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Bill Brady attacks conspiracy theory as “lunacy”

Monday, Nov 13, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Tribune columnist John Kass has endorsed radical Republican Jack Roeser’s conspiracy theory that Bill Brady ran as a spoiler candidate in the Republican gubernatorial primary last spring. Here’s what Kass wrote the other day.

…Topinka was helped when a Republican spoiler, state Sen. Bill Brady (R-Bloomington), got into the race with no chance of winning. His job was to split the anti-Judy Republican vote, ensuring Topinka would be the candidate.

But here’s what Tribune reporters Rick Pearson and John Chase wrote Sunday.

Brady has come under fire from some conservative elements who contended he played a spoiler role in the primary by taking away votes from conservative businessman James Oberweis and allowing the socially moderate Topinka to win the nomination.

“To think I would spend 120 hours a week away from my friends and family and business and invest tens of thousands of dollars on this just to be a stooge for somebody else borders on lunacy,” he said.

The problem with grand conspiracy theories is they almost never hold up to scrutiny. I can be convinced that Brady might have stayed in the race late in the game as an “Up yours” gesture to Oberweis for the way the milk magnate had treated him earlier.

But Brady most certainly did not get into the race, spend all that time and money, eat lousy food, give the same speech five times a day, shake thousands of hands, kiss countless crying stinky babies and be away from his own family purely to help Judy Baar Topinka beat Jim Oberweis.


  1. - annon - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 5:52 am:

    Why doesn’t someone “commit” J.O. & T.R. to an assylum ?? Get over it Jimmy… lost cause people don’t like what your’e about !!!!!!!!!! The “clue phone” is ringing …you better answer it !! What the heck Jimbo you came in second !!! Maybe if he stepped aside after 2-3 losses for state wide office…things might have been different. Brady campaigned for a year before JBT was “seduced” into running. Maybe Bill had no chance ….but as good a chance as the others running & what is he griping about…..does he think he and T.R. had the market cornered on conservative value???? There’s a few stories around about that & his wacko followers & some of the antics they pulled in central & southetrn Illinois. At least Brady stayed the same over the years.

  2. - Master of the Obvious - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 7:07 am:

    …And there is no “Combine” either. Brady received name recognition out of the deal–and people are talking about his spoiler role. Why must there be a stigma to setting yourself up for 2010 by being a spoiler in 06? It is what it is. And so what? Welcome to Politics and Campaigning 101, freshmen.

  3. - Pat Hickey - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 8:12 am:

    The Alpha and Omega of the’The Combine’ is Petey Fitzgerald who shopped for a pitt-bull named Paddy Fitz to ‘get-back’ at George Ryan and any one within the kill-zone near him.

    Petey got lucky ( history, tail-pipes, rats and squealers synergized with the greedy pigs that always hunt for public truffles )and is now considered the ‘messiah’ of good government. If banker Petey ever gets back near the public trough - hold the phone!

  4. - Anon - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 8:23 am:

    Anyone who looks at the numbers can see that even if Brady had dropped out, Oberweis wouldn’t have won! People voted for Brady because he was an attractive alternative to BOTH Topinka and Oberweis. Had they been voting purely on conservative social issues, they’d have already been voting for Oberweis.

    The percentage of Brady votes that would have had to gone to Oberweis compared to the percentage that would probably have gone to Topinka (albeit a minority) would not have made the difference for him.

    Their “theory” shows just how little he and his lunatic wallet understand Illinois politics, but more importantly - Illinois voters.

    Remember the straws? Is Oberweis really someone ready to be Governor? Please…..

  5. - Wumpus - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 8:33 am:

    I voted and walked for Brady, I would not have even voted for Bi-Polarweis(TM). It is ironic, or at the very least hilarious that he mentioned Roesser, Oberwies and lunacy in the same breath.

  6. - Ex wife - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 8:46 am:

    Jack Roeser is a cancer on Republicans, a deadly virulent one.

  7. - Frustrated Republican - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 8:54 am:

    If Oberweis weren’t such a jerk so publicly and so often, he might have been able to work his way into contention as a candidate Republicans could vote for. But it seems like every time he speaks, he either makes a huge gaffe or says something extremely off-color or just downright mean. That’s no way to win votes in a state that appears to now be about 45-35 Democrat, if not worse.

    He needs to tell Roeser to take a hike, surround himself with new people that have actually run good races and start over. What’s the definition of insanity? … repeating the same action over and over and expecting a different result each time.

  8. - Truthful James - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 9:08 am:

    I will wait to see the 2008 Senatorial primary and the State Party’s backing, before I make a judgment on Brady now.

  9. - RAI - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 9:23 am:

    Brady in the article says he spent “Tens of thousands of dollars” He promised at the conservative convention and on Berkowitz’s show (10/31/05) that he would spend $3 to 5 million dollars! He Lied! Tens of thousands in a statewide race? He had no intention to win. Not one ad on Chicago TV?
    There was no plan to win just get enough votes to be the spoiler. You can look now at the whole picture, there was NO way Brady could win the way the campaign was run none.
    He also spent the last three weeks telling all who would listen that he had polls showing he was tied with Judy and Oberweis was in single digits. Oberweis ended up at 31.9% Brady 18%. Brady ONLY attacked Oberweis, he questioned his stands on Abortion, guns and tried to tie him to George. Not one piece of mail or critisism on Judy ! Not one. Look at his supporters on this site, they still attack Oberweis not Judy. Brady spent all his time making Oby the bad guy not Judy or Kejellander or Celini. Judy got less votes than Keyes did and yet Oberweis couldn’t win? come on. BTW Wumpas Brady and Gidwitz should have taken the chance at the straws that is the only chance either one has at being Governor. It was an important election for the conservative movement and Brady only cared about himself. Thats fine but it shows how out of touch he is with the base of the party. I think he’s done

  10. - Levois - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 9:32 am:

    Who determines this stuff anyway? And I wonder someone would run for an office knowing that they’d win? This is where cynicism gets you.

  11. - Crimefighter - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 9:55 am:

    Why is Jack Roeser considered a radical?

  12. - Peachy - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 10:07 am:

    Rich, I think you’re promoting a bit of a straw man fallacy, setting up a false premise, and then tearing it down.

    I would say John Kass should have chosen his words more carefully, and on reflection he would likely agree. But I don’t think anyone else has argued that Brady got in originally to be a spoiler (although it’s very possible).

    However, the evidence is overwhelming that he stayed in after it was crystal clear that he had no chance of winning. If Brady wasn’t staying in deliberately to help Topinka slip through, then Brady needs to produce the polls he said he had (as late as primary day morning) that supposedly showed he could win. That would be very interesting, given that he had no serious campaign in much of the state. No mailings or tv ads in Cook and the Collars for example.

    So if Brady has nothing to hide, produce those polls and the crosstabs! If he can’t, then he’s not only a spoiler, he’s a liar.

    And who has ever heard of a candidate running a distant third attacking the second place guy, and never going after the obvious frontrunner?

    One need not be “a conspiracy theorist” to believe Brady was a deliberate spoiler, just something other than pathetically gullible.

    By the way Rich, how about a little more respect for Mr. Roeser. I believe he’s a paying subscriber to your Capitol Fax for crying out loud.

  13. - steve schnorf - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 10:15 am:

    Should anyone be surprised? Lunacy is what you commonly get from lunatics.

  14. - Anon - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 10:57 am:

    I think the spoiler has been Obie himself. Afterall, how many times can a person run himself, only to destroy the eventual GOP nominee in the general. He (Oberweis) needs to be voted off the island. Besides, Brady is in personal debt because of the campaign and I don’t think he would throw away that money just to be a “spoiler.” Gimme a break…

  15. - Crimefighter - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 10:59 am:

    Gee I guess Ron Gidwitz was a non-factor?

  16. - Carl Nyberg - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 11:04 am:

    Wow, it sounds like insiders despise campaigning and have contempt for the electorate.

    Rich, thanks for letting us have the insider view.

  17. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 11:08 am:

    I was a little leery of the conspiracy theory too, but one thing convinced me. Brady’s endorsement by the Illinois State Rifle Association.

    The ISRA is completely controlled by Operating Engineers 150 president and gun advocate Bill Dugan. Topinka was Dugan’s girl. He hosted campaign rallies for her at the union’s Countryside union hall for the Primary AND the General Election.

    Dugan is a shrewd Macchiavellian, and the ISRA would only endorse Brady to help Topinka, which did help divide the conservative vote.

  18. - Bill - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 11:20 am:

    Actaully, I thought that Brady was the most credible Republican candidate. He probably would not have beaten Rod but I was very relieved when Judy won. Brady would have given the voters a real choice. Obie would have been even easier to beat.Gidwitz was laughable in all aspects except for his money.

  19. - Peachy - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 11:24 am:

    Come on, Brady’s not in “personal debt” because of that campaign. He comes from a very wealthy family that owns all sorts of companies from real estate development to radio stations. Bill Brady has talked about the Porsche he keeps at a home in Florida for heaven’s sake (he was quoted saying that’s the car that he keeps his retired State Rep plates on. He was in the House before going to the Senate).

    This idea that no one spends their time and money to run in a lost cause is ridiculous. Hello??? What about Dan Rutherford and the rest of the statewide list of sacrificial lambs?

    Presumably those people do it to raise their name recognition for future runs.

    So the people who want to decry the “conspiracy theories” - really need to come up with a counter argument that makes sense.

    Brady had a similar motive. We see now that the powers that be are trying to prop-up Brady. Brady was a loyal soldier and they don’t want to leave him on the field (they won’t be able to get stooges to do the dirty work in the future if they abandon their wounded now).

    But it’s not going to work this time.

    Bill Brady, produce the polls you said you had showing you had a chance to win! Produce the polls you said you had that encouraged people to stay with you in the voting booth on Primary day.

    Otherwise, keep calling people names like “lunatics” all you want. You’ll be forever branded as a liar.

  20. - Pat Hickey - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 11:25 am:


    Nice flak -catching for Calvin Coiffeur! Hope you got a day off anyway.

  21. - Bubs - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 11:36 am:

    There is plenty of blame to go around about the current condition of the Illinois GOP. An important, but as yet unaddressed element is the destructive attitude of certain conservatives.

    There is a logic sequence that has been driving some social conservatives in this state for some time:

    1. We are Truth and Justice, and all we say is right.

    2. We lost, again.

    3. Since we keep losing, despite the fact that we are Truth and Justice, and all we say is right, there must be some evil conspiracy causing us to lose.

    Unfortuately, Mr. Kass’ article is only more proof that many conservatives require a Boogie Man on whom to blame their failures. With Judy Baar Topinka likely departing the scene, their Fickle Finger of Fate now appears to be pointed at Bill Brady. It’s a shame, bordering on a crime, and it will achieve nothing.

    On a second point, in the above posts “Peachy” attacks Rich Miller. But it is striking that Miller was not disrespectful, but simply disagreed, and concretely stated his reasoning. It would therefore appear that the offense perceived by Peachy was not being “disrespectful,” but instead not agreeing with Mr. Roeser’s wild conspiracy theory, which, it should be noted, Peachy defended at length, however irrationally.

    It is most difficult to see how there can be any renovation of the Illinois GOP so long as such narrow minded tactics are employed.

  22. - blogman - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 11:51 am:

    I guess the consultants for the icecream man and his handlers have to blame someone else for his defeat in the primary. If the consultants had the integrity to actually tell Oberweis what a pathetic candidate he really is, he would stop paying them big bucks. That wouldn’t work, would it? I wonder what their excuse was for all of the other primaries that Oberweis has lost, because he is such an electable guy. It couldn’t be that he appeals to no one! Brady was the best candidate in the primary as I look at it now.

  23. - Reddbyrd - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 12:15 pm:

    Mr. Brady, we know the Stooges
    And, you sir, are no Stooge
    Mope-a-Dope, Gooney maybe, but let us not disrespect our national treasures.
    Now if we to discuss the Brickhead, that could be a whole different topic

  24. - anon - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 1:19 pm:

    Bill Brady is too conservative for Illinois. I voted for Bill Brady and there’s no way in hell I will ever vote for Jim Oberweis.

  25. - dictionary - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 1:27 pm:

    Definition of spoiler is as follows. Any competitor, entrant, or candidate who has no chance of ultimate victory but does well enough to spoil the chances of another.

    Yep, Brady is without a doubt a spoiler. He didn’t spend money as if he intended to win. He continueoulsly attacked the person in 2nd place instead of Topinka, the front runner. I believe he lied about his poll numbers. He’ll never get a vote from me.

  26. - NoMoreAdsForAWhile - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 1:50 pm:

    It is so funny that Oberweis thinks of himself as part of the solution. Actually, he is a huge part of the problem. Perhaps as electable as Alan Keyes? Maybe not?

  27. - Peachy - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 1:55 pm:

    Bubs can always be counted on to entertain. Just a few days ago he was defending the indefensible on here when it came to his guy Peraica inciting inebriated supporters to storm the County building and interfere with the election operation. This is the Peraica who said the election was being stolen from him (talk about wild conspiracy theories).

    Strike one Bubs.

    Now he accuses me of “attacking” Rich. Hardly. Strike two.

    Now while deploring so called “conspiracy theories” he spins real whoppers about “Truth and Justice” and the “Fickle Finger of Fate.”

    Frankly, I don’t even know what Bubs is talking about. So strike 3.

    I just want to know where are these poll results that Brady said he had showing him in a competitive race. Republicans who stayed with him need to see those, because no other poll that was released showed him ever being even close. Never close to even 2nd place, much less the frontrunner.

    If Brady is held accountable, maybe Republicans will get less of this destructive, dishonest behavior in the future.

    So let the distractions continue. I’ll wait for Brady to come clean.

  28. - Wumpus - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 1:57 pm:

    My take on the GOP Primary..a little late
    Gidwitz - The Insisders favorite outsider. He proclaimed to be an outsider, but look at his history. He game money so much and so regularly to JBT, I thought he was paying alimony/child support.

    Oberwies - Mr. Apology, Mr. FLip-Flop. If it isn’t abortion, it is illegal immigration. In the pocket of crazy man Roesser, the more he speaks, the less popular he bcomes.

    JBT -hs actually won elections and statewide. Forever linked to GHR and we see what happened to her. She should have taken more notes from Rod and got more money from companies she does business with as Treasurer

    Brady -conservative, seemingly the most honest and ethical by far. Needs to wear socks, but probably too conservative for IL. His clean image could not have held up against the onslaught of Blago’s money. I am sure he said something kind about Geroge Ryan once.

    Rauschy-male prostitute. follow the money and you will find Rauschy. At least he was smart enough to drop from the Gov race, but too stupid not to run for Treasurer…also was GHR’s buddy.

  29. - Squideshi - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 2:11 pm:

    There is no such thing as a “spoiler” because no candidate is automatically entitled to any votes, and that means that votes can not be “siphoned” or “stolen.” Also, people make the FALSE assumption that everyone voting for a third candiate would have voted for one of the other two, but this is a false assumption in many cases. Additional choices energize new voters, who had no interest in the other candidates, and who would not have otherwise voted. For example, I would not have voted for Blagojevich OR Topinka, had Whitney not been on the ballot. No “spoiler effect” here.

  30. - Squideshi - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 2:13 pm:

    I forgot to ask, why do we even put up with this situation? It does not make sense to allow anyone to be elected without a majority of the votes. We need majority elections in Illinois, either using runoff elections, or a system of Instant Runoff Voting. We need to hold our elected representatives’ feet to the fire on this!

  31. - The Conservative - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 2:17 pm:

    This is pure nonsense. I know all three and Bill Brady is a class act. Jack is a great guy but sees a conspiracy where there are none. Obie has a huge ego and cannot accept that conservatives rejected him. Jim get over yourself. What is next, th House seat in Kane. That will be another loss if you go gor it Jim. Why not do it the hard way, earn it.

  32. - Lovie's Leather - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 2:22 pm:

    I am falling back on my old philosophy… Oberweis people are just wierd. It is nothing tangible I can prove. Just dealing with these people was bizarre. And it is funny to read John Kass esposing his wierdness. And I will go further saying that I regret not supporting Brady. I supported Rauschy… then Gidwitz. And I should have switched to Brady after Rauschy dropped out. But under no circumstances would I have voted for Obie. I would have voted for Andy Martin before I voted for Obie. So quit the conspiracy crap!

  33. - Bubs - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 2:27 pm:

    Peachy, given the talent and glowing future you two once had, it’s sad that you are now reduced to personal attacks and crying over over spilt milk. When you guys ever win an election - Primary, General, Committeeman or Dogcatcher - be sure to call.

  34. - Rich Miller - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 3:25 pm:

    Peachy, $350 a year buys no one automatic respect.

  35. - Rich Miller - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 3:33 pm:

    And, Peachy, here’s his personal and campaign debt from earlier this year.

    Brady, William E. 2203 Eastland Drive
    Bloomington, IL 61704 $150,000.00 12/30/2005

    Brady, William E. 2203 Eastland Drive
    Bloomington, IL 61704 $100,000.00 2/17/2006

    Commerce Bank 120 North Center Street
    Bloomington, IL 61701 $100,000.00 3/14/2006

    Heartland Bank and Trust Company 401 North Hershey Road
    Bloomington, IL 61704 $100,000.00 3/10/2006

    Mid America National Bank 201 North Prospect
    Bloomington, IL 61704 $250,000.00 3/2/2006

  36. - Peachy - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 4:02 pm:

    Bubs, you need to seek help.

    Let’s see Bubs, you crashed and burned with Topinka then Peraica now Brady. Why don’t you just go back to the Dem Party. Oh, that’s right, they don’t want you either.

    And thanks for the D-2 info Rich on Brady. A small investment for someone looking to build name I.D.

    I still want to see the poll results he claimed to have.

  37. - Bubs - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 4:24 pm:

    Hey Peachy, what part of “personal attacks are all you have left” didn’t you understand? LOL!

    You are also inaccurate, but since you self-proclaimed Karl Roves are “0 for Everything” lifetime, I’ll consider the source and let it pass.

  38. - Peachy - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 4:41 pm:

    I’m right on Bubs. And didn’t you embarrass yourself enough for one week with the infamous Raid on David Orr? I’m still laughing about that.

  39. - Bubs - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 4:47 pm:

    Inaccurate again. This is getting boring!

  40. - Beowulf - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 5:12 pm:

    I think that Brady actually thought that he had a chance. I voted for him when Rauschenberger dropped out of the race. I have talked to Bill Brady and he is probably going to be the individual that Andy McKenna and the GOP pin their hopes on in 4 years. Unfortunately, Mr. Brady had no name recognition once you got north of Interstate 80. He was a hybrid candidate that was a little moderate and a little conservative at the same time. Not too hot and not too cold, but unfortunately, not just right with the Illinois GOP voters.

    Brady got the name recognition that he needed for his next run for the US Congress or Illinois Governor. His wife is sweet and a real asset. He is bright and well-polished. He is the Illinois GOP future. He will be the one who replaces Judy in the future. He is not under indictment nor being investigated, he owes no one any favors, he wasn’t close to George Ryan, and he can walk and chew gum at the same time. By jove, I think we have a future candidate for Illinois Governor!

    I hope that his involvement in the housing industry does not hinder his desire to run for political office in the future. In addition to having to payoff his previous loans that he took out to conduct his campaign, this poor guy is probably teetering on the edge of a financial cliff like these other home developers.

  41. - Rich Miller - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 6:32 pm:

    Enough with the personal “did not, did too” flame wars, please.

  42. - anon - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 8:01 pm:

    Obie has a future in Illinois politics!

  43. - the wonderboy - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 8:48 pm:

    Wow…wish I had been around earlier for the rumble in this thread.

    I can’t help but think back to the November 8th discussion on this blog regarding the future of the ILGOP. At that time I said that the party needs time to assess and make the right choices, and apparently everyone should have taken a little more vacation.

    Brady took on $700,000 in personal debt for his run and yet he supposedly did it as a spoiler? He may be more wealthy than the average voter, but that kind of money isn’t chump change for a developer who likely has most of his money tied into actual developments.

    I think that the most disappointing part of the attacks on Brady is that he handled himself professionally and positively throughout his campaign. Brady did respond to Obie’s attacks, but he never went negative in the campaign.

    I understand the frustration of Obie’s supporters, but the target of your anger should be your own candidate. Quit placing the blame on another candidate…Brady convinced nearly 20% of us that he was the right guy. And please, oh please, don’t assume that all of us who liked Bill would have chosen Obie if Brady had dropped…word on the street is that hell hasn’t frozen over yet.

  44. - RAI - Monday, Nov 13, 06 @ 11:29 pm:

    Reading the Brady supporters here makes me laugh. If they are correct then Brady was an Idiot! First he didn’t know who he was running against since ALL of his attacks went against Oberweis. he showed everyone how inept he is at fundraising! Didn’t he pay attention to Rauschys problems? It was all over the papers. He told anyone who would listen that he would have 3 to 5 million to spend (Sounds Like John Cox) but had $700,000. Remember Rauschy said he would have 1 million by April 1st? That is why it was such a big deal. This was an important election for the base!
    Now he looks like a liar or a kook to people he promised he could fund his own campaign. Then he ends up with 18% while claiming he was neck and neck with Judy in the last 2 weeks, again either a liar or a kook. I can see why you people think he has a future. Come on

  45. - T.J. - Tuesday, Nov 14, 06 @ 5:21 am:

    By the way, what did Brady do for Baar Topinka post-primary? Anything? And Gidwitz?

  46. - Peachy - Tuesday, Nov 14, 06 @ 9:10 am:

    woboy, don’t try to rewrite history. Brady was the 2nd nastiest player on the field, after Topinka. But all of his attacks were leveled at the guy in 2nd place, never the frontrunner.

    Who has ever heard of such a thing?

    And if Brady took out a lot of personal loans, what does that say? Obviously he didn’t have a lot of support. Everyone knew (including Brady) that he had no chance to win because he wasn’t running a statewide campaign. The biggest chunk of voters in Cook and the Collars never heard a peep from him.

    But yet he kept saying his polls showed him in a competitive race.

    I’m still waiting for Brady or one of his supporters on here to produce those polls!

    If he lied about that, why should we believe him when he says he wasn’t a spoiler?

    And by the way, I think Obe should be considered done too. 3 strikes, he’s out.

  47. - the wonderboy - Tuesday, Nov 14, 06 @ 9:58 am:

    Okay, allow me to raise a few issues with the logic presented thus far…

    Brady didn’t run a statewide campaign and yet he ran the second nastiest of the group. Based upon that, I can only assume that only one candidate ran any kind of campaign statewide. If not, then how could Bill have run the “second nastiest”? Out of curiousity, who was the nastiest? Don’t think I caught that ranking earlier…

    If Brady didn’t run a statewide campaign and the voters in Cook and the collars ahdn’t heard of him, then how did this allegedly terrible and negative campaign even affect Oberweis? After all, if the bulk of the voters never heard of him, then what difference does it make if he called Oberweis the spawn of Satan or even worse? Simply stated, the logic seems flawed. If Brady didn’t run any sort of real campaign, as you allege, then his attacks shouldn’t have impacted Oberweis in the least.

    As for the 3 to 5 million, let’s get the facts straight. I believe, and could be wrong if it happened at another time, that the interview asked the money question in relationship to the general election against Blago. That being the case, 3 to 5 million would be in line with Judy’s numbers…not the same, but still in proximity. I can’t see that as a lie in any way, shape, or form.

    The polls, the polls, the polls. Quick question–have you ever heard of ANY candidate going into the final push and stating that he/she had no chance and the election was out of hand? I don’t know what the polls were telling Brady’s people, but I do know that going into the primary, none of the great minds were confident in making predictions. That being the reality of the spring primaries, Brady may have had polls that indicated a large amount of undecideds and thus an opportunity for victory.

    Say what you want, but I did support Brady and I like to look at the sum of the parts when evaluating a candidate. Brady has a clean record and a solid reputation among his constituents. The system that we live in is built to allow the people a choice…and 18%+ chose Bill Brady. Say what you want…call him a liar, a spoiler, or whatever…just show a little respect for those who chose him in the primary. After all, most of those voters din’t take their ball and go home after the primary…they worked for the good of Illinois to try to get Blago out of power. I only wish that the same could be said about Obie’s people.

  48. - the wonderboy - Tuesday, Nov 14, 06 @ 10:00 am:

    By the way, I did see that you claimed Topinka was nastiest…just wanted to give you a chance to admit Obie’s ranking again.

    As for revisionist history…hi pot, my name is kettle.

  49. - Conservative Republican - Tuesday, Nov 14, 06 @ 11:41 am:

    Wonderboy put it the way I would.

    As a Brady supporter and a Judy loather (and for that matter, a voter quite educated on Oberweis), I can vouch for the “conspiracy” being off-base. Brady committed to the race long before Obie did. And Brady elected not to attack Judy because he always considered her numbers static. There was no Judy-Brady deal. He considered the conservative voter as the voter always in play, hence his critical approach to Oberweis.

    One thing not said: Oberweis has NEVER held office, and between campaigns, does NOTHING to promote the civic good. Hell, even Cox created some cockamamy PAC between two of his races to provide the fig-leaf of “accomplishing” things for the “public good”. If Oberweis is so keen on public service, why hasn’t he done ANYTHING of substance between his various campaigns? (Speeches to the Lake Co RAI don’t cut it.)

    Meanwhile, Brady has served, and continues to serve, in the Illinois legislature. (I remind the “conspiracists” that he opposed George Ryan’s pork at risk to his career.) He remains a key leader in Bloomington. Experience, background, and service will always trump the promisor without a record. Which is why Brady will still outshine Oberweis in the future, and remain the preferred figure.

    The bitter RAIs, Peachys (Ibendahl, is that you?) are the real spoilers. Brady, as an authentic conservative that has a good rapport with the state GOP establishment, has the best shot of advancing the conservative agenda within the state party. (Isn’t that what the objective is?) Unless conservatives can form alliances, they cannot advance the ball in this environment.

    Oberweis has simply burned his bridges with the Establishment (even before his last race). What Peachy/RAI/ Roeser/ Ibendahl are suggesting is that Oberweis soldier on and continue to function as a conservative spoiler. Even if he won a primary, the party establishment would desert him like they did Keyes. What that will mean is that the conservative vote will continue to be splintered and the “moderates” will continue to prevail in party leadership fights and primaries. It makes me think… are RAI/Peachy/ Roeser/ Ibendahl merely shills for the Establishment they so throatily profess to hate?

  50. - Peachy - Tuesday, Nov 14, 06 @ 8:52 pm:

    It’s funny listening to some of the ramblings here. No surprise that Brady would be a magnet for dishonest spin.

    But the question is still on the table, where are the polls Brady said he had showing him in a competitive race? EVERY poll actually released (and there were several) showed that he was never better than a distant third.

    And the thing about Topinka’s numbers being “static,” that’s a new one. I don’t even know what that really means. But last Tuesday’s election would seem to show how ridiculous that comment is.

    Before Brady lectures others about “lunacy”, I think he needs to have a talk with his own shills.

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