Another Rezko deal for Mrs. B
Friday, Nov 17, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
We already knew about the $39,000 that First Lady Patti Blagojevich made doing deals with Tony Rezko in 2004. The Sun-Times turned up another deal worth $50,000 to Mrs. Blagojevich that had some curious timing.
Mrs. Blagojevich’s River Realty was paid “$47,557 from the Dec. 16, 2002, sale” of a piece of industrial property that Rezko converted into townhomes.
It is unclear exactly what work River Realty did to earn the commission and how much Patti Blagojevich might have interacted with Rezko. Ottenhoff said the first lady represented the seller of the Irving Park Road site and the property could have been bought by anyone. […]
A principal with the other broker, Podolsky Northstar in north suburban Riverwoods, said his firm represented the seller and didn’t know what River Realty did on the deal.
Well, that’s strange.
A month after the deal went down, Rezko submitted a list to the governor’s office of the people he wanted hired.
Regardless of what Patti Blagojevich did to earn her commission, it’s clear Rezko approached her husband about key jobs and appointments. On Jan. 20, 2003 — a little more than a month after the transaction — Blagojevich’s chief of staff faxed to Blagojevich’s house a list of people Rezko wanted appointed to state boards and commissions. […]
Of the 19 people on the document, 10 wound up being appointed by the governor to a state board or commission — or got a spouse named. Others wound up with contracts underwritten by taxpayers, or their children got state jobs amid a Blagojevich hiring freeze.
Two other Rezko associates got state agency directorships soon thereafter.
I’m sure it’s all just one big coinkydink.
By the way, the stone wall is still very much in existence.
The governor’s office refused to answer several specific questions about the property, including how River Realty became involved in the sale, how long the property was on the market and whether the governor knew his wife was involved in a deal with Rezko’s Rezmar Corp.
- if it walks like a duck... - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 6:46 am:
Let us get biblical: Genesis 2:25
The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.
- I can't believe we did it again - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 6:49 am:
Why is it the people of Illinois keep electing crooks?
- Master of the Obvious - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 6:58 am:
However, it isn’t so obvious to me this time…what is the purpose of this story? Salacious muckraking? If you are you accusing Ms. Blagojevich of wrongdoing, get on with it. Otherwise, this story is better material for Michael Sneed.
- Justice - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 7:16 am:
Idiots exacting money from idiots……somehow doesn’t seem wrong, until they exact a toll on we the people. But then our own legislature can vote themselves a 10%+ raise, and think nothing of raiding the pension fund. What Pattie Blagojevich did seems trifle to that level of arrogance and greed. Not only do we need to watch the spouses, we need to watch those we entrusted to do what is best for us all. Too bad for all you state employees who didn’t get a raise. Better get a job on the side in Real Estate. Seems to pay very well.
- Chad - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 7:36 am:
On the corruption issue generally, I want to congraulate and thank Rich, the Tribune, Crain’s and Bernie Schoenberg for having done such a great job expressly alerting the voters to the specifics. Unlike so many in the media who turned aside when George Ryan ran, these people did nothing other than a great job at what they are supposed to do — report the facts. As this administration crashes and burns, and as the indictments and sentences are announced, the Illinois tolerance for illegal behavior may finally turn.
- Gregor - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 7:37 am:
Walks, looks, acts… quack!
- huh? - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 7:46 am:
How dare you to question patty’s work, you must be a Neanderthal and a bigot. She shouldn’t be required to screen all of her clients. NOT
quack quack quack
- Tessa - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 7:51 am:
Well, let’s see. Did she do this before or after her husband initiated the whole ethics edict for everyone who works for the state? You know, the one that makes this pretty much a big no, no. Oh, that’s right. It’s wrong for everyone except the Gov and his wife. I keep forgetting that little part. It must have been in the fine print of the version the employees didn’t get.
Makes you wonder how some people can sleep at night. Can he even spell ethics?
- North of I-80 - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 8:03 am:
She’s like a brother to me, a mother to my kids, a godfather…
We’re not surprised. Just disappointed that voters selected this act to represent IL for 4 more years (or 1.5 or 2.25 more anyhow).
- Little Egypt - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 8:14 am:
Master of the obvious, apparently the obvious is not so obvious to you. In exchange for a hefty $47+K, Rezko bought access to YOUR governor and the majority of people on the “List of 19″ were put in appointed or hired positions with this state. These people are paid with taxpayer money - YOUR money (I’m assuming you pay taxes). Now why would that not put a bee in your bonnet? Hand-picked cronies of Rezko get immediate appointments or jobs when there are so many other more deserving people who would love to have those jobs. Perhaps some of those jobs could have been filled with a well-deserving veteran. And you still think this is all OK?
Rich, it’s really me. I’m traveling again.
- Big Guy - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 9:03 am:
What a shame….The voting public had a chance to minimize the damage to this state by flushing the Blago administration on Nov. 7, but “You can lead them to water, but you can’t make them drink.”
This makes me sick…..QUACK, QUACK
- VanillaMan - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 10:18 am:
So what? No one cares. Let the crooks rob us. Not only does Illinois not care, they voted in those bums just this month.
So stop complaining. Ferdinand and Imelda Blagojevich are busy collecting their cash.
- Bluefish - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 10:46 am:
This makes the $1,500 check look like small potatoes now, doesn’t it. Funny how the Sun-Times is now busy exposing the corruption of the guy they strongly endorsed for governor just a few weeks ago.
- Animous - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 10:47 am:
Its really starting to look like real estate is the newest way for politicians to TRY and legally get a little nest egg from their “friends”.
It hasn’t seemed to work very well though, it was ultimately part of Randy Cunningham’s undoing in California, and the Rezko links in IL could cause some big hits to the careers of a number of big name pol’s here.
Rezko & Patti should create a new venture and call it what it is:
Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge Real Estate
- Master of the Obvious - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 11:48 am:
Little Egypt: Thank you for offering that I obviously didn’t see the issue here. I must not have been clear in the opening phrase of my original post–Your power of observation is remarkable. But a remarkable observation made by me may be your lack of understanding the relationship between policy making positions in the governor’s office and veteran’s preference. The governor has a great deal of latitude regarding policy making appointments–and part of that process is accepting recommendations, just as Governor Edgar did with individuals A and K). I would reference the State of Illinois Personnel Code, Jurisdiction B, and ask you pay acute attention to “4d3″ exemptions, and Denton v. CSC (176 ILL 2d 144) for starting points re: policy positions and vets preference.
As a matter of fact, I do pay taxes, and I want MY governor to have a staff that promotes his policy–not force-fed a person that has no relationship to the policy strategy whatsoever. I am curious as to what makes a well-deserving veteran more qualified to be a senior policy advisor in a gubernatorial office than tha person developing the same policy in the campaign? As for a bee in my bonnet? I am quite happy to disclose the results of the recent election are significantly to my liking, and appear to be getting better all the time! It is obvious to me you have the bee, and its related hives…So I would suggest when you are done applying the ointment, please remember, it puts the lotion in the basket.
- Bubs - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 12:03 pm:
Master of Obvious (aka “MOO”):
If you think that this story is irrelevant, or mere muckraking, then you are Exhibit A of what is wrong with Illinois government today.
Hopefully, your hero will be seeing a different kind of “Exhibit A” sooner rather than later . . .
- Garp - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 12:08 pm:
I suspect when all is said and done, Mr. Rezco will go down in Illinois history as one of our greatest political villains. He will be equal to Judge Lefevour, George Ryan and Paul Powell in infamy and will be responsible for ending the advancement or even the careers of politicians with whom he ingratiated himself to.
- So Blue Democrat - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 12:13 pm:
Master of the Obvious,
What about political appointees being demoted for abusing staff, but maintaining their high salary? Of course, another person was placed in the position. So we now have two political appontees making very high salaries.
- Guy Fawkes - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 12:35 pm:
Who cares! The voters certainly made it clear……
It’s oblivious, Corruptovich and company just deny everything.
The whole Rezko thing is going implicate a lot of people before its over. Who’ll be left to run Illinois?
The feds should be all over this, but not a peep….
- Angie - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 1:09 pm:
[Why is it the people of Illinois keep electing crooks?]
Because the crooks keep running for office and winning by promising to throw all sorts of doggie treats out to everyone in an attempt to buy the votes. If it works, why change the winning strategy?
Game theory, you know? The payoff is so much higher for the corrupt here in Illinois. Why change strategies?
- steve schnorf - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 1:10 pm:
More than 75% of the registered voters in the State signaled their OK of the Administration a little more than a week ago. We need to get over it and move on.
- So Blue Democrat - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 2:07 pm:
I wonder whether Patrick F. will “move on.” I also do not understand your 75%.
- Guy Fawkes - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 3:32 pm:
How does Fitz walk away from the seriousness of all this? I think not!
Being re-elected does not give Corruptovich a “Get Out Of Jail” card.
- Some Neanderthal - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 5:19 pm:
Let’s see, the Dad, his Brother, the Step-Dad, the wife, the older daughter all have received dirty money at some point now…
All that’s left is little Amy, probably she will get caught in a “binkies-for-boards” bribe scandal before her next B-day. Her excuse will be; “He was like a Daddy to me, you’re asking me to we-cweate something I did this morning, and I’m not going to do that. I’m NOT!!!”
Bring candy, mister prosecutor.
- Arthur Andersen - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 6:42 pm:
Steve, you flunked this math test, friend. Blago received less than 50% of the total turnout. How you figure that equals “More than 75% of the registered voters in the State” does not compute with me and seems like a Bill-class piece of spin.
- steve schnorf - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 6:47 pm:
52% of registered voters acquiesced that there was not enough need for a change to even go to the polls, and 50% of those who did voted to re-elect the Governor. Of course this doesn’t count the adult citizens who don’t even think its worth registereing.
- tomkat - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 7:29 pm:
interesting line, the list was faxed to blagos home. could it be because he is never at the Capitol or the JTC. they also threw out the line about this being an attack on a women’s right to work. dont they know the election is over and they no longer need to suck up to the female vote.
- GetAGrip - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 7:44 pm:
It’s interesting that they use the “Womaen Rights” angle. The Gov. had no problem firing my wife and hiring a bunch of “interns” to do her job even though she had sixteen years of service to the state and outstanding credentials. And as far as moving on now, that’s pretty tough when you see the nasty games and misrepresentations that this administartion has asserted on the people of Illinois. I only hope justice prevails at some point.
- Master of the Obvious - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 8:38 pm:
So Blue D(12:13)–while it is not quite obvious why the straw-man question is asked on this thread, I will attempt an appropriate answer. I believe any alleged instance of a supervisor/superior abusing staff should be investigated and processed according to the merits of the case. With regard to your “political appointees” aspect to the question, please reference both the State of Illinois Personnel Code citing above and the Pay Plan for rules/salary ranges. Regarding your last two sentences, sounds to me like bees may be in your bonnet as well. You may use the lotion too, but when you are done it puts the lotion in the basket or it gets the hose.
- Concerned Voter - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 9:55 pm:
To some who don’t seem to think it’s much of a big deal what she did, you can look at it as what he (the guv) did.
I would refer you to the guv’s own ethics program. They hammer away that if it even looks unethical, you should not do it.
So, when Rezko is doing business with Mrs. B, which they claim he did for a few years prior to 2002, once he becomes guv, he should tell his people and Tony, we should have nothing to do with Tony/you because my wife has business dealings with him/you, it could be deemed inappropriate to have dealings with him/you, since my wife has had financil gain from dealing with him/you outside of state govt. That’s if he followed his own ethics training.
- Bill - Saturday, Nov 18, 06 @ 9:16 am:
The governor is an honest man and always tries to do the right thing. The people agreed and made him their choice on election day. He has the right to appoint who he sees fit and his wife has the right to make a living.
What’s the problem here other than a slow news day?
- Animous - Saturday, Nov 18, 06 @ 11:03 am:
{The governor is an honest man and always tries to do the right thing.}: I think P Fitz is ultimately going to have the final say in this situation. One of the first questions he will be asked on the stand will be: “When you were made aware of a number of significant allegations of hiring fraud, pay-to-play and other serious allegations of misconduct within your administration what proactive steps did you PERSONALLY take to eliminate the problems?”. We know the answer. The “Head in the Sand” defense didn’t work for G Ryan, it won’t work here.
{The people agreed and made him their choice on election day.}: Yes, in the Anti-Bush “revolt” of 2006, Blago managed to squeek by with less than half of the vote in an overwhelmingly Blue state.
{He has the right to appoint who he sees fit and his wife has the right to make a living.}: Yes, and they have the responsiblity to be held accountable for any and all actions they take. That’ what we will be seeing in the months and years ahead.
{What’s the problem here other than a slow news day?}: The problem, quite simply is that there is now a mounting body of facts that indicate the Blago family “friendship” is not based on personal relations, professional likemindedness, or any other non-economic reason.
It certainly appears that this relationship is based on Rezko’s ability to put money DIRECTLY into the bank account of the Blago family and “Buy his way in” to the Blago decision-making process. The correlation of $$$ to action (i.e., appointments & influence) is the very definition of Pay-To-Play. The decision by Blago to do nothing when confonted with the facts makes him guilty.
Plain and simple…
- Bill - Saturday, Nov 18, 06 @ 3:52 pm:
You have been promising and threatening action by the feds for months, if not years. First, the Gov will be indicted before the primary, then it was before the general, now it is whenever. In reality, since the governor has done nothing wrong there won’t be any indictments let alone a trial except in your imagination.
There is no “body of facts” only speculation, lies, innuendo, and wishful trhinking on the part of those who would like to obstruct the administration’s progressive agenda.
- Animous - Saturday, Nov 18, 06 @ 4:51 pm:
First, I have never ONCE promised or even speculated of an indictment before the primary, general or any other time (the first time I even POSTED was August). I know better than to post an arbitrary time frame BECAUSE I’VE SEEN IT BEFORE, so has everybody else.
Obviously, you haven’t or were unable to read the papers for the last ten years. It took YEARS for the feds to get to G Ryan one “domino” at a time. He hasn’t even gone to prison yet for actions (or inactions) committed in the mid 90’s. As far as this “investigation” goes, Rezko is probably about domino number one of about five that will ultimately lead to the end of the trail.
I’ve worked for both administrations, and others. This administration is accused of a number of things (what, 5 or 6 times that of the Ryan administration). It has happened, and the administration is spending more time trying to find scapegoats than they are in trying to end the practices that have them in hot water. Again, because they’ve missed the “lessons learned” from the Ryan missteps.
You can wish it all away as much as you like Bill, but ultimately, it will happen. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. We’ve all seen this story before, we all know how it ends…
As far as a progressive agenda, I like a lot of others don’t mind change AS LONG AS IT ACTUALLY ACCOMPLISHES SOMETHING for the long term good of the public. The administration is more interested in taking credit for ANNOUNCING changes than they are in actually seeing anything happen. Its not being progressive, its being irresponsible.
How many hundreds of thousands of dollars (or millions) have been wasted promoting & attempting to manage overreaching programs that can’t be managed, and worst of all, can’t be paid for. No, change for the sake of change doesn’t help anyone and it ultimately WASTES MONEY that could be spent better elsewhere.
There really is a concept called RESPONSIBLE government. It was the reason I wanted to work for the state in the first place. Unfortunately, its seems to be the last thing on anyone’s mind in this administration.
If you don’t believe me ask around. Ask employees that have been around since the Walker days. Ask them, I’m sure you can find some “Progressive” democrats like yourself. Oh, and look them in the eye when they give their answer, because all state employees have been conditioned to tell the administration what they want to hear, because anyone that actually tried to point out irresponsible or questionable actions have been shown the door…
Go ahead Bill, ASK…
- Jay - Saturday, Nov 18, 06 @ 6:10 pm:
Bill, blagogate is coming, it may take 4 years but it will come.
- Disgusted - Saturday, Nov 18, 06 @ 11:11 pm:
Bill, I’m just curious. Does the governor pay your mortgage or give you big Christmas presents or perhaps pay you by the word for your comments on this blog? I can’t figure out why any reasoning human being can’t see through this administration and it’s appointees unless they are getting paid in some way. You aren’t that altruistic, my friend, or you would be kinder to those your preach at. You truly are Johnny One-Note.
- Bill - Sunday, Nov 19, 06 @ 8:08 am:
No, I don’t get paid. The one note I repeatedly sing is that the lies, innuendo, false allegations, presumptions, that occur here are an attempt to tarnish, I think, unfairly, the duly elected and re-elected Governor of our great state. I know and understand that some bloggers are upset at the prospect of a hike in the minimum wage, health insurance for children, the elderly, veterans, and the less fortunate. Some bloggers are upset that the number of entrenched lifetime,Republican state employees and hangers on is decreasing and that state gov’t has tens of thousands less employees than there were under previous administrations.
Is the public outraged about any decline in state services? No.
Are the voters upset by any of the unproven charges of corruption or unsubstantiated charges of impropriety of the governor or his wife? Apparently not, despite a crusade by the print and electronic media to inaccurately convey the impression that the governor is some sort of criminal.
Are voters upset over the plight of the poor, underpaid, middle management employees who continually complain here about their state jobs and about how all of the newly hired directors (Dems) are bad and all of the people leaving those postitons (Repubs) were dedicated, hard working geniuses who were motivated, not by self interest, but by their unselfish desire to improve Illinoisians quality of life. I don’t think so!
The people have spoken. Rod Blagojevich was overwhelmingly elected by the voters as the best choice of candidates. They gave a mandate to the governor to continue his program and agenda of changing business as usual, to continue to rock the Springfield world,to get things done for people and to make state government work for the people not the other way around.
This may upset former insiders as their influence and power that they had for over 25 years diminish but election day was a great day for the people of Illinois.
You ain’t seen nothing yet!
- Jay - Sunday, Nov 19, 06 @ 9:39 am:
The people of chicago or cook county elected him not the state people of Illinois. He raised 27 million dollars this go around and that is why is back in not because of the programs he started that cant be paid for. The goverment has tens of thousands less employees , Ryan got rid of 11,000 with his early retirement.
- Master of the Obvious - Sunday, Nov 19, 06 @ 11:26 am:
Jay–Chicago without the rest of Illinois would still be Chicago. Illinois without Chicago would be Iowa. (credit Royko). The rest of what you said…Governor Blagojevich won, get over it.
Bill–you’re right on. In fact, in Sangamon County, the absolute first bitch about the governor is “He doesn’t live here”. So what? Of course the second one is “He hires his cronies”…again, so what? I am out of lotion. It gets the hose.
- ArchPundit - Sunday, Nov 19, 06 @ 12:39 pm:
===The people of chicago or cook county elected him not the state people of Illinois.
Perhaps we should allocate votes equally amongst counties. Kind of like Jim Crow. Oh wait that was a technique of Jim Crow.
Seriously, this whining about how somehow it’s unfair that votes are distributed by the population are really silly. One person one vote shouldn’t be a controversial topic in 2006.
I happen to not be very happy with the outcome of the election, but that’s not an uncommon thing for me.
- Walking Wounded - Sunday, Nov 19, 06 @ 12:43 pm:
The phrase “You ain’t seen nothing yet” goes both ways. PFitz and crew are taking their time on their investigations and will file charges and indictments when the time is ready. If you think I’m saying this because of the Republicans loss, you’re wrong. Blagojevich (D) will get his day in court, just as much as George Ryan (R) did.
Either way, it makes me sad this state can’t elect an honest governor.
- Angie - Sunday, Nov 19, 06 @ 1:39 pm:
What is particularly irritating is the arrogance of some of these people. Right on the heels of George Ryan being under investigation and there are still allegedly corrupt people who are pulling what Fitz calls “pay to play on steroids” in Illinois?
One has to believe that these scoundrels actually get a psychological high of some sort by playing so close to the fire, kind of like those gamblers who risk losing everything (and sometimes do).
Perhaps anyone who wants to do fundraising or run for office needs to have their brain chemicals checked for advance warning signs of extreme risk-taking behavior, or something. Surely that must be it. They not only don’t care, but they must actually enjoy having the feds on the trail, or something. Why else would you continue this stuff? And that must go for everyone, including guys like Jack Abramoff, too. A bunch of amoral, Machiavellian, risk-taking, political thrill-seeking weasels.
Maybe someone needs to administer one of those MMPI tests to anyone planning to run, or something.