Morning Shorts
Friday, Jan 19, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Editorial: Big 3 have lean and hungry look for tax increase * Technology (and Booze): Voting snafus * New AmerenCILCO bill broken down: “But what really annoys me about the bill is the sleazy attempt at making the rate hike more palatable by hiding it in a plethora of new rates and fees.†* Tribune: Challengers take share of spotlight from Daley * Tribune: Lawsuit claims Daley pals sought discounts, kickbacks * Claypool Says Doctors Cheating The System Might Be Adding To Fiscal Woes: “It’s actually unconscionable that front line health care workers are being laid off when all these high-paid six-figure bureaucrats pushing paper around who happen to have political connections are not losing their job†* Public Defender’s Office Blast Stroger’s Budget Cuts * Does ‘Republican’ Qualify as a Trademark? * Illinois to Broaden Variable Energy Pricing * Technology improvements paying dividends in Cook County Treasurer’s office * Tribune Editorial: Statewide Smoking Ban
* Feared “Hole in the Wall†mobster dies in prison * Buchwald’s Farewell Column, Written to Be Released at Death * Site of Obama’s announcement still a mystery * Candidate agrees with Giannoulias on hotel; SMEAA chief opposed * Jackson Sr. will back Obama * Felon candidates give logic a run for its money * Family man Obama: dual demands on time, energy * Friday Beer Blogging
- Truthful James - Friday, Jan 19, 07 @ 8:24 am:
Calling EFAB ‘financial advisors’ to ISBE is rather disingenuous. All it does is commission Augenblick and Myers to do regression analyses (which do not include teacher subject matter mastery as a variable) and lateral the results back to ISBE. The process is designed to provide political cover to whatever is recommended. ISBE then places a cover sheet on it and sends it on to the governor.
This year it is $355 per student. Where does it go if appropriated? To overpay underqualified teachers would be my answer. Or to pay additional underqualified teachers. And finally to fund the high raises granted teachers in the final years before retirement, and thus to burden the pension funds.
Where is the Education Quality in all this? Have raises, increased that quality? Please see the Jan-Feb issue of the Atlantic and look at the table around Page 5.
I believe that equipping the United States to compete in a 21st century world economy is a the most important mission of public education. The continuing increases are not getting the job done.
- I love the mob - Friday, Jan 19, 07 @ 8:26 am:
Rich, Thanks for the mobster story, but you’ve also attached the same link to the voting snafu story. There’s a joke here somewhere, but I’m not witty enough to craft it.
- dan l - Friday, Jan 19, 07 @ 8:31 am:
Yeah, same link twice just like Mob said. However, the problem isn’t Rich. Rich doesn’t make mistakes. The problem is with the intern who will not be fed because you point out his mistake.
Good job!
- Paul Richardson - Friday, Jan 19, 07 @ 8:37 am:
Yikes. Yes, the error was entirely mine. It should be corrected now.
I may voluntarily not eat as a personal punishment.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jan 19, 07 @ 8:43 am:
LOL. Things happen. For your first day it was a really good job.
- Pat Hickey - Friday, Jan 19, 07 @ 8:44 am:
Paul, eat on the Company! No sweat. By the way -welcome to Rich’s team!
- I love the mob - Friday, Jan 19, 07 @ 8:56 am:
Thanks. Don’t worry about your job. What with that guy dying, there’s an opening with a more “efficient” operation out there for you somewhere.
- Cassandra - Friday, Jan 19, 07 @ 9:14 am:
As a Cook County resident with property taxes in the mid teens and rising, I find it difficult to
summon up any sympathy for the potentially to be laid off public defenders (or state’s attorneys).
First, the attorneys themselves. All are presumably licensed attorneys (or I certainly hope so). They can get jobs in the private sector. They might have to work a little harder.
OK, a lot harder. But the jobs are there. Or they can take early retirement. I’m sure Cook County has a lush program for early retirees.
More importantly, this could be a positive move for their clients. Currently, the Cook County criminal system operates as a huge machine for putting first time drug offenders, mostly minorities, in (Downstate) jails, at the price of an Ivy League education, courtesy of the taxpayer. With fewer attorneys in both offices, the system will be forced to use deflection programs more effectively. Better for the potential inmates and better for the taxpayers.
One hopes the laid-off attorneys will be the less competent ones, but civil service systems like the County tend to protect the elderly and incompetent so I suppose that may not be the case in these layoffs.
It’s still worth it though. We can’t be expected to support incompetence forever.
- Bill - Friday, Jan 19, 07 @ 9:15 am:
More teacher bashing from Truthful is always a great way to start the day! In fact, the Governor has reformed the pension plans to limit end of career raises. If teacher quality was really an issue in this state,which I don’t believe it is, wouldn’t raising salaries attract more qualified individuals? Our state’s contribution to public education is embarassingly low compared to neighboring states. Illinois children deserve better. Thank you, Governor, for your commitment to our children and their teachers.
- Truthful James - Friday, Jan 19, 07 @ 9:26 am:
Au contraire, Bill. I am not teacher bashing. I am in favor of more qualified teachers in the system. But qualification in my book means subject matter degrees and advanced degrees, not Education School advanceed degrees.
The legislation did not cut off the high triennial increases. Go read it. It somewhat limited them by having the District pick up anything obscene.
Do you really think that the Illinois system differs substantially from the other 49 states and D.C.? and all the research is wrong? Do you really think that dumbing down the ISATs and PSATs, norming up the results increases Education Value? Perhaps ISBE lowered teacher certification levels for history and social science teachers because they were too high and demanded more teacher knowledge?
Glad I could start your day.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jan 19, 07 @ 9:30 am:
Let’s take the EFAB discussion here, please. Thanks.
- Squideshi - Friday, Jan 19, 07 @ 9:44 am:
Speaking of voting snafus…
- Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Jan 19, 07 @ 10:11 am:
There is an overdose of irony here over the “trademark” argument.
Who would have thought that Kjellander and the “Republican” Assembly of Lake County (RALC) would have something in common? They both refuse to abide by decisions made by the Illinois Republican Party State Central Committee!
Will wonders never cease! The RALC regularly castigates Kjellander, now suddenly they are allies of a sort! : -)
But seriously, there is State Law out there which prevents groups from organizing or incorporating as “Republican” or “Democratic” organizations without the consent of those respective State Central Committees.
“Trademarks” is a straw dog here. If any group using Republican or Democrat in their name would advocate the overthrow of the U.S. Government and replace it with fascism or communism, or state their everlasting devotion and support to Osama BinLaden, those political parties certainly have the right to object and protect their reputations, or at least say “Hey, that group is not Republican.”
What is also ironic is the RALC will regularly call other Republicans it disagrees with RINOs. (Republican in Name Only). Now that the State Central Committee has pulled the name “Republican” from RALC, I guess this also makes them RINO’s! : -)
I would suggest that the RALC approach the State Central Committee as soon as possible and resolve this matter instead of being obstinate. Being obstinate will only harm their efforts and alienate them from fellow Lake County Republicans.
And I suggest they do it now.
- NW burbs - Friday, Jan 19, 07 @ 11:43 am:
* Does ‘Republican’ Qualify as a Trademark?
Doesn’t matter if it qualifies or not (to an extent)…
The Democratic Party has the same rules about unaffilited groups not using “Democrat”.
Witness the “Democracy Club of Elk Grove Township” which used that moniker because Democratic Committeewoman Joan Brennan wouldn’t offer the group a home.
If Raymond True simply wanted to gather a group of like-minded folks he could’ve just as easily named it “Republic Assembly of Lake County”. Instead, he’s trying to prove his own point through his obstinance (his point being that the actual people running the Lake Co. GOP are in his opinion actually RINOs, not Republicans).
Mr. True ought to simply find another sandbox to play in while he’s out at recess….
- zatoichi - Friday, Jan 19, 07 @ 4:58 pm:
Art Buchwald goes out with class. Wish I had met him in person. Always liked his writing and the final column is him. Time for some eclairs.
- Squideshi - Monday, Jan 22, 07 @ 8:07 am:
805 ILCS 105/104.05 provides:
“The corporate name of a domestic corporation or of a foreign corporation organized, existing or subject to the provisions of this Act…Shall not contain the words “regular democrat,” “regular democratic,” “regular republican,” “democrat,” “democratic,” or “republican,” nor the name of any other established political party, unless consent to usage of such words or name is given to the corporation by the State central committee of such established political party; notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, any corporation, whose name at the time this amendatory Act takes effect contains any of the words listed in this paragraph shall certify to the Secretary of State no later than January 1, 1989, that consent has been given by the State central committee; consent given to a corporation by the State central committee to use the above listed words may be revoked upon notification to the corporation and the Secretary of State…”