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Rewards great, risks high for Duckworth

Monday, Nov 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

The appointment of Tammy Duckworth to run the state’s Veterans’ Affairs Department was a good move by Gov. Blagojevich. Politically, it keeps the failed congressional candidate and war hero alive until she decides what else to do, but the risks are great to her future if the federales ever close in on this administration.

Duckworth also seems to understand some of the problems well.

Duckworth also said she intends to work with the governor and legislators to make changes to Veterans Care. After 185 outreach events in the last few months, only 15 veterans have enrolled in the program, which prompted some lawmakers to brand the program as a publicity tool for the governor rather than a necessary program.

Duckworth said restrictions in the program need to be changed so it can help more veterans.

Before a veteran can qualify for Veterans Care, the state must first verify the veteran isn’t receiving federal benefits. But Duckworth said many of those qualifying for services from the Veterans Administration can be so low on the agency’s priority list that they must wait years for services.

That’s a very good point and someone with Duckworth’s stature should be able to muscle through the needed changes if this program is to survive.

However, she hasn’t changed her tune much from the campaign about the administration’s skirting of state hiring law.

Duckworth said she was not aware of the reports of hiring violations that may have cost veterans jobs.

“But if they are, then that will be part of my job to cut through that,” she said. “If we have a problem, it’s time to fix it.”

It’s never too late to fix a problem, but that particular horse has already left the barn.

One final word of caution to Ms. Duckworth. This governor is infamous for picking blue-ribbon directors and then filling the lower rungs with political hacks whose loyalties lie solely with the top dog. Duckworth’s high-profile campaign gives her the political ammo to insist on picking her own team.

Gov. Blagojevich cannot afford a public spat with her over veterans issues. She has the leverage and she should use it to its fullest extent. Anything less, and her own reputation will be damaged.


  1. - Anonymous - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 6:03 am:

    I think Tammy Duckworth will do an excellent job in her new position. She has the experience and knowledge needed in order to see that the veterans are given an fair shake.

    I saw the article in the paper where Roy Dolgos was moved from his position in order to make room for Duckworth.

    “ROY DOLGOS, who has been the director of the Department of Veterans Affairs since early 2003, has been moved to the long-vacant post of deputy director of administration in the division of highways at the Illinois Department of Transportation. The IDOT post has been vacant since November 2004. Dolgos does have some transportation experience. He was facilities manager for several parking garages in Chicago and a general manager of Arrow Trucking Co. there. He also directed a truck-driving school. But Dolgos told me, through a spokeswoman, that he is “proud to have been able to serve the state’s military heroes” in the job, and he looks forward “to continue working for the administration and serving the citizens of Illinois in my new position at IDOT.”

    Why didn’t they include that he drives his car on the highway - that is equivalent to the other ‘highway experience’ that was posted for Dolgos. His experience has nothing to do with his current job position. The reason that position has been vacant since 2004 is that another position was newly created to do that particular job. BTW – I thought that the Deputy Director of Operations was over operations, snow removal and patching!

  2. - anon #1 - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 6:04 am:

    I think Tammy Duckworth will do an excellent job in her new position. She has the experience and knowledge needed in order to see that the veterans are given an fair shake.

    I saw the article in the paper where Roy Dolgos was moved from his position in order to make room for Duckworth.

    “ROY DOLGOS, who has been the director of the Department of Veterans Affairs since early 2003, has been moved to the long-vacant post of deputy director of administration in the division of highways at the Illinois Department of Transportation. The IDOT post has been vacant since November 2004. Dolgos does have some transportation experience. He was facilities manager for several parking garages in Chicago and a general manager of Arrow Trucking Co. there. He also directed a truck-driving school. But Dolgos told me, through a spokeswoman, that he is “proud to have been able to serve the state’s military heroes” in the job, and he looks forward “to continue working for the administration and serving the citizens of Illinois in my new position at IDOT.”

    Why didn’t they include that he drives his car on the highway - that is equivalent to the other ‘highway experience’ that was posted for Dolgos. His experience has nothing to do with his current job position. The reason that position has been vacant since 2004 is that another position was newly created to do that particular job. BTW – I thought that the Deputy Director of Operations was over operations, snow removal and patching!

  3. - Leroy - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 6:44 am:

    “One final word of caution to Ms. Duckworth. This governor is infamous for picking blue-ribbon directors and then filling the lower rungs with political hacks whose loyalties lie solely with the top dog. Duckworth’s high-profile campaign gives her the political ammo to insist on picking her own team.”

    Good god, do you actually believe this? Being a helicopter pilot is all the business & government experience you need to head a state agency, huh? That’s kind of an insult to all the state employees out there. There is no one else in state government that has years of working at the state that deserves this job more? Her

    And who who exactly is ‘her team’? A bunch of helicopter mechanics from the gulf? A bunch of Rahm cronies from the election? Political novices like her don’t have a team, and if they do, they *are* other peoples’ hacks. She doesn’t have any power to have her own.

    She was beholden to her political benefactors in the election, she’ll be beholden to her political benefactors for this office. Maybe come next election, via her patronage in the state’s veteran’s administration, she’ll have her own army (pun intended) of political hacks.

    Then I’ll be rooting for Blessed Mother Duckworth of Hoffman Estates.

  4. - huh? - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 6:54 am:

    Ms. Duckworth is going to be duped into thinking that she will have governot’s support for anything. She will be sacrificed as a fatted lamb.

  5. - Beowulf - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 8:07 am:

    I disagree that Tammy Duckworth risks anything if the federal people ever find anything negative about Blagojevich. All voters (and as a Republican, I am one of them) know enough about Ms. Duckworth to know that she was not a contributor to his mistakes. Now, if she lets herself become just a political “order taker” for her Party, then she will have brought about her own political demise. But, Tammy seems to be smart enough and feisty enough to know when to say “no” to her Party. Barack could learn something from her on this one.

  6. - Scorekeeper - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 8:25 am:

    Choice of words, Rich?
    “Politically, it keeps the failed congressional candidate and war hero alive…”

    Given Duckworth’s experience, isn’t it in poor taste to use the word “alive” here?

  7. - Truthful James - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 8:52 am:

    Ms. Duckworth had better use her own public relations people. She would be well advised to cultivate people like you, Rich. Otehrwise she will be cocooned by the Blagop caterpillars.

    VA has come a long way with its coverages, including VA Medican and ChampVA (for secondary insurance payments.)

    For a discussion of what they do, go to

    I can see why there are very few falling into the crack.

  8. - fedup dem - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 9:08 am:

    I agree with your assessment, Rich. Besides, Gov. Sleazy is going to be too busy saving his own skin to spend much time screwing veterans in the next year.

  9. - Tessa - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 9:52 am:

    I think she has the kahunas to stick up for herself to the Gov. He may find himself a worthy dept. head in her, with a mind of her own. I wish her luck. Those vets are lucky to have her.

  10. - Curt - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 9:54 am:

    He’ll use and abuse her…when will people finally realize that Rod Blagojevich is the darkness reaching out for the darkness?

  11. - Conservative Republican - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 9:58 am:

    LOL: Neither Durbin nor Emanuel would have had the slightest interest in Duckworth as a candidate unless they determined that she was truly committed to the Democratic Party, leadership, machine, and all.

    Anyone who gives any credence to Duckworth’s claim that she “hadn’t heard” the widely reported news that Blago’s gang was screwing vets to give his hacks jobs gets an instant nomination to the naif of the month award.

    Her feigned ignorance is exhibit A of her commitment to shill for the Blago administration. What is intriguing is her willingness and her immediate commitment to gain a position that will expose her shallowness much more quickly than another election campaign. There must be many smiles over at the Roskam over this.

  12. - VanillaMan - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 10:37 am:

    I like her. I wish her the best of luck in creating a public service record that will earn her future offices - if she so desires.

  13. - Cassandra - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 10:40 am:

    How long might Ms. Duckworth be satisfied with Vets Affairs? Not too long I would imagine. There are things she can improve there but it’s not a long-term gig for an ambitious politico.
    What about governor?

    If Blago is indeed going to run for a third term, that is likely dominating his planning even now. And Lisa is a threat. But if he dilutes the primary field with Lisa and Duckworth
    (and maybe Alexi and Dan), well, that makes it a lot easier for the incumbent to win a plurality.

    Since the Republicans now appear to be totally comatose, I imagine the excitement will be in
    the Dem senatorial and gubernatorial primaries in Illinois in upcoming years.

  14. - Little Egypt - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 11:04 am:

    I don’t agree that this was a good move for Blago. Tammy has the heart and soul of a veteran and will go to the matt for veterans. I agree she has the stature to handle this position and I believe Blago has met his match if he tries to skirt the veterans hiring preference with this director. She may have kissed his ring to get the position but I believe she knows how to hang onto it for as long as she accomplishes what she wants and that may very well be to throw Blago under his own bus. The immaturity and naivete of the Blago administration never ceases to amaze me.

  15. - Wumpus - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 11:09 am:

    She was not aware? I guess Roskam (R-IL) had a point when he asked her to condem Blago.
    The only veteran that has gotten a job with this admin appears that (is she qualified for THIS job?) and he did not use the veterans preference. I do believe she deeply cares about veteran issues and will do her best. I know she had an impressive title and is working towards her PhD, hopefully she will do well.

    Rahmmel is not there to feed her lines, we shall see.

  16. - Loop Lady - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 11:47 am:

    A tough,smart lady and a good political move by Blago (for once). I do not see her as a sacrificial lamb or Fitz bait seeing that her appointment came so late in the Guv’s tenure…
    She should work closely with the Lt Guv. who actually gives a damn about Vet issues…

  17. - Silas - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 11:53 am:

    Tammy will need to let her new dept know that there is a new sheriff in town. she will need to clean house internally to ensure that her ideas and initiatives are completed. people in that dept have been there for years and may be burnt out. She will need fresh blood and eager minds.

  18. - Wumpus - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 12:43 pm:

    This also marks the first veteran hired by the Blago administration. Good luck to her.

  19. - reflector - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 1:16 pm:

    I don’t think any veteran waits years for medical care if they qualify,I sure didn’t have to wait.I got excelent care and timely.How come the hundreds of empty beds in our Illinois veterans nursing homes seems to be off the screen.Four years ago we had 26 empties and now there evidently is 200 hundred.This something that can be done now.Every nursing home in the state is seaking new resident except for our veterans homes.If private nursing homes can get nurses the state must be deliberatly not hiring.

  20. - Tony - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 1:36 pm:

    This is a good move for her…for when Rod is in court entering his plea, she’ll be in Washington DC serving President Barack Obama.

  21. - Establishment Republican - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 1:48 pm:

    I think it is a good appointment, although she certainly runs the risk of being labeled “Rod Blagojevich’s Cabinet member” now.

    Doesn’t this new job though effectively end any possibility of a 2008 rematch attempt vs. Roskam, and doesn’t that in effect remove the only candidate who could conceivably defeat Roskam that year?

  22. - fedup dem - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 2:08 pm:

    Wumpus, although I loath Gov. Sleazy, I have to correct your factual error regarding naming veterans to positions. Roy Dolgos, the outgoing Illinois VA Department Director, is a Vietnam veteran (and is an active member of the Vietnam Veterans of America). In addition, Blagojevich named Col. Jill Morganthaler his Deputy Chief of Staff for Public Safety (the state’s Homeland Security post) a year ago.

    Bash Blagojevich as much as you want; he deserves it. But please make sure your facts are on target, so that this slimy and sorry excuse of a governor can’t slip away once again.

  23. - grand old partisan - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 2:12 pm:

    Leroy makes a very good point, as I outlined over at Illinoize:

  24. - Truthful James - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 2:15 pm:

    In the Army as a Major, she could be sure that her orders were carried out. In the Blago regime, she will need a good Top Sergeant to get her politically apointed people up to speed

  25. - Cassandra - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 2:41 pm:

    Why would any veteran want to be in a nursing home if he/she didn’t have to be. Maybe the vacancies are due to the fact that somebody–the Va? the state?–is doing something right and helping vets (and others) receive equivalent care at home. That would be a win win for both the vets and the taxpayers.

  26. - Silas - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 2:44 pm:


    your dead wrong on that issue. the waiting lists have been long way before blago’s administration. the fact is that there are not enough nurses to meet the demand. nurses opt to go into the private sector b/c there is more money to be made there. the state can not compete with the private sector. the reason why the lists exist at the veterans homes is due to the inability to meet the federal requirement of 2.5 hours of care for each veteran. so to fill up the empty beds without adequate staffing will be a big no-no.

    Dir. Dolgos did a great job with what he had. Kudos to him for his strong dedication and passion to help out his fellow brothers in arms.

  27. - WARDOG - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 2:46 pm:

    I thank Ms Duckworth for service to her country and wish her all the luck in the world on her appointment. I hope she can do the job with success. She indeed has her hands full, although I’m not sure how good a move it is. Just remember Ms Duckworth, a medal of honor recipient has been on staff in Veterans affairs previously and this present administration got rid of him. The position is just that, an appointed position and you at will. God Bless America and the State Of Illinois.

  28. - Pat Hickey - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 2:50 pm:

    The Major will do fine.

  29. - Bill - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 3:19 pm:

    This is a great pick by the people’s choice, Governor Rod Blagojevich. The governor is hard at work keeping his main campaign promise, to get things done for people, in this case, veterans. Major Duckworth will perform her duties with honor, integrity, enthusiam, and competence. The best administration in the history of Illinois just got better.
    Congratulations, Tammy.
    Keep up the great work, Rod!

  30. - markg8 - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 3:42 pm:

    From the Tribune 11-21 article:

    “Duckworth was manager of district administration for Rotary International’s Asia-Pacific region. She also helped coordinate research grants and funding at the Center for Nursing Research at Northern Illinois University, and was a logistics officer with the National Guard in Peoria.”

    Assisting government healthcare agencies in countries like Afghanistan and Indonesia is what she did at Rotary Int’l. It was also the basis for her thesis. She is eminently qualified to run this agency.

  31. - Justice - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 5:35 pm:

    You can bet Tammy Duckworth will give it her all. Hopefully the gov will let her do her job and not saddle her with a bunch of hacks. She certainly has this Marine’s support!!

  32. - Anonymous again - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 5:44 pm:

    R’s you lost get over it she will do fine. The talk at the IDOT water cooler today is that Dolgos will be eventually sent to Traffic Safety to replace an inept dir who is on his way out bye bye dir

  33. - steve schnorf - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 7:07 pm:

    Why don’t we give her a day or two on the job before we crucify her? I believe leadership is different from management, and if she is a leader, she can be very successful in a Cabinet position at an agency such as Veteran’s Affairs. She will have to speak up for herself, but she seems to have very good credentials for courage.

  34. - steve schnorf - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 7:08 pm:

    And by the way, most agencies get saddled with hacks: it’s what the Director does with them that matters.

  35. - Concerned Voter - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 7:20 pm:

    “Silas - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 11:53 am: Tammy will need to let her new dept know that there is a new sheriff in town. she will need to clean house internally to ensure that her ideas and initiatives are completed. people in that dept have been there for years and may be burnt out. She will need fresh blood and eager minds.”

    She will need to be careful “cleaning house”. She will have to follow whatever rules are in place for hiring and firing, wouldn’t want to do anything illegal now would we.

    Also, if she gets rid of too many folks, does this signify that the almighty Rod, or his appointees, had too many of the wrong people in there in the first place.

    He can’t have it both ways, yes some of those folks were possibly there before he took office, but it would look kind of odd that it would a director during his second term to weed out those folks, if that’s the case.

    Finally, I wish her good luck in this new job.

  36. - Long Time Reader; First Time Poster - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 9:10 pm:

    Cassandra at 2:41 — The election is over now, you don’t need to lie in order to make Blago look good. The waiting list for the Veteran’s Homes is nearly twice as long as the beds that are now filled.

    It’s amazing how Blago accused Topinka of being anti-veteran. This from a man who has broken state hiring laws designed to help veterans, and refused to fund the veterans nursing homes to fill what are now empty beds.

  37. - Bridget Dooley - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 10:22 pm:

    While I understand Grand ol’ Partisan’s concerns about her qualifications, I’m sure that Tammy will do a fine job in this post. Having met with her on several occasions, I am pretty well convinced that she has what it takes.

    The real test will be what she chooses to do when it comes time to go against the Governor or do something that may jeopardize her favor with Democratic leadership in the future. That is the trouble with appointing partisan people to positions like this in order to continue grooming them for higher office. Every decision must be based upon maintaining, creating, and fostering political favor amongst those that pull the strings in the party.

    Tammy could go one of two ways…go along with what the party leadership tells her to do or adopt her own independent spirit and deal with things as she sees fit. Sadly, I fear that if she adopts the latter, she won’t stay in favor with party leadership for long. But I don’t see her going with the program to the detriment of veterans.

    However, her comment that she didn’t know anthing about the vet hiring issue concerns me. The “I don’t know about that” and “I would have to find out more about that” or “I’d have to look very closely at that” lines were favorite nonanswers of hers during her campaign when it wouldn’t be politically sound of her to actually answer the damn question. This business managed to cast a HUGE net over the variety of people it ticked off. Bleeding hearts like me, independents, AND ultra-right wingers were left scratcing their heads at the transparency of this crap.

    I agree completely that she should align herself squarely with Pat Quinn, someone who isn’t afraid to jab Blago every now and then when he deserves it. Also, knowing both of them, I think that Tammy could find a real friend and political ally in State Rep. Linda Chapa LaVia of Aurora, a fellow veteran dedicated to advancing vets issues.

  38. - Highway Engineer - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 10:22 pm:

    First Tim Martin and now Roy Dolgos.

    gulp Highways lose again

  39. - Ralph Kruegler - Monday, Nov 27, 06 @ 11:14 pm:

    I do not know if she will do fine or not like Patrick says but time will tell.

    She has a great personal story.

    BUT the state’s track record in dealing with Veterans issues (besides Pat Quinn) is TERRIBLE.

  40. - Wumpus - Tuesday, Nov 28, 06 @ 9:38 am:

    fedup dem, it was a joke on Gov’s vet issues. hahaha.

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