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“Rod… What are your thoughts?” *** Updated x1 ***

Monday, Oct 23, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

The governor can deny that he had anything to do with Rezko all he wants, but stories like this undercut his every word. Today’s Sun-Times piece puts some questionable behavior right in the governor’s very own lap.

One nondescript page — containing 19 names and a note to Gov. Blagojevich from his chief of staff — shows the clout Antoin “Tony” Rezko once wielded in state government.

“Rod, Here is a list of candidates that Tony Rezko wants to be put on non-paying boards. What are your thoughts?” Blagojevich’s former top aide, Lon Monk, wrote in a note faxed to the governor along with the Jan. 20, 2003, list.

Of the 19 people named on the document, obtained exclusively by the Chicago Sun-Times, 10 wound up being appointed by the governor to a state board or commission — or got a spouse named. Others wound up with contracts underwritten by taxpayers, or their children got state jobs amid a Blagojevich hiring freeze.

The governor, meanwhile, got more than $830,000 in campaign contributions dating back to 2001 from 15 people on the list, or from their businesses, state records show. The Blagojevich campaign called that figure an “inaccurate representation of the facts.” […]

Fifteen days after the governor’s office faxed the list to Blagojevich’s home, Blagojevich met with Rezko at Rezko’s real estate office at 853 N. Elston for an hour and 45 minutes, according to the governor’s schedule. […]

The Blagojevich campaign said it could attribute only about $80,000 in political contributions to those identified on the Rezko list. The larger Sun-Times tally includes individual contributions, donations from companies those individuals owned and, in one instance, dollars from a labor organization that operates under a top union official appointed by the governor.

The note and the list can be seen here. Make special note of the people listed as “Priority.” Two of them were appointed to the thoroughly corrupt hospital board, which was essentially controlled by Stu Levine. One is the wife of a Rezko busines partner whose tollway restaurant records have been subpoenaed by the feds.

Meanwhile, the AP ran this story yesterday.

Gov. Rod Blagojevich said Sunday he is not worried about what Antoin “Tony” Rezko could tell investigators if he decides to cooperate with federal authorities. […]

The governor was asked by reporters if the allegations surrounding Rezko stem from conduct the Wilmette businessman pursued on his own.

“Correct,” Blagojevich replied.

*** UPDATE *** The Sun-Times has posted a different version of the letter, which includes the “fax header” information. It can be downloaded here.


  1. - Huh? - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 7:16 am:

    “I don’t know a man named Antoin Rezko, it is just campaign puffery.”

  2. - Gregor - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 7:35 am:

    I guess the Sun-Times will follow their editorial board’s reccomendation and “take Blagojevich at his word”.

    Their coming to take you away, ho-ho,
    they’s coming to take you away, ha-ha, hee-hee
    to the federal farm
    while we’ll be laughing the whole long time
    and you’ll be happy to see those tall young men in their big dark suits
    as they’re coming to take you away!!!

  3. - Regnad Kcin - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 7:40 am:

    Question from reporter: “How well do you know Tony Rezko?”

    Governor Goldenrod: “I don’t know Tony Rezko.”

    Reporter: “You don’t know Antoin Rezko?”

    Governor Goldenrod: “Oh, Antoin Rezko.” Thinks for a few seconds. “What was the question again?”

  4. - Cassandra - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:08 am:

    I think it’s interesting that the governor-elect was summoned to Rezko’s office to pick up the list, not vice versa.

    Either Blago was performing obeisance for all the, uh, support or felt it was ok to be summoned by Rezko and that he had to show up for his instructions.

    Either way is pretty scary. And it summarizes the Blago administration.

  5. - Squideshi - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:09 am:

    Survey says:

    A majority of Illinois voters don’t believe that the Governor didn’t know about this.

    Thems the facts, folks.

  6. - Martha Mitchell - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:19 am:

    Jeez, is there any lengths this man will not go to to protect his own a–? He obviously has no fear of the federal prosecutors or of having to answer to a higher power about his prevarications and illegalities. I hope Fitz is taking note of all these online comments and our responses. He also needs to call in some state employees, from random agencies and ask them what is really happening down in Springfield. Folks, if you’re not on the front lines, you wouldn’t believe it. Ponzi schemes on steroids.

  7. - Wumpus Diva - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:21 am:

    Listen, he gave back the $65,000 given to him by Rezko, what more do you sharks want?

  8. - Bill - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:23 am:

    Don’t you have some work to do?

  9. - leigh - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:32 am:

    How did the Sun Times get the list? Is this a sample of what the Fed’s have on the governor? I am just an average joe, but this looks very bad.

  10. - Big W - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:40 am:

    Methinks: Can you imagine what all the Dems are really thinking! But they’ll put this Thug in again, hide and watch! I bet all the D.O.C. officers hope Blago comes to visit them for 6 to 10 years.
    Paty Quinn is very excited,,,,,getting what he always wanted!
    I have always wanted an electorial college for IL. then maybe down state people would at least have an opportunity to have thier votes counted.
    Do dead people only vote in City of Chicago elections or do they have an effect on State elections also?
    I would love to see IL. get rid of the Rep./Dem. primary…I believe this causes a tremendous amount of corruption, and most people do-not like to name a party for many reasons…..(loss of State Job, probably the biggest!) and I believe you would have more people vote to get the best possible candidate….from either party!
    Just a few thoughts!

  11. - fedup dem - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:45 am:

    It appears that even the reporters at the Chicago Sun-Times can’t help but show what a pile of rat manure the Sun-Times editorial board must be for endorsing Governor Sleazy! Thanks for informing me of the story, as I would not have known of it, since I do not plan on buying that rag until the members of that editorial board are fired and the newspaper issues an apology for their disraceful endorsement.

  12. - zatoichi - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:48 am:

    Who missed the shredder? This would make a great TV ad and add a little spice to any debate. Hope the Sun-Times publishes this new list of contributions so the “inaccuracies” can be checked. It would sure make $1,500 seem like pennies or confirm the trend. Does the paper’s editorial staff pay any attention to what their reporters are working on or what will be published in their own paper?

  13. - Madame Defarge - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:50 am:

    leigh “Is this a sample of what the Fed’s have on the governor?” The Feds have the whole notebook of Rezko requests, They also have Kelly’s.

  14. - VanillaMan - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 9:39 am:

    After reading through this story this morning, I spoke with my dog. I asked him what he thought. He thought a moment and told me that although he begs for treats, and will do any tricks for them, he would not admit it to any journalist.

    He told me that although he knows I am in charge, and that he willingly does whatever I want, he has a public reputation to keep up, so he would have to claim he doesn’t know me. Should anyone have photos or video of him behaving as though he likes me, or takes treats from me, he would have to have that evidence destroyed.

    So, I told Rod that I understood. Then he rolled over and begged for more bacon.

  15. - Norseman - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 10:17 am:

    Didn’t McKinney and Fusco get the memo that Blago is the Sun Times’ guy?

  16. - Jechislo - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 10:36 am:

    - Bill - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:23 am:

    Don’t you have some work to do?

    Bill - she is working. Working on uncovering and outing an extremely corrupt and arrogant Governor.

  17. - DuPage Dandy - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 10:45 am:

    Maybe McKinney and Fusco are employed by the Sun Times?

  18. - DuPage Dandy - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 10:46 am:

    Opps I mean are not employed by the S-T

  19. - Little Egypt - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 11:13 am:

    What is very interesting and is being missed by a lot of people blogging here, including Bill, is that NOTHING we post here is new to the Feds. They are so far ahead of this game, it would make our heads spin. They have an absolute slam dunk case against GoverNOT Hairdo. THE FEDS WILL GET THEIR MAN. In the meantime, the Feds are slowly climbing the ladder until they get to Elvis. Each and every person they pursue will roll over and give them information, which will only confirm what they already know. I am willing to bet anything and everything I have that Elvis is indicted, tried, found guilty, sentenced, and will definitely serve time. It may not be in the time frame some of us would like, but IT WILL HAPPEN.

  20. - It is easy being Green - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 11:29 am:

    My prediction, ALOT of people are going to wish they had voted for Whitney. Prevent after election day remorse, cast your vote in favor of a candidate who has no allegations of corruption and refuses-rather than brags about- pay to play politics. Then we can all watch and see Whitney pull a Jesse Ventura in Illinois. Now that is a better plot line than any of our other choices, that is for sure!

  21. - Anon - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 11:37 am:

    I can hear it now.

    Blago: Lon? Lon who? You…wha? No, Lon wasn’t that close to me. Lon Monk was no Jay Hoffman. I mean, I was only around Lon for a short time and uh…not even sure of the process how or why he was hired as my chief of staff…or who even made that call. Probably the janitor…an undercover republican, you know…yeah, he probably filled out the paperwork…had bad vibes the whole time he was taking out my trash. Now who did you ask me about? Oh, yeah, Lon. Well, uh, I am very disappointed in his behavior if he really did fax me this list, have meetings with me about it, or force me to appoint these people.

    Man o man.

  22. - Curious George - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 11:42 am:

    You’re telling me three weeks after being sworn in as a new governor, Rod has time to spend two hours at his fundraiser’s office?? Either his scheduler needs to be fired for wasting the new Gov’s time…or the new Gov went there with a definite purpose. I think we can all conclude, he went with a purpose.

  23. - Animous - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 11:56 am:

    I get it! The administration believed these people only contributed an average of $4,000 per person to the campaign, thus the “non-paid” board position recommendations.

    If Tony realized the full Sun-Times numbers of the $43,000 per person average brought in to the campaign, these people would be in highly PAID positions with the administration…

  24. - Concerned Voter - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 12:00 pm:

    Reporter: “Governor, what exactly is your relationship with Tony Rezko?”

    Governor: “Rezko! Who says I know Rezko, why that’s blasphemous, ludicrous, ridiculous, scandalous! Someone is trying to spread rumours, you’d think I was the worst guy in the world or someting!” While pinching his daughter, “I can’t believe you would ask me questions like that with children around, now you’re upsetting her! We have to go now, we have to get to the bank and deposit a few more BithdayChristeningContribution Checks. Get out of my way!”

  25. - Bubs - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 12:38 pm:

    Why bother? Leave it to the Feds. This corruption issue is NOT registering with the voters. They do not care.

    Welcome to Illinois!

  26. - Cornelius - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 12:40 pm:

    Two hours at Rez-Mar to meet is easily explained: That way Rezko and the Governor could have a good talk about the “Cubs and the Bears,” with no one else around to interrupt them, or listen to their conversations about which “linebacker” is really great. You know, no eavesdroppers to tell them that Individuals B and C are better “tackler” or better at “rushing the passer.”

    Stuff like that. Because you certainly can’t trust the folks that are in your office.

  27. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 12:43 pm:

    DuPage, you are a Dandy piece of crap.

    McKinney and Fusco are two of the most solid, competent, and ethical journalists in the state.

    Just because you don’t like what they write, don’t accuse them of being corrupt.

    Especially in the defense of Rod Blagojevich.

    Buzz off.

  28. - The Fix Was In! - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 1:06 pm:

    This latest revelation has to make one wonder just what the heck is going on at the Editorial Board of the Sun-Times. They endorse Blagojevich, making reference only to Rezko as a potential demerit (and conveniently forgetting all about the multiple federal investigations of hiring). The do so because they are “taking his word” that he personally had nothing to do with Rezko’s actions. Now this!

    The Sun-Times Editorial Board: What are they thinking???

  29. - Norseman - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 1:28 pm:

    AA, re-read Dandy’s 2 comments together. It looks to me like he was trying to be humorous. Not that he’s defending Blago.

  30. - Citizen A - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 2:45 pm:

    Maybe Rod was just visiting Pattie at her office with Rezko - they were/are partners you know. Probably very innocent - at least that’s how he will plead when Fitz asks him.

  31. - Bucky - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 3:46 pm:


  32. - One Man Can Make A Difference - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 5:03 pm:

    Tony Rezko, as an insider and not a state employee had too much input in the operations of government.

    For him to make suggestions to the Governor’s Chief of Staff and the Chief of Staff forward it to the Governor, “Tony was the man” for whatever reason.

    However, this fax should not have come across the states’ fax machine. Tony Rezko was not a state employee to make recommendations of anyone to a state positions. Tony Rezko’s connection to the Governor was political not governmental.

    The fax number is a state number.

  33. - tired of it - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 5:05 pm:

    And how many of these people are tied to companies that won huge dollar contracts by the state??? Blackwell’s one for sure - his company is EKI, that won the big telecom rationalization project that was money well spent….NOT. Conveniently someone who did ‘pro-bono’ work under the previous administration, helped develop the RFP coincidentally ended up working for EKI shortly after they were awarded the contract! This same person also has federal securities fraud charges against them. I’m sure there’s tons more just like that too.

  34. - BBishere2 - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 5:19 pm:

    The tollway restaurant link is interesting, cause way back on a Sunday afternoon - one of the Gov’s people couldn’t get an important fax out - so people were called in on overtime to get her connected to the system - the important fax was an announcement for a new “Gyro Stop” in one of the tollway oasis’. Something that important just couldn’t wait until Monday to be sent out without the additional overtime expense to the taxpayers, for calling in the computer techs to get her connected.

  35. - Rich Miller - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 5:24 pm:

    “BBishere,” I would appreciate an e-mail from you explaining this in a bit more detail. Thanks.

  36. - CK1 - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 5:45 pm:

    Wait until Chris Kelly’s influence comes out?

  37. - Huh? - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 6:08 pm:

    Can anybody say smoking gun? Looks like Public Official A just got shot in the foot.

  38. - Martha Mitchell - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 6:31 pm:

    And yet, despite of these new piece of evidence, the Sun-Times STILL endorsed him. Have they gone nuts or are they just lazy or better still, they just can’t bare to side work with the Trib.

  39. - Martha Mitchell - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 6:36 pm:

    Oh and Bill: I live quite close to work and was still able to get there to begin on time. You, however, seem to be able to post all day long. Don’t you have a job or is your job covering for the governor? Give it up, man, you have zero credibility anymore.

    Thanks, Jechislo

  40. - cynically anonymous - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 7:33 pm:

    So a three year old fax from the Governor’s Office just happens to fall into the hands of folks at the Sun-Times two weeks before the election? And doesn’t this mean that someone who actually worked in that office “shared” it? At least the corrupt republicans were willing to fall on the sword for their buddies…until love got in the way. Where’s the love for Rod?

  41. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 7:53 pm:

    Here’s a thought.

    Would the S-T give an endorsement to Rod, with the intention of possibly rescinding it when the Levine story, and whatever else is out there, breaks?

    It would make for a good story and sell a few papers, notwithstanding the casting of more aspersions on the paper’s integrity.

  42. - Citizen A - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:24 pm:

    “…Where’s the love for Rod?…” EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!!

  43. - ??? - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:34 pm:

    I know it’s the Sun-Times’ link, but what’s the journalistic purpose of publishing both an official fax number (which will now have to be changed at government expense) and a private home fax number. C’mon Rich, you’re better than that. Or did you check both to see if they were disconnected?

  44. - politicaljunkie - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:59 pm:

    I’m thinking maybe a 36 count indictment for Hairdo and may be an even dozen for his wife give or take a couple. Dick Mell will be singing for all he is worth to take the heat off Patti. Probably not til after the election. Congratulations Governor Quinn.

  45. - proud state copper - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 10:19 pm:

    Rod. You should have been smarter than to screw over 30+ State Policemen when you got jammed up with the I-Team expose. Theres a lot more where that came from. Right Quarters?

  46. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 10:47 pm:

    Rich…AA thinks proud state copper is spot-on re: the source of the list, fwiw.

    Norseman-I guess my thick skull missed DuPage’s joke. Maybe it was the typo.

  47. - Angie - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 11:11 pm:

    Re: “Dick Mell will be singing for all he is worth to take the heat off Patti.”

    Dick Mell was in one of the papers after–I think it was the Sun-Times–ran something about the family feud, and in the other publication (Southern Illinoisan paper, perhaps?), he suddenly started talking about knocking off the feuding for the sake of the family.

    You know when Mell is playing nicey nice, he must surely know that Rod is about to go down big time. Mell has got to know something’s up.

  48. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 10:17 am:

    AA and others, I believe the list was obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.

  49. - The Federalist - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 4:12 pm:

    Do you suppose Rod and George can be”roomies” at the Federal Boarding School????

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