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Congressional stuff

Monday, Oct 23, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Michael J. Fox is coming to Illinois for a stem cell research press pop for Tammy Duckworth. From a Duckworth press release:

Sixth District Congressional candidate Tammy Duckworth will hold a rally with Michael J. Fox on Tuesday to address the importance of stem cell research.

Fox did a TV ad in Missouri a few days ago, and it’s one of the most powerful spots I’ve seen all year.

Meanwhile, Bill Clinton was in town today for Duckworth and Melissa Bean.

Former President Bill Clinton helped raise $800,000 at a fundraiser today for Democrats Tammy Duckworth and U.S. Representative Melissa Bean. […]

Earlier this month, President Bush came to Illinois for a fundraiser to help their GOP opponents, Peter Roskam and David McSweeney.

A Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spokeswoman says about 600 people attended the fundraiser in downtown Chicago.

The former president urged the candidates to target all voters — Democrats, Republicans and Independents — as they work toward next month’s election.

…But all did not go extremely well, for either Clinton or Duckworth’s GOP opponent, Peter Roskam. Animal Farm:

*The event was closed to the press. After much pressure from reporters (including myself) over the weekend, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee relented and had a “media availability” with Clinton, Bean and Duckworth. Now, you might think that means all three would take questions. But no. Duckworth ducked questions from the press. Clinton took none. Only Bean came back to take questions from reporters. Duckworth, I’m told, was barely visible on the dais because college-age supporters blocked the view. Oh, and Clinton was 45 minutes late.

*The Clinton debacle unfolded after Duckworth’s Republican foe, Peter Roskam, had his own logistical nightmare. Roskam scheduled a news conference with the father of 9/11 victim Todd Beamer to criticize Clinton on national security. Well, Roskam thought he could hold his press conference in the lobby of the Hilton, the same place the fund-raiser was taking place. A couple problems with that: the hotel was on security lockdown because of Clinton’s presence. And the hotel was the home to a lot of marathoners from yesterday’s race, and they had events going on too. The hotel manager read Roskam campaign manager Ryan McLaughlin the riot act when he arrived, and made the Roskam campaign rent a room at the hotel to have their press conference.


  1. - DUI man - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 5:42 pm:

    Ryan McLaughlin will have a hard time finding a job after this campaign
    Roskam may win in spite of Lyin Ryan

  2. - Anonish - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 6:01 pm:

    Having been at the lunch I will tell you that Tammy Duckworth was extremely visible on the dais and I was sitting back corner.

    I cannot speak to the availibility to the press.

    I did hear that there was a private reception upstairs after the lunch and perhaps that is where the President went.

  3. - DuPage Dandy - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 6:16 pm:

    what kind of sicko is Roskam? He drags in parents of 9-11 victims, boy these guys must be sliding backwards big time.

  4. - Charlie Chan - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 7:13 pm:

    I was at the fundraiser/lunch today and was very impressed. I not only had clear visibility but ready access. Was the president 45 minutes late? Not surprising with the issues of commuting around the City and dealing with security… but it was transparent to the attendees as there were so many politico’s from the city and party to visit with and discuss issues.

    I was even able to shake Mr. Clinton’s hand as were so many as he was whisked away to another reception. Ms. Bean and Ms. Duckworth stayed and made themselves available to chat, answer questions and pose for photo op’s. I guess I don’t know where the press was so upset, as the candidates answered all our questions and I guess the constituents should have a priority over the press. You think?

    One last point, I spent 45 minutes afterwards with a Congressional Correspondent from the Voice of America answering very lucid and pointed questions about my personal views, why I was voting the way I will vote and the importance of getting out and voting, period! I have rarely seen the other press outlets asking the “common man” after an event these questions! And her interest was to take my comments and share them with non Democracies ine the Asia-Pacific Rim! That is the way to show how Democracy works - without invansions or bloodshed. Nice concept!

  5. - Come on, let's get real - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 7:27 pm:

    Roskam’s a sicko? He’s not the one exploiting Michael J. Fox.

    Charlie…you’re our export? God help us all!

  6. - So-Called "Austin Mayor" - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 7:30 pm:

    How is it exploitation for MJ Fox to appear in a commercial in which he promotes a candidate who, if elected, will act in his interests?

    That allegation doesn’t even make sense.

  7. - grand old partisan - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 7:44 pm:

    SCAM - I wouldn’t go so far as to call it exploitation, especially since the man still have full capacity of his mind and assumedly did the ad of his own free will. It isn’t graphic or blatantly objectionable, but it ever so subtly crosses a line. I hope you’re prepared for the ratcheted up rhetoric that it will almost certainly be used to justify. Consider: how would you feel if a woman who regretted having her abortion consented to Jim Talent or the NRSC using images of her unborn child to make an equally psychologically potent ad?

  8. - scoot - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 7:48 pm:

    As a Republican I totally agree with Michael J. Fox and his take on stem cell research. Those Republicans that are against stem cell research are just flat out wrong. It’s too bad it’s become a political football (like everything else in Washington) and it may cost Jim Talent his senate seat.

  9. - In the Land of Silos and Cows - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:03 pm:

    “I just read on CapFax that Ryan McLaughlin had to rent a room to have a counter-press conference at the Duckworth-Bean Funder, brought to you by Bill Clinton … this might be the first time someone had to rent a room to try to scr#w Bill Clinton and he wasn’t in the room”

  10. - Charlie Chan - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:28 pm:

    Come On Let’s get real -

    It is amazing how the desperate get so upset and verbally violent - NOT!

    Honorable father as said: “Easy to criticize, more difficult to be correct.”

    Why attack me for views you do not even know about - because I might be of Asian heritage? Is this the position of Mr. Roskams’ supporters? How SAD.

    And to call Mr. Fox speaking out for people who are looking to help him find a cure - exploitive - is simply ludicrous!

    What so AMAZES me are all the Pro-Life Advocates - who are so adamant against stemcell research - turn off the concern for life after a child is born! What is wrong with saving a life post-partum? If you are concerned about the sanctity of life that should also include saving them - whether tougher gun control, stemcell research to cure many illness and possibly save lives, and ending the death of our children and those of other nations by trying Diplomacy before War. Curious how the Pro-Life Supporters fail to Serve the same concerns after birth?

  11. - Buck Flagojevich - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:33 pm:

    People seem to be getting a bit more testy as the election approaches. Is this behavior normal or has this election cycle stirred up voters more than usual?

  12. - anon - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 9:24 pm:

    I just saw press coverage of the Clinton event on tv and been and duckworth were standing right behind Clinton at the event. Animal Farm, who are your sources?

  13. - CarolStreamKaren - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 10:06 pm:

    Fox’s commercial for McCaskill is probably the best advertisement this cycle. But Missouri has a ballot initiative, while none exists in Illinois 06. Will Fox manage to swing the election? This is the key question.

    Regarding exploitation, I have to agree, although I am a Democrat. One vote in the House is not enough to override a veto. Is Duckworth desperate? Yes, she is.

  14. - Scott Fawell's Cellmate - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 10:12 pm:

    Grand Old Partisan,

    You wrote the ad featuring Michael J. Fox promoting stem cell research “ever so subtly crosses a line” and the public should be “prepared for the ratcheted up rhetoric that it will almost certainly be used to justify.”

    Nice try.

    “Mission Accomplished.” Morphing photos of Osama Bin Laden into photos of American political candidates. “Cut and run.”

    The Republican Party crossed the line a long time ago, and Americans aren’t buying the GOP’s “ratcheted up rhetoric” anymore.

    We can’t afford to - in blood or treasury.

  15. - Angie - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 11:02 pm:

    Scandals aside, I’m absolutely loving the fact that even for a blue state, everyone has come over here to stump for someone, including President Bush and former President Clinton.

    It is safe to say that Illinois is now “in play” on the national stage as far as both parties giving us all some attention is concerned.

    Then again, at our state level, both parties have elected someone totally friggin’ corrupt, which is nothing to be proud about.

  16. - One of three PUPPETS - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 11:28 pm:

    Simple question:

    How can someone that just smells of incompetence continue to land important and well paying jobs? There must be better people in the farm system of Republican hacks.

  17. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 12:00 am:

    It’s enlightening to hear the party that’s been campaigning on the graves of 3,000 terrorist victims for the past five years give a lecture on “exploitation.” Republicans are The Experts.

  18. - Charlie Chan - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 12:13 am:

    CarolStream Karen - I love when Republicans always post statements like this :

    “Regarding exploitation, I have to agree, although I am a Democrat. One vote in the House is not enough to override a veto. Is Duckworth desperate? Yes, she is.”

    And what exactly does “one vote in the House is not enough to over ride a veto?” That is the most ridiculous comment I ever heard for not voting for someone in my life! Karen, if you feel that your vote for Congresswoman and subsequently, her vote doesn’t matter - then you shouldn’t bother to vote! WHat a defeatest Attitude! Sorry Girl - You just don’t get IT! Our Representative should vote her conscience and hopefully our view - whether it over turns a veto or not! Wow - how little some people value the chance to vote and make a difference!!

    A new strategy from Karl Rove eh? This is a new one!!

    You have a congressional wannabe who totally supports a President that NOW Says he never really said stay the course - he always meant “be flexible” … How can you believe anything that they say anymore… Is Tammy desperate because of Michael J Fox? No more desperate than Peter Roskam who claims he is NOT just a rubber stamp for “W” but made sure he was photograph with the Prez when he was in Chicago - taking his (and Tom DeLay’s) Cash faster than you can say “W” can’t find Din LAden - but we don’t care!!! LMAO! Yeah, as a, ummmmmm, Democrat I am so sorry we disappoint you! Now go and answer those phones at Roskam’s Staff Office! *smile* Happy Days!!

  19. - One of three PUPPETS - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 12:18 am:

    Ok, yellow dog. Is terrorism still a threat? If the answer is yes, then it should continue to be a topic of discussion during campaign season and non-cylcle years (I wish both sides could be civil about it). If no, well my friend you just do not seem to remember the sights that I witnessed on that day. We need to remember the type of people we are dealing with. There was no Iraq before September 11th and they still hated us for some reason.

  20. - T.J. - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 3:41 am:

    Hooray! Leftist Canadian actor lectures us to play God.

  21. - Tessa - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 6:32 am:

    I thought it was interesting that I saw the video of Fox here first and then saw it on HBO last night on Maher’s show. Right now, even with meds someone with Parkinson’s has problems. I think it was a powerful ad.

    Will it help Duckworth? I don’t know.

    Is stem cell research worth it? Yes. Ask any family member dealing with someon with a debilitating disease such as Parkinson’s and they most likely will agree.

  22. - RAI - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 7:36 am:

    Why do you think the people who support Mike Fox and fox himself forget to add the word “FETAL” in front of stem-cell? Not to fool people is it? I mean how hard is it to say the truth and add the word “FETAL” as in Human embryos? Nobody is against stemcell research nobody! It is when you want to kill a human embryo for research with TAX money that gets people upset. Private corps can do this if it is going to cure people not Government. Is that so far right? Come on. Most people feel the same way when the word Fetal is inserted into the argument, maybe thats why it is missing in the Fox ads.

  23. - Sir Charles - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 7:48 am:

    I always forget, when a Republican uses someone, they’re exploiting them…when a Democrats does it, it’s because the person has a story to tell.

    Even after all this time, I’m still surprised by the double standard repeat posters (you know who you are) have…almost as surprised at how wrong they end up being, and how much time they have to spend here.

    Charlie…you’re the one talking about your race…I always get a kick out of the fact that someone like you has to make that an issue when no one else that is SAD.

  24. - Sir Charles - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 7:50 am:

    BTW, it’s clear the Dems will take over both chambers…but what is their plan? When they fail to enact their policies, will they continue to blame Karl Rove? You know, he won’t be around forever (unfortunately) so the Democrats won’t have this boogey-man they created to blame for their failures.

  25. - Charlie Chan - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 8:37 am:

    News FLASH - Michael J Fox has not only volunteered but has sought out Pro Stem Cell research - because it is so important to him! Guess we should all just tell him to go back, keep quite and suffer in silence - eh?

  26. - Nomar - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 9:13 am:

    Rahm should get credit for getting him involved in these races, never hurts pulling those heart strings…and these ads will have a huge impact on independent voters, that’s for sure.

    The good thing about this race being so close is it demonstrates the importance of voting…no matter what side you’re on, you have to vote, it will count!

  27. - NW burbs - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 12:12 pm:

    Jeebus, when does McLaughingstock graduate junior high?

    This ain’t a run for class prez.

    Sir Charles, You must’ve been living in a cave (or the media isn’t doing it’s job).

    The Dems have been talking about their plans for months now.

    Here’s an appetizer: WaPo on Nancy Pelosi’s 100 Hour Plan to drain the GOP swamp in the first 100 hours of a Democratic-held House.

    And here’s the First 100 Hours Plan itself.

  28. - Scott Fawell's Cellmate - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 12:28 pm:

    Sir Charles at 7:50 am:

    You wrote “[i]t’s clear the Dems will take over both chambers…but what is their plan? When they fail to enact their policies, will they continue to blame Karl Rove? You know, he won’t be around forever (unfortunately) so the Democrats won’t have this boogey-man they created to blame for their failures.”

    Classic - the Republican Party has been blaming Bill Clinton for everything and anything wrong that occurred since 1992, but, wait, lets stop playing the “blame game.”

    Again, this thread is a textbook example of the Republican Party’s hypocrisy and and failure to take responsiblity for its conduct and misconduct.

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