Nix grilled
Wednesday, Jan 3, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller The Daily Herald interviews new deputy governor Sheila Nix, a major favorite of this blog’s commenters. After some background questions, Nix was asked if the governor would “cave” if pressure mounts to sell the Tollway…
She dodged several questions about whether the administration’s tone would move away from confrontation, claimed the administration was following Freedom of Information Act laws (gag… not), and then the topic turned towards corruption…
She may have to eat those words (maybe even soon), but let’s not speculate about names or agencies in comments, please.
- anon #1 - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 5:47 am:
How many federal investigations does this administration have? I remember they stopped giving this information out sometime last summer even if you had a FOIA, did they ever take Lisa Madigan’s suggestion and start releasing the informtion?
Bring on the indictments!
- DOWNSTATE - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 6:14 am:
No names but how about a date like the rumor of the 29th on 2 more.
- Tessa - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 6:18 am:
Front page of the Telegraph in Dixon from over the weekend. DOC again denied the FOIA request regarding the inmate who kidnapped and then raped the psychologist at the Dixon prison.
Governot’s people are so not following the FOIA requests. Doesn’t matter what they are.
And poor Sheila, I hope she’s getting paid a lot of money to say the things she does. No one will be indicted? Oh lordy! She’s in for a rude awakening.
- zatoichi - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 8:23 am:
I think dropping all tolls and making the highways 6-8 lanes wide each way, like Atlanta, would make it even easier for commuters to get home to their families.
- Truthful James - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 8:34 am:
Mr. Z — You raise an interesting point. For expressway (and tollway) driving two and three lanes are worse than four lanes.
If we were in Canada where they do have two lane each way expressways, lane discipline is ever so much better — pass and get back, and everybody waits in line to pass.
Three lane just makes American piggyness that much more evident.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 8:38 am:
Q. How specifically does the governor plan to keep his promise not to raise the sales or income tax?
A. The first time, he kept it. And he’s planning on keeping it the second time. Right now, we’re really in the planning processes for this year’s budget. There’s lots of ideas and corporate loopholes and other things to look at. We’re kind of right now in the process of looking at all the options.
Corporate loopholes? Again?
Don’t raise taxes. Just keep raising fees. Then claim you are a hero for not raising taxes.
Same old, same old.
- Cassandra - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 8:39 am:
I hope we aren’t going to judge this administration on whether or not there are indictments of past or current Blagojevich officials. There may be. There may not be.
There may be years from now when it ceases to matter except as a warning to future pols, who will no doubt ignore the warning, thinking they
are too smart to get caught.
We should be demanding that Ms. Nix, Ms. Peters, Blago and Co do what they get hefty salaries, benefits, and future lobbying fees to do…run the state well. Ensure the safety of prison personnel. Increase the number of disabled and elderly living safely in the community (instead of in state institutions dedicated to preserving expensive state jobs), fund the schools and force them to actually educate kids, implement universal health insurance for Illinois, bring the state employee system pension fund into the 21st century by moving away from taxpayer- plundering defined benefit pensions, reform the state’s shockingly bad DCFS child protection division, reduce the state jail population, the list is endless.
Blago probably wants us to focus on the ephemeral indictments so that when nothing happens and he gets ready to run for a third term, he can say see how wonderful I am, I didn’t get indicted, re-elect me.
Our Blago wants to set the lowest possible bar for elected state government officials and by focusing on indictments, we are helping him do it.
- Properly Greased - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 9:20 am:
corruptovism -
A doctrine that adopts illegal political and economic principles, founded by Governor Blagojevich of Illinois and his administration in 2002.
Their theory is to relentlessly adopt corruptovistic policies, social programs without regard for current laws and without the resources to pay for them. Governor Blagojevich’s demands blind and destructive devotion to which anyone can be ruthlessly sacrificed.
Nothing can be known or communicated other than by them. Taxpayers will and have unknowningly paid for all the these social programs. The Corruptovites seduce the general public into getting something for nothing. Corruptovites are a getting rich thru this unprecedented massive deception.
Blagojevich believes that his new corruptovistic (see socialist) state would not be able to hold out against the pressures of a capitalist world.
That way every citizen in the state would inevitably be beholden to him or his administration. Eventually you would unknowingly be forfeiting your god given to freedoms to this juggernaut.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 9:30 am:
It is ridiculous to expect Sheila Nix to say anything to counter the continued scam that is this governor’s administration.
Indictments? Duh, yeah! What are these people thinking pretending like they do? At what point can we just slap them?
- Elder - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 10:22 am:
Sheila Nix can feel a lot of pride for AllKids and the increase in the minimum wage. These are concrete ways that this administration has made people’s lives better, and low income voters thanked them for it.
Indictments? Maybe, but they will not include Peters or Nix, who are good, thoughtful, hard working policy people.
- Limerick - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 10:57 am:
No surprise that Sheila the Shill
Would claim that indictments are nil.
To deny things all day,
Is the Blagojevich way,
But Fitzgerald continues to drill.
- Come on - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 11:03 am:
Q. So you’re confident no one will be indicted?
A. Yes.
My goodness, even Baghdad Bob wouldn’t have gone that far.
A far better answer would be to say that if somebody is found to have done something wrong, we expect them to be punished for it, but we are confident that no claims will reach to the Governor’s office.
That answer is potentially plausible, hers is not.
- Lovie's Leather - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 11:38 am:
You’ve got to understand how Blago works. As soon as someone is indicted, he claims that they are a rogue, corrupt entity and that he had no idea that they were. It is very similar to what he does to whistleblowers in his administration. And some people will believe. The same people that hate George Bush and can’t explain why are the same people that love Rod Blagojevich and can’t explain why. It would be really funny if it weren’t so sad.
- Angie - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 12:30 pm:
What a twit. They don’t know when there’s corruption so close to home (near the administration), but they’re confident that there will be no more indictments? Is this girl for real?
What a lightweight. Heck, I don’t care for this governor and I could probably do a better job spinning for him. Hey Sheila, try making it more like a joke, as in “Well, I certainly hope not.” That way, you play it off as more like a lighthearted laugh as opposed to sounding like your logic is convoluted.
No wonder she’s a blog favorite. She’s just too easy to pick on.
- Crackhead Obama - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 1:47 pm:
Sheila Nix has no integrity. I can’t believe the lies she spread during the election. I’m not talking about spin, but outright lies.
- Goodbye Napoleon - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 2:12 pm:
Good questions by Eric Krol, the answers are the same from all Blagojevich people all the time. She might be a good Deputy Governor, but she can only be as good as any Blagojevich Deputy Governor could be. I feel bad for her and all the other people who have to answer for him.
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 2:15 pm:
Sheila does and says exactly what the Blago Administration tells her. She is confrontational; she blames everyone; she is accusatory; she pimps Blago’s programs and ideas; and she bobs ‘n’ weaves (nice 2000-era Rams reference) whenever she can. There is a reason why she was paid a boatload of money during the election and is now a deputy governor: she does what she is told. That is easy to understand and it makes her an easy yet highly-paid target.
- Waist Deep In The Big Money - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 2:24 pm:
Is Sheila Nix is so good, why doesn’t get another job. One that stresses real integrity. This administration is trying to see how far they can push the legal envelope. Funny thing is, they think they are untouchable.
I like the ~ corruptovism ~ definition! Funny & Scarely at the same time.
- The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 3:08 pm:
Good Hair Magazine reporter… Q.) Ms. Nix, How often does the governor brush his hair.
A.) Never. The governor wakes up looking like that.
- Malibu P.D. - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 4:31 pm:
Tony Rezko will skate! He has friends way higher than Patrick Fitzgerald.
Illinois - Loses Again!
- Treachery flourishing in Illinois - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 4:43 pm:
If Rezko skates, so will Blagojevich, Levine, Kelly, Cellini, etc.
New welcome sign at state borders -
Welcome to Illinois / Land of Corruption
- Little Egypt - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 4:45 pm:
Malibu P.D., have you not been watching Fitzgerald’s Illinois track record? Rezko will not skate but will sing like a bird when Fitz and his crew start squeezing Rezko’s coconuts. Rezko is just the first of many rungs on the ladder that will lead to GoverNOT Hairdo. I believe any of us who are in touch with reality can pretty much take this one to the bank.
- Disgusted - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 6:05 pm:
Don’t ya’ll just wonder where people like Ms. Nix and other Blago spokespersons think they will get job when he is removed from office by the feds or not re-elected? What credible company would hire an obvious liar. Maybe a lobbying firm or a P.R. group but someone who wants the respect of the public will run a mile in the other direction rather than have Sheila and her ilk on staff.
- Papa Legba - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 6:47 pm:
- Malibu P.D. - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 4:31 pm:
Tony Rezko will skate! He has friends way higher than Patrick Fitzgerald.
Illinois - Loses Again!
Let me let you in on a little secret. Once P. Fitz has his teeth into you, he doesn’t let go. His record in Illinois is what now? Something like 80-0 in the win department. Get out of the sun and sober up.
I hope you aren’t thinking the Grand Gazoo from Syria will spring Tony.
- Another Limerick - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 8:22 pm:
The ‘06 election they took
But they didn’t always play by the book.
They mastered the spin
Like NIXon again
And they all said “I am not a crook.”
- Frat Boy - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 9:40 pm:
Lets all face it. This is pathetic. Sheila Nix told the truth on the campaign trail and nothing has changed. THERE ARE NO INDICTMENTS COMING GET OVER IT!
- Bill - Wednesday, Jan 3, 07 @ 11:45 pm:
Thank you, Frat boy, for that right on analysis! How long will we keep hearing about these mythical indictments? Keep up the great work, Sheila!
- Sahims2 - Thursday, Jan 4, 07 @ 7:41 am:
Ms. Sheila Nix,
DOC will post your pix,
as you enter your new abode,
it won’t have curtains,
it has barred doors,
and you’ll share your little commode.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 4, 07 @ 8:11 am:
Honor and integrity are a joke in this administration. They really do just laugh at the principle. Money and power is their GOD. That includes everyone who has covered for Rod just to hold onto their positions and jobs. Their motto: The bad guy always gets ahead. Playing by the rules is for chumps.