“We count on her to do what’s right”
Tuesday, Oct 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Not that she needs to spend much to win, but Lisa Madigan’s new TV ad is up. She even throws in a little jab at the governor. Also, Phil Hare’s new TV ad is posted on his website. Access it here. [Hat tip: Robbie C at Illinoize. Our little brother blog is on fire lately. Go check it out.] ![]()
- Goodbye Napoleon - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 4:11 pm:
That’s a great ad by a great candidate. Her ad matches her no-BS record of accomplishment and good sound thinking; how unlike some of the other Democrats running. I like the slam on the Governor, she shouldn’t let him ride on her coat-tails.
- ???????? - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 5:08 pm:
I like the ad against syverson better, a little comic relief this election cycle goes a long way.
- Wumpus - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 6:05 pm:
Lisa, Blago, Blago, Lisa, Lisa, Richie Daley, Daley, Little Lisa, Little lisa, Cook COunty Board, so on and so forth. At least she knows who the gov is, since she hasn’t bothered to investigate any of the people mentioned.
- Truth - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 6:08 pm:
She’s good. Repubs better get the Gov’s office now, or it will ge gone for a long time.
- Political Hack - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 6:17 pm:
Great Ad Lisa. You have some of the best TV people around you.
- RickG - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 6:24 pm:
That’s a tremendous ad. I mean, whether you like Lisa or not…just from a production standpoint, that’s a tremendous ad.
Also looks like Lisa got a makeover. New haircut, etc.
- Disgusted - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 7:17 pm:
Re: Phil Hare - finally, a person most people can relate to - hard-working, family oriented, not flashy and no scandal. Good for you, Phil.
- Levois - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 7:23 pm:
Great commercial. Nothing negative just a record, but then she doesn’t have to work that hard.
- JBT For GOV - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 7:55 pm:
The Next Long term gov after Blago!!!
- LakeILGOP - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 8:24 pm:
Grudgingly, I’ll admit it’s a very good commercial, but the rapid cuts made me a bit dizzy. But this minor headspinning will be nothing compared to how I’ll feel when she rolls like a steamroller into the gov office in 4 years.
- Fan of the Game - Tuesday, Oct 24, 06 @ 8:30 pm:
Good ad, but dizzying in parts as has been mentioned. She has to be the frontrunner in the 2010 gubernatorial race.
- Establishment Republican - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 12:25 am:
In 2010, her commercials may very well be saying something like, “Governor Pat Quinn refused to lift a finger to stop Rod Blagojevich’s corruption…..”
- CrunchyCon - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 6:00 am:
As with most political ads, you can drive a truck through the holes in this ad.
Is Nieukirk’s campaign still dark? I need some more comic relief after reading the latest D-2’s, endorsements, etc.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 7:56 am:
There is a good article in the Tribune today referring to Rod’s boxing career or lack of. Have some fun with this. Is Rod more like Rocky Balboa or the Andy Kaufman character from Saturday Night Live.
- Animous - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 8:04 am:
Nice Ad. I think she could be pretty strong in 2010, but she’s still pretty “Swiss” on the whole corruption issue.
Speaking out against state funding sources is a lot different than taking a strong stand against corruption, especially where your office has investigated the problems and KNOWS whats going on. From what I’ve read on here previously, isn’t her office investigating complaints not directly tied to the federal investigation?
It looks like she could earn my vote this time around, but in order to avoid the appearance of being “Blago’s Attorney General” she better do something to address the corruption issue strongly BEFORE more indictments get released or she may get dragged into it for the rest of her political career…