Cullerton: Ban smoking statewide
Thursday, Jan 11, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
Yet another hot-button issue for the spring session.
Though a patchwork of cities and suburbs already have banned smoking in public places, state lawmakers today introduced legislation that would prohibit smoking in all public spots in Illinois — from taverns and restaurants to stores and bowling alleys.
State Sen. John Cullerton (D-Chicago), who introduced the bill, said the time has come for Illinois to join more than a dozen other states with broad smoking bans. He said medical studies prove secondhand smoke is dangerous to patrons and employees, especially those working in bars and restaurants. […]
Legislative leaders and the governor reacted cautiously to the measure, one of the first bills to be introduced in the newly minted General Assembly. The offices of Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich and House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) said they wanted to see the legislation first.
“We’ll look and see what’s happening,” said Senate President Emil Jones (D-Chicago). “I don’t make off-the-cuff decisions on critical issues like that.”
[Comments closed. Move to the fresh thread.]
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Jan 11, 07 @ 3:13 pm:
Well, isn’t that the next step? Why is everyone looking around like they saw the Loch Ness Monster? They are cautious? Since when?
This is what happens when you let the Nanny State make decisions for you.
Don’t smoke near me! But go ahead and get that abortion without your parent’s consent kids!
Parade of idiots.
- He makes Ryan look like a saint!!! - Thursday, Jan 11, 07 @ 3:43 pm:
Well this will even the playing field in Springpatch where the smoking ban is in effect. Many Bars are closing because the smaller villages nearby have not implemented the Ban.
- 105th Blues - Thursday, Jan 11, 07 @ 3:47 pm:
Bars closing? Who/where/when? Last I checked there are prospective business owners lined up to get a liquor license (more people than licenses available).
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 11, 07 @ 4:50 pm:
The bars in Springfield are much more comfortable for customers and employees.
- '85 Bears - Thursday, Jan 11, 07 @ 5:03 pm:
Finally! This is terrific news for all the workers exposed to secondhand smoke! It’s time the state legislators and Governor Blagojevich (who, by the way, is prioritizing healthcare in his administration) to pass a comprehensive bill that protects everyone!
- cermak_rd - Thursday, Jan 11, 07 @ 5:16 pm:
Why not leave it up to the municipality or county? If anti-smoking ordinances are so wonderful, and I think they are, the citizenry should be able to put pressure on their units of government to pass legislation locally.
- Skeeter - Thursday, Jan 11, 07 @ 7:14 pm:
“Don’t smoke near me! But go ahead and get that abortion without your parent’s consent kids!
Parade of idiots.”
You must be the grand marshall of that parade.
What in the world does whether adults can smoke in specified places have to do with who must be notified for a minor to obtain an abortion?
Responding further: Minors cannot smoke anywhere now. This law does nothing to change where minors can or cannot smoke. As such, VM’s comment is completely irrelevant to the proposed legislation.
- Squideshi - Thursday, Jan 11, 07 @ 7:22 pm:
I support this legislation. Smokers have no right to expose innocent bystanders to their secondhand smoke–especially the employees of an establishement. I also must admit that there is a selfish interest here, as my wife is very allergic to smoke; and without a smoking ban, it’s difficult for us to patronize many businesses.
- Bill Baar - Thursday, Jan 11, 07 @ 7:45 pm:
I’ve had to cut back on time spent in bars because of the smoke.
I did an informal survey in bars in Mannhatten a few months ago where smokings been banned for a long time and the bartenders where all grateful for the ban.
I’m for it.
- Anon - Thursday, Jan 11, 07 @ 8:09 pm:
Why don’t we just ban bars period. The havoc wreeked by drinking is well documented and we’ll all be better off.
Ps I’m not serious. I’m a non-smoking drinker who doesn’t mind the smoke. I’m always amused by conservatives who rail agianst regs except for the things they want to stop & vice versa for the liberals
- tough guy - Thursday, Jan 11, 07 @ 8:59 pm:
This is good legislation that will enhance the health of all individuals in Illinois and hopefully reduce health care costs. I live in a town that does not have a smoking ban and now choose to drive to Springfield to eat out and have an occasional drink. I am tired of coming home smelling like an ashtray when I want to go out for lunch or the evening.
- Johnny USA - Thursday, Jan 11, 07 @ 9:51 pm:
Now can we FINALLY ban smoking in private homes where there are children present?
- MyThoughts - Thursday, Jan 11, 07 @ 10:13 pm:
I am THRILLED that a Smoke-FREE Illinios is on it’s way! It’s about time. I was a waitress while going through school, and every night after my shift I would come home feeling sick from all the smoke I had to inhale and looking forward to graduation when I could get another job and get out of that environment. Unfortunately, a ton of my co-workers didn’t have that opportunity and I fear the toll that that job did on thier health. No one should have to choose between their HEALTH and their JOB.
Way to go Senator Cullerton for looking out for the little guys!!!
- Wumpus - Thursday, Jan 11, 07 @ 10:21 pm:
DOn’t like somking in bars, a few solutions.
1. Don’t go to that establishment
2. Find another job
3. Open your own place and ban smoking.
Next, they will tell me I can’t go running, because it is too stressfull on my knees.
- Give me a break - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 8:18 am:
Well I see the American Lung Association got the word out that Rich Miller mentioned Cullerton’s anti-smoking legislation (or do they call it pro-lung? - hmmm not sure). I’m certainly glad old Johnny boy introduced this legislation so I can be protected from myself wanting to enter those smoked filled bars with my asthma condition.
Perhaps Johnny could introduce legislation to require me to wear a helmet at all times so I don’t fall down or - God forbid - accidentally hit myself with a hammer.
Oh and John while you’re at it…could you please, please introduce legislation to protect me from McDonalds and their - dare I say it – French fries filled with all of those nasty trans fats!
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 8:51 am:
Let’s close this thread and move to a fresh one.