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“Madigan, Blagojevich lead with chins in angry face-off”

Friday, Jan 26, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

My Chicago Sun-Times column this week is about the ever-brewing feud between House Speaker Michael Madigan and Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

Mike Madigan has good reasons to neither trust nor particularly like Rod Blagojevich.

For one thing, Blagojevich is not a man of his word, and Madigan is a firm believer in your word being your bond. Madigan is a professional politician and a workhorse. Blagojevich is an amateurish show horse. Fire and ice. Oil and water. Take your pick.

Still, Blagojevich, love him or hate him, is the governor and was just re-elected to a second term. Regardless of his many flaws, at the very least his office deserves respect, and Madigan lately has shown precious little of that.

It goes on to discuss the governor’s overreactions and how the ground is being laid for a “final showdown.” Read the whole thing before commenting, please. Thanks.


  1. - Just Because - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 8:30 am:

    Amazing. Your view is correct. These people (politicians) of both parties should be doing their job not fighting like school boys. The sad part is we the people have to pay a high price for all this bickering.

  2. - Little Egypt - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 8:36 am:

    After the Governor’s 6:57 p.m. press release last Friday regarding the suspension of the lending bill, I believe John Q. Public was wondering what authority any governor has to suspend a law? And I thought to myself, “Self, there’s something goin’ on here and we’ll soon hear the REAL story.” Thanks Rich for giving us the “real” story because we sure don’t get it from our legislators or governor. I don’t know about the rest of you but if there’s a war in Illinois, sign me up to ride with the Madigan cavalry. Blago, er Custer, is gonna be calling soon for some more ammo, horses, and troops and it’s gonna be way too late to undo the damage.

  3. - 105th Blues - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 8:39 am:

    Ego ego ego…I think Blago and Mikey need to sit down and have a drink and just settle down

  4. - DOWNSTATE - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 8:50 am:

    Thank God they are fighting.Think how much more this state would be screwed up if Mikey let BloBlo have his way.

  5. - Pat Hickey - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 8:51 am:

    Mike Madigan is the one real professional in this duke-out. The Guv’s time in the square-ring notwithstanding; Madigan has the skills, the patience and the integrity to go the distance and have plenty left for the next one. Blago tries to be a knock-out puncher but hits like Audrey Hepburn. Great column Rich!

  6. - Carl Nyberg - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 9:14 am:

    How does Blago’s legal troubles affect Madigan’s behavior toward the Governor?

    If Blago didn’t have the legal troubles the Speaker would know he’s stuck with the Gov for the next four years. With the legal troubles, is Madigan able to justify blowing-off Blago b/c he figures Blago isn’t going to be a factor for very long?

  7. - Papa Legba - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 9:24 am:

    “Still, Blagojevich, love him or hate him, is the governor and was just re-elected to a second term. Regardless of his many flaws, at the very least his office deserves respect, and Madigan lately has shown precious little of that.”

    Baloney. Rod has removed any sense of professionalism and class from that office. What’s left to respect?

  8. - So-Called "Austin Mayor" - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 9:24 am:


    On BEZ, Zorn just plugged your column as the top-notch explanation of this feud. EZ is right of course.

    – SCAM

  9. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 9:27 am:

    Yes, it is a battle of egos, but one ego has been earned, while the other has been bought.

    Jackie Gleason has a great quote: “It ain’t bragging if you can do it.” Madigan can do it, we have seen after four years that Blagojevich cannot. What Blagojevich can do is collect campaign dough, run TV ads and get elected. But when it comes to governing, Rod Blagojevich is a disaster.

    The last thing any of us want to see after years of hard labor, is some chimp showing up and pompously knocking everything over. What Madigan has had to endure from Blagojevich would drive anyone to murder. There are only two adults in Illinois keeping the state from total collapse; Daley and Madigan. Mike knows this.

    You think what Blagojevich did to Madigan is out of line? Think of what he did to his own father in law? If he is capable of that, then he is capable of anything.

    So, it isn’t really petty. Madigan is trying to fill the rat hole Blagojevich keeps digging ever deeper. It is no surprise to see the shovels flying.

    When Blagojevich needs support for his court battles ahead, he shouldn’t expect assistance from anyone who has earned their way in Illinois, or even those he has bought. Even Dick Mell probably wouldn’t help the guy who married his daughter.

  10. - Pat Hickey - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 9:33 am:


    Well said! ‘When Blagojevich needs support for his court battles ahead, he shouldn’t expect assistance from anyone who has earned their way in Illinois, or even those he has bought. ‘

    He’s got Pops Staples watching his back - no sweat there.

  11. - Justice - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 9:57 am:

    As the gal said “you’ll respect me in the morning won’t you?” The guy responded “Hell, I don’t respect you now!” So much for respecting the gov. He hasn’t earned it, where Madigan has. It’s Madigan’s to give and I sure wouldn’t either….and don’t!

  12. - Clarity - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 10:08 am:

    Rich -

    This probably isn’t the most appropriate place for this question but wanted some clarity concerning your reporting today in CapFax. Is the potential rule about moving legislation out of committee with 60 signatures only pertain to the rules committee or any committee? For instance, if a bill is sent from rules to a standing committee and can’t seem to muster the votes to get it to the floor, will this 60 signature requirement apply? Or is this just to get a bill discharged from rules?


    From the dude with the hot nieces.

  13. - Garp - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 10:18 am:

    This is some great inside info from Rich Miller.

    I have seen how the predatory lenders exploit poor areas of the city. They create bogus appraisals, fictitious job histories all to get loans approved at high interest and closing rates. I applaud Madigan for trying to fix it. On the other hand, these borderline lenders are the only ones willing to take higher risks and when they are shut down there is no one for poor people to go to. It is a double edged sword.

    I would not be at all surprised to find large donations being made to the Jackson clan from some of these questionable lenders.

    Politically, Madigan may have decided that this is the Governors last term and may be willing to have chaos to assure a primary fight.

  14. - Georgie Bailey - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 10:33 am:

    Predatory mortgage brokers not lenders are the problem. The Madigan legislation did not do enough to better regulate mortgage brokers. Rich, your article is entertaining but not particularly informative, which is surprising given the time and attention this issue has been given by the legislature. There may be more substance to the Governor’s action than you give him credit for and the Speaker’s lack of interest in mortgage broker practices may be more intriguing than you know. You might spend a little more time perusing the legislation, D-4s, and lobbyist lists.

  15. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 10:35 am:

    GB, the column was about the fight, not about the intricacies of the predatory lending issue. You can only do so much with 650 words.

  16. - swede - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 11:14 am:

    Question…Can anyone answer as to what will occur now after HB 4050 has now been suspended. Is it back to the way it was in these zip codes? Will the legislature draft a different bill? Is the governor offering any alternative ideas? For the folks living in these areas, it is clear there definitely was a problem.

  17. - Squideshi - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 11:49 am:

    “I’ve been covering Illinois politics for almost 17 years now, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen Madigan’s people as angry as they’ve been since last Friday. They consider Blagojevich’s behavior a deliberate invitation to war.”

    I don’t know anything about Blagojevich’s proposal to loosen up Madigan’s control over the flow of bills in the Illinois House; but if that’s truly what it is, then it’s a good idea. Madigan’s people have plenty of reason to despise Blagojevich, but trying to make the House rules more democratic shouldn’t be one of them.

    “But even Meeks seemed at a loss this week. He said he wants to mediate, and said he will do his best, but he isn’t sure it will work.”

    This is the guy that doesn’t endorse losers, remember? It’s ironic that by endorsing a winner like Blagojevich, Meeks has ultimately become the loser.

  18. - Anonymous - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 12:34 pm:

    I read the whole thing. I have to take Madigans side. Rod is always looking for a fight. To show his testicular virility. Since becomimg Governor he’s in everyones face. He can’t even get along with his own family and the man who crowned him Governor. He has always hated Madigan and his daughter. Jealous, spiteful and revengeful. But he’d better be careful he’s meet his match with that little firey redhead.

  19. - So Blue Democrat - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 12:38 pm:

    This is one Democrat that is betting that Madigan will win this fight. Both the Governor and Jones will lose!

  20. - Chicago Lou - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 12:49 pm:

    Baily hit it on the head about Brokers and Lenders. Not that there isn’t a rotten apple in the Lender’s barrell but the majority of the problem is with crooked Brokers. Lenders don’t go into a deal to be stuck with a bad loan, but there is a big commission in it for the broker, good deal or not.

  21. - Ambulance chaser - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 1:51 pm:

    Naive question for the pro’s: what happens if the Guv gets into deep, deep, deep trouble and can’t finish the term? Might the Speaker’s brass knuckles be positioning for the AG?

  22. - OneMan - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 2:02 pm:

    Ambulance chaser,
    might be but you still have the problem of Pat Quinn. However if the LT position ends up vacant it is not filled as per the state consitution and the AG is next in line.

  23. - i d - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 2:57 pm:

    I thought that you were supposed to keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

  24. - Garp - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 4:36 pm:

    Georgie Bailey was correct. I meant Mortgage Brokers- The actual lenders get suckered into the lending scam right along with the poor folk who need the loan.

  25. - Buck Naked - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 4:51 pm:

    How convenient it is that everybody overlooks the fact that the Speaker “rammed” HB 4050 through the house. There was major arm twisting needed to get members to get onboard withthis bill? Why do you think that is? Perhaps because the bill prevents responsible African American and Latino home buyers from getting a legitimate mortgage. The bill placed the burden of responsibility on the home buyer, when it should have been placed on the mortgage broker.

    I have been involved in Illinois government and politics and I have heard people tell personal stories about being unable to buy a housebecause of 4050. Not many, but enough to know that the bill is having a reverse effect of what it was intended to do (reportedly intended, that is).

    I think everybody needs to take a deep breath and relax.

  26. - NIEVA - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 7:47 pm:

    This just gives Mike a reason to not get along with Rod. Now he can fire away and hopefully get his baby girl elected Gov in 2010.

  27. - Sage - Friday, Jan 26, 07 @ 9:59 pm:

    First of all it is outrageous that a bill can go thru all the legislative hurdles and become law and then the Governor can unilaterally nullify it. Unconstitutional. The AG ought to sue to force the Gov to comply with the LAW.

    Secondly, I say this as a Republican activist, just because a fight is going on does not mean both parties are at fault.

    This goes way beyond the predatory lending issue, Madigan has had a principled approach throughout his difficult dealings with the Governor and I don’t fault his handling of his relationship with Blago one iota.

    Respect for the office of the Governor yes, but at what point do you keep returning calls and spend countless hours negotiating when the other party feels free at any time to go back on his word and/or blindside you at any time? At some point I would say it is pointless to speak with an idiot like Rod Blagojevich. Madigan does his job and let Blago do his. Republican reps are certainly ready to join Madigan in overriding veto after veto. The ball is in Jones court for major initiatives. Sooner or later one would think he too will become nauseated with the Governor’s way of doing business.

    The key thing about this war is that Madigan is about to teach our Governor a civics lesson he will never forget. Rod Blagojevich is out of his league.

  28. - bluedog demo - Saturday, Jan 27, 07 @ 8:00 am:

    Madigan is always thinking long term in this chess game of politics. He knows that his moves now will protect and position his ” Queen Lisa ” for major opportunities down the road. Can you say Madam Governor !

  29. - Patriot - Sunday, Jan 28, 07 @ 11:13 am:

    Madigan will clean Blagojevich’s clock. Blago is a “GINO” or a Governor In Name Only. Madigan will be a star in Illinois politics long after Blago crashes and burns.

  30. - Concerned Voter - Sunday, Feb 11, 07 @ 4:58 pm:

    I’m an African-American who was born and raised in Chicago, in at least, three of the zip codes targeted by Illinois HB 4050. Most of the people who have made comments in favor of Illinios HB 4050 have never lived in the zip codes targeted by HB 4050 or experienced racism. And, should not even comment on the HB 4050 issue.

    Governor Rod Blagojevic did the right thing to “Suspend” the Illinois HB 4050 program and shut down the database. HB 4050 has had an adverse affect on the communities it targeted.

    Many legislators, including the governor, believed that Illinois HB 4050 would decrease foreclosure rates. HB 4050 was a scheme to mislead legislators just as the WMD in Iraq. Many U.S. legislators were mislead. Jobs is the key to reducing foreclosures on Chicago’s south side. Not HB 4050!!

    To suspend the Bill and shut down the database showed much courage on the governors part to correct a wrong. The report from professors of the U of I and Texas A & M clearly showed HB 4050 wasn’t working.

    According to Sen. Martin Sandoval (D-Chicago), he said he will request an opinion from Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan, the speaker’s daughter, on Blagojevich’s ability to suspend the law. Sandoval should “read” the bill the next time he signs on to it. By giving the IDFPR the power to choose the zip codes the IDFPR, by order of the governor, has effectively killed HB 4050 and the previously chosen zip codes.

    Attorney General Lisa Madigan and Speaker of the House Mike Madigan need to stay out of this mess. Lisa and Mike should be concerned about their reputation as being labled “racist” who sponsored and supported an act of apartheid.

    Illinois HB 4050 is a very selfish piece of legislation that was leading to a law to wire tap on homeowners in the whole State of Illinois.

  31. - Concerned Voter - Wednesday, Mar 21, 07 @ 6:30 am:

    The words on the streets of Cook County indicate that Illinois House speaker Michael Madigan has redrafted Illinois HB 4050 to include all of Cook County. If this is the case to try to get around the suspension I think Mike should rethink this plan.

    First of all, this is not a county ordinance. Therefore, a State pilot that does not include the whole state of Illinois would, again, be illegal redlining and unfairly targeting “H”ispanics and “B”lacks. I can see “H”"B”4050 causing more trouble than what its worth with more pickets and lawsuits.

    “H”ispanics and “B”lacks will take to the streets to fight this new form of redlining and all Illinois legislators who support the new redlining of Illinois HB 4050.

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