Troutman arrest roundup
Tuesday, Jan 9, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
You can download the criminal complaint against Alderman Troutman here [pdf file]. The Tribune starts off our coverage…
Chicago Ald. Arenda Troutman (20th) accepted a bribe from a federal informant who claimed to be working with a developer wishing to do business in her ward during an undercover investigation, according to a criminal complaint unsealed today.
The complaint, which charges Troutman, 49, with one count of bribery, was filed Friday and unsealed today following her arrest, according to Gary Shapiro, first assistant U.S. attorney in Chicago.
Shapiro described the complaint as a “civics lesson” in how Troutman conducts business in the 20th Ward.
“You want the alderman’s support, you pay your alderman. You pay Arenda Troutman,” Shapiro said at a news conference following her initial court appearance at the Dirksen Building Courthouse.
They turned up at her house early Monday, but Ald. Arenda Troutman (20th) pretended she wasn’t there, even though they spied her peeking out a window. So federal agents had to break another window to get in to arrest her on charges of public corruption. Such is the troubling saga of Troutman, who not only was questioned by the FBI more than two years ago about her relationship with a Chicago thug but also had connections to city’s scandal-ridden Hired Truck Program.
What the Feds say…
• In May 2006, a friend of the alderman began secretly recording conversations with her. The person, who was cooperating with federal agents, set up a fictitious development, and Troutman allegedly greased the way for zoning changes in exchange for $15,000, another $5,000 in campaign contributions and a residential unit within the development.
• Upon getting one $5,000 cash payment, Troutman allegedly called a city zoning administrator to push through the development.
• An ordinance involving the project was backed by the City Council’s Transportation Committee last week and is scheduled for a full Council vote Thursday.
• Troutman also is accused in a second alleged scheme. She allegedly shook down a businessman — who wanted a property re-zoned — for $12,000.
Mark Brown…
It had been so long since we’ve had a Chicago alderman indicted that I was starting to think they’d all gone straight. Nah — just kidding.
Before Monday’s arrest of Ald. Arenda Troutman, however, it had seemed as if Mayor Daley had so marginalized the City Council during his 18-year reign that its 50 members didn’t have nearly as many opportunities to get into mischief as in the old days.
But the case against Troutman, as outlined by federal investigators, is a good reminder that the long-standing policy of aldermanic prerogative, which allows each alderman to be the main arbiter of development matters in his or her own ward, continues to create criminal possibilities for those greedy enough to take advantage.
Or maybe it just reminds us what Troutman herself succinctly stated in a secretly recorded conversation: “Well, the thing is, most aldermen, most politicians are ho’s.”
- Pat Hickey - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:04 am:
The Alderman should be the arbeiter of zoning and development issues in each Ward as the Alderman has the most contact with constituents and their needs - Maybe not Joe Moore ( too busy playing duck,duck, goose guts and Waving the Purple T-Shirt for World revolution); but, the Alderman of 17th Ward, LaTasha Thomas, conducts many devlopment and zoning meetings - she attends everyone. The 17th Ward, that includes Leo High School, and its residnets have open access to a thoughtful and tough minded steward of projects in this community. The cut-and -slash reactionaries are already howling about taking development and zoning authority away from Aldermen - they did a fantastic job with goose guts.
- Wumpus - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:22 am:
Two predictions,
1. Someone who is a major public figure will decry this arrest/sting as racist.
2. If she stays in, she will win re-election.
- Bridget Dooley - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:31 am:
“Most aldermen are ho’s”, haha. You can say that again.
- Squideshi - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:50 am:
I know this is somewhat off topic, but can’t we change the name of the position? Isn’t it a bit sexist to expect that all the alders will be men? For that matter, what about committee women?
- Pat Hickey - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 9:02 am:
How about Greens, Squid? We’ll call them Greens -
Green Troutman arrested; covicted Green Cliff Kelley coming to you live on WTTW; Green Moore outlaws Green Day; Talk to the Green dummy & etc.
I like it; Orangemen, maybe not so much.
- Ravenswood Right Winger - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:04 am:
Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas, Ald. Troutman!
- Skeeter - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 10:05 am:
Nice to see Bernie Stone lining up to support Troutman (per the Tribune).
Who’s side is he on anyway?
- Squideshi - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 11:26 am:
How about Alderperson or Committeeperson?
- Backyard Conservative - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 11:38 am:
Another politician dabbling in real estate for their own interests, and as we know, it’s not just limited to Chicago, though that seems to be the epicenter. I agree local oversight of zoning is best even if it is abused in this case, but then you also have laws passed at the state level like the Affordable Housing act that override local zoning and provide opportunities for a few of the well-connected.(Appeals Board appointed by the governor)
- Niles Township - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 1:53 pm:
Anyone for the over/under on her reelection?
- Willie Stark - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 1:57 pm:
Very Greedy HO’S
- Chicago Jason - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 4:39 pm:
The reason that female council members in Illinois are known as “aldermen” is because only the masculine form of the noun is used in the relevant state statutes. (I wish I could remember where I picked up this completely arcane tidbit, but it’d be easy to fact-check me on this. I’m just too lazy at the moment to do it myself.)
- Holdingontomywallet - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 8:28 pm:
This is typical of the public acceptance of corruption in our political system. We have an alderman accepting bribes and half of these posts are about the name of the position being sexist. Good old Illinois corruption - isn’t anyone outraged by this? And I like the prediction by Wumpus - she will win re-election if she stays. Sad, but probably true…. Serenity NOW!
- Too Many Horses - Tuesday, Jan 9, 07 @ 11:38 pm:
The “hos” comment is prophetic and sadly, all too often true.
- irishpirate - Wednesday, Jan 10, 07 @ 1:09 am:
I conducted an informal survey among streetwalkers on the north side of the city today.
Each of them is offended to be compared to aldermen.
One in particular told me “Hell, I dress more conservatively than most of those aldermen. Look at Tillman with those hats, or Shiller with those orange leather tops.”
- Dooley - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 12:16 am:
Please go away! We have had enough of corruption in government in the City of Chicago. you are an embarrashment………….
- RandyB - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 9:34 am:
Did anyone else catch the footage of Ald. Troutman as she was leaving court on Monday the 8th?? I swear she was saying she accepted (allegedly) the bribes because the undercover officer “looked like a businessman, dressed like a businessman, sounded like a businessman. I thought he was a businessman.” Was my ears playing tricks on me, or did I actually hear this?? And if so, how terrible of an excuse is that!?!?
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 9:37 am:
RandyB, which channel was that?
- RandyB - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 9:45 am:
I don’t right remember. Most likely NBC, ABC, or WGN. I’m leaning more toward WGN.
- Trey - Sunday, Jan 14, 07 @ 12:02 pm:
you heard wrong. that clip was about another situation, not the current situation.
- RandyB - Thursday, Jan 18, 07 @ 10:56 pm:
Do you remember what situation that was in reference to? Just knowing she did say that is funny enough, but if it was regarding a criminal offense, I may split a side.
- Ms.Freeman - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 3:30 pm:
I’m just wondering if anyone thinks that this arrest is simply a political move. I can’t imagine that with all the fighting for land in the richer wards that all of the other alderman have been exactly fair. And has anyone noticed that she has not been indicted? Chicago has had indictment after indictment within city hall. Why was her house raided at 6:30 am and her children pulled naked out of the shower with guns pointed to their heads while other officials recieved a phone call? I’m just wondering if anyone thinks that this is a little offbeat.