(?) — to work to live up to it.
- Ignatius J. Reily - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 9:59 pm:
Confederates “chuckle” to divert.
- Rich Miller - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 10:00 pm:
Good point, “S-CAM.” But you gotta admit, even as an Obama fan, that the coverage is embarassing.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 10:07 pm:
Here’s this little sidebar from AP:
Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich said Sunday that he’d support Obama’s presidential bid.
“Those of us who come from Illinois have a certain sense of pride in others who we know who come from our state and who are in a position to be able to think about doing things like that,” Blagojevich said during a campaign stop in Chicago. “It’s a decision he’ll have to make for himself, obviously in consultation with his family. But if he did it, I sure would like to be helpful.”
Look’s like the gov realises the worm is in his apple, and he might as well jump on the bandwagon.
- Wumpus - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 10:10 pm:
He is simply the guy who did not have aweird, dysfunctional, abusive marriage. He is a likeable guy, but he has not had a contested race since Rush.
He is on a ride, it seems. He appears to be humbly cashing in on the diety status that he has been given. I do want to see him in a debate and someone who examines his records…and has a shot at winning. What really made me gag was all the Obama goes to Africa tripe. I mean, his father abandonned him and he was raised by his maternal side of the family. I do not get the feeling, as with many other politicians that he is hiding something or a phony nice guy. He seems genuine, I just don’t like his postions, when he chooses to take one.
- Walking Wounded - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 10:12 pm:
I have a friend who was part of securing the state capitol, when Obama gave a speech a while back. My friend noted that during the event, Obama appeared very charismatic and presented himself with authority. When the cameras turned off and Obama was no longer in the light, my friend observed a distinct change in his demeanor, almost like the charisma “turned off”. I don’t know the man, I’m sure he’s very nice, but the hype, no, super hyperbole, makes me want to step back and take a second look at him. I believe people are just starving for a new hero, but that doesn’t mean he’s the answer to all our woes.
- Outsider - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 10:13 pm:
Pretty clever writing. My wife (a republican) saw him on Oprah and said she was voting for him. She didn’t know what he was running for, but she was voting for him.
- Rich Miller - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 10:15 pm:
Wumpus, you’re forgetting that Obama also beat Dan Hynes. Most people seem to conveniently forget or omit that fact. Obama took over half the primary vote against the scion of one of the great Democratic families of Chicago who had already been elected twice statewide. Hynes had lots of African-American ward committeemen backing his campaign as well, including John Stroger.
- Billy Dennis - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 10:19 pm:
Well, I guess I’m guilty as charged.
The one time I turned on a television today, all I saw was a piece of CNN’s wildly biased “Broken Government” special (the fact that I agree with 75 percent of it doesn’t make it any less biased).
The Web sites I’ve visted today mentioned it, but were pre-occupied with Iraq and the 2006 elections.
If there is a press maelstrom of coverage, I guess I’m missing it.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 10:29 pm:
Someone at Peoria Pundit asked about the Las Vegas odds for next US President. The only oddsmaker having a line on O had him at 33 to 1, the same odds as such luminaries as Jeb Bush and Tom Daschle.
Jeb Bush and Tom Daschle?
- Gregor - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 10:36 pm:
Blago is sucking up so he’d be considered for veep.
I thought convicted felons could not be elected President? I know, I’m early, but I’m confident.
Obama was without a doubt one of the smartest men in the Illinois senate, but that’s not saying a whole lot. If he can avoid scandal, he has a bright future ahead. But the repubs are already starting the swiftboating regarding his early life and drug use. Bt substance abuse doesn’t terrify the electorate as much as it once did: heck, we have a standing governor who admitted early in his first term he DID inhale, and we have a 2-term president who was a coke user and alchoholic. The government looks like it’s being run by Cheech and Chong already!
- Angie - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 10:45 pm:
I don’t agree with all of his positions (some, but not all), but he has to DO something before he can run for the White House. Right now, he’s just the most charismatic cat in the Senate, minus much experience.
Hey Senator, how about backing Attorney General Madigan’s push for a charity care mandate for Illinois hospitals, huh? I emailed you once and got a response that you were “committed” to the issue. Well hey! There’s a chance to DO something.
Of course, you know his wife works for University of Chicago Hospitals, so he’s between a rock and a hard place on that issue, right? But still…all those down and out people being harassed and harangued by sleazy, ruthless collectors when they perhaps could have qualified for some help, but yet no one told them until after they’d perhaps had their credit completely ruined, liens slapped on homes, etcetera? Senator Obama, DO SOMETHING.
- Political Insider - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 11:17 pm:
Obama, obama, obama…
Good to see that Iraq is taken care of, that Dafor is no longer a site of massive genocide, Lil’ Kim has turned over his nukes, the highways are repaird, the budget is ballanced again, and the patriot-act has been repealed. I guess since the Bears didn’t play today there was no other news to cover.
I can rest peacfully now that all of our problems have been solved and we can turn our attention to an election that will be 24.5 months away (or 72.5).
- anne - Sunday, Oct 22, 06 @ 11:18 pm:
Let’s compare the questions regarding readiness to be president, Hillary and Barack. There are still some who say that she’s not ready, she hasn’t been in the Senate long enough. Yet, there’s not much questioning about experience for Barack. Does a loss to Bobby Rush really count for that much? Hillary may have other problems, but there seems to be a big double standard on the experience issue. Heck even John Edwards was scorched on that issue.
Also, prejudice is not the only issue in race card politics. Believe me, it’s gonna get hot on the issue of race when Hispanics, a larger proportion of this country than African Americans, start getting involved.
- Deck Marker, Potluck & Roly Poly - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 2:05 am:
He is gonna fall hard. Americans are sick that way. We build up a hero, then destroy them.
Obamania is built upon his “blanc tableu”. There is nothing upon which to judge him. He has done nothing.
Once he starts voting, half the country will immediately start hating him.
- So-Called "Austin Mayor" - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:31 am:
As a fan of Obama, I find the coverage over the top.
As a former high school journalist, I find the coverage embarassing.
– scam
- Fan of the Game - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:53 am:
Obama is charismatic, is well spoken, and is riding the wave. I disagree with him on almost every issue, but realize that he will be a formidable candidate simply because he has the aforementioned qualities.
- Truthful James - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 9:10 am:
Obama is not truly running for President.
He is running for the national exposure designed to gain acceptance this time as the Veep nominee on the Clinton ticket. A win by the democrats would enable Obama to get four to eight years of experience on the world and national stage.
That will place him in 2016, other things being equal, in the best position for a Presidential run.
- Belle - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 9:26 am:
Sadly in our society the only thing mainstream media has more fun with than building someones pedestal is taking a sledgehammer to it. Obama needs to stay away from Blago, he already donated the Rezko money to charity - yes Rod, he ‘punished’ those donors - and maybe they’ll use a plain old hammer instead.
- dan l - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 9:43 am:
I’m going to have to agree with Deck Marker here. Obama is going to get Mcnabbed.
- He should run - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 9:44 am:
Isn’t a post about the press attention Obama is getting giving him attention that this post mocks?
If Obama doesn’t run now, he’ll miss his only chance…he’s not running for VP…and waiting until 2016? No chance.
- Wumpus Diva - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 10:32 am:
Hynes= McKenna w/a Powerful Dem family…I’d rather wathc paint dry. BHO is a dynamic speaker.
- dan l - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 10:46 am:
My thoughts are fairly clear on him. link here.
Warning: The “A word” is used in the title, in the spirit of Denny Green’s monday night post game comments.
- Bubs - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 12:31 pm:
Obama is doing nothing to take the frenzy down a few notches. It appears his ego is now involved.
The problem with flying so high, so fast is the potential for crashing.
- Dan - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 1:06 pm:
Obama will never have a better chance than the one he has now, he knows that, which is why he’s taking a look at running.
Also, posting about Obama is just giving him attention, which is what the post complained about…interesting.
- Snark - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 2:57 pm:
Um, the Presidential candidate and the Vice Presidential candidate can’t be from the same state, so probably not.
- Bakersfield - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 3:13 pm:
The Beatles suck.
I would rather be the political Rolling Stones than the Beatles any day
- BBishere2 - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 5:37 pm:
I think the DNC is grooming Obama maybe for a run for the office because they know that Hillary can’t win - This country isn’t ready or doesn’t want a woman for President - and look how they could cozy up to the Black voters by offering him up on a platter. They may suggest Hillary for VP - and then try for the vote of the women too.
As far as Obama goes, I want him to give his American voters the same speech he gave over in Kenya and see what happens. Politicians like him and others always seem to come up with some pretty interesting comments when they’re on the road outside of the borders. He parrots the DNC’s stance on things, so they’re sure to love him. It’s going to be interesting to see what happens closer to 2008, that’s for sure.