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Things that make you go “Hmmmm…”

Monday, Jan 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller


Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s administration has fired a state employee who is challenging a City Council ally of Mayor Richard Daley’s in the Feb. 27 election.

Carina Sanchez said she lost her job last week because she is running to unseat Ald. George Cardenas (12th). Cardenas is supported by the pro-Daley Hispanic Democratic Organization.

“If they didn’t think I could beat Cardenas, they would have left me alone,” said Sanchez, who was paid $60,000 a year as director of policy and community relations for the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. “This is how they play.” […]

“Running for office is a full-time job,” [state spokesperson] Hofer said. “Because she was in a senior policy-level position, there was just too much potential for conflict.”


  1. - Bad Boy - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 7:20 am:

    Shouldn’t Blago have fired himself a few months back, then?

  2. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 7:44 am:

    Funny how that never seemed to be a problem for Rod. It brings to mind the ethics test. Do as I say not as I do.

  3. - Bridget Dooley - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 8:00 am:

    Hmm. I am surprised that she didn’t have to quit her government job to run for political office in the first place. Isn’t there some law there somewhere? I have a friend who works for Jesse White who tells me that she would be required to go on leave or quit to run.

    Even if there isn’t a law, it would have been the appropriate thing to do for her to quit or go on leave. Why raise suspicions?

  4. - Bridget Dooley - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 8:04 am:

    Oh, I just read the article and saw that she put in for a leave and was denied and that her position isn’t subject to the same laws. Should have done that before, sorry.

    So now my question is why the heck ISN’T her position subject to the same laws? That makes no sense.

  5. - Anon - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 8:07 am:

    It’s funny to think that running for a part-time job is a full-time job.

  6. - Bridget Dooley - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 8:18 am:

    Even an incompetent alderman will tell you that it is not a part-time job. It’s certainly not on the pay scale of a part-time job, that’s for sure!

  7. - Pat Hickey - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 8:26 am:

    Absolutely, True! Spend five minutes with former 18th Ward Alderman Tom Murphy and you can get a pretty good idea of what it takes to be a great Alderman, or a month with some of the other beauties. Ginger Rugai is a very good Alderman and puts in many hours and gets very little thanks, but tons of abuse.

    From what I hear Ms. Sanchez could be a great one.

  8. - Drew - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 8:47 am:

    Let’s accept for a moment that running for this position is going to consume all of her time. Why not let her go on a leave of absense until after the election as many state employees do to do political work during election season? She could come back after the election. It would take just as long to find, hire, and train a replacement, so they can’t claim that they need someone in there full time now. This seems politically motivated…

  9. - Drew - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 8:48 am:

    Sorry, I should have clarified. She should be able to come back from a leave of absense if she loses the race.

  10. - He makes Ryan look like a saint!!! - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 9:01 am:

    If she was one of the chosen few (D) she would be allowed to run. If state workers are not allowed to run for office they need to communicate it to them prior to them running. This is strickly political.

  11. - Cassandra - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 9:04 am:

    Don’t they have to hold your job for you if you go on a leave? So, whatever job she was doing (in that agency, it was likely make-work but still…) the people’s work (ha) wouldn’t get done while she was running.

    I think there may be different rules for different situations. I assume a state employee can’t take a leave of absence to run for the state legislature, the conflict is stunningly obvious, but what about a state employee running for alderperson or for the local water board,
    Surely, this has come up before and the decision isn’t solely at the discretion of whoever happens to be in charge of the agency that day.

  12. - DOWNSTATE - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 9:10 am:

    Hhhmmmmmm sounds like another lawsuit we the taxpayer will pay for.You know this bunch has cost us enough in law suits to almost balance the budget.Oh I forgot it is balanced[haw haw haw]

  13. - Anon - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 9:18 am:

    “Even an incompetent alderman will tell you that it is not a part-time job.”

    This is true. Many competent and incompetent aldermen will tell you it’s a full-time job.

    Here are some other things aldermen will tell you:

    - Chicago still needs 50 alderman.
    - Despite the fact that virtually all ward services can be requested via 311, the aldermen play a vital role
    - It would cost WAY too much money to allow the new incoming City Clerk to Podcast all City Council meetings and City Council Committee meetings
    - Even with the new six-figure salaries, Chicago alderman are still underpaid
    - There is nothing unethical about asking City Council Committee staffers to file objections against aldermanic candidates

  14. - fedup dem - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 9:22 am:

    Note to the US Attorney: How many more outrages do the people of this state have to endure? Indict Rod Blagojevich now!

  15. - grand old partisan - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 9:34 am:

    Hmmmm, indeed.

    As I noted over at Illinoize,

    Why doesn’t this standard apply to those running for re-election to, or election to a higher senior policy-level position?

  16. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 9:38 am:

    This stinks in so many ways.

    So, as an public servant, you can’t run for office? Did this keep Blagojevich from running in 2002? Kerry in 2004? We have hundreds of examples of elected officials running for higher office, completely ignoring their full time job for the duration. Why do we allow this for only currently elected officials and their friends?

    Didn’t Hare have a senior level job with Congressman Evans when he was running for office? Wasn’t Mike Dukakis actually concerned when he ran in 1988 about his full time job in Massachusetts? He said he was, and actually spent time in Boston cleaning up his desk right after the convention.

    I love that the State’s spokesperson claimed you can’t run for office full time and hold a full time job at the same time. How does she know Sanchez was running full time? You mean you can’t put your name on a ballot, not actively campaign except on weekends, and accept the vote results because you have to run full time? Nonsense! What a bunch of ignorant assumptions.

    To deny a public servant a chance to appear on a ballot for office while holding their job is dead wrong. To fire them, and then justify your actions by claiming the public servant couldn’t do their job and appear on a ballot is blatantly ignorant. To assume that everyone who appears on a ballot is running for office full time and unable to do their job is assinine.

    For Cardenas to sit there and accept this makes him look like a gutless loon. It is one thing to beat your opponents on election day, it is quite another to sabotage your opponents from appearing on the same ballot as you, denying your voters a choice. Cardenas said a whole lot more than he intended when he slithered into the same church pew as Blagojevich and accepted this backstabbing.

  17. - Vince - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 9:52 am:

    I guess this shows that Victor Reyes still has influence with the governor. I think this will make this candidate stronger similar to what happened four years ago with the election of Alderman Manny Flores. The hispanic community need more people like Carina Sanchez and less HDO hacks like the current Alderman.

  18. - Crimefighter - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 9:53 am:

    I smell another lawsuit…

  19. - Crimefighter - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 10:20 am:

    BTW, if state employees aren’t allowed to run for public office they’d have to fire about a quarter of the workforce.

  20. - Vince - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 10:28 am:

    I did a google on the name Cardenas and Blagojevich and I got a quote
    “Cardenas said Blagojevich did not have to get the approval of lawmakers because the Illinois Housing Development Authority already has low-interest loan programs in place. This is merely an extension of existing programs, he said.

    “The fact is, this doesn’t involve any general revenue funds,” Cardenas said. “It is funded through state bonds issued by the housing authority, which doesn’t require separate appropriation.”

    Cardenas said it is wrong of people to focus on the fact that illegal immigrants could qualify for a state-backed loan.

    “Research shows 10 percent of families don’t have a credit history, checking accounts, things like that,” Cardenas said. “They also seem to be ignoring the fact the state cannot determine who is documented or undocumented. That is for the federal government to determine.”
    I wonder if this guy is related to the Alderman ?

  21. - Squideshi - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 10:44 am:

    Running for office is a full time job? Rich Whitney was able to run for Governor while still working as an attorney in private practice.

  22. - Pat Hickey - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 11:21 am:

    Rich Whitney?, Hmmmm, Rich Whitney? Candidate for Governor on the Bull Moose Ticket, was he?

  23. - Woe is us - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 11:42 am:

    They also put the screws to IDOT employee Ray Frias when he planed to run against Sen. Tony Muñoz. He was given a choice: Run and be fired or drop out and keep your job.

    Why are some employees allowed to take time-off and/or leaves of absence to run, but not others? Maybe the Latino state employees are held to a different standard.

  24. - Anonymoose - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 12:02 pm:

    This is an example of one of the reasons why the Blagojevich administration has worked so hard to get jobs exempt from the personnel code as people placed in the exempt jobs do not have civil service protections and have little if any recourse for these types of nasty blago deeds. Guarantees accountability to politics and not the taxpayers, just like the blagos like it.

  25. - Jon Cutler - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 12:10 pm:

    Not a wise move by john Harris. He should have granted the leave to avoid further headaches on the administration. His move just opens the door for more speculations and hefty lawsuits.

  26. - Rex - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 12:24 pm:

    Don’t file a lawsuit. Rutan exempt employees work at the will of the Governor. Several cases have already gone through the courts and appealed, and have lost. Everyone should get due process, but not with rutan exempt status. If Blago doesn’t like the way your hair looks on a certain day, he can fire you with a blink of an eye.

    IDOT had a section in the Personnel Policy Manual that all employees, including Rutan Exempt, had due process rights. When Mary Lee Leahy came to visit, all of a sudden, that specific section was adjusted to not include Rutan Exempt staff. Then the firing came. Several highly intellengent employees, many with 20+ years, holding the exempt status were terminated and replaced with staff who had no clue what they were doing, and still don’t know what they are doing.

  27. - Master of the Obvious - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 12:44 pm:

    Ms. Sanchez–you are just now finding out how “its” played? You should have learned the rules of the game before you decided to expand your play. You knew the rules well enough to get your former job, did you all of a sudden forget from where you came? No one says you cannot run–in fact I am all for you running (not that I would vote for you). But if you are going to accept a position under the governor as an “exempt from code” employee, the least you could do is consult the people that helped you before making an overt political move. Its called loyalty. If the way you play is any different, I am glad you are leaving the team. Game over.

  28. - Woe is us - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 1:31 pm:

    Wow, Master of the Obvious you’re such a sly fox the way you imply that by running against Cardenas, Sanchez was showing disloyalty to those that helped her. Who might “those” be? Are “those” people tied to Cardenas? Is the person who actually fired Carina tied to HDO?

  29. - Louie Vega - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 2:10 pm:


    Did you know that the same organization (HDO) has not been all that ‘loyal’ to the governor are you seem to imply on your mis-informed comment. Iris Martinez and Martin Sandoval have been very critical of the governor and have made his life hard via the Latino Caucus. If anything Ms. Sanchez has bend over backwards for the administration and this is how they thank her. It’s a clear violation of her constitutional right to run for office. All they had to do was sign off on the leave and let it be. Now questions must be asked.

  30. - Jaded - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 2:32 pm:

    The Hofer argument is bogus. Her own boss (the Governor) held what one might call a full time job (US congress 4 years ago and Governor last year) and still found the time to run for Governor. I am not sure why they always trot out these silly reasons that are clearly not true and try to sell them with a straight face.

    But none of that matters. She was an “at will” employee. “At will” employees are just that… “at will”. They don’t need a reason to fire you, they can just fire you. She should have checked with her current employer (who just happens to be the Democratic Governor of Illinois that lives in the City of Chicago and has ties to many Chicago politicians) before she put her name on the ballot to run against an incumbent Democratic alderman. She is not a political neophyte. Before woking for the Governor, she was on House Dem staff, so she should have know how this game is played.

    Politics ain’t beanbag you know!

  31. - Smack-o-cratic - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 2:58 pm:

    Not that I like to see anyone get fired over political affiliation, lord knows it never happens in Illinois….. I’m shocked I tell ya!

  32. - Smoking Gun - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 3:00 pm:

    Mayor Daley’s choice to clean up the scandal-plagued Hired Truck Program is a “social acquaintance” and fishing buddy of Victor Reyes — whose shadowy political group once held sway over Daley’s troubled trucking initiative.

    John Harris confirmed last week, through a spokeswoman, that he and Reyes socialize and even went on a fishing trip together in 2003.


    Andolino is the latest in a clique of former Victor Reyes proteges to be rewarded with powerful City Hall posts.

    The closed circle also includes chief of staff Sheila O’Grady, inter-governmental affairs director John Doerrer, and deputy chief- of-staff Tim Mitchell. Buildings Commissioner Norma Reyes is another Victor Reyes ally, although the two are not related.

    In response to a federal lawsuit filed by noise-weary suburbs and two cemeteries that stand in the way of an expanded O’Hare, City Hall has voluntarily agreed not to acquire property in Bensenville and Elk Grove Village until the FAA passes final judgment on the project.

    That’s expected to take at least a year, maybe more. Noise-weary suburbs say they plan to use that time to poke even more holes in the mayor’s plan than they already have.

    It’ll be up to Andolino to keep the momentum going. She’ll be asked to dole out hundreds of millions of dollars worth of jobs and contracts, negotiate purchase options with homeowners and businesses and execute the already negotiated financing plan at a time when turbulence still reigns in the airline industry.

    “It’s unusual to bring someone on board without direct aviation experience, but not unprecedented. Mayor Daley is obviously willing to take a bit of a risk to bring fresh energy to the O’Hare project,” said Joseph Schweiterman, director of DePaul University’s Chaddick Institute.

    Schweiterman said it would be “hard to replace the vast experience” of First Deputy Aviation Commissioner John Harris, who has done the heavy lifting on the O’Hare project.

    A former military pilot and Aviation Department veteran who has become somewhat of an airport expert, Harris will return to the day- to-day job of running O’Hare and Midway airports.

  33. - Miguel Migs - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 3:13 pm:

    Smoking Gun - very interesting article. This definitely makes you go hmmmmmm. The dots are connecting.

  34. - Papa Legba - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 3:49 pm:

    Business as usual for the Blago gang. They have been doing this to employees for four years now. One would think they would have learned to be more discrete by now. What a bunch of arrogant idiots.

  35. - Skarfeld - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 6:26 pm:

    You folks who wanted to see Rod lose from DayOne are still offended at his being reelected–as you will be in four years. Complain all you like . . . But at least complain about the real issue.

    Papa Legba & co., and lobbyists who want legitimacy are the only ones w/o an audience now that their Great Nemesis has won. It’s only a matter of time until Pasfield House falls under new and better ownership!

  36. - Ben Watt - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 7:23 pm:

    The 12th Ward has now become a race that everyone is looking at. The Blago administration should answer their own question when they terminated Ms. Sanchez…


  37. - Masters At Work - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 7:34 pm:

    - Jaded - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 2:32 pm:
    In reference to your comment I am sure she was well aware of her situation. Suffice to say that she has the testicular virility to stand up for what she believes in and for standing up for the community by committing her career to oust the HDO hack. Credit needs to be given to her for what she did. Not many individuals would have done what she did. She is a U of C graduate so she is no dummy either.

    Oh, and I am sure she will throw that ‘bean bag’ back at whoever threw it at her.

    George…look out!

  38. - state worker #1 - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 7:46 pm:

    Years ago, at IDOT, there was a gentleman who was rumored to be taking a leave of absence in order to run for re-election for a position that he held. I waited and waited and waited. The election came and went and not once did he take a leave of absence. Fast forward to a couple of years ago, another gentleman was running for a position, he was seen walking around the subdivisions passing out flyers (that he had made at work) and he was even interview with his picture in the paper along with the other candidates. Again, he did not take a leave of absence to run for office. Just to be fair, we have had individuals take a leave of absence in order to ‘help run a campaign’ (but they were frequently spotted in the building on weekends making political copies on state equipment)

  39. - Cassandra - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 8:08 pm:

    Shouldn’t this all be covered in the state’s ethics regulations, assuming they have any.

  40. - Anon Again - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 8:33 pm:

    Was not Ms Sanchez in a double exempt position which means she is a political appointed policy maker and can be terminated at the Govs will?

  41. - Dunno but... - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 8:46 pm:

    Anon Again - good question. But an outsider looking in, politically one can see HDO’s influence on the decision that was made. So at a PR stand point, it doesn’t look well when Blago’s administration affiliates itself with a scandalous group such as HDO.

  42. - Anon Again - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 9:35 pm:

    what has the HDO done

  43. - Papa Legba - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 9:40 pm:

    Skarfeld - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 6:26 pm:

    I’m sorry if we offended you by questioning the actions of your wise, all knowing, compassionate, ethical governor and his staff.

    Actually we are all commenting tongue-in-cheek, because we know how much Rod cares about each and every individual in the state that he governs.

  44. - Anon Again - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 9:57 pm:

    No i was serious what have they done i know nothing about them

  45. - Inland Knight - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 10:53 pm:

    Anon Again,

    whats going on is too much to cover. if you really want to know google them and follow the links and read the link that is posted above. then connect the dots.

  46. - Master of the Obvious - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 11:06 pm:

    Sorry I couldn’t address Woe and Louie promptly–I’ve been at a couple parties this evening. Great time. But to the point, I didn’t mean to imply anything–I meant to be blunt. She accepted a political position, therefore her prime political ambition should be the goal of the politician for whom she works. If she develops her own political ambition, and it is not in her political patron’s interest, she MUST go. That is how its played. Whatever the reason (possibly for reasons beyound our scope), the powers that be told her not to do what she did. She sounds determined to run for an office–go for it! Heck, maybe she should just switch parties, and be our sacrificial lamb for Senator Durbin’s re-election. Word on the street is the ILGOP is looking for candidates. By the way–nice to see so many of you GOPers out tonight at the parties.

  47. - Squideshi - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 11:30 pm:

    Pat Hickey - Monday, Jan 8, 07 @ 11:21 am:

    Rich Whitney?, Hmmmm, Rich Whitney? Candidate for Governor on the Bull Moose Ticket, was he?

    Rich Whitney was the Green Party candidate that got about 10% of the statewide vote at a cost of only about $0.08 a vote.

  48. - Lil Louie Vega - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 12:29 am:

    Master of Oblivious umm i mean Obvious -

    I truly believe that you are missing the point. The fact of the matter is that this scenario unfolded for political reasons. That’s the perception that is given by these direct actions. As well as you should know, this ‘game’ that you talk about is about perception as well. That’s how this administration got elected. This is nothing new, just read the other comments that have been posted for years on this blog.

    The fact of the matter is that the HDO cronies perceive Ms. Sanchez as a true, viable threat to their status quo. And on this issue there is no doubting the facts. A person with half a brain can see that.

    My assessment of you based on what you have written is that you seem to be a reasonable person but your state of mind comes from a very different approach. Your thoughts imitate that of a loyal dedicated patronage worker from the old days. Something that HDO reflects today with an exception (maybe not); and that exception is that laws may have been broken amongst their group. Laws that have allegedly abused tax payer resources with all the allegations floating around FBI offices. Therefore, it’s shocking to see your reaction to this story. I don’t think that being sympathetic to a shady organization like HDO is a smart thing to do, is it? Just wondering what they have promised you. Things that make you go hmmmmm.

    P.S. What does the ILGOP have to do with this topic? Trying to go off on a tangent?

  49. - Master of the Obvious - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 6:13 am:

    Hey Louie–”All they had to do was sign off on the leave and let it be.” Another take could be: No–”they” didn’t wish to sign off. Rather, “they” wished her to show up for work and carry out the duties “they” assigned to her. Do you believe a leave is a right? I do…only if its covered by FMLA.

    She chose to put her personal politics ahead of her personal career. The story ends there. The reasons do not need to be disclosed to you or me. It matters not to me if HDO, Hispanic Chamber, Latino Caucus, or anyone else’s involvement. Way beyond my altitude. She was told “No” by someone with the hammer to say no. That is the point to me. Now she recognizes the consequense. I hope she is seen as example for other rogue candidates.

    I brought in the ILGOP for humor. But unless a person’s grassroots are incredibly deep, you need the party structure for support–and Ms Sanchez is in the process of learning this part of the game. She could join the Green or Constitution Party, too, or a myriad of others, but I choose to pick on the GOP. Thats how I roll. She has abandon the current party in power by first accepting a job, then turning her back on the political instruction “they” issued to her. No hard feelings, just toe this party line or move along — find a new party if you wish.

  50. - Woe is us - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 7:59 am:

    Dean a “hammer”? HA-HA-HA

  51. - Nick - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:27 am:

    Carina has a video up on google

  52. - Squideshi - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:59 am:

    Hmmm… I wonder if Sanchez will stick with the Democats or move to another, more progressive political party.

  53. - jersey guy - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:24 am:

    if avila didn’t ramble on for ten minutes, carina might have been able to make her statement from inside the jrtc.

  54. - Lil Louie Vega - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:45 am:

    Oblivious - Again you are missing the point. So, nevermind. We are going in circles. When your on the 9th floor ask how the morale is at DFPR. Last I checked this election is non-partisan so your statements of her abandoning the Dem party is irrelevant and plain dumb. Ignorance is bliss.

  55. - Sly Fox - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:27 am:

    Louie, morale at “Dean’s Friends and Personal Relations” is great. We all got raises and bonuses.

  56. - Justin - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 12:16 pm:

    Carina used her connections to the Blagojevich administration as one of her campaign themes. She claimed that she could get things done because of the people she worked for and with. Carina denied in public receiving any help from Ray Frias. It’s hypocritical now to change the story. There are real independent democrats in the 12th ward race. The 12th ward IDCO (Independent Democratic Community Organization)candidate is attorney Jesus G. Salazar.

  57. - Peven Everett - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 12:33 pm:

    Justin - I think you should worry about the incumbent and not one of the opponents. Wrong approach.

  58. - Master of the Obvious - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 1:12 pm:

    L’il Louie: You are right–I am missing your point. Please elaborate on the connection between the moral on the 9th floor and the hiring and firing of an “at will” employee for political reasons. On a side, if you don’t believe that politics enter into non-partisan affairs, you are truly naive. At least in Springfield, the locals recognize party participation in alleged non-partisan races. I do not know where you live, but rest assured this is a commomn practice state-wide.

    For the record, I did not say Democrat Party, I referenced “Party in Power”. There is a difference. In this instance, please limit the scope “party in power” not only to Democrats, but the subset of Democrats to whom she owed her political career. Ms. Sanchez may not have abandon the Democrat Party per se, but she did abandon those that brought her to the table. If other Democrats (State, County, Municipal–whoever) care to bring her back to their section of the table, that’s entirely up to them.

    And to Woe: Call it what you wish, but I bet in Ms. Sanchez experience she would begrudgingly find my hammer analogy correct. You may take to the bank that if she had a bigger hammer, she would have used it.

  59. - Justin - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 2:23 pm:

    You are absolutely correct. The focus od the 12th ward is about beating Cardenas. HDO is playing a daily role in the campaign trail. They have managed to make threatening phone calls, try to intimidate more than one candidate, challenged all candidates, and spent a fortune of HDO and their new fundraising machine MADO (Mexican American Democratic Organization)money in huge signs throughout the ward. Carina’s job became an issue because she is first on the ballot. She became a threath to Cardenas because she did drop the names of the Gov., Madigan, Obama, etc. at campaign stops. That became an issue to Cardenas and HDO.

  60. - Peven Everett - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 3:54 pm:

    Justin - I am glad we agree. Then focus on the incumbent and not on other opponents in the race. The objective for the opponents is to knock off the incumbent and not fight/argue amongst each other.

  61. - Lil Louie Vega - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 4:17 pm:


    You are truly making yourself sound like you are being manipulated by whomever it may be. You have been brainwashed to think that by answering the master’s call, that will be the right thing to do. She has decided to stand up for what’s right for her community and is now being scrutinized for doing the right thing.

    Rumor has it that she was told that if she were to pursue her campaign she would be terminated. Why not just sign off on the leave of absence like how other past candidates who were/are state employees had their leaves approved? What is the difference between Ms. Sanchez and the other state employees? Answer me that question straight up with no BS. This has nothing to do with loyalty b/c she has been loyal to the administration or the “party in power” as you claim and as a result she has been slapped in the face by being fired. Seems to me that you love to be the divider and not the uniter. I believe she is not questioning the “At Will” status of her past position but is questioning the perception of the decision that was made which was strictly political and denying her right to run for office. You seem like a smart woman/man so all you have to do is connect the dots.

    You make it seem like your the dean of knowledge, but the fact of the matter is that the hammer you talk about, is actually made out of plastic that does no harm to anyone.

    Springfield is Springfield, keep it there just how the folks in Chicago would say the same.

    Once elected, she will be a force to be reckon with and the hacks know that.

  62. - Lil Louie Vega - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 4:19 pm:

    Oblivious….forgot to ask one other question…now do you get my point?

  63. - Justin - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 4:42 pm:

    I agree with your assessment. My issue is that everywhere she campaigned, Carina boasted about her political relationship with the governor’s staff, Madigan’s staff and even working with other officials including Senator Obama. That was a clear message to the public that she knew people in Springfield. She used the same argument to try to get union SIEU endorsements. Now that political capital is gone.

  64. - Lil Louie Vega - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 4:57 pm:


    Not so fast. As an outsider looking in I believe that this has empowered her. Why you ask? The reason is that being a well educated latina with outstanding legislative experience, she is now being kicked to the curb by the powers that be. For what? To please individuals who may now be nervous considering what happened yesterday to an elected official who was not considered to be on the radar for the Feds. I believe you know who I may be referring to. Therefore, I believe that this in fact helps her b/c this solidifies her relationships with the unions and community by demonstrating her commitment to winning this race and her future committment to standing up to the “big boys”. The unions may be pissed at the gov for what harris did b/c they went to bat for the gov and for what his chief of staff did to their candidate, that can be interpreted as a slap to the face to the unions. Think about it.

    Her experience can speak for itself, it can prove to voters that she knows what it takes to introduce ordinances and knows what it takes to get things done for her community and the city b/c she seems to be a woman with strong values and character. Something that voters may find very appealing considering the latest developments (no pun intended) of what went on in a neighboring ward. So to say that her support or credibility is gone can be a complete understatement. Sources say that Carina will be endorsed by the majority of unions, if not all of them.

  65. - Master of the Obvious - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 5:05 pm:

    Louie– “Why not just sign off on the leave of absence like how other past candidates who were/are state employees had their leaves approved? What is the difference between Ms. Sanchez and the other state employees? Answer me that question straight up with no BS.”

    No BS here. She was told “no”. What part of “no” don’t you understand? Again, nobody has to explain anything to her, to you, to me, or anyone. It was her will to disenfranchise herself the powers that placed her. It was the will of those same powers to discharge her. You want an explanation? Thats the list. “No.” How is that for no BS?

    Believe it or not, I am quite proud of my loyalty, and I believe I have been rewarded justly. Nobody need tell me what to write–I write from the heart, and believe what I type. If I come across as the Dean of Knowledge, that is your perception. I am flattered, but in reality, I am not unlike Jack Webb–just supplying you with the facts. These facts may not be what you wish to read. Candor can be like that. I am old school. I strive to be old school. I am a Jacksonian Democrat. I remember the help I received, and the help I gave has been rewarded. I am happy, and I sleep well.

  66. - Master of the Obvious - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 5:27 pm:

    For what its worth–I compared myself to Jack Webb…not fair. Jack Webb sought the facts, not supplied them. I guess in the context of this thread, I would rather compare myself to John Henry–I’m gonna die with that hammer in my hand Lord Lord. Gonna die with that hammer in my hand. (If we can’t laugh at ourselves…I liked Ed Ames version of that song the best–does that expose my age? Nevermind.)

  67. - Al and Erin - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 5:32 pm:

    Why would Governor Blagojevich allow Victor Reyes and HDO to influence his personnel decisions?

  68. - Lil Louie Vega - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 5:57 pm:


    You still haven’t the main question that I asked. Why were other leaves approved for campaign purposes and Ms. Sanchez’ request denied? You went off on a tangent and didn’t provide an adequate answer. Evade the question is how you play. But be that as it may you can quote whoever you want and you can look up to who you want and you can answer to who you want but the point is that regardless of what happened at DFPR, Ms. Sanchez will win and who knows, you may be following her orders since you convey yourself as a great follower instead of a great leader. Too bad you don’t possess the testicular virility that our gov has and stand up for what you really believe in. We’ll have a beer on Feb. 28th and shoot the s**t once you cut the strings.

  69. - Master of the Obvious - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 6:20 pm:

    Louie–For your file, there is an old adage that the person that resorts to name calling is arguing from a losing position. I will grant that I am oblivious to your issue–its the old school thing. But a better nickname for you to apply to me may be the adaptation of an acronym–MofO. Sorry–I find that funny, too. Call me what you wish. Stick and Stones may break my bones…so please don’t throw sticks and stones.

    I have no horse in this race…I merely point out practical politics. Evading? I am typing the answer with unmistakable clarity! You main question asked is answered. Here’s the deal–she was hired without comment, she was discharged without comment. If she was fired for political reasons, so what? It was the will of the same people that hired her, I am guessing for political reasons. Nobody said a thing about “fair”. As coach Edwards once so eloquently said, “You Play To Win The Game”. If others were allowed to run, then the powers that be must believe those “others” represent to goal of the the respective power that is. Not fair? So what! Really, I cannot be more clear.

    As for beer, while my liver needs another 3 days to recover and my left kidney may never be the same after last night, if invited I would intro myself at a “Capfax” event should there be one mutually convenient in the future. Its all good.

  70. - Justin - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 7:35 pm:

    What a discussion!!!!!!!!! The real question now is will Carina follow somebody else’s agenda like Cardenas is doing with HDO or not. What role will Ray Frias and the Illinois Hispanic Chamber play in her campaign. The unions’ endorsement is not a given. She has not proven herself at anything.

  71. - Anon Again - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:03 pm:

    I think the real question is should any administration be able to hire and fire whomever they want in double exempt policy positions? But it is nice to see you rs stick up for a fired D you dont like it when we fire an r and you dont like it when we fire a d what a heart im tearing up pass the tissue. And if i was an r still in an exempt position i might be sleeping a little uneasily cause the carryover cops are coming and you havent seen nothing yet bye bye.

  72. - Lil Louie Vega - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:09 pm:


    The only old school faction that you claim to represent is the old school way of how things were done in the ’60s. Wake up call! We are in a new millenium. Your old school ways is the reason why your crew has been accused of allegations of corruption by the Feds and why the media is having a field day with you guys.

    Fired for political reasons as you willing have answered and admitted to by stating ’so what’ well buddy i have news for you, that is illegal. Either your a novice or you are in over your head. Whatever the case is I suggest that you conduct research to prove me wrong. But none of this matters b/c the residents of the 12th ward are clearly indicating that George has to go. And that is the bottom line. So it doesn’t matter what you say or what I say, the fact is that HDO is scurrred of Carina Sanchez b/c she is a strong candidate and most importantly she is fluently bi-lingual…something that a certain state rep and state senator can not claim.

    Like I said, Feb 28th, I will treat you to the first round of beer so we can further discuss this matter.

    Oh and by the way you still haven’t answered my question as to why other leaves were approved for political campaign purposes and Ms. Sanchez’ was not.

  73. - Lil Louie Vega - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:11 pm:

    Al and Erin,

    To answer your question is b/c of John Harris. He is city guy and has been a fihing buddy of Victor Reyes. Therefore, connect the dots and see the co-existence and smell the stench.

  74. - Anon Again - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:36 pm:

    Lil lou i request a few of names of these people who were allowed to take a leave and run for office. just a few would be fine. Enough of your baseless accusations its time to put some filler in your cry baby cake. And I have heard you all whine for 4 years now. just what and i want specific instances of when the Gov has been involved in these notorius activities and i dont mean some underling way down the chain I want a specific instance when the Gov was involved. You must have several specific instances youve been whining for 4 years its time to fess up. If you need examples i will give youe some similar instances
    -George ryan taking cash from employees and paying them back with campaign checks.
    -George Ryan and his right hand man stopping the license for bribes internal investigation.
    _George Ryan taking cash from Klein.
    -George ryan and his crew shaking down copier vendors for contracts.
    -George Ryan and his boys leasing property that the developers hadnt even bought at inflated rates and taking cash in exchange
    -George ryan and his boys shaking down companies for the plate sticker contract.
    -Jim edgar and his boys shaking down computer companies in the MSI case.
    -Approximately 85 SOS employees pleading guilty selling campaign tickets for truck licenses.

    Get my point whers the beef. Enough of the undocumentated accustations.

  75. - DD - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:40 pm:

    Interesting discussion, but there is something that does make me go hmmmm…
    If Ms. Sanchez is running for alderman, wouldn’t she have begun collecting signatures in September or October? This would mean that the powers to be would have known that she was running and were fine with it or else they would have told her to stop. Obviously, Cardenas must have felt threaten and asked his master Reyes call his old fishing buddy Harris to put the pressure on Sanchez to get out. I think that her request for a leave provided that perfect opportunity; after all, didn’t the Governor’s staff take leaves of absence to work on his campaign?

    It’s unfortunate for her, but best of luck because it must have taken a lot of courage to stand up for what she believes in and risk her job. I’m sure that her community will benefit from having someone who is willing to go against the machine.

    I don’t think that because she no longer works at the Governor’s office she is not able to tout the work that she has done. After all, what can Salazar tout? All the work that he has done for the community which is… well, I truly can’t say because I have never heard of him. At least Ms. Sanchez is known in the political circles and my friends at the Capitol have nothing but positive things to say about her. She seems to be a hard worker.

    Also, how would you know what she said to get union support? Are you a mole in her campaign? She seems to be someone who will fight for what she believes and I don’t see her taking anyone else’s agenda, she already proved it by not stepping down.

  76. - Anon - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 11:22 pm:

    Wow what have I missed???? man I know alot of hdo guys and they are all jumping ship. they got nothing to gain so they are talking about not helping becuse they cant get nothing back. That Carina lady is cute so she got my vote!!!! oh wait i dont think i live in her area.

  77. - Anon Again - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 11:56 pm:

    Thanks for the list Lou just what i thought

  78. - observer - Wednesday, Jan 10, 07 @ 12:01 am:

    I think hes got you lou even mr obvious could see that

  79. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 10, 07 @ 12:03 am:

    I think the answer to all of this is that Cardenas’s re-election is Daley’s number one aldermanic priority this year.

  80. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 10, 07 @ 12:40 am:

    Lou, at will employees can be fired for just about any reason. There’s probably nothing illegal about this.

  81. - Anon Again - Wednesday, Jan 10, 07 @ 12:40 am:

    Thanks Rich good night tommorow will be more of the same baseless accusations. I want some filler in my cake not baseless unspecific accusations

  82. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 10, 07 @ 4:29 am:

    “Anon Again,” the Blagojevich pushback game has been tried here before and it’s never worked very well. There are just too many grand juries meeting now for it to work again.

  83. - Master of the Obvious - Wednesday, Jan 10, 07 @ 5:49 am:

    Louie–”you may be following her orders since you convey yourself as a great follower instead of a great leader” A Marine Drill Sergeant commands his men, and follows orders from an Officer. Is he a follower or a leader?

    “Too bad you don’t possess the testicular virility that our gov has and stand up for what you really believe in” Um…Okay.

    Louie. I love a good, constuctive argument–political, partisan, policy. whatever. But I have told you, and told you, and told you the truth. Obviously you can’t handle the truth. Success–you have made even me weary. Lets skip the beer. m’kay.

  84. - Master of the Obvious - Wednesday, Jan 10, 07 @ 5:59 am:

    Louie–I did the reseach for you to prove you wrong. Look up this citing: CMS Personnel Code, Juridiction B, Exemption 4d3. Look it up. On a side, I guarentee you that after six weeks under my command, you would have an unmitigated understanding of the word “No”.

  85. - justin - Wednesday, Jan 10, 07 @ 7:14 am:

    I have been at public forums in the Latino circles where Carina and her staff have claimed to have union support before even the endorsement process had begun. My point was that she was very aggresive about her connections. These are the same connections that now she is trying to distance herself from. It is good that she has the experiences she does. I definitely agree that HDO was involved in the firing and that they should be investigated for tampering with an upcoming election.

  86. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 10, 07 @ 7:16 am:

    Justin, why should a political group be investigated for “tampering” with an election when the firing itself was almost undoubtedly not illegal? Isn’t that a bit harsh, even for HDO?

  87. - Anon Again - Wednesday, Jan 10, 07 @ 7:47 am:

    Rich for three days the undertones of this piece gets to the terrible stuff the Gov has done and even you mention all of the grand juries then you so the firing was legal. What are these grand juries investigating and i am serious i dont know.

  88. - The Fox - Wednesday, Jan 10, 07 @ 12:08 pm:

    Carina sholud have not been fired. She did noting wrong she was a good employee. Master of the obvious “This is a chess game being played what would be the next move”?

  89. - Sly Fox - Wednesday, Jan 10, 07 @ 4:07 pm:

    Eugene Davis of DHS is running for Alderman of the 6th ward. Will his LOA be approved, or will he be fired next?

  90. - Master of the Obvious - Tuesday, Jan 16, 07 @ 7:07 am:

    Fox–I was on vacation, sorry for the late response. But in thie chess game, I can only assume the opening choice was the Ruy Lopez. So, having already established a strong pawn center, supported by my knights, and having thrust my bishop to attack the black king, it would depend on blacks play. Should black advance a pawn to a6, I would retreat the bishop to a5, continuing to forcing the issue on that file. If a6 is not played, I always like to castle king-side at this point. I always try to protect my Prince…er…King! Your move.

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