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Dan Rutherford’s new TV ad

Friday, Oct 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

There might be some controversy with this ad. We’ll see how it plays out.


  1. - anon - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 11:37 am:

    Love this guy! Go Dan!

  2. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 11:39 am:

    “Talk about ‘Who’s yo daddy?’”

    Yeah, there’s going to be some controversy. That’s what happens when a bigot makes racist comments in his ads.

    Is he trying to help turn-out for Todd Stroger, or what?

  3. - NewLeadershipPlease - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 11:44 am:

    That was weak?! All Dan has on his resume is the opportunity he had to go to Washington with Ronald Reagan–he didn’t, and now he is stuck in a small town trying to disrupt what legacy Jesse has built. My opinion, the ad sucked!

  4. - FDR's Ghost - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 11:50 am:

    Desperate and pathetic. I’m sure the race-baiting was just a natural instinct, but did they focus group the part that insults senior citizens?

    Ken Mehlman would be proud.

  5. - Anon - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 11:51 am:

    The ad was pretty “on target” in this climate until he talked about JW’s age. Don’t think the AARP will ever forget this stunt. Rutherford is toast and this type of thing won’t be forgotten soon. Sorry Dan, stupid idea to take a shot at his age.

  6. - Bill - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 11:52 am:

    I hope they run the ad in Cook County. It will be a tremendous help to GOTV…Todd, Rod, and Jesse…leaders you can count on to keep guys like Rutherford in his place.

  7. - Citizen A - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 11:54 am:

    Darn GOOD ad. Straight to the point. I don’t think JW is crooked but I do agree he has become tired. Time for him to end an exemplary career. My vote’s for Dan, a good man to take it from here.

  8. - aidanquinn - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:02 pm:

    Stop at nothing to win at all costs. One reason why voters are so turned off. Can’t say a dem wouldn’t do these types of ads but…

    To take a swing at Jesse’s age, and a remark that smacks of racism, I seriously doubt a dem would have ran this ad that may really disturb seniors and minorities. I am neither and it offends me.

    IMO this is the face of todays Republican party, the Carl Rove “nothings off limits”. Attacking Mike Smith about his acknowledged weight problem is another example. I am not saying they are all “over the top” but it seems to be a common style turned to once to often.

    What is ironic to me is how the dems could use personal attack ads, employing innuendo based on rumors and speculation, in this race and one other, but to this point have not and I don’t believe they ever will.

  9. - LakeILGOP - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:03 pm:

    Dan was the keynote speaker at the Lake County Republican Federation Fall Dinner last night. He wowed the entire crowd and got a standing ovation. He’s got a huge mountain to climb in battling Jesse White, but Dan is definitely one of the few rising stars for the state GOP. If Jesse hangs on, look for Dan v. Lisa in 2010.

  10. - Levois - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:07 pm:

    Isn’t this a little late in the game to compete against a favored incumbent. The ad had some good points though, however, I can see how taking a knock at his age may be considered offensive. Then again the age at which you serve in public office should be something of an issue.

  11. - NW burbs - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:09 pm:

    Dumb. Just dumb.

    They forgot to add black to Jesse’s eyes to make him look even more sinister. That’s the current GOP strategy for winning elections, doncha know — pull the racism card from out of your sleeve.

  12. - NW burbs - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:10 pm:

    Levois wrote - Then again the age at which you serve in public office should be something of an issue.

    Levois, don’t hold Rutherford’s youth and inexperience against him. Maybe you should let Reagan’s fans know about your concern regarding the age of elected officials.

  13. - RAI - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:14 pm:

    Yellow Dog
    You Democrats are like the boy who cried wolf! Your a bigot if you bring up a black guy hiring his relatives. Your a bigot if your against illegal immigration. Your a bigot if your against homosexual marriage. Your a bigot if you want to cut government spending. Your a bigot if you want the national language to be english. You guys never answer the charge or offer answers you just call people names. It is getting old

  14. - leigh - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:17 pm:

    How is the ad racist? I don’t get that complaint.

  15. - Common Sense in Illinois - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:18 pm:

    This one may come back to haunt Rutherford. Let the facts speak for themselves and don’t be too cute and try to add entertainment value to a political spot. Seems to me Dan was trying to hit hard and soft at the same time.

  16. - aidanquinn - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:20 pm:

    I sure hope Lisa runs in 2010 and really, really hope her opponent is Rutherford.

  17. - aidanquinn - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:25 pm:

    “Talk about whose your Daddy”. I am not African American but I believe I know how they will perceive that remark.

    Keep smilin Dan, keep smilin when filming these types of ads. Your smiles and smirks help the electorate understand how you really feel.

  18. - Fan of the Game - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:26 pm:

    I see nothing bigoted or racist in the ad. The “Who’s your daddy?” statement? Am I missing something?

    The age mention is a bit cheap but not egregious.

  19. - not a tumbler - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:29 pm:

    Go Dan, this ad is very professional, Dan could have hit Jesse White harder but mud slinging is not his way, Dan is very professional in what he does and the people he places around him, White has had the office for 8 years, still filled with problems and investigations, morale is at the lowest point ever, staff is sick of the day to day lack of leadership and the 300% increase Jesse gave his daughter, Jesse only shows up at a facility when it’s election time, when a crisis breaks he always has some other hired mouth speak for him. Jesse is asleep at the wheel and Dan can wake up and clean up the office,
    GO DAN !

  20. - Tom Suffredin - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:29 pm:

    YDD 11:39

    I have to disagree with your assertion that Senator Rutherford is a bigot based on this ad. Maybe you are talking about something else that I don’t know about. If so, back it up.
    Your pull quote is misleading. The ‘R’ in ‘your’ was clearly pronounced. I support Jesse White, and I am not trying to pick a fight with you but I think that EVERYBODY (including all of us) should be called out when they unfairly pull the race card in either direction. It is just too divisive and is often a red herring.
    The term “Who’s your daddy?” is part of the vernacular for better or worse.
    I will say that the Senator probably should have consulted with ANY weatherman in ANY market over 5,000 people about how to act in front of a green screen. A lot of misdirected pointing going on.

  21. - aidanquinn - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:31 pm:

    I guess some of you may be correct, really nothing wrong with this ad, so I hope he runs more ads similar but with “tougher” dialogue.

  22. - Wumpus the Free - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:32 pm:

    Who’s yer daddy is a common pop culture phrase. If people are going to all sensitive about it, that is more offending than any comercial.

    As for age, that was 1/2 of Bean’s campaign against Crane 2 years ago.

  23. - Tom - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:35 pm:

    just the simple fact that some may interpet it as racist is reason enough for Rutherford to pull it. I can’t imagine he has enough points behind it to make a dent.

  24. - HoosierDaddy - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:37 pm:

    I personally didn’t see anything wrong with the ‘daddy’ remark, ;-) and I’m a little tired of the race card being pulled at the slightest provocation, or lack thereof. It’s like the boy who cried ‘Wolf! ‘ and it is already diminishing the credibility of complaints about real racism.

    As for the ‘age’ comment, that was totally uncalled-for and added nothing to the ad. Probably p*ed off a few seniors is all. 72 isn’t that old anymore. McCain will be that old in ‘08. Reagan was 73 in ‘84.

  25. - aidanquinn - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:43 pm:

    Rich are you watching?

  26. - Ellinoyed - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:44 pm:

    Who’s your daddy is a common pop culture phrase, now implying authority over someone (ask Pedro Martinez) but it came about as a reference to someone of dubious partentage. So, yeah. It’s not racist in the least.

  27. - aidanquinn - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:47 pm:

    I guess you are, thanks.

  28. - HoosierDaddy - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:51 pm:

    So now we censor our speech based on how somebody else “may” interpret it? How PC is that?

  29. - Anon... - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:52 pm:

    I think we’re all going a little overboard about “who’s your daddy”. Let’s talk about the fact that Rutherford has no track record on reforming government. And we don’t need this ad to tell us his thoughts on African-Americans…just look at his voting record.

  30. - Come on, let's get real! - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 12:54 pm:

    “dubious partentage”
    “Talk about whose your Daddy”. I am not African American but I believe I know how they will perceive that remark.
    Is he trying to help turn-out for Todd Stroger, or what?

    So black people only vote when they’re angry about white people. They all think alike. They just keep reproducing, I can’t even tell who’s who.

    Rich, is this Tennessee Capitol Fax?

    It’s okay though, because some of my best friends are, you know, and I watched Showtime at The Apollo once….

    Racism masquerading as political insight is sooo weak and beneath everyone here.

  31. - Up North - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 1:02 pm:

    Really stupid to use the “Who’s your daddy line.” Maybe these white suburban republicans don’t know what the taunt means.

    It’s a shame because his main point is really compelling. People HATE nepotism, particularly on the scale practiced by White.

  32. - Ghost - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 1:08 pm:

    I disagree with the underlying premise, that a family member should be excluded from any job at your work place regardles of skills or abilites. Does Arnold know his fellow republicans are against his wife working with him? Is Jesse daughter qualified and doing a good job? If so I trust a man who wants to keeps his faily as close as possible over a man who is so disinterested in his family that he wants to avoid seeing them at his job (where we spend most of our lives)….So what exactly did Jesse fail to do with the 4 employees? Thousands of employees and some are dishonest, happens in every large employer, but tell me what Jesse failed to do? Mostly this add screams desperation. If the worst thing you can say about Jesse is that 4 dishonest employees worked amongst the thousands of SoS employees, and at 72 he likes to have his daughter employed with him, I am pursuaded he is the man for the job.

  33. - DuPageDandy - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 1:10 pm:

    Sen. Rutehrford(R-Downers Grove) is not a racist, just another dumb suburbanite. He should have run for treasurer against the Greek kid. He wold have womped and won and been the future of the GOP. Instead he get shellacked and be forgotten until TIm Johnson leaves Congress. What was he thinking?

  34. - moderate - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 1:13 pm:

    who’s your daddy is a racist comment? Since when is does that have to do with race? The add was right on target except for the age thing. That and I’m sure Dan won’t really do anything about the corruption that goes on in the Secretary of States office either.

  35. - Justice - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 1:14 pm:

    Actually a pretty good ad. Uses a common phrase known by everyone, nepotism, and hits on it in a way everyone understands. Nice slam with the “old and lazy” comment. Not every older person is lazy or content with the way things are, but he makes it appear that this “one” is. And bag the race comments…they are weak and overused. Save them for real race baiting like brother Jessee does. If any of this offends you get used to being offended the rest of your life. It isn’t going to go away.

  36. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 1:17 pm:


    A slang term meaning “I control you”, which is often used in prison and by members of the underworld. The expression, which can be traced back to the mid 1800’s, has two sets of connotations: “I am looking after you” or “you are defenseless”. The former usage may be derived from the term “sugar daddy,” and often has sexually suggestive undertones; the latter usage may allude to parental dominance and authority.

    Today, the expression “who’s your daddy” is commonly used as an assertion of domination or sexual control in return for payment or protection. It is also sometimes used literally, as an insult questioning a person’s parentage.

    So, whether Rutherford is insinuating that Jesse White is a gangbanger, sugar daddy, making sexual references toward Jesse White’s daughter, or questioning her parentage, it doesn’t matter.

    George Ryan was convicted of shoveling “money for nothing” into his kids pockets, and we didn’t hear Dan Rutherford say boo about it, let alone “Who’s yer Daddy?” Why? Because George Ryan is white and Jesse White is black.

    If you don’t think the ad is racist and sexist, picture George Ryan’s face up there along side his son-in-law’s, with Dan Rutherford saying “Who’s yer Daddy.” Tell me it strikes the same note.

    And yes, attacking Jesse White for his age was moronic. When a virtual unknown personally attacks a popular incumbent, a public backlash is guaranteed. This was a desperate Hail Mary from Dan Rutherford, who has been the generous beneficiary of Democratic kindness toward his own personal life. That may soon be coming to an end.

  37. - Anon... - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 1:20 pm:

    Um, Rutherford is from CHENOA, about 20 miles north of Bloomington, not Downers Grove.
    I don’t know if you need a geography lesson or a 2006 copy of the IL political atlas.
    I’m not voting for him, I just think people should get they’re facts right. He’s a dumb downstater, not a dumb suburbanite.

  38. - Goodbye Napoleon - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 1:29 pm:

    It started off as a very good ad, it may have even been effective if he didn’t throw Jesse’s age in there as a criticism. He should have said “after XX years in government” instead of “at age 72″. Wow, what a colossal blunder. I haven’t seen him do anything this stupid since he congratulated me on my election as a Republican Precinct Committeeman.

    I wonder what percentage of voters who actually show up at the polls (and GOP primary voters) are age 72 and above . . .what a bad thing for him to do.

    GN (not a Republican Precinct Committeeman BTW)

  39. - aidanquinn - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 1:33 pm:


  40. - Rich Miller - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 1:34 pm:

    If you want to be banned for life, just cross the line into rumor territory. I just did that to one person. Anyone want to be next?

  41. - Political insider - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 1:34 pm:

    How old was Ronald Reagan when Dan worked for him? Considering he was 72 on his first day in office as leader of the free world it seems a bit hypocritical for Rutherford to making an issue of Jesse White’s age… No new ideas at that age? Anyone hear of the Reagan Revolution?

  42. - Wumpus the Free - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 1:35 pm:

    Wow Colodem, is that you Jack Roesser? Does that matter in the Secretary of States race? Yeah, a VP of Servicemaster got that level by being dumb. I met him, he was nice as can be, came across as a genuine guy, not a racist.

  43. - aidanquinn - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 1:36 pm:

    I knew that was going to leave a mark.

  44. - JakeCP - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 1:38 pm:

    As an african-american I do not find this at all racist. ALso I want to say Go Dan GO!

  45. - Crow - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 1:48 pm:

    What a shame that a good guy like Dan Rutherford fell into the slime pit of republican advertising. Those who think “who’s your daddy” is amusing street talk should attempt to overcome their supidity. And to insult another potential constituency by suggesting that reaching age 72 means you’re too old to function…oh well. Dan, you could have continued being perceived as one of the few decent candidates in 2006. Instead, this commercial adds you to that insider clique of desperate, “say anything,” repub scum.

  46. - PCMike - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 1:59 pm:

    Good ad. Hits the independent voter in the head with whats been going on behind the scenes in the office. GO DAN GO!!!

  47. - Little Egypt - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 2:05 pm:

    HoosierDaddy - YOU BET we cencor our speech based on how someone else “may” interpret it. Yes it is very PC. However, that’s what this world has come to. What I want to know is I thought Dan made a comittment not to go negative on Jesse and vice versa. So now that Dan has taken the gloves off, do we expect Jesse to sit back and just take it? I DON’T THINK SO. And saying at age 72, Jesse is tired…. Well that won’t play in Peoria or anywhere else in this state with our “baby booming” population. I should be so lucky as to have the physical agility and mental capacity at age 72 of Jesse White. I don’t have it now at my age and I’m way younger than 72. Dan willingly gave up his position to run against Jesse. He knew it was going to be at the very least an uphill battle. If you want to play the “age” card, Dann-O, you need a lot more experience to run with the big dogs.

  48. - paddyrollingstone - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 2:17 pm:

    My lord, this is an awful idea. Dan knows, Rich knows, we all know that it is impossible for Dan R to win this race. So, if he is going down to defeat, which he surely is, at least go down with grace. If he does that, he leaves himself as a legitimate contender for this or some other office someday. But this just looks bad and it does not help him at all. Gross error in judgment.

  49. - IlRino - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 2:28 pm:

    This ad will propel Dan’s vote totals into the upper 30 percent range. Which is probably ten points more than Stew Umholtz can expect

  50. - doubtful - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 2:48 pm:

    “So now we censor our speech based on how somebody else “may” interpret it? How PC is that?” - Hoosier Daddy

    I guess one might if they were trying to convince people to vote for them, but maybe that’s just me.

  51. - Lovie's Leather - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 3:01 pm:

    Rutherford is right… and there is nothing in the ad to make a huge stink over… in my opinion. But I am not some whiny Chicagoan. So, I am sure there is much whining yet to come….

  52. - annon. in central illinois - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 3:15 pm:

    Come on folks…..facts are facts & it’s laid out , raw perhaps & the way it is. It’s nothing different than was outlined in numerous newspaper articles. Like it or not & despite what is said that JW is a great guy, the SOS is troubled, under investigations, indictments have emerged & convictions. And that’s in only one or two areas of one of the largest agencies of gov’t. There are questionable dealings by those under JW & it’s out of control. Jesse has has a very long run in public life. But, he appears that he’s not on the pulse of what’s going on in his ranks, divisions & ulitmately the responsibility is his.

  53. - Jaded - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 3:50 pm:

    YDD, you are wrong. The fact that Rutherford failed to use the “Who’s your Daddy” comment with George Ryan had nothing to do with race and everything to do with friendship. If you want to pin his friendship with GHR on him, then do that, but his failure to whack Ryan had nothing to do with race.

    I personally think the age thing was a bigger faux pas. Seniors vote and like to think they are still productive citizens. I don’t think the age crack will play well with them.

    Otherwise I think the nepotism issue resonates with people, and Rutherford had to go negative if he wants to even have the slightest chance in this race (which I personally don’t think he does).

  54. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 3:52 pm:

    Anybody want to put money on Dan’s chances of winning?

    It’s one thing to decide that you’re not going down without a fight.

    It’s another to wait to start fighting until your ship is already sunk, and then start taking pot shots below the belt.

    Aside from the crude racial epithet and ageism, it isn’t a very good ad, trying to crame way too many allegations into a single spot. It reaks of desperation and frustration, but Rutherford has no one to blame but himself for his campaign’s miserable failure. If he really wanted to win, he should’ve spent the last 10 months doing something besides touring GOP Rubber Chicken Dinners.

  55. - Walking Wounded - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 4:03 pm:

    Gee, I leave for the afternoon, and when I come back, all h*ll’s cut loose. Personally, I don’t see the “race” thing in this commercial. I took “Who’s your daddy” as a remark that Jesse takes care of his own. If anyone read the SJ-R’s endorsement, even they pointed out that White “is not all that engaged with his current job”. From what I’ve seen, Rutherford has proposed a number of ideas to make the Secretary of State’s office much more efficient. White’s spokesman continually downplays these ideas, saying they can’t be done. Everyone try to forget who the D or R is in this matter…what should matter is getting someone elected who can do the job efficiently.
    Rich, I hope you let me keep this posted. If I say anything out of line, please let me know…I’m doing my best not to be snarky.

  56. - Patricia - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 4:08 pm:

    I have a comment regarding the RNCC anti-immigration ads airing against Duckworth.

    As an Hispanic, I can assure the RNCC that it is losing a generation of Hispanic voters. McCain is considered a hero in the Hispanic community, and by denouncing the McCain-Kennedy immigration bill, which DOESN’T provide for an amnesty, the GOP is ensuring its LT demise.

    Roskam may beat Duckworth in this race, due to the ads (and I’m not even certain of that, as affluent Americans, of ANY race, embrace immigrants, undocumented and otherwise, in numbers FAR greater than middle- and lower-income Americans), but the GOP will continue to lose Hispanic support.

    And please note that Univision and Telemundo have featured the GOP’s anti-Hispanic ads in their national evening newscasts.

  57. - MAC - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 4:13 pm:

    It was also reported that White’s step-grandson has been on the SoS payroll since November of 2002 making over $40,000. His nephew, George White, and three nieces are also on the Jesse White payroll making as much as $63,500 each.

    It was also revealed that White’s Chief of Staff, Tom Benigno, hired his own wife on a no-bid contact, circumventing state hiring procedures, to be an 18-month part-time secretary. In addition, the new biography out about Jesse White was written voluntarily by Rick Davis. It has now been exposed that Davis is a no-bid $73,000-a-year contractual employee of White.

  58. - Bridget Dooley - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 5:25 pm:

    I agree with most everyone else that it was in fantastically bad judgement to use the “daddy” phrase and for him to even go there with the age bit. Bad, bad, bad.

    Most Democrats I know don’t think badly of Rutherford, but this might change that.

    What was he thinking running against Jesse, anyway? He should have at least formed a tumbling team first.

  59. - T.J. - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 5:34 pm:

    I had to read through all the comments to figure out what the heck was “racist.”

  60. - tough guy - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 6:36 pm:

    Wow! Danny must be wanting to tank his 2010 campaign early.

  61. - Roby - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 6:52 pm:

    Jesse White has a ton of corruption.
    There is a lot of hypocricy on this.

    That being said Jesse White cannot be beat and Rutherford will be beat bad.

    Rich Miller will delete anything real bad on Jesse White even if true, and the media doesn’t want to go into this, and when they rarely do people don’t care and he is like teflon.

    Jesse White can smile, have his tumblers do some flips and talk in some platitudes.

  62. - Bridget Dooley - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 7:10 pm:

    “Jesse White has a ton of corruption”

    Really? Where does one keep a ton of corruption? In the garage?

    I thought the speculative rumors that Rich was referring to were about Rutherford. Now I feel totally left out!

  63. - majiangel - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 7:39 pm:

    Go Dan Go!!!!!

  64. - Wumpus the frizee - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 7:49 pm:

    Anyone who sees racism in this ad is a moron and an idiot to the nth degree. I am sorry, the age thing is unneccessary, but harmless and the whose your daddy is as inoffensive as it gets to a rational person. YDD, you are grasping on this one.

  65. - Ace in the hole - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 7:51 pm:

    When some Jesse fans can’t find a good excuse for his blatent nepotism, they bring up the racial subject. I don’t care if Jesse White is purple polka dotted, he is guilty of nepotism and that’s a fact he can’t hide.

  66. - Rich Miller - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 8:15 pm:

    I’m not gonna defend Jesse White, Ace, but were you aware that his daughter worked for SoS before he was elected?

  67. - Gigi - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 8:42 pm:

    Gee, I can’t see one original thought on this whole blog. Just the same ‘ol same ‘ol about the race card and age. I am a 78 year old senior and you can bet Dan has my vote. And if you think it’s a done deal, just wait until Nov.7th!

  68. - Anon - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 9:29 pm:

    Rich, were the other 17 relatives hired by George Ryan too?

  69. - Rex - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 9:41 pm:

    Great add. Dan says it like it is. No puffery. I like Jesse, but his age is creeping up on him. What is the life expectancy for a man? Retire already. Jesse isn’t the one running the secretary of state’s office. Jesse is just a prop.

  70. - Nick - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 10:11 pm:

    Danny boy is the only taking pot shots at SOS White’s age. The Green Party candidates name on the ballot is Karen “YOUNG” Peterson. Generally if its both names you will see a hyphen…Just wondering what her deal is…

    GO JESSE!!!

  71. - Walking Wounded - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 10:21 pm:

    If you will: please find any front line employee at the SOS office and ask if things have changed for the better since Jesse took office. If they are honest, you will find out that corruption still permeates through the office, Dirksen facility, Howelett, bldg, etc. Those who have made complaints have been met with scrutiny and bias. I speak as a 22plus year employee who has seen more corruption than I want to admit to. The inmates are surely running the asylum under White. A vote for White is another vote for business as usual.

  72. - Dan Fan - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 12:57 am:

    After all the ads out in today…the demo’s and JW fans come out in full force to defend JW. Over a “who’s your daddy comment”, Referring to “JW’s age”, Jessie was good for the demo’s 8 years ago…he doesn’t run the SOS and everyone knows it. I thought that the ad was, as Dan always is, up beat and to the point. Grow up people!

  73. - Sage - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 3:47 am:

    Rutherford is smart in using a “memorable” line to get at White’s political jugular. It’s fair, based on facts, relevant, and it will guide ordinary Illinoisans to the conclusion that all is not well in their Secretary of State’s Office.

    Rather than attack Rutherford by dismissing him as a racist, the writers here supporting JW should detail the facts about White’s record that they feel contradict Rutherford’s charges. Is it or is it not true that there are 18 relatives on the SOS payroll? Didn’t Jesse ignore warnings in the media about Cecil Turner’s character when he hired him? And what were Turner’s QUALIFICATIONS aside from being the Vice Chair of the Sangamon Dems? It’s corruption pure and simple and Rutherford is zeroing in on it. Jesse can’t tumble himself out of these facts.

    Most Illinoisans will come to the same conclusion–that except for her Daddy, White’s daughter’s supreme qualifications would not have been “discovered” by any other Secretary of State to justify her salary being tripled. That was simply done because her Daddy could do it and thought he was politically untouchable.

    Rutherford is like Harry Truman. He’s not giving White and the Dems hell, he’s just telling it like it is. Wait and see how this resonates.

  74. - annon. in central illinois - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 6:31 am:

    Yes it’s true that his daughter worked for GHR & probably GHR knowing JW said “Sure JW…we’ll help her out” & gave her a job within her qualification range & appropriately paid. Then who’s your daddyo gets elected & guess what …daughter over time get a 300% $$$ boost & sent to the upper eshelons. Does anyone remember the TV show “Arnie” ?? Arnie did his job, working in the plant till someone plucked him from his obscurity & made him a junior executive. I’m speeding this along …but a similar situation. Now I don’t know of many fathers who wouldn’t do anything for a child of theirs {even an ADULT child}but to promote from her level to upper mgmt & a 300% raise to boot…probably not unless you own the family business. THE SOS IS NOT A FAMILY BUSINESS !! It’s an elected office, the voters entrust someone to run & function within the guidelines.

  75. - tough guy - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 7:49 am:

    Maybe Dan should change his name to Dan Quixote as this guy has a better chance of beating a windmill than Jesse White.

  76. - Muletown - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 9:20 am:

    Jesse reminds me of an anchor. Dead Weight!!!!!! Time to put a hands on manager with incredible credentials to lead the Secretary of States Office out of its morass of nothingness. If you have had any dealings with the SOS you know a change is necessary if not mandatory.

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