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The last, big battle?

Thursday, Oct 26, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

The stage is being set for tomorrow’s expected guilty plea by Stu Levine. From the looks of things, this will be a fight to the death.

* Tribune:

Aides to Gov. Rod Blagojevich confirmed Wednesday for the first time that one of his top advisers, Christopher Kelly, accompanied the governor on a controversial 2003 fundraising trip with two political insiders who later faced corruption charges. […]

Blagojevich’s Republican opponent, Judy Baar Topinka, called on the governor Wednesday to “fully detail what he discussed with Stuart Levine while they were traveling together to New York for fundraising meetings aboard a cushy corporate jet” between Chicago and Teterboro, N.J.

In a September 2005 plea agreement with federal prosecutors, Cari said he was told that state pension fund business was steered to firms that made campaign donations under the direction of a high-ranking public official. The unnamed person was described in the plea agreement only as “Public Official A.” Blagojevich has denied being that public official.

* Sun-Times:

The Chicago Sun-Times last month reported that the Oct. 29, 2003, trip — plus another to the East Coast later — are focuses of a federal pay-to-play probe of state government.

“The chief fund-raiser is meeting with people who are interested in government contracts along with a high-ranking member of the governor’s staff,” said Joe Birkett, DuPage County’s state’s attorney and GOP candidate for lieutenant governor. “You’re setting the table to exchange your governmental decision-making in exchange for a political benefit.”

Blagojevich campaign spokesman Doug Scofield dismissed the criticism. Kelly and Tusk, he said, never met with Wexford or Maximus — despite what the “preliminary draft” schedule indicates.

“Bradley and Chris were not in any meetings together. I really have no idea why it would be that way on the schedule,” Scofield said. “You have a schedule that looks like it’s inaccurate in a number of ways.”


“Had I known that one of the guys who was part of that was a guy involved in activities like that, frankly I would have preferred to be out of the Harvard Club and back in my old neighborhood with gang-bangers,” said Blagojevich.

The governor told CBS 2 he did not know Levine had given him big campaign contributions. He denied even discussing it with Levine.


“Checks were received by the Blagojevich administration. The timing and the largesse of this money shows me there is some symptomatic pay-to-play quid pro quo activity taking place in Illinois,” said Dillard.

“I firmly believe that the truth will, as the old saying goes, set you free. Stuart Levine is a big time Republican big shot,” said Governor Rod Blagojevich.

The governor says he reappointed Levine to a couple of state boards in the spirit of bi-partisanship, even though Levine was the biggest single contributor to his 2002 opponent, former attorney general Jim Ryan, and also gave campaign cash to his Republican opponents this year.

“It’s interesting that both Treasurer Topinka and Joe Birkett have yet to return the campaign contributions from Stuart Levine even though he was indicted two years ago,” said Blagojevich.

Back to the Trib:

On Wednesday, the governor’s campaign released a 1998 letter from former GOP Gov. Jim Edgar that praised Levine for his service on the Health Facilities Planning Board.

Edgar is among Topinka’s bigger supporters and is featured in her latest TV campaign ad.

“We had every reason to think, based on the glowing recommendation from Gov. Edgar … [and others], that he was a responsible and qualified person to serve on those boards,” Blagojevich said. “Had [Edgar] told us [Levine] was involved in a criminal conspiracy, I’ll be very clear here, we’d have gone in a different direction.”


  1. - wndycty - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 7:25 am:

    So is tomorrow the Topinka campaign’s last stand? We all know she has no plan, no strategy, no vision, no enthusiasim for the campaign and no leadership skills.

    Her campaign will attempt to use the Levine plea as a last ditch effort to re-energize her campaign. She is the first person I have ever seen who has based her ENTIRE campaign on the alleged problems of her opponent. Sure most candidates use and exploit their candidates negatives but they also do an effective job establishing themselves as a viable alternative.

    Judy and Joe should move their campaign office to the corner of Adams and Dearborn because obviously they have no ideas to offer the people of the great state of Illinois.

  2. - Quantity is Job 1 - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 7:27 am:

    “Had Blagojevich told us he was going to be neck-deep in criminal conspiracies, we voters would have gone in a different direction”.

    Enjoy your freedom while it lasts, Milorad; they have you dead to rights and you are going to jail.

  3. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 7:47 am:

    “spirit of bipartisanship”.


  4. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 7:51 am:

    To use one of Rod’s baseball analogies, trying to put the Levine jacket on Jim Edgar is about as far a reach as Steve Bartman in Game 6.

    As the Rezko indictment and other sources have indicated, Levine was reappointed to those boards based on Tony’s clout, not an ancient letter from Edgar. (It’s curious that this letter just was made public-if this was the reason, they should have said that months ago.)

    As for the alleged meetings with vendors, perhaps the Governor met with the firms istead of Mr. Kelly.

    Time will tell.

  5. - Real Clear - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 8:05 am:

    Birkett and Topinka might want to give back all the tainted money they have received from Stu Levine before they start throwing stones in their glass house.

    Jim Edgar is the guy who brought Levine on the field for Board Games, and Levine was Jim Ryan’s single largest contributor in 2002.

    Sounds like Republicans have more to worry about.

  6. - Wumpus Diva - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 8:16 am:

    “She is the first person I have ever seen who has based her ENTIRE campaign on the alleged problems of her opponent.”

    Were you alive for the 2004 Presidential Dem Primary and later the race. Her campaign is eerily similar to that.

  7. - Budget Watcher - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 8:28 am:

    I guess we’ll have to wait and see who was closer to the corruption. What is Real Clear is that our Governor, Deputy Governor, and their advisors were very, very intimate with some shady players, and if that doesn’t concern Illinois voters, then I suppose we’ll have to continue to live with our sullied politic culture.

  8. - Real Clear - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 8:34 am:

    Both of the 2-party candidates have been very intimate with some shady players Budget Watcher. Topinka has been for many more years than Blago, but they are both pretty bad.

    That’s why turnout will probably hit a record low on the 7th, and why the Green Party guy will likely break 5%.

    Those who do vote will be holding their nose. A huge opportunity squandered by the GOP.

  9. - DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 8:36 am:

    Trying to get ahead of bad news is like getting ahead of a big dog sometimes you get bit in arse.Again he is trying to blame the past office holders when we know they done everything on their own and never listened to anyone.

  10. - chinman - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 8:36 am:

    the sound you heard last night was the door being locked. i told you to go back to new york and i meant it. you will now be involved and you street cred destroyed. “looks like now yous can’t leave”

  11. - leigh - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 8:39 am:

    I am not impressed by a grown man who trys to blame everyone else. Does Blago think this is going to keep him out of jail? Is there any possibility he is really this stupid?

  12. - Animous - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 8:47 am:

    Real Clear,
    There is one HUGE difference: All of the Blago administration conduct happened AFTER the G Ryan indictments and public scrutiny.

    Quite simply, Team Blago had the arrogance to continue (and expand) questionable conduct that they knew got Ryan, and Citizens for Ryan indicted.

    You can’t plead ignorance when the template for what not-to-do is printed in the paper every day…

  13. - Walking Wounded - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 8:50 am:

    For the record, “yes” and “yes”.

  14. - So Blue Democrat - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 8:51 am:

    I find it very amusing that the Governor’s staff have to go back to 1998 for a statement from Edgar about Levine. The real issue is what has happened during the current administration’s watch. They are desperate. I just hope the Democratic voters (as I have) wake up and realize we cannot re-elect this man.

  15. - Bill - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 8:53 am:

    So it was all Edgar’s fault!!
    I knew it.
    I wish the Repubs would leave their pets at home.

  16. - Bill - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 9:01 am:

    By the way, did Judy, Joe and St. Edgar return or donate to charity their Levine contributions yet? I didn’t think so.

  17. - So Blue Democrat - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 9:05 am:


    Does corruption in government matter to you or are you brainwashed?

  18. - Bill - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 9:13 am:

    So blue,
    Aside from a few bad apples I don’t believe that there is any corruption in the governor’s administration. When questionable activities are brought to his attention he does his best to investigate and rectify the situation. I don’t believe rumors, inuendo, blog comments,and I think Topinka-Birkett are more corrupt than anyone else running.

  19. - Real Clear - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 9:15 am:

    Animous, you’re assuming a lot. I haven’t seen Blago accused of anything yet.

    And the charges so far in this Board Games investigation, are completely different from what George Ryan was indicted on.

    Besides, these politicians never learn. The MSI corruption in Judy’s friend Edgar’s administration, didn’t stop the corruption in Judy’s friend George Ryan’s administration.

  20. - Jechislo - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 9:23 am:

    Bill/Real Clear:

    Reminds me of the old song “My Dog’s Bigger than Your Dog”. This has become a game of “My Crook’s Bigger than Your Crook”.

    Blago is a crook. The problem is, he honestly doesn’t know it because he is playing by ‘Chicago’ rules. This type of behavior is condoned there because that is how Chicago politics are played. Rod is finding out that this Springfield isn’t Chicago. He will also find out that sitting Governors can be indicted.

  21. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 9:28 am:

    “Blagojevich characterized talk on the jet as “general” and “light” conversations about politics and said it was “ridiculous” to ask if he spoke about the scheme that resulted in Cari’s conviction and Levine’s expected plea.”

    So our virgin governor found himself surrounded by political hookers aboard a flying whorehouse. Wonderful. What did he do? He claims he ignored them, or that they were just passing the time of day sharing stories about Al Gore and Hillary Clinton. Some Republican Levine is turning out to be.

    But anyway, what does our tossle-haired hero do in this den of iniquity? Does he do the right thing? NOPE. He got ON BOARD. He smothered his host with hugs and kisses, just like every other host he meets. That is what Blagojevich does. He returns the favor!

    Sorry Rod, but when the police raids that whorehouse, and they find you there in bed with Levine, Rezko and Kelly, they naturally assume you are another working girl. After all, no virgin climbs into the sack with a threesome like them, right? But you claim you were with them just sharing a little girl talk? Nothing more? WE DON’T BELIEVE YOU.

    When a robbery occurs, all the guys in the getaway vehicle are convicted. We don’t let one of them off because they plead innocence, or claim they weren’t attentive, or just didn’t know what the heck the other guys were doing. They all go to the pokey.

    Get real Democrats! Your boy is not a suitable candidate for anything. Shame on all of you for ignoring the investigations, the incriminations, the indictments and the bizarre behavior of Blagojevich. Just how much more can you people take before you demand accountability from this guy? You’ve had the ball during the primary, and you refused to do your job and get to the bottom of this. You renominated him. Thanks for nothing!

  22. - So Blue Democrat - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 9:28 am:


    The “few bad apples” comment is exactly what the Governor states. I am one Democrat that wants him indicted. We should have nominated Vallas in the primary. I voted for him.

  23. - Animous - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 9:42 am:

    Bill @ 9:13: “When questionable activities are brought to his attention he does his best to investigate and rectify the situation.”

    Really?!?!?, There have been a number of complains about hiring, firing, promotions, and contracting at DNR, Corrections, IDOT, DHFS, and a number of other agencies.

    What EXACTLY has he done personally to handle these problems and the appointees that created them? What has he done to correct the mistakes or missteps?

    Seriously, What???

  24. - Bubs - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 10:10 am:

    The problem in this state is not people like Bill, who are so partisan that Blago could be part of al-Qaida and they would find a justification. The problem is not people like Real Clear, who are just mice studying to be rats.

    It is We the People. We continue to elect crooks, because we are too stupid, too greedy or too scared of them to do anything about them.

    While Blago’s campaign cash buys pretty ads with a smiling Elvis, or attack ads that are outright lies, and well paid consultants spin away, there is a reality that is emerging despite their best efforts to contain or hide it. The piper will have to be paid (by us) for his actions, and it won’t be pretty. The real economic damage hasn’t even started yet, and could last a long, long time.

    But if we reelect this man and his gang, we will only be able to say that “The fault, Horatio, lies not in our stars but in ourselves. …”

  25. - Reddbyrd - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 10:13 am:

    Soooooo Blinky Jim gave Stu Levine.
    Wow that is sad.
    Now JudyBore will need some new excuse
    Too bad GRod did not drag out this letter a long time ago.
    But better another HOMERUN in the 8th or 9th than not at all.
    Any word on how Brickhead did in his testimony about screrwing the DuPage judge?


  26. - Bill - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 10:53 am:

    Nice literary allusion. I feel the same way about President Bush,even though the people didn’t elect him the first time.

  27. - Guy Fawkes - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 11:18 am:

    To: BILL


  28. - Walking Wounded - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 11:26 am:

    You’re right, Bill, the people didn’t elect Bush the first time because only the Electorate votes count. Yeah…yeah…yeah…he stole the election: like Guy said, “whatever”.
    Anyhow, if Milorad isn’t smart enough to weed out the corruption, as his original IG reported to him, then he gets to deal with the consequences. Go Fitz!

  29. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 11:28 am:

    Bill, the whole tree is full of rotten apples and you’re trying to sell apple pie..

  30. - The State of Illinois - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 11:33 am:

    A fight to the death on our dime!

  31. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 11:54 am:

    The TRUNK of the tree is rotton. The apples on the tree know nothing better.

    The goal of 19,000 ads before tomorrow is a good goal to reach. However, Levin’s song tomorrow will trump those 19,000 ads. No doubt about it, this thing is going to turn around BIG TIME after the $hit hits the press.

  32. - Angie - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 12:29 pm:

    Logic 101 (for those who are utterly devoid of logic): Had JBT been involved in any wrongdoing, she would most likely have been put under a microscope. Instead, she came out unscathed.

    Rod’s current administration, however, has the feds crawling all over it. You supporters had better pray he’s taken acting classes and can really pull off the clueless, I-Didn’t-Know bit. If he didn’t know anything, then at the very least, he looks to have been seriously asleep at the switch. And he apparently claimed that he didn’t know (imagine that!) that Sister Claudette was a top aide to the Nation of Islam’s Minister bigot when Rod appointed her to his panel on hate crimes. Yes, a top aide to a man who went on a global hate tour to visit with the dictators of the world that he enjoyed cavorting with. Didn’t know, he says!

    Clueless or crook? Clueless or crook? Mmmm. May I vote BOTH (my opinion, of course, and not to be construed as a factual assertion, as I realize this guy is lawyered up big time)?

  33. - Bill - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 12:32 pm:

    AA, Little e,
    I have a feeling that you and many others are going to be very disappointed tommorrow and even more disappointed on Nov.8..
    Judy’s picture on yesterday’s thread tells it all.
    This was a very productive election season, however, if we get rid of Birkett (who I hope is not a safe incumbent) and Raucshy.
    Say goodbye boys!

  34. - Bill - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 12:35 pm:

    Every time you post you get out the vote for Rod (and Todd) in my community. Keep up the good work.

  35. - Walking Wounded - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 12:39 pm:

    Whoa, Angie,
    Sounds like Bill lives in a very disturbing neighborhood. Wonder what the color of the sky is there and what flavor koolaid is served?

  36. - Tessa - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 12:39 pm:

    “But if we reelect this man and his gang, we will only be able to say that “The fault, Horatio, lies not in our stars but in ourselves. …””

    Amen to that.

    I can’t believe that Blago seriously expects everyone to believe he knows nothing about what has been going on around him and that he didn’t have a clue that people working under him were involved in wrong doing. Hello? You’re the Governor. Before that, you were running a campaign for that office. Didn’t anything go through you for that? Every hire, since you took office, goes through you, through your office. You supposedly know about everything that takes place under your watch as Governor. You can’t expect the citizens of this state to be so gullible as to think you have nothing to do with the wrongdoing that’s taken place and that you are untouched by the investigations going on or the people that have been arrested.

    This is the kind of stuff that drives a relatively sane person like me just nuts. The fault of re-electing Blago won’t lie with me because I won’t be voting for him. I don’t trust him.

  37. - Poor Milorad - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 12:49 pm:

    Bill you really crack me up. You must be one of the best politcal comedians out there because I know you can’t really believe what you post on here.

  38. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 1:32 pm:

    Bill, I can’t predict what will happen on the 7th, but I know I won’t be disappointed tomorrow.

    Your guy may win, but it will be a Pyrrhic victory. Every day will be torturous, waiting for the day when they finally come to take him away.

  39. - Hilarious - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 1:39 pm:

    The defenders of Blah Blah are hysterical. Where does he find these people. Keep it up! thanks. I needed some comic relief today. Can’t wait to see how you’r going to spin tomorrow’s Nuclear Blast!!!!………….KABOOM! Bye bye Elvis!

  40. - Peachy - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 1:49 pm:

    Hey Bubs, the people of Illinois aren’t as bad or stupid as you imply. Afterall, they keep rejecting you don’t they? People know a phony when they see one.

  41. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 1:59 pm:

    Bill, I really won’t be disappointed on November 7 because either way, I win. Either JBT gets in or it will sometime during the next 4 years be Quinn. Instead of campaign money, your boy Elvis is going to need a truck load of TUMS and Xanax to get him through what lies ahead. It isn’t going to be pretty. It’s not supposed to be. Fitzgerald has Elvis’ testiculars in a vice and is slowly squeezing the life out of them. The vice tightens just a bit each and every day. The analogy of the frog in a pot of cold water with the heat turned on seems quite appropos right now. Your boy Elvis is too blasted stupid to realize just how tight that vice is going to get but my prediction is that it will not only tighten around him but will also reach First Lady as well. It will be quite an enjoyable next 4 years for me either way. Elvis MAY get back in but it sure won’t be with my vote. I don’t support losers. You can call JBT a loser if she doesn’t win the election, and if you do, then your definition of a loser and mine are vastly different. Be careful what you ask for Bill. You just may get it.

  42. - Citizen A - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 2:13 pm:

    Seems the governor was so unaware of what was/is going on that the office was at best vacuous at worst essentially VACANT. He should refund his salary as unearned income. Fitz will probably add that in to his (Blago’s) fines and his 8to10 or 10to20 year prison time. Rod is not only a CROOK but a …a … a.. oh what’s the word - oh yes a yet to be indicted co-conspirator. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, Fitz ! Keep up the good work ! My best to Collins too.

  43. - Bill - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 2:37 pm:

    Good point!

  44. - Buck Flagojevich - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 3:07 pm:

    Walking Wounded -

    I think Bill lives in the same neighborhood as Pee-Wee Herman and Mr. Rogers.

    Oh it’s a wonderful day to be supporting POA, a vacuous candidate in every way. It’s time put our sneakers on kids.

    Today’s secret word is “indictment”.

  45. - Walking Wounded - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 3:12 pm:

    LOL, Buck….another tip, too, tomorrow’s secret word will be “RICO”.

  46. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 3:24 pm:

    Right on, Little Egypt.

  47. - Citizen A - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 3:59 pm:

    Okay I am confused - is it Public Official A or Rico Blagojevich ? Or both. Fitz, Pat help me/us out tomorrow please. Thanks !

  48. - Bubs - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 4:34 pm:

    Hey Peachy, I could be as phony as a three dollar bill, but I still won’t:

    A. need a criminal defense attorney;

    B. have to address multiple investigations of me by teams of FBI and AUSAs after my butt;

    C. need to expend $700,000 in legal fees;

    D. require amnesia on why I received a check from a job seeker’s husband;

    E. have to visit close political advisors at their home, since they are in ankle bracelet confinement while on bail;

    F. get described as “Public Official A” in criminal plea agreements; and

    G. need to worry about what winters are like down at the federal prison farm in Terre Haute.

    On the whole, I’ll take phony!

  49. - Angie - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 4:46 pm:

    To Walking Wounded, re: “Whoa, Angie,
    Sounds like Bill lives in a very disturbing neighborhood. Wonder what the color of the sky is there and what flavor koolaid is served?”

    I do have a way of ticking off people who cannot argue, so when they get all ruffled in the feathers, I just take it as a compliment. : )

    Give the redhead a shot at reform. If that doesn’t work, we riot (just kidding!!).

  50. - Bill - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 4:56 pm:

    I’m not ruffled. By the way you forgot to mention Sister Muhammed.

  51. - Rex - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 5:07 pm:

    Buck Flagojevich - 3:07

    Bwhahahahahaha - Pee Wee Herman - Bwhahahahaha - great post. Bill probably doesn’t get it….

  52. - One_Mcmad - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 6:19 pm:

    - chinman - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 8:36 am:

    the sound you heard last night was the door being locked. i told you to go back to new york and i meant it. you will now be involved and you street cred destroyed. “looks like now yous can’t leave”


  53. - Cassandra - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 6:41 pm:

    Unless the information released by the feds tomorrow points straight at Blago, I think he’s right in saying it won’t bring about a loss on November 7.

    Most people are vaguely aware that Levine has both Republican and Democratic connections and all the talk about airplane trips and investment banking fees is confusing to most people.

    On to the next term. Should be exciting.

  54. - Citizen A - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 7:32 pm:

    You are right. The next gubernatorial term with Judy Baar Topinka as the Incumbent will be exciting, productive, and progressive! Well said.

  55. - Citizen A - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 8:14 pm:

    Fitz needs to be sure to collect all the usual suspects’ passports - Retzko (done), Levine, Cari Tusk, Kelly, and last but not least Blago - probably Pattie’s too - and others. Then he’ll be holding all the cards.

  56. - oxymoron - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 9:16 pm:

    What could be so damaging that would come out before 11/7 significant enough to turn the tide? Go JBT.

  57. - Martha Mitchell - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 9:26 pm:

    I bet the whole team at Blago central are chugging Pepto, Xanax and wearing Depends tonight. Kind of like a night before you undergo surgery.

  58. - Citizen A - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 9:27 pm:

    Levine spilling his guts on top of Cari’s GUILTY plea and of course tomorrows Levine GUILTY plea.

  59. - Anti-Bill - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 9:38 pm:

    Re: Bill - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 8:53 am:

    And I wish the Demorats wouldn’t allow their pets on this board.

  60. - Citizen A - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 10:37 pm:

    Good ole Bill - he’s got his ballot boxes all stuffed with paper ballots and ready to take to Cook County Election Central - he doesn’t realize it’s electronic now and we have the Diebold passwords. That is, if he gets out of Rehab in time.

  61. - Citizen A - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 10:59 pm:

    The following is from a DOC employee and why we MUST get rid of this governor.

    We asked why rapist roamed free; DOC won’t tell us
    No respect.
    That sums up the Illinois Department of Correction’s arrogant attitude toward the hardworking people who are forced to pay taxes to keep our state’s prison system running.

    That unfortunate conclusion has become obvious the past few months as our reporters have tried to pry enough information out of the Illinois DOC to piece together the terrible happenings at the Dixon Correctional Center May 12. That’s the day an inmate with multiple rape convictions - who had free run of at least part of the prison - allegedly raped a female prison worker at knifepoint.

    We steadfastly believe it is a reasonable expectation that the DOC be willing to explain why the inmate, John Spires, was allowed to roam freely with limited supervision. The citizens of Illinois, and especially those who work at the Dixon prison, deserve to understand the DOC’s decision-making process when granting a prisoner such privileges. The DOC, however, disagrees.

    We also believe it is reasonable that the DOC release information detailing the staffing levels at the prison when the incident occurred. Again, the DOC doesn’t think so.

    In late August we made a formal request under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act to DOC Director Roger Walker Jr. asking for records that would shed light on these important questions. Walker and the DOC thumbed their nose at the public’s legal and moral right to this information by flatly denying the request a few weeks later.

    We sincerely hope Walker will reconsider. We hope he and his team of tax-supported bureaucrats realize they owe a measure of respect to the taxpaying public that keeps them in money. The DOC’s total lack of accountability exemplifies the kind of tyranny that undermines the public’s confidence in government.

    Taxpayers pay for the prison system. Taxpayers pay the salaries of those who made these decisions and created these records. Taxpayers pay to house these records, and they pay the salaries of the bureaucrats who are denying them.

    We understand what’s wrong with this picture, and we refuse to go away quietly. That is why we are now publicly urging Walker and the DOC to do the right thing. Show taxpayers some respect!

    We understand and respect our commitment to our readers, and we will not give up easily.

  62. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 11:09 pm:

    WGN-TV reported this evening that Levine’s plea agreement would be accompanied tomorrow by unspecified “additional indictments.”
    No further details were provided.

    Everyone get a good night’s sleep, now. AA will.

  63. - Citizen A - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 11:18 pm:

    “Additional Indictments” How sweet. Go Fitz go!!! Get the crooks - whatever side of the political spectrum they appear to be! Damn! Fitz is our contemporary Eliot Ness. Sleep tight Rod !!

  64. - M Green Party - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 11:35 pm:

    Unfortunately, we don’t have any worthwhile candidate for Governor. Both ToStinka and Blago are crooked. Blago has ideas. Unfortunately they are all bad and involve borrowing money (continuing a long Illinois tradition of raiding pensions by Dems and Repubs both) or selling assets to pay current bills. ToStinka can’t formulate any plans. This election should have been a slam dunk for a Republican Governor but look at the campaign ToStinka has run. A vote for either Elvis or ToStinka is a hold your nose or waisted vote. To me you either don’t vote for Gov/Lt Gov this election or you vote Green Party. A year old scandal has not put ToStinka ahead in the polls and tomorrow will make no difference. Prediction: Blago wins by 5% Nov. 7 and Whitney gets at least 10%. Result: Illinois loses until the Dems or Repubs give us someone to be proud of instead of the lesser of two evils.

  65. - Citizen A - Thursday, Oct 26, 06 @ 11:45 pm:

    So then Whitney, your alternative “Green” candidate loses, right ? Will you democrats never learn ? Your deceit is way too transparent. Topinka wins in a landslide ! End of story and goodbye to blagovich!!!!!

  66. - Angie - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 1:13 am:

    Re: Anti-Bill

    “And I wish the Demorats wouldn’t allow their pets on this board.”

    Hey now. Remember that the Left has become the party of censorship lately. Political Correctness. Sensitivity Training. Respect for lawbreakers who broke into this great nation illegally and now demand a fast-track to legal citizenship. Thought Reform in the universities. Shouting speakers they don’t like down. Throwing pies. Disinviting speakers they don’t like. The Heckler’s Veto.

    Don’t be like them. Let ‘em spout off all they want. We’re BETTER than that. Long live the 1st Amendment, even if we have to listen to Bill’s drivel.

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