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Question of the day

Tuesday, Jan 9, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

I had a chat with State Fair Manager Amy Bliefnick last night and told her I was thinking of asking my blog readers what bands they’d like to see perform at the State Fair Grandstand this summer. She said I’d better hurry up because the decisions are being made soon.

So, let’s give Ms. Bliefnick some ideas.

[Round One voting is now closed. Go to Round Two.]


  1. - Jose - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 5:37 am:

    How about bands that actually have a chance at at covering the huge direct and indirect costs of the fair grandtsand instead of chosing bands based on the whims of politicians and political hacks–and the music industries leftovers.

  2. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 5:39 am:


    Let’s try to be helpful, not critical.

  3. - anonymouse - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 5:41 am:

    Bring in Wilco. Bring in Son Volt. Then afterwards, set up a cage match to finally end the Jeff Tweedy/Jay Farrar fued. (Music geeks unite!)

  4. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 5:44 am:

    I vote for Wilco.

  5. - Pamela Furr - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 7:09 am:

    Bring back Rascal Flatts…

  6. - Master of the Obvious - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 7:12 am:

    This is for John Rednour Jr. too…Blue Man Group. ’nuff said. And please continue building on the Horse Racing, Mr. Hartke. Keep the World Class Standardbreds on the World’s fastest tracks.

  7. - babs - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 7:16 am:

    Bob Dylan, George Strait and heck, Barack Obama to do a book reading/signing (to bring up the attendance).

  8. - I can't believe we did it again - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 7:27 am:

    Alison Krause and Union Station

  9. - Sweet - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 7:28 am:

    On the smaller stages or Rodeo stage:
    Poi Dog Pondering (are they still a band?)
    Mister Meyers
    Keb Mo
    Brian Wilson touring as himself, not the Beach Boys, their time has passed but Brian alone rules.
    More blues, more soul acts, less country-pop.

    On the grandstand, get one of the most entertaining, hard-working, amazing shows I’ve ever seen:
    Weird Al Yankovick.
    A hysterically funny show for all ages. He’s once again hot right now.

    Also he’s got a new album out this year, and if he’s touring to support it, Cat Stevens would be incredible for us old hippies to see.

    The harder answer is to pick from the list of groups and acts that have announced summer tours; the fair isn’t goong to go find an act and try to talk them into coming. You basically get to pick from a buffet menu of who has tours planned that can divert to Springfield or add it to their existing itinerary, so it is fun to make suggestions but without the list of who is touring, it’s just a fun exercise.

  10. - So-Called "Austin Mayor" - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 7:45 am:

    It will come as a surprise to no one that I nominate The Bottle Rockets to play at the Fair. Maybe there is a more appropriate choice for the Illinois State Fair, but I ain’t heard of ‘em.

    Others that I’d travel downstate to see: Buddy Guy, Mastodon, Wilco, ZZ Top, Ozomatli, Public Enemy, The Roots, Hank III…

    And bringing Willie Nelson or Merle Haggard to Springfield would make me reconsider my opinion of the Blago administration.

  11. - Boone Logan Square - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 7:54 am:

    Go regional:
    Cheap Trick
    Eleventh Dream Day
    Waco Brothers
    Ernest Dawkins
    Bottle Rockets
    Chuck Berry
    Kelly Hogan

  12. - 105th Blues - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 7:57 am:

    How about Tim McGraw, Martina McBride, Brooks & Dunn? Those are 3 good ones

  13. - JP Val - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 7:59 am:

    Hall and Oats. They kick ass and we’d definetly be able to get them.

  14. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:08 am:

    Elvis impersonators, all stages, all day.

  15. - St. Nick Name - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:11 am:

    There is a good band out of Chicago called “Office” that could be good for an opener. How about bands with Illinois roots.
    1. Cheap Trick
    2. REO Speedwagon
    3. The Breeders (Drummer from IL)

    An IL theme for the IL State Fair…a novel idea.

  16. - bored now - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:18 am:

    the derek Trucks band. AKUS is a fine suggestion. keb ‘mo, too. i don’t think you’d get beausoleil there. try umphrey’s mcgee. or voodoo pilot…

  17. - bankerman - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:19 am:

    A great band out of St. Louis is Jakes Leg. They have been together for 30 years and play incredible outdoor shows. I also agree with Austin Mayor and give a vote for Buffy Guy.

  18. - bankerman - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:19 am:

    lol..make that Buddy Guy

  19. - Ahem - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:33 am:

    Sweet, I think “Cat Stevens” may be on the watch list….

  20. - Squideshi - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:39 am:

    I don’t know about Democrat Day and Republican Day; but how about Green Day for Green Day?

  21. - bandman - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:46 am:

    The Killers; Green Day

  22. - 105th Blues - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:53 am:

    get the band “Chicago”

  23. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:54 am:

    Who said Wilco? - Definately!
    The New Pornographers
    The Decemberists
    Gnarls Barkley
    Al Green
    The White Stripes
    Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
    Norah Jones
    Loretta Lynn
    The Magic Numbers
    The Killers

  24. - Belle - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:57 am:

    It’s nice they actually want to have grandstand acts this year. Blue Oyster Cult was great on the small stage. If Cheap Trick and REO come back I want a discounted track ticket since they sat track people way on the side of the track. And hey, I think the Stones are still touring as well as Aerosmith and Motley Crue…..maybe Sammy Hagar as well.

  25. - Siyotanka - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:58 am:

    A Civil War band/s from Illinois…bring a little nostalgia in…

  26. - Springfield ExPat - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:05 am:

    How about Sufjan Stevens? He could play his entire “Illinois” album!

  27. - Bombers91 - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:06 am:

    I’d pay to see Motley Crue or Aerosmith. I’ve always been partial to Duran Duran myself.

  28. - not on the clout list - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:06 am:

    I would say Buddy Guy. with Legends closing he’s looking for a new place. also keeping the blues theme-Ronnie Baker Brooks.
    and (non blues)I gotta put in my vote for Wilco

  29. - Fiefdom - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:08 am:

    White Stripes - probably not still together but would be great.

    Black Keys - two man blues band from Ohio - Hendrix inspired Delta Blues

  30. - Cornelius - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:09 am:

    Derek Trucks band, great suggestion. Grab Doyle Bramhall Jr. also (both played with Clapton on his last tour).

    Mr. Blotto, another good local band.

    Steve Miller’s last tour was great too; greatest hits for the main set, all blues for the encore. Love to see him at the State Fair.

  31. - Squideshi - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:09 am:

    I like the Al Green idea. So we have Al Green AND Green Day for Green Day. In addition, maybe Shaggy play a version of Gebt Das Hanf Frei, the German music video based on a Green Party representative yelling, “Legalize Weed!” Too extreme?

  32. - Platitudinus - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:10 am:


  33. - He makes Ryan look like a saint!!! - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:12 am:

    Hall and Oates, REO Speedwagon, John Mellenkamp. Heuy Lewis, Rascal Flatts.
    Squideshi–Good one!! I would take Green Day (The BAND)

  34. - zatoichi - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:19 am:

    The All Illinois angle is attractive: Cheap Trick, REO, Buddy Guy, Lil’Ed, Blue Man, Gretchen Wilson, Brian wilson, Billy Corgan, Alison Kraus, Chicago but ZZ Top, Mastodon, Delbert McClinton, and Big Bad Voodoo Daddy also grab me. Dream band: The Who (actually played the fair many years ago)

  35. - Your Invited - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:21 am:

    Weird Al Yankovich - He could do a parody on the Governor and his adminstration.

  36. - DeepFriedOnAStick - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:25 am:

    The Stones!!!!

  37. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:28 am:

    Here’s a suggestion that may sound odd but would boost attendance and fill the grandstand and the fairgrounds: bring in an all day festival like Ozzfest, Lollapalooza, Warped Tour, etc. You could even start an Illinois-only day-long festival like a Bonaroo or Coachello. The Ag people could charge concert and fairgoers for an all-day concert and fair pass that would allow patrons to roam the grounds in between sets and during sets they don’t want to see. Ozzfest draws 15,000+ in St. Louis and Chicago each year, and a draw like Ozzy would put butts in the stands. And to all of those people who think an Ozzfest or Lollapalooza is inappropriate: the whole point of a concert is to sell tickets and get people to come to the venue. Bands like the Goo Goo Dolls and Hootie and the Blowfish may be sterile but drawing 3,000 “fans” is silly. We need bands other than country acts that will draw the fans from all over. It is, after all, a state fair for everyone, not just ag people or fans of country music.

  38. - John Stevens - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:42 am:

    Keith Urbon, Smash Mouth - they were great the last time they came to the fair, Matchbox Twenty, Kansas, REO Speedwagon. . .

  39. - Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:42 am:

    I kinda like Twang Bang. They aren’t a big name act, but they are from Chicago.

    It’s sorta quirky stuff.

    My new girlfriend scares me so
    She makes love at the picture show
    My old girlfriend never did that
    I guess she really wasn’t all that bad

    And titles like I Love You More Than Cigarettes, Baby and I’d Love My Baby If She Had Two Heads.

  40. - Reality Check - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:42 am:

    Team Sleep - There are THREE “Illinois-only day-long festivals like a Bonnaroo or Coachella”. They’re called Lollapalooza, the Pitchfork Music Festival and the Intonation Festival. Catch is, they all take place in Chicago … because, well, it’s a huge metropolis.

    What folks need to keep in mind is that the State Fair has a very tough job trying to (a) draw the most possible fans on (b) a very limited budget for talent. [Or, well, I assume (b) to be true. Rich, you should ask Bliefnick about their talent budget. I bet a band like Wilco would want in the range of 25-50k. And the bigger acts mentioned here - the Stones, Tim McGraw, Killers, etc. - would make even that look very cheap.]

    That said, Buddy Guy’s a good pick … somebody who I think would draw a nice crowd for not a terribly outrageous amount of money.

  41. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:45 am:

    Please, God, don’t let her choose REO and blame it on me.

  42. - Reddbyrd - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:47 am:

    Beach Boys always filled the place
    What about Jimmy Buffet?
    Let’s face the venue sorta sucks for any group that has music you need to hear

  43. - melonhead67 - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:47 am:

    Chris Daughtry, Nickelback, Creed, Carrie Underwood

  44. - Reality Check - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:50 am:

    melonhead - that’s a fantastic list … of people who should fall into a hole in the earth and never poison our ears again!

  45. - Drew - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:51 am:

    Gotta love how this gets drawn into the Green Party. Maybe we can have the band “Bush” for Republican Day… or not!

    In all seriousness, The Dave Mathews Band does a pretty good job of appealing to a fairly wide array of fans and is well known. They should do a good job of filling seats.

  46. - just a thought - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:55 am:

    Cross Canadian Ragweed. Planned on seeing them before, but the show was canceled due to the opening act, I believe. We had a big group going.

  47. - Loop Lady - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:57 am:

    Here’s an ecletic mix: Bon Jovi, Joan Jett, Van Halen, Buddy Guy, Lonnie Brooks, Hall and Oates, Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson,Maroon 5, gotta bring in the under 30 crowd…

  48. - Reality Check - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:01 am:

    Has anyone here ever heard this “rap” music the kids are all talking about?

  49. - Todd Bell - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:03 am:

    Hot Property Band
    classic rock’n'roll.

  50. - RFK fan - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:04 am:

    Sheryl Crow!
    John Mellancamp!
    Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers (if they’re tourning)!

  51. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:09 am:

    Reality, I know it would be tough but it’s a suggestion and people come from all over to see acts like Kenny Chesney, Jesse McCartney, etc. Who’s to say that people from the Metro East, Champaign, Peoria, Decatur, etc. wouldn’t come to see a festival? It would be better than going all the up to Chicago for the same thing. A lot of touring festivals go to places in the middle of nowhere because the organizers know that people will drive an hour or two to attend the show.

    Let’s say that Ozzfest organizers want $500,000 to book the show. As expensive as that sounds, you could charge the requisite amounts normally charged at larger venues and still come out ahead. The Missouri State Fair draws big-time acts and charges high ticket prices but still has sell out show on a regular basis and that’s with two amphitheatres, two arenas, the Edward Jones Dome and a large concert campground in the boothills.

    I just want to see diversity in the lineup. If there are going to be three country acts, what’s wrong with booking a hard rock show?

  52. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:09 am:

    Wilco, Bruce Hornsby, OK Go, Robbie Fulks, New Pornographers, Carbon Leaf, Brian Wilson, Cheap Trick, Sufjan Stevens, Blues Traveler, etc.

    Dave Matthews Band would be a huge draw, but it sounds like they are locked into 2 shows at Wrigley and 2 at Alpine Valley, as well as 1 in St. Louis already.

  53. - Belle - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:11 am:

    Drew -
    Dave Matthews! What a great idea! Any band who craps on Chicago is fine with me!!

  54. - Taylor Street - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:17 am:

    “The Dead”

  55. - Not So Fast - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:17 am:

    Too bad Tiny Tim is dead.

  56. - The Protagonist - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:18 am:

    Drive By Truckers. Beck. The Attics

  57. - ZC - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:20 am:

    Eddie from Ohio, Steve Earle, Sufjan. If you want to bring in some under-thirties, Spoon and OK Go. For another rock band, I also vote for the White Stripes.

  58. - steve schnorf - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:23 am:

    Waco Brothers, Kelly Hogan

  59. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:26 am:

    Any rock acts that have had a decent album in the last decade would be an improvement. No nostalgia acts where a bunch of original members are missing!

  60. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:27 am:

    Schnorf, your depth and breadth never ceases to amaze me.

  61. - Devin Miller - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:33 am:

    Be Your Own Pet (out of Nashville), White Stripes, if they are touring. Buddy Guy would tear it up. George Clinton. And of course, have Devin Miller and the Dead or Alives open up.

  62. - Ahem - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:35 am:

    If they get Sheryl Crow I will walk to there if necessary.

  63. - maggiemae - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:37 am:

    Bob Seger, the Stones, Nickelback, Rascal Flatts again, and of course, Rod Stewart

  64. - The Horse - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:45 am:

    Jakes Leg would be cool for a side stage (havnt seen them since leaving stl) . Dave Mathews , The Other Ones, Wilco.

    Elvis turned 72 yesterday, maybe he will come out of retiremnt.

  65. - banded - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:55 am:

    Snow Patrol…

  66. - tribute - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 11:12 am:

    Since the fair has a tight budget, how about some good tribute bands?
    U2 tribute band in Chicago
    Jimmy Buffett band

  67. - Squideshi - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 11:17 am:

    Jello Biafra, of Dead Kennedys fame, would probally show up for Green Day. After all, he once considred a run for President on the party’s ticket.

  68. - The Ghost - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 11:17 am:

    What are you people smoking? The Stones? Luv ‘em. Try to see them everytime they’re in Chicago or St. Louis. But get real.

    Rich, I’m with you 100% on Wilco. Chicago band with downstate roots. Man, that would be such a welcome change from the washed-up, different line-up garbage that normally plays the grandstand.

    I’d like to add the eclectic, always entertaining live show of The Flaming Lips. Hey, they played the Minnesota State Fair last year.

  69. - jerry - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 11:33 am:

    Wilco. Drive By Truckers. Bottle Rockets. Waco Bros. Cheap Trick. Maybe Chicago.

    Please no REO. Please. Worst thing to ever come out of Chambana.

  70. - LathamPlace - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 11:50 am:

    1. Dierks Bentley
    2. Nickelback
    3. Miranda Lambert
    4. Rascal Flatts
    5. George Strait
    6. Journey
    7. Carrie Underwood
    8. Phil Vassar
    9. Toby Keith
    10. Kenny Chesney

  71. - pickles!! - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 12:00 pm:

    Ted Nugent, of course. Who better to play at the Illinois State fair then a raving Republican and a gun-nut. He’d definatly give all those liberals something to talk about, thats for sure.

  72. - Masters at Work - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 12:08 pm:

    I suggest Tortured Soul. Excellent live band. Drummer pounds away and sings without missing a beat. Google them and see what I mean. Good music too. Will appeal to the young and old equally.

  73. - Ali Bin Haddin - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 12:27 pm:

    1. U. S. Marine Corps Band
    2. Ted Nugent
    3. Eric Clapton
    4. Gay Cowboys in Bondage
    5. Moody Blues

  74. - Pat Hickey - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 12:32 pm:

    Steven Earl
    John Hiatt
    Pork & the Havana Ducks if yet intact
    Duke Tumato & AllSatr Frogs
    Cryan Shames
    Mitch Ryder & Detroit Wheels
    Tom Jones
    David Allan Coe
    Merle Haggard & The Dixie Chicks

  75. - DMF - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 12:40 pm:

    Good suggestions so far… Let me add.

    Umphrey’s McGee
    Dark Star Orchestra
    The Smoking Popes

    Widespread Panic
    Tea Leaf Green
    Cat Power
    Robert Earl Keen

  76. - Baltimoron - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 12:50 pm:

    I like Bare Naked Ladies - they do a fun show
    Chris Daughtry would have good mainstream appeal
    Don’t forget Survivor now that Rocky VI is out!

    Weird Al might be fun, too. IF he is allowed to have some fun with Illinois!

  77. - Gregor - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 12:56 pm:

    While Blue Man is awesome and totally blew away Champaign last month, they are more an “inside” than an outdoor act. But yeah, I’d definitely pay to see them anytime they are near.

    The other thing that’s a problem for Amy is, the fair never draws many people from more than about a 50-mile radius, no matter if you got the Beatles to reappear, no matter how big the ad budget or no budget at all. Everybody living in reasonable driving range of the fair already knows what it is, where it is and more or less WHEN it is every year. They’re only mildly curious about the details of the grandstand and any new feature act or activity. A very big name may draw a bit from Champaign, Bloomington-Normal, “maybe” St. Louis, depending on who it is, but without the bux to hire real currently-hot national-level superstars, you are depending on regional draws to regional tastes. Ergo, so much of that country-pop music I hate, but which is popular and sells well in this neck of the woods, and conversely, the dearth of soul, R&B, hip-hop, and rap acts.

    I have long championed the idea of an all-day alternative ‘palooza-type’ event on one of the otherwise dark days, based on the rodeo area so as to keep the very lucrative horse racing going as well. If you have the palooza at the rodeo, you sell ten regional/local bands for ten bucks via wristband, with a pretty big headliner to finish as an anchor act. The audience comes and goes thru the day, but spends all their time and money that day on vendors and the like on the grounds. Nine of the bands can be just good local/regional bands, and they share the stage and amps and etc so it could well be fairly cost-effective.

    Amy PLEASE bring back the Chicago Blues stage with lots of great blues and BBQ’s, this was by far the most fun for me every time it was active at the fair.

  78. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 12:59 pm:

    I agree about the Blues Stage. Bring it back. I also agree with others who say people should tone down their expectations. The Fair can’t afford the Stones, or anyone like that.

  79. - White and Nerdy - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 1:09 pm:

    Weird Al is the “get” of the year for an all-ages, family-friendly, knock ‘em dead show that will sell out and be remembered for the ages. Never have I seen a harder-working showman, including the late Godfather of Soul.

    For an more adult grandstand night, the Bob & Tom morning radio Show has multiple comedy tours rolling the midwest like Barnum & Bailey’s trains; you could book in a night of their redneck and white-collar comedians and count on a lot of free radio promo via their syndicated morning shows.

    If there’s a national tour for “High School Musical”, like they once had for “Dirty Dancing” the teenyboppers would swarm that. My kid won’t shut up about it, has all the soundtracks and etc.

  80. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 1:26 pm:

    I know he’s Canadian, but who captures the spirit of the Heartland better than Neil Young?

    I like Buddy Guy, but his big venue shows bite. Big Bill Morganfield carries on the Chicago Blues and his father’s mantle. Let’s add Delbert McClinton to the blues list.

    Allison Krause & Union Station would be great. Toronto newcomers Martha’s Trouble would be a great pick to open for them.

    And let’s not forget The Dixie Chicks!!!

    Finally, please God, let’s not book Ted Nugent again. I don’t want to see my tax dollars subsidizing the wingnuts.

  81. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 1:30 pm:

    A family show is a great idea too. Chicago-based “Ralph’s World” would sell out on a Saturday afternoon:

    “Ralph’s World is the musical place where little guys and gals and their folks can rock rock rock and sing sing sing along without overdosing on sucrose. You can go to the bottom of the sea to the driver’s seat of a big rig to swinging on a jungle vine in just a few songs.

    It’s the creation of indie rocker and songwriter Ralph Covert, now residing in the Disney universe. The leader of Chicago’s top local pop-rockers of the last decade, The Bad Examples, takes the same high energy and McCartney-esque super-melodic approach to children’s music- basically only the lyrics are changed for the ears of the innocent.

    The universal critical acclaim includes The New York Times, NPR, Parents Magazine, and a Grammy nomination for last year’s ‘Green Gorilla’ disc. His new CD-DVD from Disney Sound, ‘Welcome To Ralph’s World!,’ was released October 3rd.”

  82. - Will - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 1:30 pm:

    Please, no more American Idol contestants! Let’s get actual music this year.

    I’ll echo some good suggestions:

    Steve Earle
    White Stripes
    Green Day
    Buddy Guy
    Allison Kraus
    Bring back Willie Nelson and George Thurogood

    Modest Mouse
    Lucinda Williams
    Ziggy Marley
    Ryan Adams

  83. - OneMan - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 1:34 pm:

    I would have to agree with Weird Al.

    How about Cheap Trick (they do a good show).
    The Music Box (A Genesis Lamb Lies down on Broadway show tribute band, I might be the only guy to go but you asked).
    Dick Holliday and the Bamboo Gang & Mr. Blotto

    As for the “High School Musical” there is a tour but I think it is in Chicago early in the year, but “White and Nerdy” is right it would be huge with the tweens.

  84. - Anon - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 1:39 pm:

    Wilco, Wilco, Wilco

  85. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 2:00 pm:

    Rush would be a good one. They are rumored to be in the studio and are preparing to release a new album. They would cost a bit more but would be worth the money for a 3 hour show.

  86. - grh45 - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 2:03 pm:

    Drive-By Truckers and Wilco sound great to me.

  87. - M.V. - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 2:13 pm:

    I’m all for local. In addition to some of the others mentioned: Andrew Bird, Rachel Reis and Illinois First!. Although IF! will have to update their song about George Ryan, I suspect.

  88. - corvax - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 2:45 pm:


  89. - Dollar USA - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 2:53 pm:

    Ted Nugent and invite Mayor Daley!

  90. - ArchPundit - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 3:10 pm:

    I never expected Vanilla Man to have that good of taste.

    Bottle Rockets
    Son Volt
    Steve Earle
    Willy Porter
    Kermit Ruffins
    Robbie Fulks
    Mighty Mighty Bosstones
    Sufjan Stevens (not your typical fair guy, but the Illinoize album would be fitting)
    North Mississippi AllStars
    Fountains of Wayne
    Living Colour
    Hank Jr.
    Amy Mann
    Shawn Colvin

    For the Kids:
    Dan Zanes
    Laurie Berkner

  91. - HoosierDaddy - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 3:13 pm:

    I’d go see Allison Krause and Union Station. How about for the small stage a couple of bands from neighboring states— The Rainmakers and the Screamin’ Cheetah Wheelies.

  92. - ArchPundit - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 3:22 pm:

    Oh, and forgot

    Poi Dog
    Ricky Skaggs
    I’ve heard he’s in the hospital, but Ralph Stanley
    Yonder Mountain String Band

  93. - Megan - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 3:48 pm:

    Guster is a great band to see live.

  94. - cool hand claudio - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 3:59 pm:

    my dream ticket: rosie ledet (the zydeco princess), shakira, pretenders, evanescence, blue man group.

  95. - Reality Check - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 4:03 pm:

    Bottle Rockets, Earle, Son Volt, Gourds, DBTs??

    Cap Fax comments section = alt-country convention c. 1998? Who’da thunk it.

    At any rate, who needs that stuff at the fair when Springfield folks can just make the short trip to this?

  96. - Angie - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 4:07 pm:

    Cake. With the offbeat lyrics, they could write something about politics just for the event, and then it would end up being a radio hit. lol

    How about a song for Rod about all of his program proposals called “How Do You Afford Your Illinois Proposals?”

    : )

  97. - B Hicks - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 4:10 pm:

    She needs to book the band from last night’s party. They were great!

    John Fogerty would fill the place.

  98. - HappyToaster - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 4:11 pm:

    Agree they have cater to local tastes and the budget isn’t much. So they end up with acts on the casino\state fair circuit. .38 Special, Lynard Skynard, Molly Hatchet, Alabama, UFO, Hank Jr., Whitesnake etc.


    I hadn’t realized Dan Fogelberg has advanced prostate cancer.

    Poi Dog Pondering are working on a new album and occasionally playing local. Forty bucks a pop for the New Year’s Eve show at The Vic.

  99. - Anon - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 4:16 pm:

    Second for Eddie from Ohio.

  100. - Papa Legba - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 4:31 pm:

    Lonnie Brooks and his kids, Bernard Allison, Lonnie Mack, Canned Heat, Fabulous T-Birds and Savoy Brown.

    If Buddy Guy was to play the fair, I would eat a dozen deep fried Snickers. He don’t do fairs.

  101. - The Horse - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 5:21 pm:

    oh, yea, .. I almost forgot… do you think they could get the chicago symphony?

  102. - Jake from Elwood - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 5:28 pm:

    Paul Westerberg
    Elvis Costello
    Saw Doctors
    David Byrne
    Smoking Popes
    John Hiatt
    They Might Be Giants
    Fountains of Wayne
    Soul Asylum
    Ben Folds
    Ryan Adams (not Bryan Adams)
    George Thorogood
    Great Big Sea
    Matthew Sweet
    The Bens
    or any combination of the above-mentioned.
    Or . . . best of all . . . the rumored reunion of The Police (like that’s going to happen)

  103. - Saluki Yayhoo - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 5:44 pm:

    Uncle Tupelo reunion!!! including Jay Bennett
    Shawn Colvin
    My Morning Jacket
    Modest Mouse
    The Roots
    Neil Young
    Woodbox Gang (my homer choice)
    Lucinda Williams
    Be Good Tanyas
    Dwight Yoakum
    Soul Rebels Brass Band (or any good NOLA band)
    Old 97s
    Reverend Horton Heat

  104. - Drjazz - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 5:57 pm:

    Steely Dan
    Dianna Krall
    Ben Folds
    Jamie Cullum

  105. - Whoof-Whoof - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 6:14 pm:

    George Harrison, or if he can’t make it, John Lennon.

  106. - senior fairgoer - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 6:20 pm:

    The Twilight Ballroom needs a shot in the arm. Attendance has been dropping because of the choice of bands and switching to a DJ format during the week. Bring back Sentimental Journey and the Johnny Kaye Orchestra for two of the weekend dates. These big bands will boost turnout.

  107. - Stuck with Sen. CPA - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 6:37 pm:

    Another vote for the Flaming Lips here although they just played the latest Lolla to mixed reviews.

    Wilco is the logical choice.

  108. - gknif2 - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 7:59 pm:

    Van Halen, with David Lee Roth and Wolfie!

  109. - Establishment Republican - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:22 pm:

    Skynyrd….definitely Skynyrd.

  110. - values matter - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:54 pm:

    John Cougar Mellencamp
    Rolling Stones
    Jackson Brown
    Neil Young
    Cold Play
    Bob Seger
    Green Day

  111. - Anon Again - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:07 pm:

    How about the Gov doing Elvis singing Happy Times Are Here Again(at least for us)

  112. - Sarge - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:53 pm:

    I’ve got to ditto several mentioned above: Chicago, Huey Lewis, Diana Krall, Mellencamp. Also would love to hear crooners like Steve Tyrell and Harry Connick, Jr.

  113. - Gettysburg Address said - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:06 pm:

    Westerberg has injured himself - too bad.

    Wilco, Bottle Rockets & Cheap Trick just make sense.

    Foo Fighters, Green Day, +44 would be dreamy

    Artic Monkeys & Pink Spiders too

    Can’t advise as to pop country, ‘don’t like it!

  114. - Missing Springfield - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:16 pm:

    this is my first post. i have been a subscriber and reader for a while, but it took this to bring me out. i love the alt country lists and am totally on board with vanilla man and archpundit’s recommendations. I’d add:

    The Hold Steady (for Rod)
    Spoon (too bad we all
    need to be fed)
    AC Newman or Neko Case (in case all the New Pornographers are are pushing the envelope)
    Dressy Bessy (Women’s Leg Caucus)
    All Girl Summer Fun Band (we could all use a laugh this session)
    Calexico (Latino Caucus)
    Star Room Boys (for those who like their country strait up)
    Ted Leo and the Pharmacists (Pharmacy Refusal folk)
    The Raconteurs (aren’t we all?)
    M. Ward (for me)
    Portastic (fun)
    OK Go (fun)

  115. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:41 pm:

    Barry Freaking Manilow, whose first professional gig as a solo entertainer was at the (now gone)Little Corporal in Bourbonnais. He could retire from showbiz in the same state he started in.

  116. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:43 pm:

    I didn’t know that about Manilow. Weird.

    Also, how long ago did the Little Corporal close? I went by there last year some time and noticed it was defunct.

  117. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:53 pm:

    LC’s been gone a few years. My dad and I used to eat there when we were in town, but I don’t make it back there too often these days. BTW, I’m meeting with a local official from the county tomorrow, I’ll ask him if he knows when LC closed.

    But…every Kankakee native should know the story. Here it is, from da man himself:

    “We had been on the road for about three months when (a female lounge singer) was offered a job in the musical “Sweet Charity.” We decided she should take it because it paid well and since the show was winding up in Chicago, we made plans to meet there.”

    “I found myself an agent and waited for a call as pianist in a bar in Chicago. Hal, the agent, called and said that before he could book me there, he’d have to try me out in a smaller town. I tried to tell him he should just trust me, that I had done this kind of thing dozens of times, but he didn’t buy it.”

    “Truth was I had never played solo in a piano bar. So Hal booked me into a piano bar in Kankakee, Illinois. The Little Corporal Lounge is in a shopping mall, the clientele is local and they usually get roaring drunk. They had put me in a dismal motel across the street from the Lounge, and I was nervous, I had never ever done anything like this in my life. I had always worked in the backround; behind the lead singer, never, ever as a soloist.”

    “I put on my new tuxedo in this dreary motel room, slicked back my hair and walked to the bar with my attache case filled with music. The piano was on a platform behind the bar, so I could look down at all the people drinking and they could talk to me and request tunes.”

    “When I walked into the club on that first night, I felt numb. I had never felt quite so numb. It was like being in a coma with none of the advantages. I climbed up to the piano as if a dream. When I sat down on the piano stool, I found it was too low and I couldn’t see anybody, so I asked for a bar stool.”

    “I still sit on a bar stool when I play piano. As far as the customers were concerned, I was invisible. I remember starting off with Meditation, a bossa nova. Very timidly. It was as if I weren’t there at all. Nobody looked up. Nobody reacted.”

    “Somehow I got through the first hour set. When I returned after my break, there were a few people around the piano and they were complimentary. I was surprised. But then the strangest thing started to happen to me. Every time I went back to the piano, I felt a little stronger; when I left it I became invisible.”

    “By the end of the evening, I was joking with the patrons, playing as they sang, and I even sang a few songs myself. But then every time I left the piano, I became invisible again.”

    “At the end of my first week there, I would walk into the place feeling invisible, climb up to the piano, click on the spotlight with my foot, and I would become attractive, worldly, witty. Woman started coming on to me, guys bought me drinks. I realised that the piano player is always the most attractive person in a place.”

    “By the end of my two-week stand at the Lounge, the transformation would begin in my awful little motel room. There I’d stand in front of the mirror, like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever, combing my hair, putting on my tux, changing from Invisible Barry to Barry Manilow at the Keyboard, like it said outside the club.”

  118. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 10, 07 @ 6:20 am:

    Round One voting is now closed. Go to Round Two.

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