CBS’s Mike Flannery has the scoop.
In an exclusive interview with CBS 2 Dennis Hastert said he can deal with the demotion, and that, contrary to many rumors, he will not quit Congress.
“I just think that was wishful thinking on the part of some people,” Hastert said. “Some even had me being an ambassador someplace, which had no founding at all.”
“I’ve made a commitment to run, and I’m going to stay here to get going here, and I can do some things on energy — I think energy is certainly important for Illinois,” he said.
- Jacques Strappe - Thursday, Jan 4, 07 @ 9:10 pm:
The Milk Dud (copyright Steve Neal) can save his pennies for a while.
- Pat Collins - Thursday, Jan 4, 07 @ 9:41 pm:
Could this mean that Tom Cross saw he wouldn’t get the seat (nor could he give it to Tim Schultz of Bativa?)
I saw Rep. Schultz’s commericals on cable AFTER the election. I wondered if he had some money he had to use or lose. Else why on earth run commercials??
Then I heard about Hastert maybe leaving, and the commercials made sense. Hope Rep. S. didn’t burn all his money
- Anon 3 - Thursday, Jan 4, 07 @ 9:53 pm:
Hastert’s saying he will stay in the House is about as believable as Bush’s saying he is a uniter and not a divider.
- Loyal Whig - Thursday, Jan 4, 07 @ 10:18 pm:
Hastert owes it to the party to stay. It would be a refreshing change if someone who lost the top spot would honor the obligation that is due those who helped him achieve the high position he enjoyed.
- fedup dem - Thursday, Jan 4, 07 @ 11:27 pm:
Why don’t we wait until Hastert spends a little time as a junior minority-party member on some lesser House committee. (Denny, these guys have already lost their committee and subcommittee gavels; did you think they were now going to let you butt ahead of them for the right to be at least the ranking minority member on some panel?)
A few months of being a nobody Congressman and he’ll be pleading with bush for an Ambassdorship to anywhere.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Jan 4, 07 @ 11:46 pm:
IMHO - If he stays, it means he still has some favors he can call in from both sides of the aisle, from his 8 years of service as Speaker…and his staying will allow him to collect on ‘em. Let’s guess as to what they are.
- Sage - Friday, Jan 5, 07 @ 2:37 am:
Denny Hastert is a man of his word. Lauzen is deservedly screwed. Hastert ain’t giving up his seat til Lauzen’s senate seat is up. That way Lauzen will have to give up that seat to run with the very real possiblity he will lose the congressional seat. Lauzen and Milk Dud will pave the way for State Rep Tim Schimtz (not Shultz). Tom Cross is running for Governor. Lauzen has been busy pestering GOP County Chairmen in the 14th District to be the speaker at their Lincoln Day Dinners, most have declined. Lauzen’s brazen overdoing it regarding assuming Hastert was leaving is going to do him in for good and take Milk Dud with him. Denny will chose his successor, period. Hurrah!
- Bill Baar - Friday, Jan 5, 07 @ 6:21 am:
Good news about Hastert….
I’d like to see Tom Cross run for Gov by the way.
- I can't believe we did it again - Friday, Jan 5, 07 @ 8:02 am:
Sage is right across the board. Of course Hastert is going to fulfill the office he has been elected to. And I would also like to see Tom Cross run for Governor. He would be a refreshing change.
- Outsider - Friday, Jan 5, 07 @ 9:03 am:
Cross can unite the GOP. He should run for Governor
- whatever - Friday, Jan 5, 07 @ 2:07 pm:
Cross will be Governor when pigs fly.
He’s in over his head already as a State Rep.
- yinn - Friday, Jan 5, 07 @ 4:32 pm:
Six degrees–perhaps he (i.e. pals at Inland) has a few more real estate deals to make as concerns the Parkway?