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Fresh Levine thread

Friday, Oct 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Here’s something to consider…

Only in Illinois could a governor and his confederates claim that a guilty plea somehow exonerates him, even though the plea completely reinforces the notion that his administration was rife with corruption.


[Comments are now closed. Go here for an even fresher thread.]


  1. - Snark - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 7:49 pm:

    A guilty plea by a Republican operative that is only tangentially related to the Governor, a guy who gave over $1.5 million dollars to Republicans while less than $20 grand to democrats.

    Here’s a guy who spilled the beans and names a boatload of Republican insiders (Cellini, Vrdolyak, Kieferbaum, etc.) and one guy related to a democrat and somehow the press treats this as Blagojevich’s scandal.

    But when all the details come out, Blagojevich is nowhere to be found.

    As he claimed would happen all along.

  2. - M Green Party - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 7:55 pm:

    Here is my post to the Levine thread last night. What a snooze fest today’s plea was. Poor Judy. What’s she Stinking? Poor Elvis. Had Enough? “Unfortunately, we don’t have any worthwhile candidate for Governor. Both ToStinka and Blago are crooked. Blago has ideas. Unfortunately they are all bad and involve borrowing money (continuing a long Illinois tradition of raiding pensions by Dems and Repubs both) or selling assets to pay current bills. ToStinka can’t formulate any plans. This election should have been a slam dunk for a Republican Governor but look at the campaign ToStinka has run. A vote for either Elvis or ToStinka is a hold your nose or wasted vote. To me you either don’t vote for Gov/Lt Gov this election or you vote Green Party. A year old scandal has not put ToStinka ahead in the polls and tomorrow will make no difference. Prediction: Blago wins by 5% Nov. 7 and Whitney gets at least 10%. Result: Illinois loses until the Dems or Repubs give us someone to be proud of instead of the lesser of two evils.” When does Kjellander get linked in all these scams?

  3. - Squideshi - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 7:56 pm:

    Not only was his administration rife with corruption; but he ran as a corruption buster, so he has failed in accomplishing what he ran on! Plus, he’s extremely negligent, if after hearing several rumors, over the course of several years, and having Rezko’s name come up in another investigation, not to even look into the matter!

  4. - Cal Skinner - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 8:00 pm:

    MIke North was asked on WBEZ-FM:

    You say that an indictment is certain?

    Answer: Absolutely.

    I’ve seen North on WTTW’s Week in Review often. What’s his backgound besides being a sports reporter?

    I’ve heard that he was one of Governor Ogilvie’s young men, but have not had that verified.

  5. - DISGUSTING - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 8:23 pm:

    Silver Back Democrat posted this in a previous thread:(SilverBackDemocrat-Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 2:53 pm:)

    “So basically what this event means is, absolutly not a thing concerning Governor Blagojevich. Like I have been saying for a very long time. There is no there, there! People who have been wishing and hoping that the Governor was public official A for many, many months were WRONG! Quit Hating! Quit smearing and creating a fictitous reality to meet your own personal vendettas because you don’t like the Governor! Get over it…… Putting people first is how we Democrats get down. Vote Democrat.”

    This is what drives me nuts about you Blago people and most modern democrats, the DISHONESTY. The post above comes from a campaign that has smeared a public servant with a solid 25 year record based on the fact that she was George Ryan’s Treasurer. You Blago people know better; you know that the Treasurer is an independent office and has little to no say in the budgetary or legislative agenda of the Governor!! You also knew that Jim Ryan was not related to George,and that he had or should not have had any role in the FEDERAL investigation of George Ryan, but knowing that did not stop you from using hate and smear tactics to tarnish that highly respected and ethical public servant.
    But all of this hate is legitimate because it is directed at a Republican, right? This is what makes me sick about modern politics, dishonesty, and the Blagojevich administration is probably the most dishonest administration I have ever seen. How do Bill, SBD, and the mistresses of information sleep at night? DISGUSTED!!

    –By the way SBD, you all still sound exactly the same as the GRyan administration before their indictment. We’ve seen this movie before-apparently you haven’t!!

  6. - Peachy - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 8:26 pm:

    Shame on Jim Edgar for bringing the corrupt Stu Levine into government and then giving him high marks for his work. Like most of us, Blagojevich has obviously learned never to trust Jim Edgar again.

    Game over for Topinka.

  7. - Angie - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 8:26 pm:

    Wow. Just now checked into what happened earlier today. On another thread, someone posted that, “After nearly one year of the Topinka campaign attacking the Governor and distorting the facts, today’s plea agreement makes clear that Governor Blagojevich had absolutely no knowledge of any of the wrongdoing perpetrated by Stuart Levine, a long-time supporter and contributor to both Judy Baar Topinka and Joe Birkett.”

    Actually, it shows that Rod was asleep at the switch more than anything else. This looks worse for him since it was all happening under his watch, and Sheila Nix can’t manage to refute that little fact with her spin.

    But it certainly looks like Fast Eddie wasn’t fast enough! (laugh)

    Bravo to all of the lawyers who have thrown their legal educations completely down the drain and ended up in big big trouble. You are all a walking embarrassment to a profession that seems to attract two types of characters, those who care about justice (Pat Fitzgerald types) and those who just want to learn the technical legal stuff so they can best figure out how to try to work the system and hopefully not get caught when they do something corrupt. What a joke.

    Oh, and the Topinka campaign should really be running ads that read “Rod Blagojevich, Asleep at the Switch?”

    Because no matter how you answer it, it is bad, much like that legal question about whether someone still beats his wife. If Rod really didn’t know anything, then he was spending entirely too much time on his hair instead of paying attention, and if he did know something? Either way, this looks very bad for Rod, because most people aren’t really going for this I-appointed-so-and-so-in-the-spirit-of-bipartisanship yarn.

  8. - sad - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 8:28 pm:

    First time contribution here….been reading this great blog for months. I am encouraging others to show friends and relatives the Tribune Endorsement of Topinka. She just has to win. I voted to give Mr. Blagojevich a chance four years ago….I believed no more business as usual…thought Rod’s hand-shake was firm, a man of his word, while Jim Ryan’s was like a limp fish. So much for the hand-shake litmus test. Gotta run and scrub the Blagojevich off my hands now.

  9. - JakeCP - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 8:38 pm:

    People were saying lights out for Blago when Rezko was indicted but that doesn’tlook to be the case. Instead Topinka went down in the polls. Maybe everyone will get confused again? This is very bad ,but I am still behind Topinka. The Tribune is my favorite Newspaper.

  10. - State Worker B - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 8:40 pm:

    Ditto to comment made by sad above. I’ve never endured such a time in state government as I have in these last four years! Move over and let me wash the Blago off my hands…..and I thought I did my homework and made a solid vote 4 years ago! Now I’m voting for anyone but Blago. Too bad he wasn’t serious about reform, he had a chance to make changes, said he would and the Levine mess only proves either he was STUPID and did not have a clue or he was as dirty as Levine. I’m voting Topinka!

  11. - the ole precinct captain - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 8:45 pm:

    That’s all folks. Blagojevich wins. Try to run a real campaign next time and not wait for Peter Fitzgerald to win it for you with an indictment.

  12. - sad - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 8:59 pm:

    Hmmm…some Blagojevich supporters must think today was election day and they won….pity. I don’t think October 27th was even available for purchase as election day by Governor Blagojevich? Now, the drip, drip, drip of my e-mails telling everyone the Governor betrayed my trust. Excuse me, must go back and wash the Blagojevich off my hands again.

  13. - wndycty - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 9:10 pm:

    Considering that Judy’s strategy appears to based upon capitalizing on alleged corruption in the Blagojevich administration its clear that today was some sort of victory for Rod. I can’t blame Judy for wanting capitalize on it however she should have not put all of her eggs in that basket. As the commerical says “what is she thinking?”

  14. - Real Clear - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 9:12 pm:

    What was Topinka thinking to name Jim Edgar as the head of her fantasy transition team, right before Edgar’s original pick for that Board pleads guilty?

    Maybe now Jim Edgar will just take his enormous ego and go away. You’ve done enough damage Jimbo!

  15. - Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 9:20 pm:

    Regarding a gubernatorial victory on the 7th: be careful of what you wish for, because you just might get it. I would suspect Blago’s foes, on both sides of the aisle, will employ a strategy of “containment” (something that looks better each day as a strategy that should’ve been used in Iraq). With FBI agents and assistant US attorneys crawling all over Chicago and the rest of the state, it’ll be a real fun environment to be in.

    I know a high ranking Cook County official who is not too fond of the FBI agent who has set up shop across the hall. A scene which I am sure is being repeated in a few places, and will be in others.

  16. - Citizen A - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 10:29 pm:

    SEE I told ya so. CARDS ARE WORLD CHAMPIONS !!!!

  17. - politicaljunkie - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 10:38 pm:

    Did anyone read the plea? OK, they got Levine, but the most damning charges are against Individual A, whoever that may be.

  18. - Anon - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 10:51 pm:

    Why isn’t Blago’s campaign fund frozen as a
    “criminal entity” as was George Ryan’s? He wouldn’t have had these millions without the extortion.

  19. - Belle - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 11:02 pm:

    Well now that the Cards won I see the game is still being played here. Nobody here can be swayed but for some reason it goes on. Spin this: Blago has no choice but to deny, deny, deny. It’s what federal agents call ‘the last resort of the guilty’. Spin all you want because it really won’t matter, they don’t scare & they ain’t going away. Ask Falwell how much good the denials and spin did him and his boss. Illinois is a national joke. The Green party? M Green Party’s nasty comments show the true Green color - is that the same color as slime? Your candidate had some good comments on the environment. Why undermine him?

  20. - Scared - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 11:05 pm:

    I can’t believe how many people are acting like Stu Levine’s guilty pleading makes this governor look good! I feel like I fell down the rabbit hole. Everyone who works for state government and everyone who needs anything from state government knows this is the worst most corrupt administation in our lives!

    This administration has made public services something to be ashamed of.

    Blago is horrid beyond words - I don’t need Stu Levine, Pat Fitzgerld or and judge to tell that - I live it every single day!

  21. - Casey Jones - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 11:20 pm:

    Rich is completely correct in pointing out that despite Blagojevich’s claims that the guilty plea somehow exonerates him it merely serves to reinforce the notion that his administration is rife with corruption. Additionally, it bolsters the liklihood that the Governor will eventually go down for his own role in this travesty. Please consider that the antics of Shapiro, Rezko et al were clearly so blatantly and flagrantly conducted that Blagojevich could not have been unaware of them, as to do so would have required a degree of stupidity so great that he would likely not have survived beyond puberty. Since he’s still among the living, he has to have known; and the only logical explanation for his silence in the face of that is that he was getting a piece of their action. Ultimately, I believe the suspicions of most will be vindicated; his identity as “Public Official A” will be confirmed and he will be the star of his very own indictment. I personally wish that would have occurred early enough to totally preclude any hope of his re-election and so have spared the state our own home grown re-enactment of Richard Nixon being pried kicking and screaming from office. Thus far the similiarities of the Governor’s explanations and defense to Tricky Dick’s during THAT sorry affair are so striking that about all we’re missing is an 18 1/2 minute gap…

    To Bill, Silver Back Democrat and the rest of the crowing apologists out there, I offer one reminder you can mull on while you swill your victory Kool-Aid. The golden boy may not have been publicly taken down yet, but clearly the investigation and indictments associated with today’s activities are far from over; stay tuned! And today had NOTHING to do with a certain federal “endemic hiring fraud” investigation, which continues to hang directly over Blagojevich’s well-coiffed head like the sword of Damocles. I’ll leave you to consider the last line of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby: “It eluded us then, but that’s no matter - tomorrow we will run faster, stretch our arms farther…. And one fine morning -” Based upon his past performance, I tend to think Patrick Fitzgerald is related to (or at least a fan of) old F. Scott. He’s on the scent, and he’s going to make sure he has - and gives us - that one fine morning!

  22. - Citizen A - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 11:28 pm:

    That’s all true, but if we reelect him we could be the FIRST state to have its governor perp walked out of the executive office. Oh crap, that would leave us with Quinn. Okay then, let’s all vote for Topinka. She will put us all in a happier state - and a much less corrupt one!

  23. - M Green Party - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 11:28 pm:

    To Belle, just telling it like it is on our Dem/Rep choice for Governor. I voted for Vallas in the primary for 2002. So then I didn’t vote for Governor in the 2002 general election when faced with Jim Ryan or Blago.Unfortunately, too many people bought Blago’s line of bull as a reformer. About as convincing as George W’s role as a uniter not a divider. I vote for the candidate and their position not the party. No respect for anybody who essentially votes straight ticket Dems or Repubs. The one thing I don’t agree with Whitney on is his support for conceal/carry. But between the 3 Gov candidates, he is the only one to be honest with how to deal with state pension liability issues,the 800 lb gorilla that will become twice as heavy in just 4 more years. I am not afraid to vote for the best candidate despite their inability to win just because they aren’t either Dem or Repub.

  24. - DeepFriedOnAStick - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 11:29 pm:

    Did today’s plea deal suddenly wake up a whole bunch of Blago supporters, or did they suddenly find Miller’s blog, or is one of Blago’s flunkies posting comments under multiple names, or what? I have never seen so many comments favorable to Blago on this blog, ever. Bill has company, but who invited them?

  25. - Angie - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 11:32 pm:

    “I can’t believe how many people are acting like Stu Levine’s guilty pleading makes this governor look good!”

    Cognitive dissonance.

  26. - Blogopster - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 11:52 pm:

    The Rumble not so humble.

    Gotta Give the last round to Topinka, Blago seems to be tiring late in the fight. Unable to fend off several stinging blows today. Not even able to counter the seemingly self-inflicted punches thrown by his own corner. Judy still looks fresh choosing to stand between rounds, staying in the fight ready to deliver even more for Illinois. Her corner is still looking strong, cheering her on through the final rounds. The fight that once looked too close to call now looks like an upset. Illinoisans deserve a champion.

  27. - Redneck south - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 1:37 am:

    Maybe Jim Edgar appointed Stu Levine, when he was an honest man. Then he was caught up with all the bottom feeding fish in office now! All Blago did was make thing worse for Illinois. I agree, need to wash the Blago off my hands too!!

  28. - Bill - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 5:32 am:

    Thanks for the offer but I have to leave early today and pick up the coffee and donuts.
    Pray for good weather and oh yeah,
    Bring it on!

  29. - Martha Mitchell - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 5:37 am:

    Today’s (Saturday) Trib names all the names including Cellini and Kjellander. This investigation is a slow drip that will become a flood. However, even without the Levine and Rezko indictments, the governor is over his head in crap

    He is running the government on pay-day loans, raping teachers and state employees pensions systems to “balance” his so-called budget, printing campaign literature on the tax-payers dime and scamming money out of every bank account and piggy bank he comes within 10 feet of. He’s a real class act alright.

    Reporters are missing the boat by not talking to (anonimously) state employees instead of bureau chiefs when they want to know what’s really going on in state government. They are the ones who see the temp workers hired to stuff envelopes full of campaign literature in back rooms so no one will know what’s going on. They are the ones who are told not to ask questions or look too closely about how things are run through the procurement process and they are the ones who bear the brunt of the arrogance and pettiness of the new hires passed off as managers whose salaries are in the stratosphere compared to long-term managers.

    This administration is like some people who win mega-millions in the lottery. They instantly think that money buys class and clout. They are often referred to as “nouveau riche” (newly rich,
    which brings its own kind of hubris. Power does the same thing, especially amongst young people with no experience. Just shining in the Blago light makes you special. We’ll see.

  30. - Martha Mitchell - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 5:43 am:

    By the way, to answer someone’s question from yesterday’s lengthy Levine post, Individual K is Kjellander.

  31. - Bill - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 6:30 am:

    Good Morning Martha,
    Aren’t Cellini and KJ Republicans? Aren’t they supporting Topinka? Why mention them and then go on a rant about the governor?
    Maybe one of the reasons that reporters don’t use info from disgruntled Republican holdover employees is that they tend to use words with criminal or unsavory connotations like “rape”, “payday loans”,”scamming” etc. when describing policy and management decisions made by the governor’s staff and the state legislature. As you well know ( I hope) it is the duly elected legislature that passed the 2005 budget which contained the pension holiday. They were just continuing a practice perfected by the legislature under the Thompson and Edgar administrations.
    If you feel that some law is being broken like your allegations suggest regarding temp workers than it is your duty under the law to report such alleged activity to the inspector general’s office. If you haven’t done so then it is you who is breaking the law, not the governor.
    I’m sorry that you don’t like your new bosses. That is common in many jobs. However, the people elected the governor to reform state government and he is doing so by placing managers he can trust in supervisory positions to institute changes in the old way of doing business to make sure that government works for the people, not the other way around.
    Your attitude and the attitude of some other state workers on this blog is a good argument that Rutan does not necessarily promote good gov’t. If as much attention was paid to serving the people as is paid to subverting the governor’s programs by disgruntled republican holdovers we could really improve services to the people of our great state.
    Try to relax and enjoy your weekend. Settle down and get ready for four more years of good government under Governor Rod Blagojevich.

  32. - ...if it walks like a duck - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 6:40 am:

    The Chicago Tribune reported today about Illinois’ “First Lady” questionable business dealings with state contractors/contributors with Gabby Ottenhoff stating; “Mrs. Blagojevich has no authority over state contracts, and she has every right to conduct her private real estate business the same way everyone else does,” Ottenhoff said. “To suggest otherwise, quite frankly, is a throwback to the 1950s.”

    Would that be as in the same decade that Orville Hodge pleaded guilty to embezzling more than $1.5 million in state funds while he was state auditor, money he used to help finance a lifestyle that included two planes, four automobiles and homes in Illinois and Florida? Just asking.

  33. - Southern Illinois Boy - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 6:46 am:

    I have been reading the newspapers this morning. It’s interesting that the infamous Jim Edgar appointed Levine to the Health Facilities Planning Board. Then Ryan appointed Levine to the TRS Board.
    Noted in the plea was that…”the scheme was hatched before Blagojevich became governor, the document said.” ( It is interesting how the Republicans want to tie Levine to Blagojevich. Old Stu was an ally and advisor to Edgar and Ryan not Blagojevich. I also might mention that he raised money for Topinka too.

  34. - Beowulf - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 6:56 am:

    My take on it all is that Blagojevich may not be guilty of anything, other than using poor judgement on picking individuals to be on his team. Rod’s inability to pick quality people is sufficient for me to withhold my vote for him. The office of Governor of Illinois is a position which demands a person with qualities such as business common sense, integrity that is exemplary, and a personality that shows leadership skills. Blagojevich falls far short of these. So does Judy Barr Topinka. The Green Party candidate is essentially an unknown with no governmental background to speak of. What do we have left to choose from?

    For myself, I will reluctantly cast my vote for Judy Barr Topinka. I do so with the thought that she failed to speak out against George Ryan, Bill Cellini, and Bob Kjellander because she lacked courage rather than she was crooked herself. At this point in time, I will have to give her a second chance to show some “spine” in speaking out and helping to prevent the rampant corruption within Illinois state government. I think that she has realized that she should have spoken out back then. It won’t happen again. She is fiscally a conservative and THAT is the one thing that Illinois so sorely needs right now.

    I say “Give her a chance”. I am going to. She is not our 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choice but she is the best that has been placed on our plate to choose from. I believe that she will grow while in the slot of Governor. “In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed shall be king.”

  35. - (618) Democrat - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 7:21 am:

    This totally clears or Great Governor. Great news for the people of Illinois. Grand Slam HOMERUN. Score…Four…More…Years.

  36. - Martha Mitchell - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 7:31 am:

    Bill - you obviously don’t read much or you would know that Cellini plays both sides of the fence - he covers his bases with whomever is in power. Both he and Kjellander are mentioned in the Tribune report on the Levine case because they are mentioned in the indictment. I don’t like unsavory Republicans either.

    You also make a lot of assumptions. First of all, I don’t have any “new” bosses, so I’m just reporting what I hear from and read about others in state government, such as friends who work for IDOT. Don’t make nasty assumptions about the people who do the actual work of the state like your hero does, and then he turns around and expects them to administer his poorly developed, underfunded programs with a smile and no thought to their missing pension money. I also don’t know too many people who are receiving subpoenas

    Also for your information, I am an independent, not beholding to any party, unlike yourself. I call it as I see it.

    State workers with whom I am acquainted are not subverting the current administation - they don’t have time for it. They are too busy picking up the slack from retirements, layoffs and firings.
    And yes, even the Republicans are working.

    Regarding the temporary workers, it’s not illegal to hire them although the state was told that there would be no more temps back in January of last year, but they still are being hired in “certain” circumstances. It’s the furtive nature of what they are doing that is unsavory. Why hide them in a back room if they aren’t doing anything not above board. If it’s not a secret, why not have state employees add it to their other work.
    That way the state saves money and spreads the work over many hands, making it a quicker and cheaper job.

    Unless you have first hand experience with state government employment, don’t critize what you don’t know about. They have the big picture and it isn’t pretty.

  37. - tough guy - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 7:39 am:

    What a Friday! Cards win the World Series and the R’s final gasp for a victory are dashed with Levine. I am going to “Early Vote” this morning and then get measured for a tux for my second inaugural ball.

  38. - bluedog demo - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 7:45 am:

    Repub state employees quit your crying. You are out of power. All these tears over how hard you are ” working ” is starting to make Illinois look like the ninth ward. From the boo hooing and BS you put out we will need hip boots !

  39. - Real Clear - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 7:47 am:

    This race is SO OVER!

    Topinka, Birkett and Edgar did their best to mislead people for as long as they could. Now we learn it’s their dirty GOP friends who crashed Blago’s party.

    The Mr. Bigs: Kjellander, Cellini, Levine - ALL Republicans, and all friends of Topinka and Birkett.

    Topinka might as well concede now.

  40. - NoGiftsPlease - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 8:06 am:

    Relax and keep your blood pressure down. The truth can always be found some where in the middle. Rod is not the most corrupt governor ever–he is also not the least corrupt governor ever.. He rode into the election on the “reform government” idea–well that’s the oldest horse in the stable and nobody should have believed that. If you’re surprised and disappointed, well then you haven’t been watching how the game is played. He had some ideas I support like more health insurance for the uninsured(hooray) — he didn’t find any reasonable way to pay for them (boo). He made a stupid promise not to raise taxes and surely knew money would have to come from somewhere. He raised taxes through the back door with various fees. He has many “friends” who are also crooks who do a lot of arm twisting to wring out campaign donations–a promise that is helped along with carrot of contracts dangling on the end. By the way, these friends are not “republican” or “democrat”–they are with the GREEN PARTY, green as in money. This party supports whoever can get them the most return at the time–business and greed has no party allegiance. Yes, he has staffed agencies with know-nothings with connections at huge salaries (not fine young reformers who the boss trusts) and his supporters should not try to defend that because blind support is what gets people on top into trouble in the first place. You ought to be able to look at the governor you love or hate with a criticial eye and judge the actions on their merit. So, we’ve got a Governor with some ideas and no way to pay for them except short term ones which leave the future governors and citizens with the bill (suprised? just long enough to get through the next election), and a challenger that will likely be more fiscally responsible but who doesn’t have any ideas for improving life for the citizens of the state–dang, tough choice. Move to the second string and you’ve got Quinn, nice man,maybe with some ideas, and Birkett who could never admit he’s wrong even when the evidence is in front of his face. As State’s Attorney, that’s a very bad personality trait. I don’t think his performance in DuPage county could be called stellar and he’s way too socially conservative for our moderate state. You have to have some flexibility to accommodate the range of people you’re representing. As much as I wish I had a better candidate, I’ll have to vote for Rod again and hope that Quinn ends up in his seat. If Judy had chosen Rauschenberger instead, I would have gone the other way, and so would have a lot of my friends. PS. To my republican friends, I think he would have made a really good governor.

  41. - sad - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 8:08 am:

    I don’t work for the state, I just read the headlines. Excuse me, must go back to washing the Blagojevich off my hands. A Democrat Attoreny General tells the Democrat Governor…comply with the FOIA request and show the subpoenas….and the “innocent” Governor refuses. Tsk. Tsk.

  42. - Animous - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 8:24 am:

    I think that A lot of people put a lot of hope into this being “the smoking gun” of the Blago story and the one that links to friends of the Governor; it wasn’t.

    I think a lot of Camp Blago people are having a good time this weekend (I read Bill’s post). My recommendation is Enjoy Away, because the only thing this truly shows is this is just one more domino to fall—its not the last.

    Its way too early in the game to relax, just ask Bauer, Fawell and Ryan. The feds DON’T STOP, and with, what, over a dozen ongoing investigations, there are still plenty of dominos left to fall…

  43. - Oxymoron - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 8:30 am:

    Martha - “Unless you have first hand experience with state government employment, don’t critize what you don’t know about. They have the big picture and it isn’t pretty.”

    I have first-hand experience and not only isn’t it pretty, it’s completely demoralizing and outrageous. In my agency the following is reality:

    1. Significant reduction in workforce due to lay-offs, retirements and long-time employees fleeing an ineffective and MEAN-spirited Democratic appointees.
    2. All executive management moved to Chicago and as Spfld. management openings occur, positions are relocated to Chicago.
    3. No onsite local executive management leading to complete lack of direction and no guiding principles.
    4. Unguided career middle management - lacking monetary remuneration for absorbing uncovered workloads - chaotically jockying for positions of power.
    5. Managers like myself, after a career of hard work and dedicated public service to less-fortunate citizens of our state, removed from effective management to be put aside and literally becoming the “Oxy-moron” found in the term State-worker.
    6. Reverse discrimination and unbridled promotion of minorities.
    7. Union employees with soaring salaries being managed by uncompensated middle-managers who now make less then their subordinates due to lack of COLAs for four years, leading to mass efforts to unionize middle-management - leading to a costlier State-government in the future.
    8. Sham, costly programs/projects that can’t withstand real scrutiny such as All-Kids and the technology projects underway at Human Services.

    I could go on and on…. believe me, State Government is broke. It needs to be fixed.

  44. - DOWNSTATE - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 8:34 am:

    So you think that you saw all the evidence on the Levine deal?So you think that this closes the 10 or 12 investigations?To begin with none of us on this site are high enough on the food chain to know what the feds know.

  45. - DHS/NEW Management - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 9:27 am:

    Oxymoron, you just don’t get it. This new administration is going to change the way of the old. I have seen it first hand. I was hired to take a look at how a agency was run and found that Republican hired manager ruled by terror. The story from front line staff of mis-treatment in most cases proved to be true after an investagation. That why alot of your friends have taken rule 85 or quite. Technology is the only way DHS is going to fix at lot of probelems that were created by the MIS scandal of Jim Egder. It time for you to stop be an obstructionest and help new manager like me to change the old ways of state government. That why I am proud to say “vote for Blagojevich” four more years.

  46. - State Worker B - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 9:39 am:

    YES Oxymoron!!!! I agree with all you said and witness it every day! What management? The management knows so little about their job and the people who knew about the job have either left or waiting to leave which gives NO DIRECTION to state government and everything is dealt with only as a crisis. It is harder each day to do your job! Prior administrations may have been corrupt but at least people knew how to do the jobs they paid to obtain! Change has to happen…..GO JUDY!

  47. - GetAGrip - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 9:39 am:

    DHS/NEW Management, How’s was your internship?

  48. - DHS/NEW Management - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 9:46 am:

    16 years in the private sector over seeing 9000 employees. Two college degrees and a four year apprenticeship. Paid for by me. What your story.

  49. - Oxymoron - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 10:02 am:

    4-years ago, I enthusiastically welcomed change as an opportunity for growth. No obtructionist here. Just a realist, calling it like it is today…. BROKE and in DESPERATE need of repair. I also know a certain new manager w/similar story who also has high ties to a certain D-Senator. Coinky-dink?

  50. - Front Row Seat - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 10:04 am:

    To Oxymoron -

    You are 100% correct in your characterization of what state government has been reduced to. I’ll elaborate on one specific from your list, if you don’t mind. You and I understand this exactly, but it is complex enough that for everyone to fully grasp it a thorough explanation is perhaps necessary. Maybe the media or enough members of the public will see it for it to matter.

    First - and how this little tidbit is eluding revelation escapes me - while the Merit Comp wage freeze has been financially devastating to those involved, at the end of the day it as costing the state far more than the merit review system did. How can this be? Simple, it was just another headline grabbing grandstand by the Governor that wound up being counterproductive. I’ll explain.

    Numerous Merit Comp job classifications (the Executive series, the Administrative Assistant series, the Staff Development Specialist series, some of the Public Service Administrator positions, etc.) have gotten disgusted with the “rodding” they’ve been getting under this administration and have petitioned their way into the Bargaining Unit, where AFSCME immediately negotiates a new wage scale for them. The average negotiated package for these new union members has included a wage increase of 25 to 30%, plus the benefits of overtime pay, on-call pay, guaranteed step and cost of living increases and the state paying a higher percentage of the individual’s retirement contribution. THAT is a far cry from the 4% to 7% increase a career MC employee who was doing an “Exceptional” job could expect in their annual performance review; and there was no such thing as overtime pay, on-call pay, etc.

    YOU do the math, since obviously the Governor and Filan CAN’T…

    Also, please remember that these increases were performance based, you worked hard if you wanted a decent raise and you could be fired if you screwed up. The Governor has removed the initiative for the borderline state worker; effort no longer matters (you have guaranteed step increases!) and you do not risk your job by slacking (union members are so contractually protected that firing them is impossible!). Government employees have always been the butt of “lazy” jokes and cracks, and many have deserved them. Illinois state government had its share of these folks and was far from perfect, but Blagojevich’s program has managed to protect the inept, reward the unworthy and institutionalize mediocrity.

    Blagojevich: Your tax dollars at work!

  51. - paddyrollingstone - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 10:07 am:

    quick question - at the time Rod made Levine’s appointment, didn’t it seem like a shrewd move? I mean Stu was Jim Ryan’s biggest donor, the Board needs Repubs - kill 2 birds with 1 stone. I would have done the same thing. What do you think?

  52. - Little Egypt - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 10:09 am:

    It’s difficult to counter the pro-Blago comments posted here. I didn’t want to have to make a spreadsheet of indictments, who, what, when, where, but I may just have to if I continue to argue against Elvis. I will say one thing about this slick governor. He’s like Jim Jones. He is a self-propaganda machine and is leading his “flock” to the vat of Kool-aid. He has all of his staff (I’m assuming) believing his every word and apparently his press crew can deflect every adverse opinion with a straight face. What charisma this man has.

    However, what cannot be ignored by any Blago supporter is that he came in as a reform guy. He definitely has rocked the system. He pledged not to raise the income taxes but in order to do so, he realized early on that he needed increased revenue and he needed it badly. He raided fund after fund. The bankers in this state pay a yearly fee to support the state commission that oversees this (I know this for a fact - I worked there for many years). Their fees have been increased to not only keep the state office running but the surplus has been diverted to other Blago needs. This is just one example. Fund after fund after fund has been raided like that. So instead of reducing the banking fees, they have increased. Some of the raids have been prevented. Others have gone through. Trucking fees have been increased, licensing fees for just about every profession and for vehicles. The pension fund has been raided. Medical providers are waiting longer than ever before to be paid. YET, Blago comes out with Allkids which adds to the State expenses, he asks citizens to break the law and get drugs from Canada, he gives out contracts to buddies, he campaigns using state money under the guise of “informing” the public about every little program and each mailing has his name on it. John Filan claims to have a balanced budget. Filan’s claim is that the same amount of money goes out as comes in. Yes, that is true but nothing is being said about paying past debt and that is at least still the same, if not higher than when Blago took office. He has squeezed the proverbial buffalo on the nickel and I cannot imagine that he will be able to go for 4 more years without raising income or sales taxes. He may have gotten by with playing a shell game for 4 years but I doubt he can stretch it out to 8 years with out really adverse consequences to the people of this state.

    History is definitey repeating itself. Everyone ought to know by now that Patrick Fitzgerald is one determined and qualified prosecutor. He has an immense staff. He is thorough, deliberate and patient. He will climb that ladder of corruption as long as he needs to. For you Blago supporters to say that Cellini and Levine were/are GOP and therefore Blago HAS to be innocent of any wrongdoing because of their different party affiliations, then you apparently are ignoring the concept of a political hog. Cellini and Levine are not the only ones but certainly two high profile GOPers who go to the trough to feed. They don’t care what name is on the trough. They need to be fed and if they can’t get their money through the GOP, then they will do what the Romans do when in Rome. They play both sides of the fence. See these people had no guarantee of how long the dems would be in power and they have houses, cars, trips, planes, casinos, hotels, clothing, and social activities to still pay for.

    Blago is toast. He knows it but he has convinced his sheep that he has a Teflon coating. If you don’t think the Feds will get this guy, then I have an old (formerly coated) Teflon fry pan to show you.

  53. - Walking Wounded - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 10:10 am:

    All the Blagojevich supporters raving about how the gov has been cleared by Levine’s plea remind me of the movie line in “Men in Black”.
    Agent J: “Could I have your attention for a moment, please? ” [neuralyzes the crowd]
    Agent J: “Thank you for participating in our drill. Had this been an actual emergency, y’all would have been *eaten*. ‘Cause you don’t listen! You’re ignorant! That’s the problem with y’all New Yorkers (substitute Democrats), you’re hardheaded.”
    Levine’s case is just one chapter in the Fed’s book. Whether Blagojevich is reelected isn’t so important as what’s coming down the pike.
    Like I’ve said before, the party’s just begun.

  54. - DHS/NEW Management - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 10:16 am:

    Republician always trying to make ties to public officials. I applied, interviewed, and was hired no help from anybody but meself. Try it…..

  55. - Does this indictment make my hair look bigger? - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 10:18 am:

    2 college degrees, 15 years in state government,but now in the private sector and couldn’t be happier. The “New Way of Doing Business” folks leave a lot to be desired… If he wins, the next fours years will do a lot for their problem-solving skills. Good luck with all that.

  56. - DuPageDandy - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 10:22 am:

    Wow has anyone stopped to think how much he would have stole if the guy he bankrolled for governor jRYAN had won?
    No need for middle man. Just grab all the loot.
    Anybody tapped on jRYAN’S door lately. Seems like this stuff clearly started during his reign as the state’s chief law enforcement officer. Wonder if he and his pet rock, Birkett, are being quizzed on this stuff too.
    It is hard to look beyond Blaggo, but looks like Stu has opened a much larger door into the world of Slick Willie Cellini and KJ.
    And JBT thought this was her homerun What WAS sh thinking.

  57. - Walking Wounded - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 10:23 am:

    ROFL!! Everytime a state worker (particularly management) gives me the story that they got their job on their own merits and without help just makes me laugh and laugh and laugh. If that’s what they want to believe, well, that’s o.k. by me.

  58. - Truth - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 10:25 am:

    The Gov’s Blackberry Brigade is out this morning. I can see them all dutifully punching in their proBlago messages on their state issued blackberries. When you go to rent the tux, make sure it has stripes (black & white).

  59. - Hydraulics (Da Pressure of Thangs) - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 10:27 am:

    The Illinois State Employees is a large block of voters. Enough to tip the balance.
    You all know what you have been dealing with the last 3 year and 10 months with Corruptovich inept goons. SO GET THE WORD OUT!
    Guess the key here is to vote on November 7th with your feet. Anybody but Corruptovich!
    Judy Barr Topinka, Rich Whitney, Tim Nieukirk, write-in yourself, your dog or anybody but Corruptovich.
    If Corruptovich wins, the bloodletting at all State of Illinois agencies will make the last one look like nursery school.

  60. - Oxymoron - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 10:28 am:

    You’re quite the role model! If you get 4 more of same, I hope you do as well as you want us to believe. After 8 years, you will no longer be new management and will be viewed by newcomers as the “obstructionist”. Unless of course, you’re just a change agent and off to browner pastures after your miracle working at DHS…

  61. - DHS/NEW Management - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 10:28 am:

    I was born and raised in Denver, moved to Illinois after I got the job. I’m laughing now.

  62. - Casey Jones - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 10:29 am:

    Hey, DHS/NEW Management - “Quite” instead of quit, “probelems”, “obstructionest” and about a half dozen other grammar, syntax and spelling errors; and the man’s name is Edgar, not “Egder”. I tend to believe you should at least know the former Governor’s name before you criticize him, don’t you?

    I wouldn’t normally jump someone in this forum simply for being a dismal communicator, but you bill yourself as an educated management professional. If you are the vanguard of what Blagojevich (I notice you did spell THAT correctly) is bringing in to “fix” state government, God help us all.

    Perhaps a good lawyer could help you recover some of the tuition costs for those two degrees!

  63. - DHS/NEW Management - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 10:32 am:

    Just wanted to see if you could read.

  64. - Little Egypt - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 10:32 am:

    DuPage Dandy - you have given me my laugh for the morning. Now it’s all Jim Ryan’s fault. Gosh I’m glad you reminded me of that. So now, I suppose you think it’s all Lisa Madigan’s fault too. Lisa should have her hands slapped for keeping Blago from selling the JRT building in Chicago. How dare anyone keep Blago from selling the State’s assets in order for him to claim that he is not raising taxes. It was JBT’s fault for being GRyan’s treasurer, although the majority of Illinois citizens elected her 3 times in her own election, independent of the governors office (hmmmmm, doesn’t that make her BLAGO’s Treasurer too). Just in case you have been asleep for decades and don’t know it, the Governor and Lt. Governor run as a team, at least they did before this year. The Trearurer, Comptroller, Attorney General, and Secretary of State are all elected indpendently. None of them run on the ticket with the Governor - just his Lt. Governor.

  65. - Illinois Tollway Guy - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 10:35 am:

    Speaking of degrees, we have bunch liberal arts degreed zombies at the Illinois Tollway who get lost going to restroom.
    Don’t worry the Illinois Tollway is much safer to drive now. Ha!

  66. - DHS/NEW Management - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 10:58 am:

    Just wanted to see if any of you Republicians could read without starting a personnal attacks about the grammer or spellings. It only took 20 minutes. That why your party is going to loss the House, Senate, and Blago wins.

  67. - Illinois Tollway Guy - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 11:11 am:

    To: DHS/NEW Management
    Whatever! Who cares!

    The subject here is CORRUPTION!

    Sorry about the multi-syllable words.

  68. - Walking Wounded - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 11:20 am:

    Interesting theory….Republicians (sic) will lose all the elections because some people critique a blogger’s spelling. I must have missed that particular logics class in school.
    What do we know, I guess Illinois Tollway Guy and me is just egnorunt state werkers.

  69. - Real Clear - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 11:32 am:

    So Jim Edgar, Ray LaHood, Kirk Dillard and Andy McKenna get behind the only Republican in the state with even MORE dirty ties than Blagojevich. Nice going brainiacs!

    Let’s sing it one more time for Ms. Topinka,

    na na na na… na na na…hey hey hey….good…bye

  70. - Walking Wounded - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 11:51 am:

    Real Clear….hey, I like that song. I’ll keep it in mind the next ten or twelve months.

  71. - Citizen A - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 12:01 pm:

    The best Governor this state has had in fifty years is Richard Ogilvie. The worst in that period was Dan Walker the “maverick”. Rod Blagjevich is now challenging Walker for the title of Worst in half a century. For those fervent Rod supporters that think Friday’s Levine pleadings somehow exonerate Rod you really need to set aside your need to believe and face facts. Pat Fitzgerald is helping us all with this process and the truth will out fairly soon. That truth is going to encompass both sides of the political spectrum as well as the connected independants who play both sides so well. Corruption in this state has been pervasive and if Fitz can manage to expose most of it he will shake Illinois State government to its very foundation. Petty partisan flag waving for Rod will not deflect the storm that is coming. We all should be looking to what it will take to rebuild our government into one in which we can truely have pride. And one that is staffed with good honest and competent people. Let’s start that process with JBT at the helm, we cannot do better this election !!!

  72. - I.D.O.T. Bleachers - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 12:03 pm:

    Totally agree with Hydraulics (Da Pressure of Thangs) - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 10:27

    Illinois State Employee voters need to get out in force and ROCK THIS CORRUPT CLOWN OUT OF OFFICE!

  73. - BigBob - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 12:30 pm:

    Not enough yet to link directly to Blago.

    Not enough for Blago to lose election.

    It looks like the feds are one big step closer to indicting Kelly and maybe Blago’s campaign fund. I’ll bet Blago is not far behind when all is said and done.

    I’m still waiting for the hiring, contracting, and other investigations to bear fruit. If Madigan and the feds had credible witnesses related to systemic hiring fraud this summer, where are the indictments? Slow is good in investigations, but goodness me.

    Guess I should make a big contribution to Quinn. I’ll decide what board or commission appointment I want later.

  74. - Blogopster - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 12:32 pm:

    Some of the best advice I ever received from my family, was to choose my friends carefully. They will define who you are, like it or not! Birds of a feather do flock together. I don’t care how many letters of the alphabet you throw around. Blago promised to end the corruption, past, present, and future. Now we see that he is in bed with all of them, resulting in an orgy of corruption and greed unlike any other. Even Common street thugs have a code of ethics to follow, this man has none.

  75. - Tessa - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 12:40 pm:

    I’m gonna try this a second time since my computer crashed the last time…

    I may be an AFSCME member, who was present the for the negotiations when we fought for the pay increases this time around - 13-20% depending on where you’re at on the scale - so get it right when you’re posting stuff merit comp people. That’s what contracts are for. And by the way, I don’t think a whole lot of people want to be working the overtime that we’re mandated to do now.

    Anyway, I support quite a few merit comp people. I did not and do not agree with what the Governor did in freezing the merit comp raises. However, it wasn’t the union that did that, it was him. So place blame where it should go. If you do the work, you should get paid for it. And 4% a year is higher than what 1%-3% is. (We’re also paying into our pensions now too, which isn’t a bad thing.) I think merit comp staff should be paid for the work they do, and not for who got them the job or where they work at. Too many have been screwed by Blago. Just my thoughts. However, he’s also put a lot of people in place that don’t need to be there and that aren’t qualified. Look at DHS, the largest agency, or IDOT, as examples, but look highre up on the food chain than the Exec. Sec. III’s and staff like that.

    As for the Levine sentence. It might not directly involve the Gov, but this has nothing to do with the many other investigations going on by Fitz and Co, the Feds. It’s seems to me that the many Blago fans here have just swpet them under the rug and forgotten about them. Why is Lisa still asking questions? None of this stuff has gone away. Questions are still unanswered. I believe it’s only a matter of time and Patrick, not Peter (as someone said earlier), will “bring it on” to Blago with more than one charge and then we may truly see a change to “business as usual” in Illinois.

  76. - Cassandra - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 1:09 pm:

    Let’s try to get past the absolute current moment, not to mention the past.

    Blago sailing into a 2nd term is not good news for the Democrats. He remains highly unpopular and after the unnecessarily nasty campaign ads, there will likely be some buyer’s remorse among Democrats. If they are honest with themselves, they know that Topinka is not the corrupt pawn of the Republican establishment which Blago and his kid campaign aides made her out to be. More importantly, these indictments plus the possibility of more are going to case a huge shadow over Blago’s second term And second terms rarely go well even without the corruption burden Blago carries into his. Look at the President.

    So Lisa and Alexi have to worry not only about each other in their quest for the govenorship but also about the strong possibility that a renewed Republican party will take advantage of voter disgust with Blago and take back the governor’s mansion in 2010. What could have been a straightforward primary fight then easy slide into the mansion could be a really tough fight ending in a Republican win.

    Meanshile, the Republicans don’t have to take responsibility for anything and can concentrate on pushing aside the oldsters (Big Jim, Kjellander, Edgar) and developing some good candidates. They can talk about renouncing the past and so on. And they have four years in which to do it. There are some excellent possibilities including various women candidates like Christine Radogno (win or lose this time), Elizabeth Coulson and many, many others.

    On to 2010!! My wallet is open if the Repubs can pull themselves together. I could never vote for a Democratic candidate in a party even nominally headed by Blago. Everything he touches is corrupt.

  77. - So Blue Democrat - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 1:14 pm:

    DHS/NEW Management,

    DHS is on the verge of a major meltdown due to incompetent hires like you. It is so bad that even conservative Republicans like Poe are concerned that people are not receiving benefits.

    All Kids is a sham. Doctors are not signing up for the program. Another broken promise.

  78. - So Blue Democrat - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 1:22 pm:

    Most of the Democrats writing on this blog are very short-sighted. This Governor will be indicted before his second term is up. Is it worth it? It is time to go Green!

  79. - Cassandra - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 1:29 pm:

    More importantly, if DHS/Management is for real and is as immature and unlettered as his bloging suggests, should’t state management be taking another look at this new hire? Blogging does affect careers you know. Is his probation over yet? If not….maybe a little too immature?

  80. - DISGUSTING - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 1:39 pm:

    Posted earlier by bluedog demo - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 7:45 am:

    Repub state employees quit your crying. You are out of power. All these tears over how hard you are ” working ” is starting to make Illinois look like the ninth ward. From the boo hooing and BS you put out we will need hip boots !


    Isn’t this a blatantly racist statement? And coming from a member of the equality party? It couldn’t be. What #%$&ing hypocrytes!!

  81. - Just the Facts - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 1:47 pm:

    Great post from Cassandra at 1:09, although I’m still hopeful that Senator Radogno will win this year.

  82. - So Blue Democrat - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 1:52 pm:


    I am a lifelong Democrat. I simply believe in good government. The current administration is the most corrupt in Illinois’ history. Go GREEN.

  83. - Gregor - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 1:55 pm:

    DHS/New, I pray that English is your second Language. That might explain your posts. I too make the occasional typo in the heat of posting, but your consistently bad typing hints at either maladroitness with the Blackberry or just a fundamental deficit in your grasp of spelling, grammar and syntax.

    I would find it hard to work for a boss who could not write at least at a fifth grade level for even one paragraph. Did you get your alleged two degrees from an online diploma mill, or did you just go to a birthday party? You represent what’s wrong with the Blagovanians. Un-informed, disinterested, over-entitled and under-qualified. No wonder the agencies are in the state of decay we see now.

  84. - Putting It Bluntly - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 2:17 pm:

    We should just put up “ILLINOIS FOR SALE” signs at all our state borders.
    That way, in another 4 years the State of Illinois will become a corrupt corporation with Corruptovich the chairman of the board.

  85. - Little Egypt - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 2:44 pm:

    Blago does what he pleases, when he pleases, with what he pleases, to whom he pleases, and with whom he pleases. What scares me is that IF he gets back in for another term and WHEN Fitzgerald finally reaches the top of the ladder and taps Blago on the shoulder, an indictment will not stop any of the above behavior. Only removal from office will. We are all in for one hellish of a 4 years IF we vote Blago back into office. We will see this man thumb his nose like he has never done before. And he will leave a giant wake of devastation behind. Look what he’s done in his first 4 years. It’s not pretty, it’s not good. Pension fund in the tank, debt piled high, IDOT gutted of professionals - not to mention every other state agency, great Allkids concept but very poorly administered with way too high of income limits and doctors unwilling to take more public aid patients, highest debt to medical providers, DCFS in more of a mess, tollway sold, lottery about to be sold, Governor’s Mansion empty, department heads now located out of Chicago, promises of money to communities and schools in exchange for votes, high prison population/low prison guard ratio yet he threatens to close two prisons, his own legislative party doesn’t trust him and makes him sign MOU’s, which he still DOES NOT HONOR, etc. etc. etc. He couldn’t find Springfield by himself on a cloudless day. Oh, but he hasn’t raised our income tax. If you’re proud of this, then vote for this crook. Blago, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? Here’s a new catch phrase for your supporters. Patrick Fitzgerald - BRING IT ON!

  86. - Mike Williams - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 3:08 pm:

    DHS/New : you have proved my point about out of staters working for this administration. Blagojevich and company seem to have trouble hiring anyone who actually grew up or ever lived in Illinois.

  87. - Mike Williams - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 3:15 pm:

    Cal: I don’t think it was Mike North, but rather Lester Munson who was one of Ogilvie’s young men back in the day.

  88. - Rich Miller - Saturday, Oct 28, 06 @ 3:18 pm:

    Let’s close this one and move the discussion here. Thanks.

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