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Question of the day

Friday, Jan 12, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Do you have any Illinois political predictions for 2007? Post ‘em.


  1. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 9:13 am:

    Obama will run.
    Daley will win.
    Troutman will win.
    And no one will run against Durbin.

  2. - fedup dem - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 9:17 am:

    The feds will indict a lot more public officials (you didn’t say I had to make a tough prediction).

  3. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 9:18 am:

    LOL, fedup and VM. How about going out on more of a limb, eh?

  4. - Clubber Lang - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 9:20 am:

    For the taxpayers:

    My prediction? PAIN.

  5. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 9:20 am:

    My neighbor David Orr will screw up the election night tabulations again.

  6. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 9:27 am:

    Finally, the voters of Chicago’s 49th Ward do the right thing and dump Alderman Joe Moore.

    and the City Council rescinds the silly ban on foie gras.

  7. - SouthernILRepub - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 9:31 am:

    Madigan and Jones will see very little room for compromise.

    Some indictments will be handed down in the Blagojevich administration but not any that actually implicate the governor.

    Illinois Ethics reform will be stalled by the Senate Dems

    Obama will be in the running for several months, but will then step aside as he is not able to make much traction in the polls because of the other candidates digging dirt about him.

    Durbin will have opposition likely from Jim Oberweis because he still has money to spend.

    Overall not much will change in the State of Illinois.

  8. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 9:34 am:

    Troutman forgets what ward she lives in and votes in the 16th ward.

  9. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 9:35 am:

    I gotta stop before Rich bans me.

  10. - Anonymouser - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 9:48 am:

    Andy McKenna and Jim Oberweis will once again fight each other to win (and ultimately lose) the Republican primary nomination to the U.S. Senate.

  11. - Niles Township - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 9:49 am:

    There will be at least 4 aldermanic “surprises” come next month. Pat Quinn will hold a press conference. More indictments at the state, county and city levels. Daley wins with 78%. Blago still the gov in ‘07. Look for that to change by end of ‘08. Then Pat will hold even more press conferences.

  12. - Bombers91 - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 10:04 am:

    1. The fawning press coverage of Obama will subside and the press will annoint Alexi the new Golden Boy, causing more problems between him and the Madigan camp.

    2. The rise of the “do-nothing” General Assembly. Jones and MJM fight constantly, burying each others bills in their respective Rules Committees until the cows come home.

    3. “P-Diddy” Pat Quinn becomes “P-Daddy” after Fitz takes care of business.

    4. Capitol Fax becomes the State’s offical source of information, increasing readership 20-fold and Rich’s bank account 50-fold. Look for a Sirius Radio deal and Stern-esque paychecks!

  13. - ChiCountryGuy - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 10:08 am:

    I could predict Blago will be arrested but that’s pretty much a gurantee.

    Quinn will realize he has to do real work and resign due to stress related medical problems.

  14. - Dooley Dudright - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 10:16 am:

    Iraq quagmire/meltdown finally, finally!!, leads to a — shall we say? — “surge” in populist politics. Look for ’60s-style actions, led by charismatics yet unknown.

    As a direct result (and in spite of themselves), minor parties — Libertarians and Greens in particular — will gain toeholds. Here in Illinois, the Greens have a splendid opportunity to coalesce and impress — but only if they can field some plain talking, common sense, “from the heart” candidates for 2008.

  15. - Sarge - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 10:16 am:

    School funding will go the way of the electric rate freeze. Each chamber will pass a “reform” bill, but not the same bill. The Gov sits on the sidelines because the bills include income tax hikes and nothing ends up happening. Lots of sound and fury signifying nothing.

  16. - irishpirate - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 10:29 am:

    Daley wins. Troutman loses. Blago gets indicted around October.

    10-14 aldermanic seats change.

    Losers include: Natarus, Stone, Shiller, Moore, Troutman, Rugai, and various other “ho’s” to be named later.


  17. - Reddbyrd - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 10:31 am:

    Cards repeat after beating SOX in WS
    Bears out in Round I
    Cubs billionaires start breaking down as they step off the bus in AZ
    You wanted political gibberish, but this seemed more fun. Plus let’s see how repressive you are in the new year.

  18. - So-Called "Austin Mayor" - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 10:33 am:

    The Chicago papers will continue to chastise their readers for voting for obviously corrupt politicians.

    The Chicago papers will continue to endorse obviously corrupt politicians.

    The Chicago papers will continue to wonder why readership is declining.

  19. - Summer in Springfield - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 10:38 am:

    How warm is it in Springfield around August 1st?

  20. - Squideshi - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 11:05 am:

    I predict that the Democrats will attempt to change state election law, now that the Green Party is legally established.

  21. - wrigs - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 11:22 am:

    Madigan proposes raising the personal and corporate income taxes, generating over $11billion on revenue. With the promise of $11Bil he buys House and Senate members over everyone’s objections

  22. - grh45 - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 11:34 am:

    I predict Squideshi will be unable to post a comment all year that doesn’t mention the Green Party.

  23. - Anon - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 11:41 am:

    Madigan and Jones will pass an income tax hike, only to meet the Governor’s veto. A fight over a veto override will ensue, and the veto will be voted down during veto session on a tight vote in both chambers.

    The 2008 primary will be moved up. Electric utility rates will not be frozen again.

    Blagojevich comes out with and Jones passes a universal healthcare bill to be paid for by businesses, especially insurance companies and the medical sector. Madigan will hold it up in the House. Blagojevich will base his proposal on the Massachesetts plan, but not kick in the billions that Romney did. Businesses, the medical sector, and insurance companies will likely be locked out of negotiations, while labor puts much of the plan together.

    The budget will finally pass in mid-July.

    Job growth will be significantly slower in Illinois than the rest of the country.

    No one will care about the Green Party.

  24. - Jechislo - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 11:45 am:

    The State legislature will finally address two major issues; school funding reform and the massive increase in electric rates statewide. Nothing will be accomplished and all will remain the same as the homeowners and taxpayers will continue to get hosed. I said the problems will be addressed, not resolved. I’m beginning to think there’s not an ounce of difference between Republicans and Democrats when it comes to helping us out.

  25. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 11:55 am:

    “grh45″ your prediction has already been proved wrong. That has to be a record. 10 minutes.

    Any bets on how long Squid can keep it up?

  26. - Pat Hickey - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 12:10 pm:

    In the 19th ward it will be a squeaker between Alderman Ginger Rugai and challenger Timothy Sheehan with Rugai narrowly defeating Sheehan and Somerville way back with less than 15%.

    Something like:

    Rugai (D) -45%
    Sheehan (D) -42%
    Somerville (?)- 13%

    Irishpirate may be right given the signage in Mt. Greenwood - but I think that Rugai will prevail.

  27. - JP Val - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 12:12 pm:

    Illinois will disband into a lose confederation of counties and after much bickering in the newly formed governing senate, the state will come under the control of a puppet leader being controlled by a mysterious, dark and powerful shadowy figure. This will only end after a young man from Southern Illinois, a chick in a bikini and a rouge state trooper topple the government by leading a rebel alliance.

  28. - Pat Hickey - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 12:12 pm:

    You have to admire Squideshi’s dedication to cause; any thing that gives Skeeter’s little panties a twist is OK by me.

  29. - Little Egypt - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 12:13 pm:

    There will be another indictment handed down in Blagogate by the end of the year - only one. The Feds work slowly. Blago himself will be indicted, tried, convicted, and sentenced in year 3 of his 4th term. I don’t give the citizens of Illinois much credit for being very intelligent. Knowing what they knew about Blago and putting him in office twice, then he’s got the job for as long as he wants it.

  30. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 12:16 pm:

    “JP Val” it’s loose. L-O-O-S-E. What is it with those two words?

  31. - so ill - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 12:22 pm:

    I predict that what should be a low-key and ordinary mayoral election in Carbondale this April will turn out to be an expensive, politically charged cluster (rhymes with duck) as Sheila Simon will bring in completely inappropriate folks like Durbin, Obama and Lisa Madigan to stump for her. Just watch. It will be totally ridiculous.
    Cole, who has actually worked to get the job and has had a Midas touch in C’dale, will be put on the defensive for his GOP status and because his dad wasn’t a senator.
    No one will ever mention, or at least the news will never report, any issues that actually effect the Podunk town.

    A TOTAL mess, lots of $$$, one bruised ego, all for a $9K a year post. pity.

  32. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 12:51 pm:

    Madigan and Jones pass an education funding reform bill without the Gov on a stuctured rollcall, which the Gov vetoes. He’s veto override is then swamped by Democrats and Republicans with a vendetta.

    By contrast, the Gov’s “Health Care for All” plan withers on the vine when the Illinois House once again rejects the “closing of corporate loopholes,” arguing that the state can’t afford to take on new spending mandates when it can’t afford the ones it has.

    8-10 Aldermen in the city of Chicago lose their re-election bids. Natarus was on the top of my list but Troutman has bumped him to #2.

    3 major indictments in the Governor’s office for 2007, but the Governor is not one of them. However, word slowly leaks that Attorney General Lisa Madigan — sicked by the pattern of corruption in the Governor’s office, is exploring a candidacy for 2007.

    Illinois joins New York and California in adopting a statewide smoking ban, modeled on Chicago’s.

    Chicago’s foie gras ban remains in place but remains ineffectually enforced until it is eventually overturned by state courts.

    Chicago’s Olympic dreams fall apart — conveniently after the elections — when the private sector fails to come through with the needed dough.

  33. - P.F. Collier, III - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 12:59 pm:

    Control of the Illinois Democratic Party will be the next battleground in the war between the Speaker and the Senators (Jones and Obama). The Senators will win this battle. The war will go on through 2010.

  34. - PalosParkBob - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 1:05 pm:

    John Cox abandons his Presidential ambitions, and becomes the GOP nominee for Durbin’s Senate seat.

    Bob Kjellander actively campaigns for “turban” Durbin, as do most Middle Eastern mullahs.

    Durbin wins the election by virtue of a 10 million vote margin in his favor delivered by David “My computer system is working just fine” Orr.

    Maureen Murphy returns to GOP politics, appointed to replace “Individual K”. She immediately receives a bond “finder fee” of $1 million and passes a GOP bylaw prohibiting Republicans from appearing on any state ballot.

  35. - Dooley Dudright - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 1:08 pm:

    Another prognostication.

    In November, 2008, Illinois voters will decide whether or not to call a state constitutional convention.

    This will seep into the collective consciousness during 2007 and edge into the mainstream, with ever-increasing receptivity and approval.

    My early line/gut feeling: voters will say “yes” to Con-Con in 2008.

    Speaking out (to no avail) against calling a convention — as they assert that everything is absolutely peachy just the way it is — will be two delegates to the last one, certain Messrs. named M.J. Madigan and R.M. Daley. Also watching from the sidelines: a certain P.J. Quinn, who, during the late 1970s, bamboozled us all into gutting the proportional representation provision, thereby creating today’s iron rule in the General Assembly.

    Yeah. Sweet.

  36. - Reddbyrd - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 1:39 pm:

    Glad to see no one is disagreeing w/ Cards repeat

    BTW: JpVal I think you mean rogue state trooper, not rouge state trooper …unless you got a squad card full of swisher sweets

  37. - Bubs - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 1:45 pm:

    1. Mayor Daley gets on the ballot with just enough signatures after additional petitions are found under a counter one day, and are ruled admissible even though no one ever saw them before. Wins in a landslide.

    2. Cook County budget cutting fails to balance the budget due to entrenched political and union opposition. Fees and taxes increase sharply.

    3. Rezko starts talking, and the explosions just keep on coming.

    4. Sorich does not talk, and is transferred to the federal pen in tropical Yankton, South Dakota.

    5. Victor Reyes is indicted. He does not talk, and the Daleys sleep better for it.

    6. Al Gore emerges as a Presidential candidate in ‘08 along with Clinton and Obama. McCain, Biden fade. Romney emerges as the conservative challenger to Giuliani, who enters ‘08 with the lead.

    7. The Surge Campaign in Iraq results in heavy fighting and casualties in Baghdad, as the U.S. virtually declares war on Al-Sadr. It produces only mixed results (al-Sadr is broken, hundreds of militants dead, but Baghdad still chaotic) so Congress imposes a pull-out plan on Bush by year’s end.

    8. Natarus wins after embarrassing info emerges on Reilly.

    9. The death of Bin Laden is announced.

    10. Illinois GOP infighting only worsens with Committeeman elections coming in early ‘08.

  38. - beowulf - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 1:48 pm:

    The Illinois Republican Central Committee Meeting held at the Bolingbrook Country Club on Saturday, January 13th turns out to be the turning point for the Illinois GOP as Bob Kjellander makes the unexpected announcement of his intention to step down.
    Jessie White announces that this will be his last term in Illinois government as he plans to retire at the end of his term. A former Democrat state senator later runs for Illinois Secretary of State and is easily elected.

    Rich Miller makes the surprise announcement that he will run for Illinois Governor on the Green Ticket at the end of Governor Blagojevich’s term in office.

    Former Illinois Governor George Ryan writes a best seller called “How To Avoid Paying The Piper” which makes it to # 1 on the nation’s best-seller list for twenty-six weeks.

  39. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 1:51 pm:

    Wrong on all counts. lol

  40. - respectful - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 2:10 pm:

    * Todd Stroger exceeds expectations by reforming Cook County gov’t and entrenching himself.
    * Rezko gets convicted.
    * Dooley is wrong about Quinn: He won’t be on the sidelines during the Con-Con debate in ‘08.

  41. - Establishment Republican - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 2:17 pm:


    1. Bears beat the Patriots in Super Bowl XLI. As part of the wager, Boston Mayor Tom Menino must send Mayor Daley foie gras.

    2. Blagojevich takes credit for Bears Super Bowl win (alternative prediction is if they lose, he will blame the lost on team being distracted by asking what Treasurer Topinka is thinking)

    3. Pat Quinn asks media to start referring to him as “Governor-Elect.”

    4. Barack Obama poses shirtless and wrapped in the American flag on the cover of Rolling Stone.

    5. Lynn Sweet writes a special guest feature on Obama for Cosmo Girl.

    6. Sun-Times reprimands Neil Steinberg for repeatedly hassling Obama in locker rooms.

    7. Rich Miller enters anger management therapy after a profanity laced tirade against a blog commenter who labels Dorothy Brown a “looser.”

  42. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 2:27 pm:

    Establishment Republican predicts…. 4. Barack Obama poses shirtless and wrapped in the American flag on the cover of Rolling Stone.

    Mental note to self: Cancel subscription to Rolling Stone.

  43. - fedup dem - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 3:19 pm:

    Note to Pat Hickey: Aldermanic races require a majority vote to win. If your percentages prove to be correct, Rugai does not win but is forced into a runoff with Sheehan on April 17 (actually, I beleive Somerville will do a lot better than you predict, and he may make it into the runoff).

  44. - Anon Again - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 3:38 pm:

    The Blago admin will continue to weed out r carryovers in exmpt positions as started today at IDOT,

  45. - Huh? - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 3:45 pm:

    AA - I am one independent/repub that left IDOT. David Phelps made just such a prediction several years ago.

    Anybody hear a rumor about Tim Martin resigning? I heard that today is his last day.

  46. - Mr. Smith - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 3:48 pm:

    Obama will not run for President

    Daley will win for re-election, this will be his last term, Dorothy Brown will do better than expected

    Victor Reyes and Al Sanchez will be indicted
    BUT Ariel Reyboyas will win
    but George Cardenas will lose to Carina Sanchez
    Danny Solis will beat back the HDO Acevedo
    Ricky Munoz will narrowly beat the HDO Salamanca

    Alderman Manny Flores will emerge as the top Latino leader

    Arenda Troutman will lose
    Bob Fioretti will win
    Pat Dowell will win
    Lyle, Hairston and Preckwinckle will win re-election
    Beavers will beat Jackson
    8th ward will stay Stroger controlled
    Beale could be beat
    Pope will narrowly win than be indicted
    Bacler will win
    Olivo will win
    Burke will win but if his opponent stays on the ballot she will get some surprising votes
    Anything can happen in 15
    Anything can happen in 18
    Darryl Smith will win in 16 and Coleman will be indicted
    Thomas will relect in 17
    Virginia Rugai will win but could be in a runoff
    Troutman will lose
    Brookins will win
    Ricky Munoz will win narrowly and may make a run-off
    Zalewski will win in a landslide
    More predictions later
    Bernie Stone will lose in a run-off

    Happy New Year

  47. - Carl Nyberg - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 4:26 pm:

    An unusual number of incumbents get defeated in municipal elections.

  48. - home from work - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 4:37 pm:

    Martin was still at work, you dont have to worry about finding out you will hear the big cheer throughout sangamon county, when it happens all 5800 employees(5799 after todays firing) will cheer and clap as loud as they can. Even the Govs people at IDOT will participate this guy is no good just like the guy(kelly) he came from. Look for the real loud cheer the medium level cheer could be for the removal of the ts dir

  49. - Squideshi - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 4:38 pm:

    LOL. Quit picking on me. :)

  50. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 5:04 pm:

    Bubs — Natarus drops a bombshell on Reilly and wins? Care to make a friendly wager that doesn’t involve smoked salmon and corn dogs?

    Rove promised to drop a bomb on Democrats this year. House Republicans promised to drop a bomb on Fred Crespo this year. We’re more than familiar with these hollow threats.

    Don’t expect see any embarrassing “revelations” about Natarus in this race. That’s because there’s so much damning stuff about Natarus that you can find just by googling “Natarus”, from corruption to incompentence to sheer clownishness.

    Natarus is out-of-touch with the voters and reality. His defense that he hasn’t reported gun crimes he witnessed in his ward because he’s just too darn busy is just the latest example.

    After being reminded about Natarus’s record every time they go to their mailboxes for three months, voters will give Natarus his long overdue retirement.

  51. - Reddbyrd - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 5:17 pm:

    Wow Miller runs fro Governor
    Better get out ALL the OR stuff for Ebay
    Anyone want to combine files for a bigger payday. Willing to split 50-50

  52. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 5:18 pm:

    That’s just one reason why I wouldn’t run for anything.

  53. - Pat Hickey - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 5:46 pm:

    Point taken, thanks. I still feel Ginger will be fine; Somerville’s managed to burn most of the bridges he used in the last election. It will be Ginger and Tim in a squeaker.

  54. - JakeCP - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 6:04 pm:

    Biggest surprise: Mayor Daley is put in the runoffs and loses to Dorothy Brown.

    Arenda Troutman wins
    Dorothy Tillman loses
    Bernie Stone loses
    Michael D. CHandler loses and more upsets.

    Don’t take these predictions literally.

  55. - bluedog demo - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 7:08 pm:

    How many are going to get the boot at IDOT ? Now that is a swamp needing drained of deadbeats !

  56. - the ole precinct captain - Friday, Jan 12, 07 @ 10:52 pm:

    Unknown N.W. side aldermanic candidate is found not to have a problem with his petitions but his petitioners and becomes known for all the wrong reasons. This ain’t bean bag.

  57. - M.V. - Sunday, Jan 14, 07 @ 12:38 am:

    > The death of Bin Laden is announced.

    But before that happens, he’ll emerge as a top contender for Chicago alderman, forever raising the “criminal element” bar for municipal elections.

  58. - Justin - Sunday, Jan 14, 07 @ 10:05 pm:

    Cardenas will lose to Jesus Salazar
    HDO will be history

  59. - Pro-Gunner - Tuesday, Jan 16, 07 @ 7:01 am:

    Mayor Daley’s gun-control package will be defeated again this year.

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