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Guv keeps foot firmly planted on the throat

Wednesday, Oct 25, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

The guv’s got a new TV ad.


  1. - Squideshi - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 6:36 pm:

    What’s Rod Blagojevich thinking? The polls show that a MAJORITY of voters believe he knew about Rezko. Those who live in glass houses…

  2. - just a guy - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 7:10 pm:

    Unfortunately—with $10 million in cash and a ten point lead in the polls two weeks befor E-day even those who live in glass houses can afford to throw stones–especially when the majority of the voting public don’t seem to get it and may in fact believe the **** that JBP was “Ryan’s Treasurer. HOW SAD!

  3. - Bubs - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 7:16 pm:

    Rings a bit hollow, given the present news, the fact that her name came up once (?) in the entire Ryan trial, anf the Tribune has squarely identified Blago as “Rod Ryan.” But honesty means nothing to the Blago crowd. It never has, as we are learning day by day.

  4. - Sarge - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 7:23 pm:

    Same old, same old. Nothing in that ad grabs you. In fact, the whole thing gets trumped by Gov. Edgar’s ad for Judy. This one’s been in the can for a while and that’s where it should have stayed.

  5. - anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 7:25 pm:

    I just saw a new one that hasn’t been on here, or at least I haven’t seen it “tubed” yet with the Governor making several references to Bush’s lack of focus on domestic policies. I just caught the tail end of it but from what I saw it’s a winner

  6. - wndycty - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 7:37 pm:

    Hey, as long as Judy and Joe want to keep painting Rod in a negative light, Rod should feel free to keep planting his foot on Judy’s throat. Go Rod go!

  7. - Charles Martel - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 7:42 pm:

    Good ad. It keeps reinforcing the “Martha Ray Syndrome”. Re Edgar’s endorsememt ad; people generally remember the endorcer rather than the endorsee. Also, in this case they will be asking why Edgar isn’t running.

  8. - Truth - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 7:44 pm:

    Yes, it’s Judy and Joe who want to keep painting Judy in a negative light. As if he has nothing to do with it. Poor Rod, must defend himself against the negative attacks. He’s the victim, as usual. Sheesh! Unbelievable.

  9. - Truth - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 7:46 pm:

    painting ROD in negative light. Sorry typing too fast.

  10. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 7:51 pm:

    Wonder how much of all this heinous activity occurred while JBT was Rod Blagojevich’s Treasurer?

    And he didn’t lift a finger to ferret out this wrongdoing.

    Tsk, tsk, tsk.

  11. - Levois - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 7:53 pm:

    What are the odds this will work against Blago?

  12. - Charles Martel - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 7:59 pm:

    Levois– Zero minus infinity.

  13. - bored now - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 7:59 pm:

    What are the odds this will work against Blago?

    none. even if voters were appalled by blagojevich’s actions — i never forget that illinois voters not only tolerate corruption, they almost admire it (thinknig that being corrupt is the only way to get things done) — it would be negated by a single fact: he has the money to impose his message on the electorate. judy doesn’t.

  14. - tough guy - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 8:01 pm:

    Poor Judy. She is going down faster than the Cubs in a June swoon. Cards pick up game three tonight 5-2 (if they play)!

  15. - Shelbyville - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 8:09 pm:

    I can’t say that I find the ad effective. People aren’t listenng, now.

  16. - ChiCountryGuy - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 8:13 pm:

    WndyCty are you short on oxygen? It was Rod who has been “painting” in negative light since March.

    ROD IS A CROOK, J&J are trying to make people aware of this before the election so there’s not the same mistake with George Ryan.

  17. - JBT For GOV - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 8:39 pm:

    Even though I support JBT for Gov- she is a done!! Next time I will learn to tie my wagon to a winner with out baggage. Brady in 2010!!!

  18. - Metro-east survivor - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 8:49 pm:

    The only Illinois voters who tolerate corruption are the ones in Chicago and the Metro East (hmmm, what kind of statement about demographics does THAT make?).

    The honest, hard-working folks that make up the rest of the state see right through Blago’s lying and scheming. The number one issue for most folks I know is his failure to recognize Springfield as the state capitol.

    A lot of my union buddies will say out loud they support Blaggy, but in the booth, they won’t side with a slimeball. There’s gonna be a November surprise if the downstate has anything to say about it.

  19. - Buck Flagojevich - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 8:55 pm:

    Just another commercial like all the rest. It has gotten very easy to tune them out.

    Although, it is easier on the eyes than the smarmy little mug Rod sports on the “I’m not a bad person” ad. Those ads make you want to punch the TV.

  20. - Squideshi - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 9:02 pm:

    Topinka is Rod Blagojevich’s Treasurer. Yep.

  21. - Citizen A - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 9:03 pm:

    psssssst Rod! Friday’s coming. Love, Fitz ! Can’t wait to see your ad for that.

  22. - Quantity is Job 1 - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 9:33 pm:

    Spot 19,001 is more of the same. All lies, but like Goebbles said, repeat them enough and people accept them as truth…

    The Blago spots remind me of car ads that tout being “the best according to J.D. Power”… then the microscopic type at the bottom says “…based on all cars of a similar color with two or more vowels in their name built on consecutive Thursdays”. Their view of the facts and the claims they make have a narrow and skewed interpretation. But of course, these are the guys that specialize in weasel-wording out of commitments and regulations, taking every possible shortcut and get-around they can find.

    Rod’s Lie-Team twists and distorts and takes things out of context, weighting one set of data the same as another, disassociated set of data.

    Like the office space rental on Jefferson street. Last time I looked, hasn’t been a new office building built in the downtown capitol complex in what, 15 years? It’s not like there’s tons of alternative spaces for that office. So, if it is between expensively moving everyone and everything out of a 3-story building every five years to some other slightly cheaper place that may or may not be available or practical, or renewing a lease on the existing place, what’s the responsible thing? What does Jesse White do when the leases are up on the privately held state buildings he controls? He pays the lease. Topinka renewed the standing lease. Blago’s people count those rental/lease renewals and similar deals as no-bid contracts. That’s the kind of accounting they have become famous for. Ask Bill Holland.

    Oh, wait, according to Blago math, the right thing would be to find some friend thru Rezmar or his wife’s real estate company who owns another, inferior building in a worse location and kick back a percentage of the rents as a “commission”. I mean “birthday gift to the kids”.

    Speaking of blago friends, that CMS guy that put his house up for Rezko’s bail is also the one that oversaw a million dollars in state taxpayer money contracts to blago’s platoons of hired freelance photographers (hat tip to Bernie). You gotta wonder how legit those negotiations for the private paparazzi on public money were, now that we know just how cheap you can buy state jobs and contracts.

    For the mainstream press to just let these false charges of the Blago spots go without comment or rating their truth is a crime against the voters. of this state.

  23. - Paddyrollingstone - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 9:49 pm:

    What did Harold Washington say? I believe quoting Finley Peter Dunne’s “Mr. Dooley,” “politics ain’t Beanbag.” Game. Set. Match.

  24. - Larry - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 9:51 pm:

    Some one please make them stop….

  25. - Tessa - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 9:53 pm:

    My mind just shuts down when these ads come on. I just hear “blah blah blah blah”. It’s more of the same from Blago.

    But JBT’s waited far too long to punch back with a hard hitting commercial of her own stating the facts, stating what she stands for and pointing out the obvious (some indicated above about the building leases and her being elected to office not being any “Governors Treasurer”).

    Whatever she does back now is going to be too little, on her part, too late. I don’t see the Levine thing on Friday doing anything to help her either if Blago’s name comes up or if Kelly’s name or anyone else close to him comes up. If his numbers go down, hers will mirror it.

    I also saw Blago’s ad attacking Bush’s policies. I’m sure the Presidents confidence has been shaken. Rod needs to bring himself back to earth for a while.

  26. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 9:57 pm:

    I am waiting for Rod to attack Judy for not stopping him from his schemes. “You were Rod Blagojovich’s treasurer and didn’t lift a finger to stop my corruption, nepotism or half-baked financial ideas”. He may be dumb enough to say it.

  27. - scoot - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 9:58 pm:

    I can’t wait til he is indicted! What a loser.

  28. - Confused Republican - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 10:11 pm:

    You know what I miss? DownState with ” Another homerun for Topinka “

  29. - (618) Democrat - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 10:14 pm:

    Oh my, looks like the Marlboro woman is angry. I guess she doesn’t like being caught in a lie. I bet she had to smoke three marlbors just to get calmed down. What is she thinking?

  30. - Anon - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 10:27 pm:

    Just make it all stop.

  31. - David - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 11:02 pm:

    (618) democrat - what an example of redundancy. Rod’s script could say that the White Sox wear purple uniforms and he would quote it. He’s not that smart;he’s just repeating what’s been rehearsed. No script, no soundbite, just that deer-in-the headlight look that makes a mockery of the democratic process of elections.

  32. - (618) Democrat - Wednesday, Oct 25, 06 @ 11:53 pm:

    David: Do you think freedom of speech and supporting a candidate makes a mockery of the democratic process of elections? What are you thinking?

  33. - Angie - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 12:00 am:

    Oh, for God’s sake. For the LAST time, if JBT had been in any trouble whatsoever with regards to George Ryan, then they would have investigated her upside down and backwards. The F-A-C-T that she came out of the whole fiasco completely unscathed is PRECISELY why she is a safer and saner choice than Rod is. Plus, she’s no ultra-socially conservative ideologue, either, so aside from the fact that perhaps a bunch of wussy wimps can’t stand the thought of letting the lady have a shot at the helm for a change, it makes no sense to knock her.

    Give her a shot. If she doesn’t turn some things around in Illinois, THEN you can all whine and groan and possibly even give up hope.

    And by the way, if she’s so lost according to you armchair pundits, then why is Rod so worried about her that he’s unleashed a torrent of ammo to try to bury her? Answer: Precisely because she’s within striking distance and everyone knows it.

    Even if you are more socially conservative, though, get your tail out and vote Rod out. We are going to be laughingstock of the nation if we let him get elected again, because I’m telling you, even the national media has picked up on the scandal stories. This is embarrassing!!

  34. - Martha Mitchell - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 6:28 am:

    Last night while cruising the web, I looked up Brad Tusk. He’s everywhere and not in a good light. What a piece of work he is. He could have performed Mike Douglas’ role of Gordon Gecko without a script. Brash, rude and an “I don’t care” attitude where winning is the only thing, not how you conduct yourself in society. A perfect soul mate for the governor. What a disgusting pair of so-called men they are.

  35. - DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 6:34 am:

    -OK worked late had to get up early feel like Blago with Levine going to court today but just saw the ad with Edgar and now I am seeing more Topinka signs than Blagos. So IT IS A HOMERUN FOR JUDY

  36. - Rick - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 7:49 am:

    I like the part about her taking money from “banks she regulates”.

    Of course, the truth is that she and her office don’t regulate any banks. She invests funds.

    Oh well, the truth will never get in the way of a good lie when it will serve some political purpose.

  37. - Bakersfield - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 8:13 am:

    That ad is great.

    She looks like the mean old neighbor lady that everyone hates, “we bid everything”

    That brings to mind some statement I’ve heard in the past, something about liar and pants being on fire…

  38. - Real Clear - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 8:16 am:

    That’s a great ad.

    The way Topinka kept claiming that she put all contracts out for bid, even after it was definitively proven to be a lie, shows we have a person here who has completely lost it. Topinka has completely lost touch with reality.

    I wouldn’t trust her as dog catcher.

  39. - Animous - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 8:38 am:

    This ad looks like another insult to the intelligence of the average voter and a complete aversion to the comparative facts. Blago ripping in Topinka for no-bid contracts & receiving contributions from state contractors, are you serious???

    Here’s a suggestion; since the Blago administration is so “above board” offer Blago’s numbers for no-bid contracts and contributions received from state contractors.

    Since Team Blago is so interested in the facts, please go ahead and provide that factual information to us, the voters, so that we can make an informed comparison…

  40. - Roomie - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 8:49 am:

    Great ad. Keep that foot firmly planted on the throat Blago! I am glad Team Blago knows that they are doing…. Topinka could learn a thing or two about media strategy from them.

  41. - So Blue Democrat - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 8:56 am:

    This election is very sad for me that we will probably re-elect a Governor who will be indicted. Will we ever learn?

  42. - Anon2 - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 9:07 am:

    Real Clear: you want to explain how you can trust Rod?
    The ONLY good thing in all of this is that, when Blago wins (sorry, Judy, you just didn’t cut it, and it’s ruined your political life) we’ll be able to cheer while he goes down, and finally have a gov in Quinn we won’t have to be ashamed of.

  43. - smack-o-cratic - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 9:07 am:

    I’m going to guess that lies and distortions of political folk’s actions have been around since we’ve had politics. And these days, candidates with enough $$ and media piped into our homes 24/7, one can destroy an opponent’s character and bury their own mis-deeds. (At least perhaps until an uncorrupted arm of the law does its job.) Doesn’t matter what party.

    It’s a sad state of affairs my friends. One would like to think that we could have civilized debates on the facts and issues that mean something to us citizens. But why bother when you can trump the process with tons of cash. We need to fix this.

  44. - Vinron - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 12:00 pm:

    What ads? I haven’t watched one on TV, just a few on the internet (that I choose to watch — thanks Rich).

    God bless TIVO. I can fast forward Rod and Judy out of my life.

  45. - Angie - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 12:35 pm:

    “We need to fix this.”

    Indeed. Clone Fitz!

  46. - Name/Nickname/Anon - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 12:48 pm:

    This whole election makes me sick. Rich, how is it on earth possible that the worst Governor in the history of Illinois, who has borrowed and spent more money than I imagine, and is forcing future taxpayers to pay for his schemes, can possibly get away with all this?

    Does anyone else see the irony that Blago raised money in a corrupt manner, and then he spent that corruptly-obtained money to trash his opponent and make her seem like the corrupt one?

    At least I can look forward to Blago being hauled off the jail, but not until the damage is done.

  47. - Name/Nickname/Anon - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 12:50 pm:

    Say, has anyone else seen the ad with Obama being critical of Roskam’s misleading ads, and using the Chicago Tribune’s editorial talking about those ads as proof that they are wrong? What Obama didn’t mention is that the same editorial also accused Blago of lying in his t.v. ads.

    Mr. Future-President: When can we expect you to do a similar t.v. commercial for Topinka, hmmmm?

    Mr. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle.

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