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Question of the day

Wednesday, Dec 6, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Who do you think would be the best Republican candidate against Democratic US Sen. Dick Durbin in 2008? Explain why.

Bonus question: Despite all the vitriol from many Republicans about Durbin, does the GOP have a chance at this race in what is becoming an overwhelmingly Democratic state?


  1. - Ginsburg - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:02 am:

    Gas up the chopper Oberweis!

  2. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:04 am:

    1. Kirk
    2. No chance. As of yet, I have not heard a peep from republicans about why Durbin needs to go. There is no compelling narrative to defeat him. He is an embarrassing Care Bear nanny boy, but that is not reason enough to drive a campaign against him.

  3. - Tweed - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:05 am:

    Alan Keyes, if you find someone who is better at being a sacrificial lamb in this state, you tell me.

  4. - No nickname - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:10 am:

    Durkin!! He’s the brightest of the bunch. Not saying a lot fun he’s got a chance this time.

  5. - Crimefighter - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:10 am:

    First off, Dork Durbin is NOT invincible. He CAN be beaten, only if the state GOP actively PUSHES the candidate. Last time around they nominated Jim Durkin, then ABANDONED him–they didn’t even try doing anything with the long laundry list of stupid things he’s said and done that would had made him ripe for defeat. Dork Durbin is not that bright, this time around make a serious effort to defeat him. Unfortunately the state GOP has yet to see the party chairmen and campaign managers resign for their total incompetence and stupidity, so it’s likely they’ll just let Illinois drown in quicksand.

  6. - BBpolNut - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:11 am:


  7. - the Other Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:14 am:

    Wasn’t there a Draft Ditka boomlet when Ryan dropped out in ‘04?

    Seriously, this is a tough question because the answer to the bonus question is that Republicans have little chance against Durbin, expecially in a presidential election year. They might as well either pander to the base (Oberweiss) or go for a long shot that will capture people’s imagination (Ditka or some other celebrity).

  8. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:17 am:

    I thought it was Kicker Thomas until he raised questions with his lawsuit. He had far right credentials and the Bears thing wouldn’t hurt, but with a $7 million verdict people are going to ask questions. I don’t think anyone on either side trusts him now. That’s the irony of the suit: He sued to “save his reputation” and the suit has effectively destroyed it. He’s another Rick Santorum — a right winger who likes to sue people. If he had run against Sen. Durbin in 2002 Kicker Thomas might have had a chance.

    I think Ragodno has a future, but not in this race. The usual suspects won’t do it. Kirk would run a respectable race, but I think he still loses by at least 54-46.

    Of course, Kirk will probably lose his House seat in 2008 and will not make a fool of himself running, so at least if he runs, the ILGOP will lose with some dignity for a change.

  9. - fedup dem - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:18 am:

    The Republicans might as well find a Japanese-American to be the canddidate, since this would be a kamakaze mission. The GOP has NO CHANCE of taking out Durbin.

  10. - fedup dem - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:21 am:

    By the way, the preceeding remark was not meant to be offensive to Japanese-Americans (or any other ethnic group). In fact, the Japanese-American community in thisstate should be commended for having the good sense to stay out of our corrup and sleazy politics for the most part.

  11. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:24 am:

    Kathy Salvi. She ran a credible and impressive race during the primary for the Bean Congressional seat.

  12. - nO WAY - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:26 am:

    It the reps could not must enough money to beat a corrupt guy like giannoulias, how are they going to beat the number 2 man in the US SENATE!!!!

  13. - Snark - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:37 am:

    Thanks Ginsburg, I just spit coffee all over the computer.

  14. - U of I Dem - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:38 am:

    1) Topinka. Let’s face it…she was popularly elected more than once statewide

    2) Not a chance in hell. No way the Dems are giving up their #2 senator.

  15. - jerry - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:40 am:

    I think Mark Kirk is their best chance to defeat Durbin. However, Durbin won’t lose. He’s the only good Dick in Washington.

  16. - Ali Bin Haddin - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:44 am:

    Dick Turbin could get a good citizenship award from Baghdad Bombers and still get elected. Nice QOD but the answer is no one. Durbin is not that strong, it is just that everyone else is weak.

  17. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:53 am:

    This is a party-building exercise.

    Go with a candidate who represents a new, 21st century Republican candidate bench and who needs the exposure. A young Hispanic Republican candidate (are there any?). A woman…Radogno, Coulson. Tom Cross. Adam Schock. Somebody whose candidacy says (even if it’s not totally the case yet) George Ryan, Bob Kjellander, Big Jim Thompson, these guys are GONE. Schock would be my choice. He is young, appeals to those desperate for change, has shown he can compete and is wasted in our corrupt, Democrat-dominated overpriced Illinois legislature. If we can consider the comparatively young, untested Obama for Prez, we can certainly consider the young
    Schock for US senate.

  18. - Just Observing - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:53 am:

    I think Maureen Murphy is the GOP’s best chance.

  19. - Aaron - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:56 am:

    If the GOP can’t knock off Blago with his laundry list of dirty deeds, I don’t think it’s even conceivable that the state GOP could defeat Durbin. Unless there’s a straight, conservative version of Obama out there, I don’t see how the GOP recaptures a state-wide office without a Democrat office-holder sitting in the defendant’s chair, and even then….

  20. - Jake from Elwood - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 10:00 am:

    How about Patrick Fitzgerald?
    Numerous Democrats would join the Republicans in full support of this campaign.
    That being said, Durbin would probably prevail regardless.

  21. - paddyrollingstone - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 10:02 am:

    I don’t think Aaron Schock is old enough. You must be 30 to be in the Senate. I don’t think anyone can beat Durbin but on a different subject, Durbin and Glen Poshard are two of the nicer and most humble politicians I’ve ever been around. I saw Durbin at the Irish Fellowsip Christmas lunch last week and as usual he was without handlers & was very approachable.

  22. - grh45 - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 10:09 am:

    I think if Liz Gorman got the money together she could be a formidable opponent. Same for Bill Brady or Dan Rutherford.

  23. - ZC - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 10:09 am:

    I want to see Tony Peraica. Won’t win, but this time, he could lead his followers on a cross-country trek to the steps of the Capitol, demanding justice.

  24. - smarty pants - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 10:12 am:

    Skip Saviano is the man. Skip has great bi-partisan appeal. Durkin lacked appeal and Kirk can’t run because the Republicans would lose that House seat lickety split if he did.

  25. - Jeff Trigg - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 10:19 am:

    Perhaps the GOP should try to pull a LaRouche in the Democratic primary with a stealth candidate. And don’t forget the Greens will definitely have a candidate in that race, which can make things much more interesting.

  26. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 10:22 am:

    Wow, good question. Lets see, Pol Pot could run?
    Rasuchy, loser
    Cox, running for president..loser
    Oberweis, crazy loser
    Brady, possibly

    Paul Vallas, Pete Fitzgerald or Brady stand the best chances, perhaps Kirk or even Wumpus.

    As we saw with Stroger, you never know what will happen, put up your best fight.

  27. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 10:25 am:

    “Sam Goody,” you are banned for life. Take your anti-Semitic hate elsewhere. Perhaps you can find solace at the SJ-R, which has in the past approved moronic comments like yours. Not here.

  28. - Real - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 10:27 am:

    You’re the only one who thought “Kicker Thomas” Skeeter…but thanks for putting his name out there so you can slam him.

    Dillard would be a good candidate to run against Durbin…but with Obama on the top of the ticket in 2008, it won’t matter who the GOP puts up.

  29. - values matter - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 10:28 am:

    Jim Edgar.

  30. - Niles Township - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 10:36 am:

    Agree that Jim Edgar would be the only one who would have a real good chance of getting rid of Senator Do-Nothing, but Party Hack Stuff Durbin. Christine Radagno would be interesting as a woman candidate who might appeal to suburban Dem women.

  31. - Levois - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 10:44 am:

    I’d like the idea of Brady. Topinka would be interesting but I think her career is over. She wouldn’t have a shot at going to Washington. A fresh face not much different than Barack Obama could do the trick, but who would that fresh face be.

    Oh and Peraica doesn’t need to run for a senate seat. For him to be beat Durbin he may just need a whole new personality.

  32. - oh well - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 10:51 am:

    Forget Jim Edgar, however popular he is. The GOP needs to move past an Edgar run for every statewide race. He’s done, leave him alone. The GOP needs a new superstar.

    I propose Jerry Clarke. I don’t think there is a political insider with a greater amount of integrity and knowledge of Illinois issues than Jerry Clarke. He has an awesome biography and he has earned a great deal of respect from those who know him. If the GOP wants to move ahead, they need Jerry Clarke.

  33. - Snidely Whiplash - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 10:55 am:

    Durkin is a lackluster candidate with no personality and an utter inability to raise money. Rutherford just got walloped. Gorman? Unknown outside of Cook County & too much baggage. Rodogno? See Rutherford. Peraica? See Gorman. Brady? Too conservative for Illinois.

    Jim Edgar is probably the only Republican with a fighting chance, but it’s a moot point since he already messed up R chances with his “in again-out again” crap. You can’t rely on the man.

    So, the only real chance the R’s have is if a Fitzgerald-type with personality, looks, appeal (aren’t our state’s voting standards pathetic?) and millions to blow gets Messiah-like wind in his or her sails and rides the media wave to victory.

    Judging by the last several Republican senate primaries, that just ain’t gonna happen. Borling, however, may just do lots of pushups for the amusement of the crowd.

  34. - Peachy - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 10:58 am:

    No chance. Maybe if the GOP could go through the phonebook and find another person with the name “Dick Durbin” somewhere, maybe that kind of misleading trick could get the challenger within 20.

    Let’s face reality. The Illinois GOP is completely broken, and they keep doing the same things over and over again.

    The Illinois GOP is so dysfunctional, if they found a dead hooker and a live boy in Durbin’s car trunk, he still wins. Might as well give the money that would be spent for another doomed race to a good charity.

  35. - scoot - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 11:00 am:

    Dilliard, Schillerstrom, Gidwitz, McKenna, Kirk, or LaHood. Honorable mentions McSweeney, Roskam, or pick some rich guy in Chicago.

    Doubt we could win this seat..but it will be closer then you think.

  36. - Reddbyrd - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 11:02 am:

    (1.) I like the idea of Petey the Banker — if he can establish residency in IL.
    He would get the thumping he was expecting to get before he committed the big drop out.

    (2.)The GOP have zip,zero,nada chance in IL in ‘08 again Durbin, but let’s hope there is a big expensive primary before they select the Butterball for Durbin to carve up.

  37. - Frank Booth - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 11:17 am:

    Since whichever Republican the GOP puts forth will be tarnished by whatever George Ryan ties can be found, why spare us all, cut out the middleman and just run George.
    Of course this assumes his convictions will be overturned on appeal.

  38. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 11:18 am:

    Jerry Clarke? He might not agree, so I say let’s draft him. It beats the heck out of flying choppers over Iraq.


  39. - Shelbyville - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 11:37 am:

    The way that Cook went for Blago, Durbin can’t be beat.

  40. - Boone Logan Square - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 11:47 am:

    Ditka. At least the campaign would be entertaining.

  41. - Bakersfield - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 11:48 am:

    Kathy Salvi, Skip Saviano, Maureen Murphy- HA! These are great choices. The Illinois GOP might be in more trouble than we all thought if people are actually “throwing up” these names. Why not just roll out Judy again (oh wait, someone suggested that too) and see if she could top 40% this time.

    I liked the Gorman idea, but she wont be able to raise the money for the name id. Fitzgerald would be great, but not gonna happen.

    The only two people who have a chance are Kirk and Gidwitz. And Gidwitz is listed only if the GOP clears the primary for him so he can spend 15 million dollars televising Durbin’s floor speeches and press conferences that make Dick look like a freak show.

    That being said, dont run anyone against him, save the money for US house and statehouse races where it will do much more good.

    Or run Kathy Salvi and watch her get ignored by 90% of the state.

  42. - MJ - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 11:49 am:

    1. Jack Roeser. He is willing to waste more money in Illinois politics than anyone I know (OK, maybe Blair Hull). If Jack wins, we won’t have to worry about term limits. And if he doesn’t make it through his term, Rod could appoint a Democrat as his replacement.

    2. The seat is probably Dick Durbin’s for life.

  43. - grand old partisan - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 11:52 am:

    As I said in my own post on the subject :

    Kirk is probably the best candidate, and yes, Durbin is beatable…as long as Obama-mania dies off, which I believe it will.

    Durbin was snubbed by pretty much every newspaper in 2002. They all concluded the same thing: he’s more concerned with his own status as a caucus leader in DC than he is in serving Illinois. I haven’t seen that change much, so I can’t imagine he’ll fare much better with the editorial boards this time around.

    Durbin’s 2002 challenger was a poor fundraiser, and couldn’t take the fight to him. But Kirk already has raised over 2 million in a federal PAC, and can easily raise more. He’s also been battle tested in an increasingly blue district (the 10th went for both Gore and Kerry by significant margins). He knows how to get people to ticket-split, which is what the 2008 GOP Senate nominee will need to get people to do.

    Kirk also has the advantage of being able to unite the IL GOP the way other moderates haven’t recently. His military creds give him some cover against those who might want to make an issue about his more moderate social positions. He can rally the base without scaring the independants. And Durbin would have a hard time labeling him a “radical” right-winger.

  44. - Bakersfield - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 11:54 am:

    One thing I neglected to mention:
    Look at the national map for 08 there is no way that Ensign and the RNC spend a dollar on Illinois, unless Kirk runs. They hardly spent any money on Kean in NJ and he was competitive until late October. The NRSC has about 5 really vulnerable seats to defend and they’ll look to spend money in SD and LA before they even take a glance at our state.

    Maybe, maybe by 2012 the GOP will be in a position to run a credible statewide campaign.

  45. - Boone Logan Square - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 11:58 am:

    Maybe not Ditka. Mrs. Obama would be a novel selection, and has a more realistic chance of winning than anyone currently in the state GOP.

  46. - blogman - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 11:59 am:

    I have to agree with Shelbyville. JBT lost Cook County by 500,000, I believe. How can that be made up against a candidate from downstate?

  47. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 12:00 pm:

    With the 2006 disaster, the list of candidates grows shorter and shorter. Anyone who wants to hold a Congressional seat, such as Shimkus, Kirk or Johnson, will not run. Radogno could run as her district is Republican and Richard Pellegrino could pine for the 41st Senate District seat.

    However, I propose Ray LaHood. LaHood is popular in his district, in the state and in D.C. He has a completely Republican district that he could hand off to Dale Risinger, Keith Sommer, Aaron Schock or Jim Watson (or even the ever-interesting, ever-quotable Ernie Russell). And what does Ray have to lose? He can raise lots of money, is VERY personable and does not have a tarnished rep. Best of all, even if he were to lose someone would certainly give him a federal appointment or, if someone like John McCain or Rudy were to win the presidency, Ray would possibly be in line for a cabinet spot.

    That being said, I think Durbin is beatable. 2006 was a Dem year but a lot can happen in two years. Remember that 2004 was a banner year for Republicans. We won an 11 seat majority in the U.S. Senate, expanded our majority in the House and kept the White House. Two years ruined the party on a national level and we still nearly kept the U.S. Senate. Durbin is beatable as he is now under an intense spotlight. He will take more partisan stances than ever before and if something goes wrong Durbin will share the blame with Harry Reid. Durbin stood out several times during his tenure as Minority Whip and some of those times were not pleasant. The scrutiny will mount and any tax or spending increase, vote on a war/national security issue or opinion hot-button domestic problem will place even more pressure on Durbin.

  48. - 10thward lives on - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 12:04 pm:

    Fast Eddie Vrdolyak’s namesake: Eddy jr.

  49. - Animous - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 12:24 pm:

    How about recruiting Tim “The Nuke” Nieukirk? He wouldn’t have a snowballs chance, but at least he could lighten things up a and definately widen the party “demo” quite a bit. Not to mention, nobody would turn the channel when his ads aired…


  50. - Captain America - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 12:24 pm:

    As far as I can tell, we are still going to be in Iraq in 2008, and the economy will be in a recession - given the decline of the housing industry and the miserable state of the American automobile industry.These two major problems do not bode well for any Republican Senate candidate in Illinois. The GOP will still be playing defense nationally in 2008 for the sins of the Bush administration.

    It is not impossible for the GOP to defeat Durbin, but it is highly unlikely that any GOP candidate will be able to do so given Durbin’s stature in the US Senate and the strong Democratic trend in Illinois. A McCain of Guilliani candidacy would help a moderate GOP Senate candidate, but not enough for them to win.
    Any conservative Senate candidate, especially Oberweis or Peraica,will be sure losers. Whoever runs is likely to be a sacrificial lamb.

  51. - Dooley Dudright - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 12:25 pm:

    Well, if we’re just bantering today………

    How ’bout a few Illinoisans from the federal “damaged goods” list?

    Dennis Hastert
    Don Rumsfeld
    Rich Williamson (former ambassador; Moseley Braun opponent)

    Or… about a coupla past guvs-lite?

    Bob Kustra
    Corinne Wood

  52. - Lovie's Leather - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 12:54 pm:

    I second Team Sleep. Lahood is perfect for the job. And I can’t exactly say if Durbin is beatable or not. I think it is tough to determine what the mood of the country or state will be in in Nov ‘08. If Obama wins the Dem nomination for president, then the GOP has no chance. If he gets the VP nod, the GOP has no chance. But if he is neither… coupled with a Rod Blagojevich indictment, that leaves Illinois wide open. Then all we have to do is spead around the pictures of Blago and Durbin together. I figure that the GOP has about a 25% chance of knocking off Durbin. But I bet we’ll know by the ‘08 primary just exactly what will happen. Oh, and just for fun I have to throw this in…. GO RUDY GO!!!

  53. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 12:55 pm:

    Not Blowhard (kIrk dIllard), the I’s are capitalized. McKenna, please, McSweeney couldn’t win, he got out campiagned by Bean and painted as an extremist. Crane ruined him forever.

    Where is Erika Harold?

  54. - ElaObserver - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 1:06 pm:

    Mark Kirk or nobody.

  55. - Lovie's Leather - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 1:14 pm:

    I like Kirk, but why Kirk or nobody? How about Rich Miller for Senate?!

  56. - Ghost - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 1:16 pm:

    Raymond Poe has the potential to oust Durbin.

  57. - 4% - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 1:24 pm:

    Irv Smith is term-limited in Springfield. Or maybe Tony Libri can run for bigger and better things. Both have Cellini to raise $$$

  58. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 1:28 pm:

    Poe? He doesn’t even have the potential to replace Bomke as a State Senator! He couldn’t even vote on the rate freeze issue; he voted present! ARGH!

    I think I’m mad because the new Taco Bell grilled stuffed chicken enchilada was NOT worth $3.59.

  59. - Cornelius - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 1:29 pm:

    oh well–GREAT IDEA. He’d never go for it.

    Ray LaHood should run–now that he’s not going to get close to a chairmanship he could really do himself–and the IL GOP–a favor and provide a real challenge.

    Still like that Jerry idea tho…

  60. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 1:42 pm:

    Real - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 10:27 am:

    “You’re the only one who thought “Kicker Thomas” Skeeter…but thanks for putting his name out there so you can slam him.”

    You may be right.
    However, I’m trying to figure out why Plaintiff Thomas would go on a right wing radio station to discuss an abortion decision before handing down that decision.

    Unless, of course, he’s running for something.

    Got any other explanations?

  61. - one of the 35 - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 1:45 pm:

    I agree that Ray LaHood would be a formidable candidate. But if the GOP wants to look forward they need emerging faces. Aaron Schock has some baggage but might be a possibility.

    I know the jump from downstate mayor to U.S. Senator is a long shot, but if Brad Cole survives the challange from Paul Simon’s daughter, he is also a viable candidate.

  62. - Go go JUD - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 1:52 pm:

    Judy Barr Topinka…..she’s already proven it would be impossible to run an even worse campaign than vs. Crapovitch.

  63. - The Conservative - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 2:04 pm:

    So far there hasen’t been one reason why a Conservative should have any interest in the Durbin race. Kirk is to Liberal.

  64. - Anon - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 2:25 pm:

    It really is sad to see the same old tired second rate party hack/political consultant wannabe’s tout their thoughts on who the Republican candidate should be. Why don’t you losers get off your duff and run for office yourselves?

  65. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 2:41 pm:

    Sorry guys, but if you can’t come up with a scenario against Durbin right now, you won’t beat him later.

    Hoping that Blagojevich does this or that, or Durbin says this or that is not a strategy. You have to give voters a reason they need to re-examine Dick Durbin. He’s been elected twice, so they think they know him. You need to clearly demonstrate that he is not what they think he is.

    Pot shots against Durbin won’t do. You need a narrative to explain why Durbin is no longer qualified to be a Senator AND you need a narrative to pump up whoever you want to run against him.

    Each office holder crafts their opponent. You need to know Durbin’s weakness to voters to craft the right opponent in 2008. You just can’t shout out a name or two. Offer voters a choice by defining Durbin in a new, and negative light.

  66. - HUMPS - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 2:48 pm:

    no one has said much about a good ol primary battle. Granted, durbin would be most difficult to defeat. However; at any given time depending on what is going on, it could happen. In Macon County there is a 5 term county clerk who is just itching to make a jump.He is very well known and very well thought of by both sides. Do I really see it happening? Probably not; but Steve Bean would be an excellent primary runner and its mid course in his term of office in 08.

  67. - Anon - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 2:55 pm:

    Jim Nalepa

  68. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 2:57 pm:

    Durbin is not beatable.

    Kirk — his comments in support of Bush’s folly in Iraq will hamstring him, but atleast he’s a moderate who can raise money.

    Ditka, Edgar — would have to give up all sorts of outside income - not going to happen, but atleast they have name ID.

    Brady — couldn’t make credible case to run Illinois, how can he make credible case to help run the country? Has his conservative base, but just as Salvi was eaten alive in ‘96 — spending more money than Brady could hope to raise — conservative creds like opposition to assault weapons ban would be his undoing.

    A moderate woman is the best match-up ideologically against Durbin, but the GOP has done a fine job of purging moderate women from their ranks, and you’d have to find someone with the savvy to raise money and the foolishness to go on a suicide mission — a tough combo.

  69. - Anon Sequitor - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 3:19 pm:

    A moderate suburban female who wants to make a name for herself would be an ideal Republican candidate. The only problem is Roeser would require a litmus test that she can’t pass. Further, the discredited Republican apparatus would give her the same old lame advice they gave Judy and she’d end up running a similar lame campaign.

    I know several excellent DuPage Republican women who fit the ideal profile, but I’d give them the same rundown I gave above to talk them out of it.

  70. - Southern Ilinois Democrat - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 3:21 pm:

    It doesnt matter who the GOP puts on the ballot, they will get beat by Durbin. Give a fresh face the chance and let him/her make a name for themselves throughout the state. It may be helpful down the road for a another staewide run.

  71. - Real - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 3:23 pm:

    Skeeter…I see your point. We should have a rule, anyone who goes on WYLL can’t run for statewide office in Illinois.

    Why do people bring Edgar up? He’s already screwed the party 3 times since leaving office…enough already…it’s time for him and his people to go away.

  72. - phocion - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 3:24 pm:

    HUD Regional Director Joe Galvan. Hispanic, accomplished, likeable, native Illinoisan, a truly decent guy.

  73. - scoot - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 3:46 pm:

    Radogno? If she had the $$$ I would like to see that. Corinne Wood has the finances, but again, she was George Ryan’s Lt Guv. Maybe we could push Joe Birkett/Jim Ryan one last time?

  74. - NW burbs - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 3:56 pm:

    Radogno, Kirk, or Brad Cole (Carbondale) as likely able to best lead the GOP cause against Durbin. I’d toss in Brady, Rauschy and Topinka, but I don’t think they’re viable.

    I’ve already stated here and elsewhere that I think Kirk is too moderate for hard-right conservatives and too conservative for liberals (which could work in his favor statewide running as a “moderate”, if he can keep enough rational conservatives in his fold). He’d have the best shot of holding his own in a pres. election year.

    Cole would be an interesting candidate for the Republicans to run given his background, but I don’t think he could mount a credible statewide operation.

    And if Radogno lost in the general she’d be out of a job, so I don’t think she even makes a run for it.

    Or, there may be a GOP darkhorse that I don’t know about, a la Jack! Ryan (without the baggage).

    No matter who it is, I see Durbin winning in a presidential election year — Obama or not — by at least 5 points. (3 points if the GOP is somehow able to convince people the Dems are screwing up Congress.)

  75. - couldbe - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 3:59 pm:

    Rep. John Shimkus…

  76. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 4:04 pm:


    How about a broader rule?

    How about any judge who goes on a radio station to discuss a case currently pending before that judge should be barred from running for any office?

    In all seriousness, I am not aware of any other judges — ever — who have gone to the media to discuss a case currently pending before the judge.

    As I said — Looks like Kicker Thomas had a reason. I think he’s running for something.

  77. - anon - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 4:04 pm:

    How about Eric Wallace. He is a new face, smart, and no baggage.

  78. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 4:11 pm:

    “NWBurbs,” Cole has to win reelection against Sheila Simon before anyone touts him for another race. it’s not looking good for him.

  79. - goodidea - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 5:06 pm:

    Yes, run LaHood run. Run Ray. Run, run.

    Then he also has to give up his seat in Congress to run against Durbin. And then when he gets clobbered in the Senate race, Illinois is done with him.

    But that won’t happen. The GOP will do the same thing it did in the statewide races below Gov this year. They’ll find some lightweight state senator who is not up in 2008 to be the sacrificial lamb. Either that or some do-nothing State Rep who is ready to leave the G.A. anyway.

    Once again it will be nothing ventured, nothing gained.

  80. - NW Side - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 5:15 pm:

    A moderate businessman, fiscally conservative and socially liberal, involved in civic affairs, with deep pockets.

    Durbin’s support is a mile wide and an inch deep. He’s a plastic, typical politician. He can be beaten.

  81. - "Today we march, Tomorrow we Vote!" - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 5:23 pm:

    Kirk has a serious problem with immigrant voters. Not only does he vote against them, but he also insults them, going after Muslims in his speech and Mexicans in his campaign mailers. He does have a sweet spot for and support among Koreans, but that is numerically less significant. This is a part of his problem holding onto the district. Plus, currently 25% of the state is immigrants or their children, so this is not a good place to be for a statewide candidate. Durbin will get hispanic support at the same level that Blago did (stratospheric) because he has earned it.

  82. - True Observer - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 5:36 pm:

    Can’t believe the comments of all these so called pros.

    It’s O’s if he wants it.

    Also, a true reformer like him, who is not part of the combine, has never been up in the general because the combine blocked it.

    They can’t block him now.

  83. - BIG R.PH. - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 5:40 pm:

    Ryna Sandberg. At least he’d get a pay increase from coaching Class ‘A’ Ball.

  84. - Anon - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 6:25 pm:

    Kirk would be good, Maybe Brady if there is money to run a race.

  85. - Hmmmm - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 6:26 pm:

    Eric wallace is an excellent choice!

  86. - Master of the Obvious - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 6:35 pm:

    I believe the most appropriate candidate for the GOP in Illinois would be Vinko Bogataj. Accordingly, he would hire Charlie Johnston or Dan Proft to run his campaign.

  87. - Reddbyrd - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 6:59 pm:

    We love it when all the drunks write in after tne holiday parties. what a great series of laughs. Hopefully someone will save all this banter and we can compare it to the DUI arreest lists tomorrow morning.
    Must be cheap bucket nite in SPI!

  88. - Real - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 7:51 pm:

    Skeeter…I’ll go along with your recommendation.

  89. - bluedog demo - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 8:58 pm:

    The GOPers front liners are over the hill and there is nobody and I mean nobody at the Triple A level who can step up and take Durbin. As for LaHood. His most recent comments concerning knowingly admitting to illegals at packing plants, abolishing the page program as if the youth of America were the cause of Mark Foley and his unyielding support of g.w. over Iraq is just three reasons why he would get smoked !

  90. - DuPageDem - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 9:41 pm:

    Dillard would be a good candidate? Are you kidding? How could anyone tell the two apart. Look at his voting record, no way to draw a distinction. Further, based on the way he has allienated his own GOP organization in this county I am not even sure they would vote for him. Yea put him up that will be an easy win for the good guys!

  91. - IVote - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 10:26 pm:

    The Republicans cannot beat Durbin until the right wing and the moderates come to a truce. Only a moderate has any chance (about 2%) to beat Durbin in Illinois, and the loonies of the right(like Roeser)would rather have a died-in-the-wool liberal (like Durbin) reelected than a moderate Republican. For them, politics is a religion and if you’re not 100% you are a heathen. If the right wing ever learns anything about compromise things may change. Until then, the R’s are DEAD in Illinois.

  92. - whatever - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 10:57 pm:

    IVote, what a bunch of vile nonsense you just spouted.

    You mean another moderate like Topinka? The candidate who got fewer votes statewide than Keyes?

    And do you mean “compromise” like when Topinka and fellow “moderates” worked against Peter Fitzgerald? Or how about when they worked against Jack Ryan?

    Go back to the pity party.

  93. - Loyal Whig - Wednesday, Dec 6, 06 @ 11:21 pm:

    Durbin could possibly lose to a cook county dem in a primary. It will be difficult for any repub to win statewide when losing cook county by overwhelming margins. Many repubs do not seem to realize that the cook suburbs are now trending dem, and the collar counties are becoming more dem. The old victory margins are not just the right candidate away from returning.

    The demographic and voting patterns have changed. The Chicago Dem machine and liberal bugaboo no longer work in the burbs.

  94. - Master of the Obvious - Thursday, Dec 7, 06 @ 6:00 am:

    So–if I am reading “whatever” correctly, Peter F is in the right to attack JBT, Individuals A and K, et al., and they are just supposed to take it? You really believe that? I don’t. Finding a compromise–anything other than scorched earth–may have been to their respective benefit. Two words about Jack Ryan–Dan Proft. Two more words…Jeri Ryan. Oo-la-la.

  95. - Too Many Horses - Thursday, Dec 7, 06 @ 7:47 am:

    Jack Ryan — people forget, if the opposition stirs too much of the past it will backfire. Voters loved JR. Possibly Brady.

  96. - So-Called "Austin Mayor" - Thursday, Dec 7, 06 @ 7:53 am:

    1) How about the former rep of Illinois’ 13th Congressional District, Evanston native, Donald H. Rumsfeld? He’s got some time on his hands now. And the campaign would be a worthy successor to the Keyes fiasco.

    2) No. Nope. Never. Nobody out there is going to be able to touch Durbin now that he is in a position to effortlessly feed pork to the state.

    There have been many complaints that Durbin didn’t work for Illinois when his party was in the minority, but now he will be able to produce for Illinois without even raising a sweat.

    I’m far from Durbin’s biggest fan — see e.g. IL-6 — but I’m happy it is his seat for as long as he wants it.

  97. - beowulf - Thursday, Dec 7, 06 @ 8:27 am:

    John Kass from the Chicago Tribune. Or, Carol Marin from the Chicago Sun-Times. How about a free trip to Washington for Rich Miller?
    Bill Brady is going to run for Illinois Governor the next time around so he is out. Jim Edgar has no desire to run for office again. How about getting Forest Claypool to switch his Party affiliation and get him to run him as a Republican reformer? Run Forest, Run?

  98. - oh well - Thursday, Dec 7, 06 @ 8:28 am:

    A Jerry Clarke campaign would be the most fun this state has seen in decades. I can guarantee he could could raise an army of volunteers. He could probably raise a ton of money too, he’ll need it for the volunteer drinking fund.

  99. - Timmy - Thursday, Dec 7, 06 @ 8:38 am:

    “whatever” — why does the right wing always blame others for the electorial failures?

    Reddbyrd…speaking of being drunk, learn to spell genius.

  100. - NW burbs - Thursday, Dec 7, 06 @ 9:39 am:


    People are touting Eric Wallace, who has never won elected office and lost big time this past fall despite all his “promise” (LaComb even just gave him contributor status over at Ill Review).

    So, even if Cole loses to Simon, I wouldn’t put it past someone/some group on that side of the aisle to “draft” him for the race. It’d be easy enough for them to spin a loss as some sort of sympathy for the Simons — would the rest of the state know any better? Stranger things have happened.

    And you asked for ideas, so I gave a few along with my rationale.

    I could care less who the Repubs put up… unless Durbin suddenly changes who and what he is I’ll be happily voting to re-elect him. He’s a good man and I generally agree with his values and actions (despite what all the juvenile conservative crybaby commenters are yelping on this thread).

  101. - Charles Martel - Thursday, Dec 7, 06 @ 9:45 am:

    No list is complete without Ronnie “Woo Woo” Wickers

  102. - T.J. - Thursday, Dec 7, 06 @ 10:29 am:

    Chapin Rose.

  103. - jack ponce - Thursday, Dec 7, 06 @ 11:25 am:

    It’s becoming increasingly clear that the government is in business for itself. We are going to have to think outside the box entirely to change anything. Bandying around the name known hacks is porably not the solution.
    I came across a website this year called PACleansweep. Their Pennsylvanian government looks to be as corrupt as ours, and some guy named Russ Diamond set upa a website to purge the state capitol of all of them. The group hung out a sign on the internet for legislators wanted, and succeeded in knocking out several legislators. They did their homework and explained the rules and did it. Only one paper outside of PA covered the story. To their dredit, NPR covered the story one evening and only once. We need to change the whole way we do things to survive. We can’t ricochet from one corrupt party to another forever. The internet has changed so many business models, the way we meet good candidates needs to evolve. We can have our own party without an agenda that never becomes obsolete-whose only purpose is to nominate people for consideration that meet minimal test of worthiness and let the people decide. The challenge is going to be in trusting ourselves. The system is obsolete. That is why it is so dysfunctional. Time to replace it. A good explanation of the phenomenon is here.
    Happy holidays

  104. - smack-o-cratic - Thursday, Dec 7, 06 @ 2:38 pm:

    Wow. lots of great ideas out there. Durbin has it locked down however. That is unless they do find that dead hooker and live boy in his trunk and then the Republican candidate has $80 million to run a gabillion ads painting Dick in the most unflatering way. Then maybe the pride of Springfild gets beat.

  105. - MINGOP - Thursday, Dec 7, 06 @ 5:05 pm:

    Oberweis will plan to run, rumor has it that you may also see Rutherford, Topinka, Corinne Wood surface too. But the ideal candidate will be Kirk - I doubt he will though - cause he may be looking at the gubernatorial seat or run against whoever will replace Obama - since that may be easier.

    My bet will be that Schillerstrom will be the darkhorse that will come out of Dupage to run for Senate.

    Not sure if he will run though - but you never know.

  106. - Central Bob - Thursday, Dec 7, 06 @ 5:06 pm:

    Forgot these county or state officials. Look at the ones who have done the work that will come out of nowwhere and win these things- the next candidate will be someone like Obama - no one will know who that person is and all of a sudden- boom!!!

    The best state reps on the Republican side out there now is Lauzen and that guy Murphy. Forget Frank Watson - but it would be nice to get a minority candidate who will be good to go against the Democratic Establishment.

  107. - 'Lainer - Thursday, Dec 7, 06 @ 7:10 pm:

    Believe it or not, I know who Vinko Bogataj is… the “agony of defeat” ski jumper on Wide World of Sports. But who are Charlie Johnson and Dan Proft?

  108. - Whatever - Thursday, Dec 7, 06 @ 8:03 pm:

    Dear Rich:

    I agree with Oh Well. Jerry Clarke is a breath of fresh young air we need in the Illinois GOP. These old guys have to make room for a younger more libertarian Republican styled modern GOP. The only way we’re going to win is with the younger generation, but these guys just can’t give up their reins.

    Jerry Clarke is just what the doctor ordered. He’s very bright and has a very likable personality. He’d have to win a Congressional seat first.

  109. - Master of the Obvious - Thursday, Dec 7, 06 @ 8:17 pm:

    ‘Lainer: Among other things, Johnston and Proft have played the role of GOP campaign managers. It was Johnston handing Andrea Zinga her script, and Proft’s latest escapade was leading the storming of the castle in downtown Chicago election night. Gotta admit, though, that was great TV!

  110. - Craig The Crackhead - Thursday, Dec 7, 06 @ 8:34 pm:

    Dan Proft is the man for the job.GO DAN!!!After all he is a leader not a follower Ha Ha Ha

  111. - Thomas Hill IV - Thursday, Dec 7, 06 @ 8:48 pm:

    Jerry Clarke is a great guy, but my vote would be for his brother Jeff!

  112. - NW burbs - Friday, Dec 8, 06 @ 1:01 pm:

    Central Bob, Matt Murphy has not even been sworn in yet … so how on earth could he be among “the best”?

    And he and Lauzen will be State Senators, not Reps.

    MINGOP, Don’t you think Kirk might want to use his Federal campaign dollar warchest to build up statewide name recognition in 2008? He spent a good deal of money to defend against Dan Seals, but he’s an adept fundraiser anyway.

    If he wins, he’s in the Senate. If he loses, he’s well recognized statewide.

    Even if he loses in a Senate race, he’ll have two years to regroup and then make a run for governor — and with a bunch of name recognition built up from an ‘08 Senate race. (If I’m not mistaken, he cannot convert Federal campaign dollars to state campaign dollars, and vice versa).

  113. - RAI - Friday, Dec 8, 06 @ 3:16 pm:

    Kirk now has the chance to be the “moderate” he really is. He can become pretty powerful as a swing vote with the bluedog Dem’s. He will be in place to move into leadership when the GOP retakes the House in a few years.

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