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Question of the day

Wednesday, Jan 17, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

As I’ve said many, many times before, I hate national politics. And I hate the sort of ugly “discussion” - rife with inane, prepackaged talking points - that national politics provokes in the mainstream media (particularly those idiotic cable TV talking heads who are always wrong, yet still keep their high-paying gigs) and on blogs.

So far, I’ve posted about the Obama thing here because he is, after all, our US Senator and I covered him for years in the Illinois Senate.

Here’s the question: Do you want a daily Obamarama? Would you rather that the posts stick strictly to a local angle (my preference)? Or do you want the whole issue banished?

I will say that I intend to continue this at least through the February announcement, regardless of the comments today. But I’m interested to see what your thinking is.

Also, bonus question: Should I start deleting the gratuitous “Hussein” comments?

We already have a thread to discuss the Obama candidacy today, so let’s keep this one strictly to the questions at hand, please. Thanks.


  1. - Bill Baar - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 9:47 am:

    The Hussein comments are obscene given our strongest allies at the moment in Iraq and Afganistan are Muslims.

    Please ban them Rich.

    As for the ongoing Obama thread… It’s kind of fun because we have a unique perspective on the guy here in Illinois.

    It doesn’t take long for him to get old though.

    He’s going to kill the Illinois Primary too. Clinton and Edwards will give up on the State…propably suppress turnout…. so we may need some focus elsewhere.

  2. - cermak_rd - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 9:50 am:

    I would rather you leave the Hussein comments so that the rest of us can just discount any other opinions proffered by the commenters who use it.

    I like your idea of concentrating on the local angle of the Obama candidacy. He’s IL’s Senator, after all.

  3. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 9:55 am:

    I am also in favor of keeping the Hussein comments. It reminds us of what significant parts of the Republican Party stand for.

    Let the GOP banish those people. When the party takes the lead, then those comments should disappear. Until then, they are a great reminder.

  4. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 9:58 am:

    Maybe we could have a weekly Obamarama update, but I do prefer focusing on the local angle: current pols jockeying to kiss his ring, machinations to be appointed should he vacate his Senate seat.

    And don’t trouble yourself with deleting the Hussein comments. It’s important to be reminded that we’re surrounded by lowball, racebaiting wingnuts. Besides, I’m blaming all of those comments on the Clinton campaign — because she has the most to lose — until someone else steps up and takes credit.

  5. - Bill - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 10:01 am:

    Barack is the biggest political story to hit Illinois in a long time, possibly ever. I hope that you keep giving us a daily update. The bitterness of the repub commenters this early shows that they are really scared. I like the local angle idea and I agree that you should leave the Hussein comments in. They are just showing their own ignorance and lack of substance.

  6. - So-Called "Austin Mayor" - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 10:01 am:

    1. Do you want a daily Obamarama?

    1A. No. I just canceled my GoogleAlert for “Barack Obama” because it was soooo redundant. Obama will be front page news from here on out, so there is no need for you to waste your resources on every twist and turn.

    2. Would you rather that the posts stick strictly to a local angle (my preference)?

    2A. Yes. Odds are you are one of the only journalists who has a deep knowledge of Obama’s time and work in Springfield. Sure he may be a different guy post-celebrity, but Springfield is where he learned to govern and your insight into that would be unique. And just because Obama has gone national, that doesn’t mean he isn’t still a local figure.

    3. Or do you want the whole issue banished?

    3A. No. You can bow-out of covering our junior Senator when he moves into the White House, but not before.

    And let me take this rare opportunity to agree with Mr. Baar: Hussein comments are obscene.

    – SCAM

  7. - 105th Blues - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 10:03 am:

    I think having a weekly Obama update if it mixes with a local perspective would be ideal.

  8. - jaundiced eye - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 10:05 am:

    I agree with YDD, but perhaps the Hussein comments would be a once/week appearance as well. People who post here have insights to post on far more immediate issues at the city, county and state levels. I’d enjoy seeing comments and suggestions on the Cook Cty healthcare situation, with non-county residents using Cook facilities and services at no charge. Someone must have a proposal on how to “debit” the collar counties for this … and the Rx function at Cook County. There must be a way to outsource that and eliminate a nice number of employees while speeding Rx fulfillment.

  9. - MIT Dem - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 10:12 am:

    Keep the Hussein comments. As most people have said, it provides us with fodder, and likely disgusts a majority of people.

    As for the daily Obama, I don’t think it’s necessary for a daily digest. There will be plenty already out there. If you posted at times of specific insight/clarity, which, no offense, would probably not be daily, that would be fantastic.

  10. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 10:14 am:

    I would argue for updates on a “as needed” basis. Skip the mindless jibberish but point out the significant. It’s your blog, use your judgement, clearly people will let you know if they think you missed something or disagree with your take.

    I think most frequent and long-time readers don’t want the daily “Barack Obama was in Cedar Rapids today and everyone loved him” stories but would be interested if an Iowa, New Hampshire or national media story makes some absurd point showing they’ve not a clue about Obama or Illinois.

    Cars on a highway aren’t news. Smashed cars burning on a highway are.

  11. - Anon - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 10:18 am:

    Gee, I actually agree with Yellow Dog. A milestone for me on this site.

    I vote for weekly Obama summary with focus on local impact, such as how will he move Blago and Lisa aside and promote Alexi to the governorship in 2010.

    The Hussein stuff is silly and will go away on its own.

    And the focus on Obama tends to draw energy from other local issues which are actually of far more importance in the day to day lives of Illinoisians such as the Cook County hospital debate, are they going to raise our income taxes,
    how will the state budget be managed, school funding, reform of DCFS, who will be our next governor (Alexi, Alexi if Obama doesn’t crash) what are the Republicans doing to revive the two party system in Illinois, ethics reform, corruption and so on.

    There are national blogs, although I recently read there hasn’t been as much blogging on Obama as expected. The ardent pro and anti Obama for Prez bloggers should go over there.

  12. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 10:19 am:

    “Michelle,” that’s a very good idea.

    ===Iowa, New Hampshire or national media story makes some absurd point showing they’ve not a clue about Obama or Illinois.===

  13. - Siyotanka - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 10:30 am:

    Delete the Hussein comments…follow Barack through February’s announcement…continue only IF Hillary stirrs the pot…

  14. - Bill Baar - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 10:31 am:

    I thought the back ground on Harvey and Mayor Kellog was interesting. It’s the kind of perspective only someone from Illinois could have added. In that sense, I think we have a real obligation to follow him.

  15. - Robbie - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 10:32 am:

    Rich, would it be possible to set up a feed box on the right side to provide the links to national stories? That seems like it would take care of a lot of the stuff that doesn’t really apply to us, but give the people who care a place to look.

  16. - dc - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 10:37 am:

    I like the idea of Obama when significant and local. You have all kinds of ties there with Axelrod and Bill Daley, etc. Some discussion of their ads, messaging and stategy might be good as well.

    Find out who in Illinois is going to try and ride the fence between Barack and Hillary the longest and is there any backlash connected to that.

    Just some thoughts. Use your best judgement.

  17. - Ali Bin Haddin - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 10:37 am:

    1. Do not make the same mistake Mike Madigan made and ignore/insult Obama until it is too late

    2. Stick to local aspect as much as possible

    3. Ban Hussein comments but give us a running tally at the end of the week to re-afirm my worse fears.

    4. Keep us posted as too how much of an effort Hillary is making to water her Illinois roots.

    5. It is your blog, and a good one. I appreciate your efforts at consulting with the peons. I trust your judgement to do the right thing.

  18. - Jaded - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 10:48 am:

    I say use your best judgement on Obama posts. If it is a good news story, post it. If it is a silly Obama update that we could get from 25 other news sources then skip it.

    I say ban the Hussein comments, but only if you agree to ban the “Obama is a breath of fresh air” comments. They are just as silly, irritating, and lack as much substance as the Hussein goofiness.

  19. - Scoot - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 10:52 am:

    Hussein is ridiculous, but the timing of it makes sense. Maybe here and there post “Obamarama” but I prefer the local and state stuff.

  20. - cermak_rd - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 10:54 am:

    Jaded, I would disagree with your comment. Obama is a breath of fresh air comments may be vacuous, but the Hussein comments are about something else entirely.

  21. - the Other Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 10:55 am:

    Michelle said it best: blog about Obama when you think it’s interesting, or when you have a particular insight.

    A daily Obama item will get to be too much. Leave that to his campaign blog.

    And while I sympathize with folks who’d like to see the “Hussein” comments to show just how low some people will go, I would recommend banning them.

    Whether you agree with him or not on the issues, Obama has made clear that he is running to change how we conduct political discourse in this country. Part of that change should be the elimination of innuendo and slurs.

  22. - JP Val - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 11:03 am:

    Less stories about Obama. More stories about the White Sox…and kittens…and rainbows. Oh, and robots.

  23. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 11:03 am:

    As requested, an Obama news feed has been added. It’s at the bottom of the feeds on the right.

  24. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 11:05 am:

    Rich — If you’re even contemplating banning the “Hussein” comments, how about revoking the Illinoize priveleges of folks who post pieces entitled “Obama and Islam”, which is nothing more than a gratuitous attempt to link Obama to his Muslim heritage, meanwhile criticizing him for being a Christian, and has absolutely nothing to do with Illinois politics?

  25. - Tom B - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 11:05 am:

    ditto on local angles Rich. We’re all smart enough to find the big stories. Maybe also invite the local bloggers/reporters to contribute, occassional write something newsworthy and local for you?

    I’m thinking the west end of the state near the Quads. They’ll have lots of Iowa action that I’m sure we’d like to see.


  26. - babs - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 11:15 am:

    As needed sounds right, we may have Barack all day every day or it may be quiet for a while - it’s what’s news that I want. Don’t really care about the Hussein stuff. But an “ignore” feature would be great to skip over posters that aren’t worth the trouble. Rich, you already know how to do this - we’re with you however you feel is best. We trust your instincts.

  27. - Stuck with Sen. CPA - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 11:19 am:

    Just to add to the chorus: Grind your teeth and ignore the Hussein name-callers. (Sheila) Nix the daily Obama-rama and save it for the big news.

  28. - NW burbs - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 11:25 am:

    - Weekly or as-they-happen ObamaRamas with a focus on the local is a good idea. I agree with Michelle Flaherty’s comments on posting about national stuff only if they show a dearth of understanding of the Prairie State, the Second City, etc…

    - Keep the Hussein comments, but maybe turn them green or something so they really stand out like the green-with-envy goofballs they are.

    And (hussein) I (hussein) still (hussein) think (hussein) the (hussein) wingers (hussein) oughtta (hussein) pony (hussein) up (hussein) some (hussein) cash (hussein) for (hussein) charity (hussein) every (hussein) time (hussein) they (hussein) use (hussein) the (hussein) inane (hussein) tactic.

    The Pitt Trib-Review can be the first. Fox “News” can go next. Hey, even my buddies at Illinois Review can jump in and do the right thing while doing their right-wing thing.

  29. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 11:28 am:

    As for Hussein, instead of running the comments run and update a scorecard identifying everyone who’s used the Hussein line. Discard the anons.
    Make the scorecard a standing feature on any Obamarama updates so you can quickly look over at it as you scan the comments section and know to discount any coming from a “Hussein” poster.

    And as long as your asking for advise, you should lower your subscription rates, hire more people and offer free health care to everyone.

  30. - Captain America - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 11:29 am:

    It’s fairly rare to have a local favorite son as a serious contender for the Presidency. Paul Simon’s candidacy was quixotic.

    Personally I think Obama’s ascent to the national stage is fairly inspirational compared to the sordid realities of state and local politics these days.

    Consequently,it it seems entirely appropriate to make Obama’s Presidential campaign a regular capital fax feature.

  31. - Bubs - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 11:31 am:

    I want HOURLY Obamarama. He’s already heading straight for overexposure and public exhaustion with the topic, and I want to push that along as fast as humanly possible. Even Democrats I know are getting sick of hearing about him every day, so let’s bring it ON! ;)

  32. - grand old partisan - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 11:31 am:

    Rich, as you alluded to in your post, you (and, as well, many of us) have known, followed and or/covered Obama from the beginning of his political career. I think you would be doing a serious disservice to the nation if you were to “banish” the issue of his presidential candidacy from your forum.

  33. - Crimefighter - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 11:32 am:

    I would not be doing daily Obamaramas. The fact is the press is giving Obama a MONSTER PUSH, and thus being monsterably overrated. If there’s actual substance to cover with Obama, go ahead, but if it’s just nothing but touchy-feely feel-gooder stuff that’s eaten up by no one other than lapdogs and bores everyone else…don’t do it.

  34. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 11:43 am:

    “Michelle,” those last three suggestions are complete non-starters. lol

  35. - Anon - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 11:52 am:

    Let’s see,

    Except for the occasional Timothy McVeigh, all the other terrorists trying to blow up americans and non-americans have strange sounding arabic type names.

    Heavens, why would the average american care what name a person had?

    ps - all it will take is one incident in the US (big or small) and this candidacy will be no more.

  36. - are we in Freeper land? - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 11:55 am:

    Hey Anon, please, stop getting your talking points from Free Republic

    it’s trite

  37. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 11:58 am:

    Seriously, Anon 11:52, that had to be one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen posted here. And that’s really saying something. Get back under your rock where you belong.

  38. - Team America, World Police - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 12:10 pm:

    Skeeter- don’t assume that the hairbrained “Hussein” comments all come from GOPers. Anyone who has an interest in taking down Obama may well try this ploy, and it could well be some of the Dem challengers who speak the loudest (through proxies, of course- hopefully no decent mainstream politician would stoop so low). As for the right-wing nutjobs in the party, we’re doing our best to eradicate the pests but it’s a long slow process. There still half a million (or more) rats in Chicago and we’ve been fighting them for a hundred years.

  39. - Bombers91 - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 12:12 pm:

    Stick to state/local news. If something earth-shattering happens, then post it on the main blog. The Obama news feed is fine for the zealots.

    Otherwise, the blog will get bogged down with regurgitations of whatever was said the previous night on CNN/MSNBC/Fox News or that morning on drive time radio.

  40. - Pat Hickey - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 12:15 pm:

    Neil Steinberg struck gold with his observation on Frau Clinton and her ‘great expectations’

    The Democrats were set to add to this grim legacy, their doom all but sealed, facing certain defeat as the party backing America’s own Madame Chiang Kai-shek, Hillary Clinton. And along comes Barack Obama — deus ex machina! — to solve all their, and the nation’s, woes. Of course we’d go nuts over him. We can’t help it.

    Madame Chiang Kai-shek - Priceless and on target!

  41. - Way Northsider - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 12:18 pm:

    Yes, I would like to see coverage of Obama campaign information. I think you should also let people make inane comments relating to “Hussein” or other subjects - it just helps us identify people whose comments on other topics are also worth ignoring. Thanks for asking.

  42. - jerry - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 12:24 pm:

    Since Obama’s campaign will be based in Chicago, I think keeping up on his exploits is a good thing. But concentrate on local Obama issues. Big national stuff that’s displayed on the headlines at the Post, the Times, the LA paper, etc aren’t necessary to cover; though I’m sure your own judgement would edit those things out of postings.

  43. - Commonsense in Illinois - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 12:26 pm:

    Rich, I trust your judgment to include the important stuff so that CapitolFaxBlog doesn’t become “All Obama, All the Time.” But to keep things in perspective, we need to remember this year in Springfield promises to have much for us to talk about and we need to have some semblance of balance. The Hussein references really don’t bother me. As others correctly point out, it helps give perspective to the writer’s biases. But, let’s also realize that giving some people an opportunity to rant and rave from a racist perspective also needs to be dealt with. Moreover, if Obama goes forward and announces on Feb 10, I suspect the G will be monitoring this and other sites for potential threats.

  44. - Eric Zorn - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 12:31 pm:

    I vote for Obama news on an as needed basis, not a as a fixed feature. And I second Val’s desire for better robot coverage here at Capitol Fax. As the Old Glory Insurance company reminds us, robots are everywhere, and they eat old people’s medicine for fuel. And when they grab you with those metal claws, you can’t break free. Because they’re made of metal. And robots are strong. WARNING: Persons denying the existence of robots may be robots themselves.

  45. - zatoichi - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 12:41 pm:

    I’d vote for keeping Obamaing only when something significant comes up. The current daily Barack love fest will go overtime with most news outlets so the addicts can get their fix there. No matter how good he is, he can’t be worth a daily news item. When the other Pres candidates start revving up their PR machines, what they start saying about him may make good stuff to chew on.

    Personally, I like the “Hussein” stuff since it shows just how stupid/low some writers have to get to have something to say. If any of it was actually funny it might be worth looking at. Usually becomes an automatic “next/ignore/skip” indicator.

  46. - OneMan - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 1:12 pm:

    Perhpas a weekly summary would work but a daily for a few days pre/post Feb 10th would be nice.

    As for the Hussein bit, whatever. If that is the best Republicans can come up with then we are screwed.

  47. - Mongo - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 1:38 pm:

    entertaining comments

    I’d prefer an as needed, and as time passes that may become more frequent…the link is a great idea

    I would have said ban the Hussein comments but I do like the idea of reading them and in my own mind marking those comments as so totally off-base that they have no credibility…so I guess leave ‘em in.

  48. - Just Observing - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 1:45 pm:

    1. Keep Hussein comments — let’s not censor too much even if the comments are ignorant;

    2. Go very easy on the Obama articles — I’m super bored with him already and as a Democrat I’m real sick of reading/watching all these goo-goo, lefty Democrats that have no idea who he is or what he stands for gush all over him.

    I did though, to echo earlier comments, like the Obama/Harvey Mayor info — good angle.

  49. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 2:41 pm:

    The good thing about Obamarama from a business perspective is that solid coverage can draw average Illinoisans interested in his campaign to Capitolfax, where they might learn something about Illinois public policy and politics if they aren’t careful.

  50. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 2:49 pm:

    YDD, I’m not sure I want “average” Illinoisans hanging around here.

  51. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 2:52 pm:

    I am opposed to daily Obamarama, at least until 1/1/08. I am opposed to the guy for disclosure. Keep the Hussein comments. They are empty comments. The DNC can embrace those call Michael Steele an oreo, call people Uncle Toms, then this is equal to that.
    If I want an daily Obamarama, I’d read Schmict, Zorn and Sweet. blah

  52. - Anonymouser - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 2:58 pm:

    Maybe just cover his candidacy as it pertains to the reaction of Illinois voters and specifically with the Illinois primary. Leave the national stuff to the national blogs….there’s enough of that out there anyway.

  53. - Dooley Dudright - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 2:59 pm:

    “Should I start deleting the gratuitous ‘Hussein’ comments?” DD says no.

    Hussein those things about the senator, anyway? ;)

  54. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 3:15 pm:

    I believe if ANYONE writes on a daily basis about ANY candidate, the readers tire easily, especially this far out from the election. I simply don’t get the Hussein thing anyway. Was this not a name given to Obama by his parents? It’s sad to think that any other candidate would try to exploit this as an issue. Obama apparently is not afraid of his middle name or he wouldn’t even consider higher office, so it should be a non-issue for the rest of us. I don’t care either about his Muslim background, if he has one. I have known Muslims who certainly don’t stand for what is going on overseas with the militants nor do I believe Obama does either. Lack of political experience didn’t stop Jimmy Carter from being Prez and I’m sure if I Googled past Presidents, we would find there are others with limited political experience. Personally, I find that attractive.

    Do whatever you want to Rich. It’s your blog and I’m sure you are constantly tweaking it as to what does and doesn’t work. Most of us will still be with you, no matter what your decision.

  55. - Missing Springfield - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 3:32 pm:

    I vote for the Rich Miller local / state spin on Obama - everyone else is doing the national stuff. I trust you, Rich, to give us the stuff that matters and will add to the discussion. Thanks!

  56. - Colt 45 - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 3:37 pm:

    Please keep it local, Rich. Most people, it seems, don’t know much about Obama other than that he wasn’t Alan Keyes. The national spotlight is going to be on Obama and we’re going to learn a lot about him in the coming months. There’s plenty going on within the borders of our state to talk about.

  57. - Democrat - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 3:40 pm:

    You should delete the Hussein. Barack Obama is the best thing to happen in Illinois Politics in a long long time.

  58. - Illinois Valley - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 4:45 pm:

    Rich, my vote goes to deleting all the Hussein comments — individuals that post such offensive remarks care only that their words have been seen. It matters not that no minds or opinions have been changed as a result, that no value has been added to the debate, only that their hateful remarks are available for virtual review — no different than the most unimaginative and ugly graffiti. I would also suggest a proactive delete policy on the inevitable intentional misspellings that substitute “s” for the “b” in his last name. Finally, I like the suggestions that only the most noteworthy campaign developments, in addition to your historical perspective on his political career, are worthy of your attention and posts. Besides, if any indictments are delivered to the Governor’s office during the Presidential primary campaign, you will likely have your hands quite full!

  59. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 4:50 pm:

    I’ve already deleted much of that “Osama” nonsense and intend to keep deleting it. But Hussein is his middle name. Still, it’s so playground juvenile. Remember in grade school when kids made fun of other kids’ middle names? It’s just like that. Ridiculous, but ever so DC.

  60. - Reddbyrd - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 4:56 pm:

    Please do DailyObamarama. It will help offset the nonsense non-Illinoisans will be getting from Illinois papers. Just sleepwalk through Kass, Brown, Marin, Page, Schoenberg et al. No content, no insight. Hard to imagine, but the only good line comes from Kass who observes he is seeing the Senator alone for the last time.
    Perhaps the blog can be a place for those who know Barack to comment, compare and inform.

  61. - Papa Legba - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 5:40 pm:

    Just do a daily on any Illinois politician who is making headlines. Why beat anything/anybody into ground as is happening with Obama-mania?

    What’s the problem with average Illinoisans? Without them there wouldn’t be a need for a category for “best political blog”.

  62. - ZC - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 9:06 pm:

    I think Rich should just keep using his description. It’s a big story with lots of state implications (what will the Democratic pickup opportunities be statewide with Obama on the ballot?), but Rich should be able to say at any time if the wackos totally infest this blog that it’s over.

    And sadly, I think the wackos will be coming.

  63. - ZC - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 9:06 pm:

    Sorry, discretion not description.

  64. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 9:40 pm:

    Rich, I vote for sticking with the state/local stuff we aren’t going to be hearing other places.

    Enough of the Hussein nonsense-the grade school analogy is perfect. Ban ‘em.

    Speaking of things we won’t hear anywhere else, here’s one that we apparently won’t be hearing at all: (Forgive me Rich, I’ve been holding this for weeks.) “President Blagojevich.”

  65. - IS - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 9:55 pm:

    If you mention Obama, please mention Jack Ryan
    If you mention Jack Ryan, you must mention Jeri
    If you mention Jeri, you cannot exlude the Klingons
    Bringing up the Kligons leads us to Oberweis
    But that causes us to think of cottage cheese
    which lead us to the Packers
    who beat the Bears
    who fired Neill Armstong
    but not Neal Armstrong, the guy in space
    which reminds us of our Governor
    who beat a woman named Judy
    who sometimes look like Ronald
    who serves a mean Filet of Fish

    So mention Obama and more fish die.

    Your call, Miller

  66. - Long Time Reader; First Time Poster - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 10:25 pm:

    I agree with most of the comments on here already. If the obamarama is directly related to Springfield issues, then I would like to hear about it. (For example, the drama between Obama and Speaker Madigan is always interesting.) I don’t care to know about his treks to other states and all that stuff. I can read other blogs and newsites for that stuff.

  67. - Sherman's Ghost - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 10:26 pm:

    Ok, first off, it’s obviously your blog and you can do as you please.

    Having said that, I think saturation coverage of Obama is present on every news outlet and you should/could give it a break unless it’s actually “news”, not just more adoration.

    Second issue is your call for censoring the names. I’ve thought about this all afternoon and evening and am at a loss to understand this. I don’t see censorship of the gov various monikers, JBT, MJM, or wing-nut, neo-con, bleeding heart, etc. Why does Obama get this special consideration ?

    The governor gets called everything under the sun and no censorship, as does Bush and most of the rest of the cast of characters written about. Don’t forget all the crap dumped on Ryan and his pals too.

    Big deal, if it offends someone, move on. If you start this, it’s liable to become the proverbial slippery slope item.

    But it’s yours.

    You decide.

  68. - The Democratic History Buff - Wednesday, Jan 17, 07 @ 11:55 pm:

    I think that - yes - all Obama news can get a little overbearing. I am probably one of biggest Obama fans there is and I plan on working with his campaign to do everything I can, to get him elected President (after he announces obviously). And even though Obama news can get overbearing, I agree that we Illinoisians have something special in Obama and I think that this should be the “Premier” site or blog containing Obama news, debates and discussions.

    Having said that, I think that some of the questions that you put up for us to post on should be as creative as possible. Like you said Rich, you covered him for years and I am sure you could time travel back to some of your earlier stories about Obama and either post them for us to comment on or compare those stories to current news stories, etc.. I think you/we should be the premier Obama blog but we should try and mix it up and have stories and discussions that other blogs don’t include.

    And as for the Hussein comments, keep them up. It is stupid but it shows everyone what type of morons there are out there.

  69. - Angie - Thursday, Jan 18, 07 @ 1:28 am:

    I say keep the Obamarama, but focus on much of the stuff going on here at home.

    Whether or not I’d vote for the guy over a GOP candidate (depending on the person), there are positive issues that might make it into the papers and the discussions since Obama is always talking about things like healthcare and so forth.

    I think it could be positive even though everyone is a little tired of the whole “rock star” image thing as too fluffy and not serious enough for the White House. Hey, maybe we can get awareness raised about issues here at home. Maybe Obama can build a really strong record by tackling some of those issues (hello! hospital charity care mandate anyone? Lisa Madigan’s pet project? Care to support that, Senator?)

    You see my point? There is plenty to talk about now that he’s got the spotlight. Raise the questions and discuss the issues, and maybe he’ll do something for us here at home where it counts. Just no more iffy real estate deals, please.

  70. - Angie again - Thursday, Jan 18, 07 @ 1:34 am:

    Rich says, “YDD, I’m not sure I want ‘average’ Illinoisans hanging around here.


    Velma! Vern! That thar Capitol Fax blog gots some news that about them–you know–them politicians. Them high fallutin’ folks. What say we check in thar at that thar blog and maybe we kin join tha discussion a l’il bit, eh?

    I agree. The “average” in this state is scary sometimes.

  71. - Master of the Obvious - Thursday, Jan 18, 07 @ 5:56 am:

    Sure–Obviously. Thank God for the Patriot Act!

  72. - Abe - Thursday, Jan 18, 07 @ 7:28 am:

    Stop the Obama updates. They are unnecessary and distract from current local races.
    I like Obama, supported and voted for him, but this is toooo much. This is also not media reporting but media generated.
    I think that Obama is articulate, intelligent, attractive, charismatic, and symbolizes hope and change for many. However, I am getting tired of the hype and the lack of substance, not from Obama but from the media. Again, this seems to be generated by the media and not reporting. My talk to average people is they like Obama but this is not the focus of their lives even their political lives.
    Stick to the local stuff unless and until the Obama reports are significant and more locally impacted.

  73. - Snidely Whiplash - Thursday, Jan 18, 07 @ 7:56 am:

    Yes,please, enough of Obama. At least not every day. I’m sure I’m not the only one tiring of hearing about him. Reminds me a bit of Michael Jordan’s press conference minutes before the Cubs (or was it the Sox?) were beginning their first playoff game in several years. Quit feeding these “look at me, look at ME!!!” characters the undeserved attention they so desperately crave.

  74. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jan 18, 07 @ 9:40 am:

    Our Junior Senator from Chicago is making national news, so we should all be very excited and supportive of him. Although he hasn’t finished the job he was elected to in 2004, and has less experience in government than most lobbyists, he presents himself well.

    He definately has earned our attention, and as good citizens of Illinois, we should give it.

    We live in a world where it is fashionable to name children in creative ways. It is highly unlikely that any child would name themselves after a dead president, a city, a state, or a vegetable, which seems to be popular with many new parents. It is not their fault. The Senator did not name himself. It is not appropriate to call attention to his name.

    It is also inappropriate to bloviate over those who do have a problem with it. It is not appropriate to label these people as stupid, moronic, or even Republican. Voters choose candidates over a myriad of reasons. We should stop insulting the reasons they choose, but instead help them refocus. Name calling has become too easy in today’s world, and it has wrecked too many discussions.

    It is exciting to see one of our senators run for office, regardless of party, and regardless of where they are placed in the spectrum of politics by bloviating partisans. One of our greatest presidents, TR, set the record straight when he explained how we should all cheer those willing to fight within the political arena. Love them or hate them, these people sacrifice a great deal to give us a choice at the ballot box.

    So Senator, I salute you, bless you on this great mission, and will sincerely consider you. If the election was held today, I could not vote for you, but today is not 2008. Good luck!

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