Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Pay raise politics *** Updated x1 ***
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Pay raise politics *** Updated x1 ***

Friday, Nov 17, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Politicians are never so defensive or sanctimonious as when they’re voting to raise their own pay. Yesterday was the Illinois Senate’s turn.

Supporters of the pay increase quoted the Bible and spoke of the financial burden faced by single-parent legislators as justification for a bump up in pay that will cost taxpayers $5.1 million annually.

“The Scriptures speak of the fact a workman is worthy of his hire,” said Sen. James Meeks (D-Chicago), pastor of Salem Baptist Church. “Just because we’re elected officials, it’s not fair to come to work every day and then to not be able to expect adequate compensation.” […]

“Timing wise, this stinks,” said Sen. Christine Radogno (R-Lemont), who voted against the pay hikes. “There’s a perception here that those who voted for this are far more concerned about their own well-being first and foremost before anything else.”


Sen. Rickey Hendon, D-Chicago, called the more than $8,000-per-year boost headed his way “a little bitty raise” and said he deserves the money.

“We’re not asking for a ridiculous amount. We are underpaid,” said Hendon, who will see his base pay rate rise to more than $66,000, up from $57,600. […]

Sen. Kimberly Lightford, D-Maywood, said the increase would make up for several years during which lawmakers have not received cost-of-living adjustments.

“When I fight for a minimum-wage increase for everyone else, I need to fight for myself,” Lightford said.


A Peoria Republican, Sen. Dale Risinger, said it is unfair for lawmakers to make more money when 9,000 non-union state employees have gotten just one raise in four years. That 4 percent raise only offset an increase in their state pension contributions.

“We have professional people in this government working right now who have not had a cost-of-living raise in four years,” Risinger said. “I cannot go back and look in the eyes of other people in this government that are doing a heck of a job, working hard and say, ‘I got mine, but you can’t get yours.’”

“I would point out that you do have the option of donating the money back to the state,” Sen. John Cullerton, D-Chicago, told opponents of the raises.

*** UPDATE *** IIS has a couple of stories posted.



  1. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 8:19 am:

    Congratulations to the 6 state senators who voted “present.” Way to go out on a limb!

  2. - scoot - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 8:21 am:


  3. - Niles Township - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 8:26 am:

    I am so sick of this. They should get the same 3% - 3.5% most working souls in the state get every year.

  4. - The PFC - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 8:27 am:

    Here is what I had to say on the SJ-R page. This is coming from a person some may say is woefully underpaid, but I don’t complain.

    Sen. Hendon you’re underpaid? I make $1501.20 a month in base pay, you make $4801.58 a month in base pay. You make $125 a day per diem. People at my base make $3.25 a day per diem. But you know what the difference is between us Senator? We dont complain! Why? Because we think it is a privilege to serve, it seems you tend to think its a paycheck rather than a privilege, how sad.

  5. - Tessa - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 8:27 am:

    And how many does Cullerton think will donate that money back to the state? How funny he is. Could they vote to give merit comp staff a 10% raise. How much would that cost the state a year? Blago would go nuts.

  6. - Shelbyville - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 8:28 am:

    Raises for members of the legislature is always a can of worms. Members of the IL. House and Senate are paid much more than some legislators in other states. And some states only allow raises that are passed by ballot initiatives. IL. needs to fix this so people aren’t voting on their own raises.

    I don’t mind them making a decent wage, it is just the way they have to go about raising it that is screwed up.

  7. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 8:31 am:

    “Niles Township,” you just endorsed the pay raise. From the SJ-R article:

    ====The COLA was 3.8 percent in 2003, 2.8 percent in 2004 and 2.7 percent in 2005. Compounded, those COLAs will boost salaries by 9.6 percent.===

  8. - Wumpus - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 8:32 am:

    Way to vote democrat

  9. - Downstater - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 8:41 am:

    I think the members of the legislative and executive branches should have to earn their raises. I cannot see where that has happended over the last 4 years. Since Illinois has the worst debt liability in the nation, their so called raises should go straight to the general fund to relieve some of the debt that they have created. Also, merit comp employees should get a raises before these jokers. At least they have been doing the work day in and day out for the citizens of this state.

  10. - Wumpus - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 9:06 am:

    As a recapp, Meeks quoted scripture to justify the insanity, Blago does not intend to keep the money as his daughters make more than that, and certain legislators, who quite possibly hold other state jobs think they are entitled to the raises.

  11. - Hmmm... - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 9:09 am:

    I think it’s ok … as long as we don’t increase teacher salaries at all. Teachers don’t even deserve cost of living increases, let alone exhorbitant raises of 2 or 3 percent in a given year. But, legislators, heck … they work so hard to pass their pork spending projects and to drive from one photo-op to another.

    Were’nt at least some of these people the same ones who, accurately, said they couldn’t support some of the new state programs because the state didn’t have the money for them? This is a great move on their part. Will definitely increase the level of trust from the public.

  12. - He Makes Ryan look like a saint - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 9:13 am:

    The Legislators should have to get the same pay raise as MC positions get each year. They should also be required to fund the SERS pension the same as The Legis Retirement system.

    This whole thing is BS. Looking out for themselves first.

  13. - can't imagine - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 9:21 am:


    Tax his land,
    Tax his bed,
    Tax the table
    At which he’s fed.

    Tax his tractor,
    Tax his mule,
    Teach him taxes
    Are the rule.

    Tax his cow,
    Tax his goat,
    Tax his pants,
    Tax his coat.

    Tax his ties,
    Tax his shirt,
    Tax his work,
    Tax his dirt.

    Tax his tobacco,
    Tax his drink,
    Tax him if he
    Tries to think.

    Tax his cigars,
    Tax his beers,
    If he cries, then
    Tax his tears.

    Tax his car,
    Tax his gas,
    Find other ways
    To tax his a…..

    Tax all he has
    Then let him know
    That you won’t be done
    Till he has no dough.

    When he screams and hollers,
    Then tax him some more,
    Tax him till
    He’s good and sore.

    Then tax his coffin,
    Tax his grave,
    Tax the sod in
    Which he’s laid.

    Put these words
    upon his tomb,
    “Taxes drove me
    to my doom…”

    When he’s gone,
    Do not relax,
    Its time to apply
    The inheritance tax.

    Accounts Receivable Tax
    Building Permit Tax
    CDL license Tax
    Cigarette Tax
    Corporate Income Tax
    Dog License Tax
    Federal Income Tax
    Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
    Fishing License Tax
    Food License Tax,
    Fuel permit tax
    Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
    Hunting License Tax
    Inheritance Tax
    Interest expense
    Inventory tax
    IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
    Liquor Tax
    Luxury Taxes
    Marriage License Tax
    Medicare Tax
    Property Tax
    Real Estate Tax
    Service charge taxes
    Social Security Tax
    Road usage taxes
    Sales Tax
    Recreational Vehicle Tax
    School Tax
    State Income Tax
    State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
    Telephone federal excise tax
    Telephone federal universal service fee tax
    Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes
    Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
    Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
    Telephone state and local tax
    Telephone usage charge tax
    Utility Taxes
    Vehicle License Registration Tax
    Vehicle Sales Tax
    Watercraft registration Tax
    Well Permit Tax
    Workers Compensation Tax

    COMMENTS: Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago,
    and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.
    We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class
    in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
    What happened?
    And I still have to “press 1″ for English

  14. - Justice - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 9:24 am:

    This action on the Senate’s part, after the elections, underscores the cowardly behavior of our legislators. These people who voted themselves a raise while robbing from the pension fund should be thrown out of office on their ear. Where is the Merit Comp employees raise? 4% in four years doesn’t even make up for matching contributions to the pension plan that was taken away… and these clown have the gall to vote themselves a raise. First Senator Bomke sides with Blogo to raid the pension fund for a pet project that was ill conceived….now he votes for a raise???? What is happening to our good and decent leaders? I’ll tell you what’s happening, they have lived in a corrupt system so long, they have lowered their standards instead of raising others standards. They feel they are entitled to work their regular jobs in the private sector and be rewarded for putting Illinois on the bottom of all 50 states in fiscal responsibility. How incredibly stupid is this!!!. Worse yet, how freaking stupid are we to allow this outrageous behavior! Who the hell is in charge, we the people or a bunch of self serving hacks? We better get this right folks or we are really screwed.

  15. - Tom - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 9:25 am:

    Radogno and Risinger have the right idea. Since Republicans are completely marginalized their best hope is to turn themselves into the fiscal and ethical watchdog party. The Democrats have all the power but with that comes plenty of rope with which to hang themselves.

  16. - Aaron - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 9:46 am:

    Do some of these Dems hear themselves when they talk? I wonder if they read their own quotes and think to themselves, “did I really just say that?”

  17. - Logical GOP - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 9:52 am:

    First, “Can’t Imagine” that was one of the best posts I’ve seen in a while. This is an odd issue in my opinion. Before we compare what we do in this state legislature with that of other states, lets first make sure that we compare the same systems - apples to apples. Not all legislatures are the same, full-time professional, part-time, hybrid, etc….

    Either way, i’m not against the raises. It’s a crappy time to do it - I agree with the state in such debt. But time and time again in government we contradict our own beliefs and policies. We expect public servants to work harder, work longer, and work for less all the time. Most legislators are well educated professionals who in the private sector could be making well into the six figures, so to compare them to the “average american worker” is not fair since 75% of the country is not college educated.

    On top of paying an average and mediocre salary, we then ask public servants to pay their own way for everything. Don’t let someone buy you dinner, pay for your own admission to pricey fundraisers and events, cover your entertainment costs. Well the fact is it’s hard to do all that on $56,000 a year. Also sorry to say if you don’t do all those things you’re probably left behind when it comes to legislative advancement. So don’t hate the players, hate the game!

    The system is screwed. I would much rather see a concrete pay raise system, that provides for long-term raises of “x” percent each year, with tiers for legislators in leadership or chairman posts. I think that would be better than going at it randomly and approving raises at the will of the political climate or political party.

    Also if you’re Blago you don’t need an extra couple thousand in your salary when you have $10 million in a campaign account. I mean no one is surprised at what constitutes a “campaign expense” these days, so don’t praise him as a saint quite yet.

  18. - Black Democrat - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 10:05 am:

    Lightford needs a raise? Shw works hard for middle class people to get a minimum wage increase for people? Yet she supports COMED rate hikes that will destroy any minumum wage hike increase? Has she walked in her district, and noticed how badly the roads are, the schools are,the highest crime rate in Illinois.
    Lightford is the worst legislator in Springfield and needs to go find a job where she can work for a living. Her district office is always closed and she never responds to her constiuents. She a political Hack of Emile Jones and Meeks, and we know why they support her.

  19. - VanillaMan - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 10:11 am:

    It shouldn’t be all of them, or none of them. We should allow each guy to vote their own pay raise only. So, it they say “yes”, they get the raise. If they vote “no” or “present” - they don’t.

    We have the worst of both world right now. Even those who hide behind their votes get the raise. I want to see every one of those greedy scums stick their hand out and ask for what they feel they deserve. Right now, they can play games and pretend it doesn’t matter.

    It should and they should be held accountable for it. Right now, we are all getting screwed over how this is being done.

    If we did this, how much one guy got paid over their opponent would become an campaign issue, and then it would matter. Until then, just keep bending over and letting the Democrats give you what they want.

  20. - decaturboy - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 10:14 am:

    Was a yes vote really a no vote? Then did Channel 20 report the story wrong last night. Making it appear that Bob Flider voted for a pay raise. He would not do that.

  21. - Spfd Anon - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 10:19 am:

    Senate vote on their pay increase…. Minimum wage increase….Wow! In just a couple of days the legislature worked from one end of the pay/benefits continuum to the other. Notice something here, folks? Seems like they are overlooking the middle class.

    If I would have posted this scenario on this blog pre-election with the comment that the Dems will end up doing something like this, I would have gotten blasted into cyberspace because after all, the Dems are the only party in touch with the real people. So hello - where are all of you Dem bloggers now that the election is over???? And please, I don’t need to read posts from Gov Rod’s staff drilling it that the Gov is going to give it to charity. If he feels it is inappropriate, then veto the thing!!!

    Now is the time to get the list of everyone who voted for the bill and start working against them for their next election. Arduous task? Yes. Would it be successful? Maybe not. But, it would get the election process back to grassroots efforts where it belongs. And it would be a fun process.

  22. - East SouthSider - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 10:23 am:

    Does Meeks really need to frame all his arguments in religious context. I understand it is his calling, but I’ve always thought arguments quoting scripture are the weakest, since one cannot refute it without being brought into a debate on being pro/anti god.

    A pay raise at this time is just ridiculous. And his argument more ridiculous. Beware of a man of the cloth more concerned with money than treating others with respect and understanding (See his ‘Hell House’)

  23. - He Makes Ryan look like a saint - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 12:22 pm:

    Rich, Could you look to see what a YES vote was for? I believe it was to Reject the recommendation which would be going against it.

  24. - downstateyp - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 12:30 pm:

    Can anyone post which Senators voted for this bill?

  25. - Cassandra - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 12:30 pm:

    I know I am supposed to be outraged, but the Dems are in charge, the majority of voters wanted them in charge, and it is hardly unusual for legislators to vote raises for themselves when the opportunity arises.

    And as I’ve been saying, there is plenty of money in the state coffers, it’s a matter of distribution. Apparently, Democrats believe raising legislator salaries is a top priority.

    Now, if they raise my taxes, I’ll have to rethink it. They aren’t worth that.

  26. - So Blue Democrat - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 12:40 pm:

    Hynes is stating that a supplemental is required in order for him to pay the salary increases. It will be very interesting to observe whether the Governor will veto this supplemental. I bet he does not.

  27. - Frank Booth - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 12:50 pm:

    Below is a link to the Senate roll call. The vote was whether to block the recommended increases. So a “yes” vote was a vote against higher paychecks. A “no” vote, “present” vote, not voting all were votes for higher paychecks.
    And just to clarify, the plan got more ‘yes’ votes than ‘no’ votes but that doesn’t matter. Unless and until something get’s 30 ‘yes’ votes it’s defeated.

    The roll call please:

  28. - Budget Watcher - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 1:02 pm:

    The Senate’s justification was simply following the ol’ Tony Rezko adage, “You get what you pay for.”

  29. - steve schnorf - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 1:05 pm:

    I will say the same thing today as I said almost 30 years ago when Edgar was castigated for a vote increasing legislative salaries. If we elect good legislators, we can hardly pay them enough, and if we elect lousy ones, any amount is too much. We should put mote effort into who we elect rather than into dithering about how much they’re paid.

  30. - So Blue Democrat - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 2:03 pm:


    The primary issue is that they think they can allocate funds for their own pay increases, but cannot allocate funds for 9,000 MC state employees. Many of these state workers also deserve increases. Good people are leaving state government. The “lousy” ones will remain.

  31. - State Snack Popcorn - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 2:11 pm:

    These are the same legislators that criticize Walmart or Corporate America for not taking care of its employees. Perhaps the blog question should be “Who else is receiving a 10% pay increase this year?”

    In addition, employees usually receive increases based on job performance…

  32. - Mike Williams - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 5:37 pm:

    Reverend/Senator Meeks comments further diminish his standing in my view. First was the “Hell House” nonsense, now this clever use of scripture disregarding its real meaning. The scripture passage pertains to laborers who were often underpaid and abused by dishonest employers, not elected officials with a nice salary, meal stipend, and office allowance.

    The Reverend/Senator should recheck the scripture and the times in which they were written before he makes ridiculous statements like this.

  33. - PO'd State Worker - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 6:26 pm:

    Dear Senator James T. Meeks; Maybe your sermon this week could be on Deuteronomy 24:15 Pay him his wages each day before sunset, because he is poor and is counting on it. Otherwise he may cry to the LORD against you, and you will be guilty of sin.

  34. - steve schnorf - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 6:40 pm:

    It is not the GA who is preventing MC employees from getting raises.

  35. - PO'd State Worker - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 6:59 pm:

    To steve schnorf,

    You are right, sir. But they could demand it of the Gov seeing how they control the whole shebang. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

  36. - annon - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 7:40 pm:

    Oh come on folks !!!! Legislators though elected are making good salaries in & of it self like high $$60’s now, committee chair or “leadership” perks & often have “secondary employment” IE: lawyers, farmers & merchants their “other jobs”. Oh, not to mention the “per diem” of around $80.00 — $100.00 per day while in session, district office allowances equal to their salaries, pension contributions ect., ect. ect. Between them and the damn unions with their incremental raises , just because !! What about “MC” employees ??? -0- for some, about 4 years plus {not counting the bone Blago threw last year @ 4% that was eaten up by taxes & pension payments we’ll never see. You know the nerve of these people. The states in a real jam, bills going un-paid & “happy new year” & “happy Dem majority” & the return of our illustious GUV lets start the year off right ALL while their telling us we’ve got to tighten up !!! If it were performance based as most raises are…….they’d be fired. MC folks would be happy for just cost of living adjustments just trying to stay afloat while the elite continue to rob us.

  37. - Speak softly - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 7:42 pm:

    When a lameduck General Assembly gave themselves an inordinate post-election pay raise in 1978, public outrage led to Pat Quinn’s Cutback Amendment, which reduced the size of the House by 59. The outrage is much less vehement now than it was a generation ago. My guess is that none of those senators will pay a political price for their pay-raise vote.

  38. - Lovie's Leather - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 7:42 pm:

    “I would point out that you do have the option of donating the money back to the state,” What a huge butt-hole. How about all the GOP get together and donate the raise money to Illinois Campaign for Political Reform.

  39. - Michelle Flaherty - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 8:44 pm:

    Anon 7:40.
    The per diems are now $125.

  40. - fedup dem - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 9:06 pm:

    It is actions like this that may yet give anarchists a good name.

  41. - Justice - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 9:16 pm:

    Got a message from Senator Bomke today and he did not vote for the increase. In fact he also has not taken the per diem for many years. Now there is a good man. Granted he lives in Springfield, but one of lesser character would sop the gravy from the plates of the Merit Comp employees. It is pathetic that those voting for the pay raise for themselves use the excuses that absolutely apply to the Merit Comp employees. These political cows are a joke, taking arrogance and greed to a whole new level. Where was Mr. “God Fearing” Meeks when the gov was raiding the pension fund and giving raises to everyone but those MC employees sorely needing the money….those doing all the work. If these clowns boisterousness wasn’t so pitiful it would be laughable. You think we should be worried about Iraq , Iran, and North Korea….you should be more worried about our own legislators who voted for the raise.

  42. - Concerned Voter - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 9:36 pm:

    First, congratulations to those who voted against the paise raise, unfortunately my guy voted P.

    Second, what I’d like to know is, how many of them have other jobs? Other income from investments or spousal income? Other businesses besides just being a state legislator?

    As mentioned they get the salary for being a senator, plus the per diems, office money, mileage, etc. I’m sure Rev./Sen. Meeks gets some type of stipend from his church for his ministry. We know the guvs wife makes some nice $$$ from real estate work :-)

    I know state employees with families, their income is less than what one senator makes. Yet they seem to be able to be married, raise children, and don’t have the luxury of voting themselves a 9.3% pay raise. Let’s see what happens when the next roun d of contract negotiations comes up for the state and they say they can’t afford to give any raises.

  43. - Single Working Mom - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 10:19 pm:

    Logical GOP wrote: “Most legislators are well educated professionals who in the private sector could be making well into the six figures, so to compare them to the “average american worker” is not fair since 75% of the country is not college educated.”, and I’m not???

    I hold 3 legitimate degrees: AASN, BA, MS and several additional certifications. I have worked for the State of Illinois since 1987 and I have not had a raise since I accepted a promotion in 2002.

    I work many weeks that contain more than 40 hours (yes, 40, not 37 1/2). I spend many days on the road traveling (I can’t get paid for travel time, even though, due to the distances I am traveling, I might not get home until 11:00 p.m.) Working weekends and holidays is not unusual and recently I worked 42 days straight without a single day off (that means, I worked every weekend for 8 weeks!) Meeks has the gall to talk about single mothers being in the legislature. I am a single mother and when I work weekends I have to find babysitters that are willing to travel with me so that I can spend at least some time with my child, who gets to spend her weekend in the lobbies of hospitals, hotels and places like the Thompson Center lobby. I do not drive a motorpool car on these weekends; I drive my own car 10 year old car that has over 110,000 miles on it, because I cannot take my child with me in the state vehicles. Actually, I am driving two vehicles, both over 10 years old and over 100,000 miles on them, because I do not have the funds to make car payments and both of my cars are paid off. I usually drive whichever car is running at a particular time as I have to pay for repairs on one or the other. If I had taken motorpool vehicles to these meetings I wouldn’t have spent any time with my child for 8 full weeks. I’m “lucky” because I have a couple of teenage baby sitters that like to travel and will go with me for free, but I have to spend what per diem I do get on food for her and my child. That is, when I do get per diem, because, I’m only allowed per diem when I leave before 6:00 a.m. and arrive home after 6:00 p.m. Even though it is a weekend or holiday they still consider regular working hours to be from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and anything I do between those hours is considered to be “regular working hours”. Yet Rev. Meeks says that the “single mother” legislators need the pay raise. Rev. Meeks, where are the pay raises for people like me who are merit comp employees? I’m only making $33,000/year and your crying for the single mother legislators? What about the single mother MC employees? Don’t we and all the other MC employees deserve raises, too?

    AND for those of you who say I’m “crying in my beer” or whinning, I’m not. I’m am just stating the facts. You may not like the facts, but they are the truth. If I could afford to take time off work to look for a private sector job, I probably wouldn’t have the time to do so. I’m tired and I’m sick. Tired of people saying that state employees don’t work so they don’t deserve to get pay raises and sick of listening to everyone put us down.

    Rev. Meeks you say you are for the common man, I guess that doesn’t include the common single mother woman, does it?

  44. - MB - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 10:38 pm:

    I feel for you Single Working Mom. Facts are facts–this IS the reality for you and many MC state workers.There are those of us who believe that one day our education, hard work and dedication will eventually come back to us. Sure we could all run to the private sector, it’s teeming with jobs. Not. Also, it’s hard for state-emp bashers to accept that some of us really LIKE our jobs and take them very seriously. It’s hard most days anymore, but I believe in karma.
    I hope you have a good holiday.

  45. - ANON - Friday, Nov 17, 06 @ 11:19 pm:



  46. - Really Disgusted - Saturday, Nov 18, 06 @ 12:29 am:

    A person who works in the new Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum says that the legislators spent 18 minutes in the building the day they voted for their own raise. Then they took a 3-day weekend or maybe it was 3 days PLUS all of next week. So for those 18 minutes of “work” they got a $125 per diem, a future raise of 10+ % depending on how you calculate it and had their transportation paid for to work and back home.

    With this information and the story of single working mom above as proof of their hubris and disregard of the employees of state government and the voting public in general, they ought to hang their heads in shame and refute this performance of noblesse oblige. Very badly done, Democrats AND Republicans, very badly done.

  47. - annon - Saturday, Nov 18, 06 @ 8:27 am:

    Thanks ! for the update on the “per diem” rate ….it further demonstrates the point. State workers in some cases now cannot be paid a “per-diem” to attend mandatory mtgs or travel, usually out of their pockets to be reimbursed later. Even when they can or it’s appropriate you wait weeks !! Often memos will come out & advise what expenses can or will be reimbursed. Point is there is a point when this “pay” becomes absurd. Even if they are “full time legislators” as some point out & proclaim, alledging no other job or profession, there aren’t that many jobs out there paying $65 + & 125.00 now per day to come to work IE: session. I guess folks wouldn’t be so PO’d if bills were getting paid on time, MC were evaluated & rec’d fair compensation & the states affairs were in order. The GA needs a performance update.

  48. - Bill - Saturday, Nov 18, 06 @ 8:41 am:

    Bloggers are really upset with our esteemed legislators for voting themselves a COLA. Should we dismiss the endless hours that they work in committees? What about the time spent in their districts at civic events or in their offices handling all sorts of constituient issues? In fact, most legislators LOSE money by being in Springfield.
    They hold elective office for many reasons, not the least of which is a sense of duty to the citizens of their district and their state to contribute what they can to improve the quality of life for all citizens of Illinois. I’m proud of my legislators and of most legislators on both sides of the aisle. They have an extremely difficult and demanding job and most do it well. They deserve a raise.
    As for the habitually whining MC employees, give it a rest!!!No matter what the issue, the MC’s are on the blog in force decrying their pittiable lot in life. So in the interest of the public good, here is some advice. Join a union. Thanks to governor Rod Blagojevich it is a simple process through the card check-off process. Organize, and stand up and fight for yourselves and your families. Quit whining and do something to help yourselves.I probably wouldn’t pick AFSCME though.
    Another alternative is to get elected to the legislature. They seem to do pretty well.

  49. - Holdingontomywallet - Saturday, Nov 18, 06 @ 8:56 am:

    Again, not even two weeks after the election and they are spending money we don’t have on raises. How hypocritical to say they deserve a raise when they have already told MC employees that the state can’t afford raises for them. I applaud the Senators voting against the raises. Just remember - WE AIN’T SEEN NOTHING YET. Hold on to your wallets.

  50. - Downstater - Saturday, Nov 18, 06 @ 9:15 am:

    Go back into your hole Bill. You have no clue what you are talking about. MC employees don’t have the option of joining a union. The fact that many other legislators have other jobs shows that their legislative work is only part-time. Pretty good money for a part-time job!

  51. - Holdingontomywallet - Saturday, Nov 18, 06 @ 10:00 am:

    I really don’t think most people have a problem with the legislators getting a COLA raise. The issue is the timing of it - 10 days after the election and during a budget crisis. Are you saying the MC employees don’t deserve a COLA and that only union workers should get raises? Also, if we didn’t owe $97 billion to the pension system and we weren’t $5 billion in debt, those raises would be a little easier to accept. I don’t agree with you on most of your posts, but they are usually entertaining to read. You kind of went off the beam on the last one.

  52. - Anonymous - Saturday, Nov 18, 06 @ 11:04 am:

    Bill, legislators don’t spend “endless” hours in committees; I worked for the legislature, so I know that for a fact. What about those of us who are working tons of overtime (and not getting paid for it), trying to get all of the work done that has piled up due to your boy Rod generally not allowing us to hire the many vacant positions we have? And when his office finally does allow us to hire, we are forced to take incompetent, lazy political hacks who contribute virtually nothing workwise. It’s a joke.

  53. - light but true humor... - Saturday, Nov 18, 06 @ 11:16 am:

    A minister went into a barber shop for a trim and when it came time to pay, the barber stated “on the house for serving the Lord”.
    The very next day when the barber arrived to work there was a dozen prayer books on his doorstep.
    Then a police officer came in for a trim and when it came time to pay the barber stated “on the house for serving the community”.
    The very next day when the barber arrived to work he found a dozen donuts on his doorstep.
    Then, an Illinois Lawmaker came to the barber for a trim and when it came time to pay the barber stated “on the house for serving our state”.
    The very next day, when the barber arrived to work he found a dozen more Illinois Lawmakers on his doorstep, all wanting free haircuts…..
    Kinda says it all.

  54. - Casey Jones - Saturday, Nov 18, 06 @ 12:31 pm:

    I’m sure this means the Devil is engaged in a snowball fight in his back yard today, but Bill finally managed to offer up a worthwhile thought (gasp!) when he advised Merit Compensation employees to join a union.

    They say that in this world timing is everything; if that’s true score one for AFSCME. When I opened my mailbox today, what to my wondering eyes did appear but a “Collective Bargaining Authorization Card” from Council 31! Tears came to my eyes as I signed it and mailed it back without even leaving the Post Office; they were a mixture of joy, relief and sadness. The first two were because it’s been a long time since I received one of these and had the opportunity to try and fight back against the evil rod (Rod?) of opression, the last because I honestly don’t know how I will be able to perform the responsibilities of my on-call 24/7, multi-county, senior management position as a member of a union. For that reason I have always declined to send sign-up cards back in the past; a past which - by the way - goes back to Ryan’s days, for as despite Bill’s attempts to lay credit for all things he considers good at the feet of Blagojevich, the check-off card system existed for years before Blago was SUPPOSED to occupy the Governor’s Mansion. I’m not happy to have been driven to this end, as I’ve always preferred earning advancement and increases based on my personal performance, but as THAT criterion has ceased to matter under this administration I’m opting for the sure increases that come merely from seniority and time served. I’m not happy about it or proud of it, but I’m a realist; and there’s a LOT of truth in the joke making the rounds in state circles today: What’s the difference between a Merit Comp employee and a large pizza? A large pizza can feed a family of four…

    The happiest aspect of this is that - IF he avoids indictment and makes good on his threat to try for a third term - I’ll actually have enough cash four years from now to be able to contribute liberally to whoever is running against Rod!!!

  55. - So Blue Democrat - Saturday, Nov 18, 06 @ 12:58 pm:

    Bill’s IQ must have disappeared at the same time his hair disappeared.

  56. - annon - Saturday, Nov 18, 06 @ 1:15 pm:

    Bill @ 8:41am, As usual you haven’t a clue & yes MC people perhaps are “whining” as you put it , with good reason about our “pitiful lot in life”….more like getting screwed & nothing being done. We’d like a COLA just to stay afloat…none came! Pay increase using the same logic as the unions & our legislators ???…..none came not even considered! As to unionizing we reqaly can’t but some have to the extent they have thru “ISEA/ Professionals” affiliated with AFL-CIO Laborers for some representation…still nothing came ! Plead our case before CMS & nothing…dismissed as untimely! Gone to the Ill. Civil Serv. Commission….still waiting on an answer!! Some of us have been working with NO raise or COLA for now almost 5 years, while benefits $$ continue to rise, larger % contribution to a pension we’ll probably never see, more to do with less all on the same money of 2002. You think that 4% Blago gave us last Dec. made a diff ?? By the time it was all said & done, taxes, pension ect. in this case, a net difference of 27.00 a pay period. Didn’t even begin to start or “offset” the pension contribution @ 8 1/2%. When the pension increase started MC people were given 2 weeks notice that 7 1/2 % was going to taken & an additional 1% 4 months later. NOT ALL MC are making big, big bucks, just worked to achieve a promotion & expand our career as you would do with any profession, public or private.

  57. - Angie - Saturday, Nov 18, 06 @ 1:47 pm:

    fedup dem wrote, “It is actions like this that may yet give anarchists a good name.”

    At this point, I think Sid and Nancy could run this state much better. lol

  58. - Opionions are Like Armpits, We all have 'em and some Stink - Sunday, Nov 19, 06 @ 12:49 pm:

    Bill, bashing you won’t make my life any better. So, I’ll not waste my energy on it. Don’t you think MCs (if they could get into the union) would? Most I know are trying very hard to do so. It used to be good to be MC, because you were rewarded for your MERIT. A shocking concept! So back off on your criticism of ‘whining’ employees. It’s not like anyone’s asking for your sympathy for cripe’s sake or just having a pity party. A very close relative was once a legislator, so I certainly don’t disregard their service, (at least his) rest his soul. But 10% when others are struggling is insulting.

  59. - Opinions are Like Armpits, We all have 'em and some Stink - Sunday, Nov 19, 06 @ 12:51 pm:

    Oops, Opinions. My bad.

  60. - Jackhammer - Sunday, Nov 19, 06 @ 1:10 pm:

    Reading most of the comments,no where do i see a list of the state senators record of the way they voted.I belive that should be the first statement out.

  61. - annon - Sunday, Nov 19, 06 @ 8:00 pm:

    In reasding just today , CMS now after many extentions has finally answered at least in part to the Ill. Civil Serv. Commission with these remarks “…raises held up by Executive Order # 1″ & it gets better !!…”They are attempting to argue that the merit compensation rules don’t necessarily limit recognition to monetary increases. They believe that being rated “Accomplished” or higher should be reward enough”" !!??? ISEA continues the fight. Geezzz !! Do more & doing a good job is like peeing in a black suit, gives you a warm feeling for a while but noone will notice.

  62. - Tell Us... - Sunday, Nov 19, 06 @ 10:40 pm:

    Bill, have you been rewarded in your career for your merit?

  63. - eric - Monday, Nov 20, 06 @ 12:33 am:

    Politician pay raises should be referenda.

    Checks and balances, like the spy against the general in stragego.

  64. - Benchmarks needed - Monday, Nov 20, 06 @ 10:37 am:

    Ony two State Senators deserve there raises and they are Iris Martinez and Dan Cronin.
    Maybe we should have benchmarks for there performances and make those if reached reason for raises?

  65. - Single Mother MC Employee #2 - Monday, Nov 20, 06 @ 1:53 pm:

    First let me say, I am not at work today writing this, I am on vacation all week. To those who stated MC employees work hard and get nothing for their dedication, I thank you.

    A couple of interesting questions came to mind when I read the article that I hope someone answers. First, I believe all the individuals (Meeks, Hendon, Lightford)quoted in the article that want the raise but Risenger are all located North of I-80. It would be interesting to see how the North of I-80 vs. South of I-80 voted.
    Secondly, is it true that if the GA and constitutional officers do not take their yearly pay increase, it still counts on their retirement? If so why - because they passsed a law that says so?

  66. - anon - Monday, Nov 20, 06 @ 5:02 pm:

    Why is it that good MC employees have to join a union to be fairly compensated? No other business nor state government singles out their supervisory staff like Blago has.

    I keep wondering how long before an unfair labor practice suit is filed?

    Besides what union does the legislature belong to.

  67. - IDOT Engineer - Monday, Nov 20, 06 @ 5:45 pm:

    Mr. Schnorf:

    If it is not the GA preventing non-union employees from getting our raises, who is it?

  68. - Little Egypt - Tuesday, Nov 21, 06 @ 11:14 pm:

    Bill, one of our offspring paged and clerked in the Illinois Senate and House. Don’t tell me how hard they work. You are C-L-U-E-L-E-S-S if you think they are underpaid and overworked. But thanks for the chuckle. I’ve not laughed that hard since Blago said “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”

  69. - Little Egypt - Tuesday, Nov 21, 06 @ 11:17 pm:

    So Blue Democrat - Bill is Bald????????

  70. - High Flyer - Wednesday, Nov 29, 06 @ 6:46 pm:


    To Whom It May Concern:

    I am curious, whom did George Ryan have to pay off to keep out Jail while his appeal for crimes against the State, [and you and I], goes forward? Which by the way could take years? If he were in jail during the appeal, the appeal would surely be shortened!
    I wonder how much he had to pay?
    Did you ever notice how crooks, help out crooks? I wonder who the other crook was?
    High Flyer

  71. - paulmoore59 - Friday, Dec 1, 06 @ 9:52 am:

    I am in Pennsylvania. We are in the middle of a row that started when our State Legislature voted themselves a 15-54 % pay hike on July 7 2005. As a result of this, the voters have:
    1. Voted out a sitting Supreme court Justice for the first time.
    2. Voted out the top two State Senators in the primary.
    3. Voted out 17 other legislators in the primary.

    We will have 56 new legislators in January, more fresmen than we ahve had in ages; the people here are not done yet.

    The Illinois legislators had better learn their lesson or they will be in the same boat, and the people of Illinois need to wake up like some of us have.

    Several sites / Articles…

  72. - Joe - Friday, Dec 1, 06 @ 1:57 pm:

    Illinois Clean Sweep!!!!

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