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Friday, Dec 15, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Head to Illinoize for your weekend political enjoyment. If you do nothing else, check out Friday Bollywood Blogging. It rocks.

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Friday afternoon music blogging - Jorma’s Christmas album

Friday, Dec 15, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

OK, I’m seriously bummed.

One of my favorite Christmas albums, Christmas with Jorma Kaukonen, has gone missing. I’ve torn the place apart looking for it, but it’s nowhere in sight.

For those who don’t know, Jorma was the lead guitarist for the Jefferson Airplane (which he named) before he departed with childhood friend and Airplane bassist Jack Casady to found the quintessential hippie blues band Hot Tuna. I had never heard of Hot Tuna until almost 17 years ago, when one of my best friends introduced me to their stuff. I was immediately hooked and I’ve been to several shows over the years.

My favorite show was in Madison, Wisconsin, many moons ago. Things were pretty relaxed up there. During breaks, the drummer came out to the bar and ordered a round for the band and I chatted with him for several minutes. I had a chance to talk to Jorma after the show, and one of the things he told me was that the Christmas album was consistently his best seller.

The album includes some all-instrumental songs where Jorma’s chops as one of the finest finger-pickers alive can be heard. “What Child is This?” and “Downhill Sleigh Ride” are just two.

There are some traditional songs (”Silent Night”) and some serious jams (”Holiday Marmalade”), along with a couple of fun little throw-away tunes, like “Christmas Rule,” described by reviewer Jim Trageser as…

(A) hilarious, romping blues about Santa’s sleigh getting shot down by a too-high Christmas Eve fire, with the not-so-jolly bearded one showing up at the front door in a foul mood demanding the keys to Jorma’s pickup in order to finish his deliveries.

The Christmas album rocks, but it is not Jorma’s finest work, and may not be for everyone. You might want to start out with “Burgers” or “Live at Sweetwater” first (you can find song excerpts by clicking on the links here). That’s where my journey began. And what a fine journey it’s been.

Jorma also runs a universally acclaimed guitar school called the Fur Peace Ranch, and you can listen to free mp3’s of his weekly radio show by clicking here. I highly, highly recommend clicking that link.

I really need to find that CD.

What’s your favorite Christmas album?


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Friday, Dec 15, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Obamarama - Few say they would have trouble with black candidate

Friday, Dec 15, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I know this is national, but we talked about this yesterday, so I thought I’d post it. The latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll [pdf file] has some interesting results for presidential preference based on race, religion and gender.

I’m going to list several types of people who might run for president. For each one, please tell me whether that type of candidate is someone you would (a) be enthusiastic about, (b) be comfortable with, (c) have some reservations about, or (d) be very uncomfortable with.

According to the poll, a total of 12 percent would either have some reservations about (8) or would be very uncomfortable with (4) an African-American candidate.

* 16 percent (8 with some reservations and 8 very uncomfortable) said the same about a woman.

* 19 percent (10 and 9) said that about a Jewish candidate.

* 23 percent (14 and 9) said it about an Hispanic.

* 52 percent (19 and 34) said the same about a gay candidate.

* 54 percent (26 and 28) said it about an evangelical Christian.

* 59 percent (25 and 34) expressed reservations about someone who had been a member of George Bush’s cabinet.

* 53 percent (27 and 26) had doubts about voting for a Mormon.

* 66 percent (37 and 29) said the same about someone over age seventy (bad news for McCain?)

Several of the questions were only asked of half the respondents, kicking up the MoE fairly high. But the African-American question was asked of everyone, as was Hispanic and gay.


Question of the day

Friday, Dec 15, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

The Tribune ran this lede in today’s editorial today, entitled “Feed the meter.”

Anyone who regularly traverses Michigan Avenue or the Loop is obliged to develop a strategy about panhandlers. Do you give a little to all? Nothing to any? Or do you only give if the mood strikes, or if the person in question is peddling something of value, like StreetWise, the newspaper?

The point was about a new program in Baltimore.

Baltimore leaders are experimenting with a promising idea. They’re inviting people to feed the meter. Instead of dropping a quarter into a panhandler’s cup, Baltimoreans now have the opportunity to slide it into specially painted and refurbished meters, formerly used for parking, on a couple of streets, the Baltimore Sun recently reported. When they do, a pointer on the dial moves from “despair” to “hope.” The money collected goes to programs to help the homeless.

Taking into account that the holiday season is now in full force, how do you deal with panhandlers? Also, is the Baltimore idea worth a shot?


Ryan files appeal *** Updated x1 ***

Friday, Dec 15, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I’ll see if I can locate a copy of the filing today and post it here as an update.

George Ryan’s lawyers asked an appeals court Thursday to throw out the former governor’s racketeering and fraud conviction, claiming it was the result of “an avalanche of errors” by the trial judge.

Attorneys for Ryan and co-defendant Larry Warner said the jury that found them guilty following a six-month trial last April was prejudiced by serious mistakes on the part of U.S. District Judge Rebecca R. Pallmeyer.

“The District Court’s singular desire to bring this case to a verdict led it to commit an avalanche of errors that deprived Warner and Ryan of a fair trial before an impartial jury,” they said in a 90-page brief.

“These errors undermined the legitimacy of the verdicts, which were contaminated by outside influence and divorced from meaningful deliberation,” they said in urging a new trial for Ryan and Warner.

The Tribune has more:

When it was discovered that some additional jurors had been in scrapes with the police but failed to mention them on their questionnaires, Pallmeyer declined to replace them as she had the other two, they said.

“And because of the District Court’s unprecedented decisions, the jury that ultimately found Warner and Ryan guilty was very different from the one charged with determining their fate at submission,” the appeal said.

“Significantly the reconstituted jury did not include a known defense holdout juror removed under an arbitrary standard,” it said. “The District Court itself recognized that ‘it might very well be’ that its unprecedented decisions related to this jury would warrant reversal.”

Pallmeyer refused to grant Ryan a new trial, saying she did not see “any great harm.” The appeal recalled a remark by the judge that “if I am wrong, it will not be the first time I was reversed, and I am not afraid to be reversed.”

The appeal brief said: “Indeed these convictions must be reversed.”

Do you think Ryan should get a new trial?

*** UPDATE *** Here’s the brief. [pdf file]


Morning shorts

Friday, Dec 15, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Ward groups got mayor’s petitions signed - Fewer city workers, HDO members collect signatures for mayor - 19th Ward organization helped most

* Wheeler: The GOP proved a bigger loser than the hapless Cubs

* Lawmakers propose stem cell bills - Plan would OK use of human embryos… More here

* State police in hot water with Labor - Because HQ’s pipes have nothing but cold

* IR: Last evening, Illinois Republican Party Executive Director John Tsarpalas, political operative Dan Proft and communications specialist Glenn Hodas appeared at the Chicago Town Hall Meeting to offer an autopsy on last month’s election and some thoughts on the future of the Republican Party in Illinois.

* O’Brien, Rowe get key jobs on Hare’s staff

* Newly appointed deputy gov Peters to focus on public safety, social services

* Editorial: The 10 percent solution

* Hawaii group starts Obama-for-president push

* Secretary of state’s estranged daughter arrested

* Donation helps send mail to troops

* AP: Americans spend more time watching TV, listening to the radio, surfing the Internet and reading newspapers than anything else except breathing.

* Aldertrack is keeping track of the city aldermanic filings

* Friday Beer Blogging: Cat Edition


Tusk’s exit interview

Friday, Dec 15, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Eric Krol interviews the departing deputy governor, Bradley Tusk.

•Tusk is most proud of All Kids, the state program that aims to get health coverage for children who don’t have it. He’s also proud of Open Road Tolling, the godsend that’s making life a bit easier for suburban commuters like me. Tusk acknowledges the idea was around before Blagojevich. He describes his role as being a negotiator between then-tollway Executive Director Jack Hartman, who Tusk said wanted to increase tolls to rebuild, and Blagojevich, who “pushed back” on the toll-raising part. Assuming the financial plan is viable, the tollway is being rebuilt with no increase for I-PASS users.

•On his style: “The approach is always the same thing: you want to get big things done, and you do everything you can to get them done. I think over time, you learn different routes to getting them done. Sometimes you go through, sometimes you go around … Sometimes you use the carrot. Sometimes you use the stick. Sometimes both.

“For me, in every regard, there was so much that I didn’t know about specific issues, about government, about politics. Anyone stepping into a job like I had will learn an incredible amount in four years.”

•Asked what it’s like to work for Blagojevich, Tusk uses the word “intense.” Which is usually code for a politician who’s difficult. Also not a description you’d readily associate with a governor who once got a devilish grin on his face before trumpeting the amount of “testicular virility” he possessed. “He’s much more intense privately than he is publicly because when he wants to get stuff done, he’s laser-focused on it. But that’s his job,” Tusk explained.

Tusk says he hasn’t been subpoenaed, hasn’t appeared before a grand jury, barely knew Tony Rezko and hasn’t hired counsel. I disagree with Krol’s contention that this means the investigation hasn’t progressed as far as we might believe, however. Tusk was always adamant that he didn’t do patronage or fundraising, and those are the two areas under review by the feds. Although, Rezko is only recently cooperative (if the reports are true), so Eric is absolutely right that the feds have a long way to go on this one.


Obama, wife worry about safety

Friday, Dec 15, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

This story will undoubtedly be picked up by every major newspaper and blog in the country. It’s been the elephant in the room for months as people discussed Barack Obama’s possible presidential run.

Sen. Barack Obama is concerned about his personal security –telling the Chicago Sun-Times editorial board Thursday that he and his wife fear there is a potential for violence — even if he does not run for president.

“Being shot, obviously, that is the least-attractive option,'’ Obama said.

The Illinois Democrat told the Sun-Times he has concluded a 2008 White House bid “would be viable” and he would have “a pretty good chance of winning the nomination.'’

For the first time, Obama talked about the downside of his swelling popularity, before his expected presidential announcement in January, after a vacation in his native Hawaii.

Let’s try to keep the comments reasonable, please. I don’t want a visit from the Secret Service because somebody got a little goofy.


* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Robert Crimo III pleads guilty to Highland Park parade shooting
* Question of the day
* Tribune editorial board: 'Nevermind'
* Judge tosses bribery convictions in ComEd Four case, prosecutors indicate a new trial may not be necessary
* Fair hit?
* When RETAIL Succeeds, Illinois Succeeds
* It’s just a bill
* State finally making major progress on funding 'four core services'
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
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