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Tension mounts

Monday, Oct 23, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Could there be fireworks this Friday at Stu Levine’s federal hearing? The I-Team claims “Yes.”

The I-Team has learned that Levine wore a wire for the government and details of those conversations will be made public for the first time in federal court on Friday. […]

Sources close to the investigation tell the I-Team that the secret recordings Levine made while conducting crooked deals could be the missing link to several of Governor Blagojevich’s top associates and campaign fundraisers. Among them: the governor’s political guru Christopher Kelly, a roofer by trade who has been identified by federal sources as “individual B” in the Levine indictment. […]

Chris Kelly has not been charged with committing any crimes, nor have federal prosecutors cited him by name. Kelly’s attorney Michael Monico says he would be stunned if there were charges lodged against his client and that he doubts Kelly will be heard on any undercover recordings made by Stuart Levine.

Meanwhile, Topinka’s campaign is still dark. The Blagojevich people say she’s broke. The Topinka people say not to worry, an ad is on the way. We’ll all see soon enough.


  1. - Lovie's Leather - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 7:13 pm:

    This will be huge… mark my word. Naturally, and as usual, this info is coming out on Friday… but it will still be huge!

  2. - Buck Flagojevich - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 7:57 pm:

    I wonder what time his hearing is set for. I hope it’s early enough to get to all the media outlets.

  3. - howard marks - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:02 pm:

    having been a criminal for the first 25 years of my career taught me alot about wearing a wire and avoiding those wearing them. i used to get caught alot when i was a kid. after my time inside i became much more careful about who i talked to and what was said. after the 6th or 7th time the fbi comes to your house you become even more careful. your ability to tell when something is not quite right increases after every investigation. I was nothing but a small time hood and the folks levine was trying to get to talk run the outfit. their level of sensitivity cannot be overestimated. the look on stu’s face (shame and fear) tells me that he fooled them and that there is some scary stuff in the mix.
    on friday i plan on drinking turkish tea all day as to try and numb the pain from watching such a profitable caper come to an end after all these years. i always thought it would go on forever.
    watch out blago, kass said it best, he is way out of his depth, these guys are lifetime pros.

  4. - Bubs - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:07 pm:

    Say, I wonder if our Governor is warming up for the First Annual “Throw Chris Kelly Under the Bus Tournament”?

    Warm Up Exercise No. 1:

    A. Face bathroom mirror, feet apart, relaxed stance.
    B. Smile broadly.
    C. Recite 10 times: “Chris Kelly? I barely know the man.”
    D. Smile broadly again.
    E. Quickly move away from mirror, while saying “What’s this got to do with the people of Illinois?”

    Repeat until motions are fluid.

  5. - Shelbyville - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:27 pm:

    On the Topinka campaign being “dark.” I think she is crazy like a fox. There may not be any reason to spend any more money after Friday. But, this keeps changing day to day. I will stay tuned.

  6. - quincy - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:34 pm:

    your right shelbyville she not crazy like a fox she a real NUT. IAM VOTING FOR ROD, and iam republican.

  7. - Illinois is #1 - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 8:37 pm:

    Come on Quincy….a Republican voting for Rod? Who is paying you to say that? Tony Rezco?

  8. - Peachy - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 9:03 pm:

    Someone else who has been “dark” for months is top Topinka crony Bob Kjellander.

    We already know his dealings are under federal investigation, and he was the biggest earner of all from the pension boards. Maybe Friday will be a surprise for a different candidate. Wouldn’t that be sweet?

  9. - Crazy Joe - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 9:10 pm:

    Mike Monico is the lawyer for Edward Robert Vrdolyak and Chris Kelly—a possible connection–especially considering how much Monico seems to know about the tape…

    What about CK1 and hiring and his relatives and IDOT and the Toll Authority and the airport and Dominic Longo?????

    Maybe a former Special Forces former 82nd Airborne tough as nails Mexican hitman may do his close to octagenarian with diabetes last favor to his compadre and go to Highland Park. ERV doesn’t even have to give the order to his soldier.

    Howard Makrs–you said you were a criminal–were you a politician?

  10. - annon. one - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 9:19 pm:

    quincy if you are in fact voting for Roddy…..then you aren’t a republican by any stretch of the imagination. poor soul …apparently been cut off from news & other means of communication. a vote for Rod is a vote for more of the same. at least jbt isn’t under indictment or investigation.

  11. - Dan Fan - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 9:23 pm:

    If any Republican or Democrat for that matter is voting for Rod…then this State is truly doomed…Rod is one of the biggest piles to serve as Gov. in this States History and yes that includes George Ryan.

  12. - anon - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 9:47 pm:

    Everyone needs to set their political affiliation aside and truly examine the picture being portrayed here. These people have used the Illinois political process to their advantage to gain (money, power, prestige, political advancement, etc.) at the expense of the Illinois people. Do we really want another four years of this? Who knows how much money these guys cost the people of Illinois and how much of this could have gone to Health Care, Education, Pensions, Roads, and so on and on. It is a shame but this is appearing as if these investigations and indictments may continue to haunt us all for quite a while yet. ROD was elected mostly because of the promises of government reform and not balancing the budget on the backs of the working people of Illinois. As I began, putting all party affiliation aside…….how can any honest, hard working, tax paying Illinoisan vote for this guy? I will casting my vote for JBT on November 7 knowing that she will do a better job than the last two did.

  13. - David - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 9:56 pm:

    A question for the Quincy person claiming to be republican voting for Rod… which state agency do you work for? Obviously not one in which you are vested for a pension because those retirement funds will never be there in 20 years. Those who may be gloating over the Levine testimony should be sad — sad because of what the indictment and testimony says about the nature of public service. Republicans and democrats alike should be outraged that those entrusted with administering state programs and resources apparently chose to ignore their duties and instead chose to line their pockets for political favors. Government should not be a poker tournment; it should be a honorable calling by men and women who collectively choose to do what’s best for their neighbors. Democrats will be nervous and republicans will be chomping at the bit for political expediency, but no one should be happy about these events. It should sadden us all and encourage others to take their oaths seriously. The reality, of course is not that Pollyanna idealism. The reality is that both sides will be claiming victory and repudiation. How sad. The Dan Fan (assuming a Rutherford supporter) should follow Dan’s lead of being above the fray and being more stateman like rather than sounding like all the other campaign employees. Dan Rutherford is truly the best candidate in any election this fall, yet because of the problems in Illinois, his message has been hidden. I like Dan and he truly represents what Illinois needs in a leader. It’s too bad that he opted to be further down the ticket.

  14. - Wumpus - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 10:13 pm:

    Why spend money when the gov is being investigated and it is all over the press. All they need to do, if anything is release daily pressreleases/ conferences or at least 2 times per week.

    Don’t blame me, i voted for Brady!

  15. - Casey Jones - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 10:20 pm:

    Christopher Kelly; Christopher Kelly; Chris Kelly: Where, oh where have I heard that name before? Oh, yeah, that’s right: Rod Blagojevich has mentioned him. Often. In fact, when the Southtown editorial board compared Kelly and Tony Rezko and asked the Governor “Are you confident that Chris Kelly is not going to be indicted?” Blago mentioned him at length: “Yeah. Yes. They’re two different people, by the way, and it’s a different relationship. Chris and I are much closer. Chris is the head of my political campaign. That’s someone I talk to a lot more frequently. I’m confident, yes.”

    The Gov’s handlers must be suicidal over that little dissertation. Should Mr. Kelly now be revealed - on tape - as “Individual B”, then Blago has done himself in with his own words. There can be no Gubernatorial Two-Step like he’s trying with Rezko; he and Kelly have been officially, publicly and irrevocably linked by no less an authority then Rod himself.

    If the info the I-Team has received from their sources is correct, perhaps they can end their report by having Dandy Don Merideth stop by and sing his old trademark song for Rod, Chris and Company:

    “Turn out the lights
    The party’s over
    They say that
    All good things must end…”

  16. - Citizen A - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 10:21 pm:

    Oh come on, Kjellander only got $870,000.00. Of course I don’t know how many splits were involved. Wonder if Levine or Kelly or Retzko or Monk or Blago or or or DO ?

  17. - Sarge - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 10:23 pm:

    Somebody re-cue the Governor’s defense of Chris Kelly and have it available for the inevitable 5:30 p.m. press conference he will hold this Friday. Bubs nailed it. But Chris Kelly might not be the only one thrown under the bus this time…

  18. - Disgusted - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 10:31 pm:

    Quincy, you must be drinking Mississippi koolaid.
    Milarod is a liar, a crook and a self-preserver, to the detriment of his friends. He has an ego the size of Sears Tower, despite his low-brow pompadour.
    Add sociopathic to that and it completes the picture.

  19. - NumbersGuy - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 10:31 pm:

    David, you may want to do some homework before you post. No matter what your politics are, you can get folks awfully worked up by writing inflammatory and inaccurate statements like …”those retirement funds will never be there in 20 years.”

    Where do you think all the $50+ billion in current assets is going to go? AllKids?

    Even if the State never gave the funds another nickel, they can last longer than 20 years just on assets, investment income, and member contributions. Historically, over 75% of the funds’ revenues accrued from these sources and not State contributions. That doesn’t excuse the State from its responsibility to properly fund the systems.

    You and 9:47 anon also seem to share a common misconception that Levine caused the pension systems to lose money. He didn’t. Reading closely shows those “finders’ fees”, in fact, all but one, were never paid because the deals didn’t go through and/or because the fee arrangements were not approved. When any fee like this is paid, it’s not paid from the pension fund’s assets; it’s paid from the investment firm’s.

    If State employees should worry about a pension issue, it may be why their investments are earning so much less than teachers and university employees.

  20. - David - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 10:55 pm:

    To numbers guy: my argument was not based on the return on investment for pensions. If you read the first part, it was questioning the basis for the Quincy-republican-for-Rod’s motives. I’m not an actuarial, but I trust Dan Hynes’ numbers on pension shortfalls more than I trust anyone else’s. An accountant looking at the state budget would laugh. Taxpayers of the future should cry. I have no personal, vested interest in the pension system of Illinois, so let me make that abundantly clear. The misappropriation of pension funding, however, is an example of governing by press conference, rather than governing by ignoring the constitution. You got got caught up in trying to analyze pension audit numbers rather than the broader point that the pending testimony of Levine should not be cause for celebration, but rather cause for self-reflection and embarassment. Read the Tribune’s editorial on Sunday endorsing JBT (the one that outlines in bullet format the reasons they could not in good conscience endorse Bl(ag)o-ya… it seems like you are defending Filan and Blagojevich rather than admitting that the system (on both sides of the politcal spectrum) needs serious reform. Perhaps you have some purient interests in the “numbers” of the pension systems.

  21. - NumbersGuy - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 11:19 pm:

    David, I would be the last guy to defend that pair. Comptroller Hynes burnt a bit of his accumulated goodwill with many neutral parties when he released the State’s 6/30/05 financials on 5/31/06, months late and after legislative adjournment.

    I’m not sure what part of the “system” you are talking about that needs “reform.” Let me just tell you that there is no reform, rule, regulation, or law on earth that can control human criminal behavior.

    As far as your broadside about my motives and “purient (SP) interests” I don’t need a morals lecture. Save that for the Blagoites.

    You must not realize that there are people that have expressed feelings similar to what you express. They’re the Board and staff of the TRS; you may want to visit their Website to read their current and past statements on these issues.

  22. - Earnestine - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 11:22 pm:

    People no longer greet each other the same way in the capitol building. Instead of “good morning’, they say: “testing….testing…”

  23. - David - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 11:27 pm:

    Numbers guy — point taken. TRS and others have made their legitimate concerns known and made known public. Reform needs to happen at the top. It’s just sad that Cook county voters, along with AFSCME and the AFL-CIO, elected a poster child for Abercrombie and Fitch instead of a Governor. It saddens me but the GOP has offered not much of a solution. It will take another 4 years before true reform will happen. The legislature will never truly reform, although Tom Cross has done an admirable job with the House GOP. The top of the ticket will always control sucess down the line in Illinois. 48 months… hope you and others can stick it out that long with your fingers to your noses. :-)

  24. - Citizen A - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 11:44 pm:

    Okay, here’s what we need. This waiting til Friday crap really sucks. One of us is going to have to volunteer to wear a wire and infiltrate Fitz’s office or maybe the restaurant where he and Collins go for lunch or dinner. Rich, help us here - got any ideas ?

  25. - Roy Slade - Monday, Oct 23, 06 @ 11:48 pm:

    Come one- we all know that Quincy is definately NOT a republican. After all- he spells like Bill!

  26. - Citizen A - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 12:07 am:

    If I recall correctly, the G Ryan defense cost around $25 million plus. With Fitz’s good work it looks like JBT has the equivalent of millions more in her campaign . . . . let’s just call it “in kind contributions” . . . than Mr Toast’s $12.5 mil. And just look at all the free radio, TV, and print coverage. Heck, no wonder her campaign went dark - a smart salesman/woman knows to shut up when the sale has been made. The next 48 months looks much brighter now !!!

  27. - steve schnorf - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 12:23 am:


    how much money did Kjellander earn from pension deals, and where did you get your information?

  28. - Angie - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 1:16 am:

    By the way, there’s some interesting stuff on the Levine issue on Joe Novak’s blog, and I see he’s just given a nod to Capitol Fax as part of a Tuesday blog entry.

    Looks like Lisa Madigan and Blago are totally at odds with each other, she wanting to push for a minimum charity care standard (hey, that only sounds fair, folks) and Rod standing by the folks that donated about a quarter of a million to him.

    Great blog. Check it out for interesting stuff. Plus, I always send ideas on stuff to cover, and Joe uses ‘em all the time, so naturally I think it is a great blog.;-)

  29. - Blogopster - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 1:38 am:

    ’Tis but thy name that is my enemy;

  30. - Anon - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 5:49 am:

    This just shows how the JBT campaign still has no clue on how to win. Instead of her supporters talking about issues, and promoting their ideas, all they can do is hope and pray for the Levine thing to blow.

    What a joke, you guys may win, but you are not to be given credit for anything which brought the GOP the win. If you win, it will have been handed to you, because you and JBT have done nothing, NOTHING, to deserve a political win. But hey, if you do win, you always tell everyone, “we didn’t have or need ideas or plans, just the Dems. to hand it back on a silver platter”.

  31. - ...if it walks like a duck - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 6:52 am:

    The kiss of death is when the newspapers report that “The Governor has not been charged with any wrongdoing.” Dude, the jig is up.

  32. - leigh - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 8:34 am:

    Is it possible JBT’s committee knows specifics about Levine’s testimony coming Friday and they are saving their pennies to blast the airways as soon as that information is made public?

  33. - Goodbye Napoleon - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 9:06 am:

    The polling numbers are the bigger story here. I now believe, unfortunately for JBT, that no matter what happens in any court filing or indictments to come Blago will win by 15 points. Most of the statewide races here and nationally are being effectively nationalized and the GOP appears headed for total disaster. As much as Rod would be doomed in any other year, George Bush helped re-elect him.

  34. - North of I-80 - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 9:08 am:

    You’re asking me to reconstruct a 40-year friendship; Chris Kelly is like a brother to me, a godfather to my kids; you’re asking me what?

  35. - Truthful James - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 9:09 am:

    As I said in another thread — Judy B is programmed not to win. The combine likes the status quo ante, and Judy B is the fall girl. Thompson, McKenna, Edgar and Kjellander — what a group. The conservatives were told to go screw themselves when a little discretion would have brought them back into the fold.

  36. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 10:20 am:

    FYI, the district court website shows an arraignment and a change of plea in US v. Levine for 1 p.m. Friday. Next case in that courtroom is scheduled for 1:45.

  37. - steve schnorf - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 11:30 am:

    So, Truthful, you are saying Edgar WANTS Topinka to lose? McKenna and Kjellander WANT Topinka to lose?
    And how does this fit in with your second gunman on the grassy knoll theory?

  38. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 11:45 am:

    It is now no longer a question of IF Blagojevich is corrupt. All voters, except for Kool-Aid Democrats, are asking just HOW corrupt our reform governor is. Their decision on how corrupt he is will decide whether they will vote for him. If voters decide he is corrupted less than most governors, he will get their vote.

    That has been the game plan for our reform governor for two years. Collect $2500 an hour from whomever Rezko and company con, then smear the opposition to look worst than Blagojevich.

    Illinois Democrats are determined to show up those Louisiana and New Jersey Democrats as to who is the most corrupt.

  39. - Truthful James - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 12:12 pm:

    Kjellander does not care one way or the other. He is sitting pretty. Edgar (the Eunuch of Charleston and good friend of the Cellinis) has said that the conservative Republicans don’t matter. Andy McKenna is a cipher. Lord knows what he has done to unite the Republican Party, I sure see nothing.

    I didn’t say they wanted her to lose — they lose nothing if Judy B does lose. They gain nothing, either.

  40. - Citizen A - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 12:15 pm:

    Maybe Blago should change strategy and campaign on a platform of fraud and corruption with the ill gotten gains being shared with his supporters. Oops that is the insider scoop on him. What was I thinking ?

  41. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 12:19 pm:

    Truthful, I think Schnorf is right about your post. You’ve bought so far into this “combine” rhetorical device that you appear to think it has its own secret handshake and state headquarters.

  42. - Angie - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 4:54 pm:

    leigh asked, “Is it possible JBT’s committee knows specifics about Levine’s testimony coming Friday and they are saving their pennies to blast the airways as soon as that information is made public?”

    I’ll bet they do, because a campaign update once mentioned a few surprises, and so far, I haven’t seen anything radically surprising from the JBT campaign.

    She must be waiting on something.

  43. - Veritas - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 5:56 pm:

    I’m a Republican, and were I still living in IL, I’d have voted for Rod. It’s time for Judy’s career as an elected official to come to an end.

  44. - David - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 9:10 pm:

    The problem with JBT’s campaign is there appears to be no strategic plan to winning. Bl(ag)o-ya, for all his detractors, is sticking with a strategic plan and it’s working. Money is not the issue — it’s message. If you have not message, all the money in the world won’t help. If you have a message - and stick with it — them money reinforces it. I like Judy and I am a HUGE Jim Edgar fan… Edgar gave me my start in state government in the early 90’s (and I didn’t give him any $ in case there’s some question). Judy would be a leader, but the majority of voters in Illinois don’t want a leader, they want a celebrity. Rod is nothing but an E! network wanna-be. What’s hilarious is that, given his opportunity for national entertainment on the Comedy Channel, he looked like a first-year law school student at Pepperdine when asked to define “torts” on the first day of class. By the way, Governor — torts means “wrongful acts”. I’m guessing you’ll learn the outcome of that soon.

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