Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Obamarama - Benefitting from the pack mentality? *** Updated x2 ***
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Obamarama - Benefitting from the pack mentality? *** Updated x2 ***

Wednesday, Jan 31, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Let’s start with Sen. Joe Biden’s recent remarks about Obama. Biden is gearing up for his own Democratic presidential bid.

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

His comments weren’t way over the top (if you listen to the audio, there should definitely be a comma after “African-American”), but some of the reaction has been. As Democratic blogger Atrios predicted today…

Volumes could be written about all that was wrong with what Biden said about Obama, but I believe we’ve just witnessed the shortest presidential run in history.

The problem for Biden is that while in South Carolina to speak to a Rotary Club meeting, the Delaware Senator described his home state this way:

“…a slave state that fought beside the North. That’s only because we couldn’t figure out how to get to the South - there were a couple of other states in the way.”

And then there’s this Biden quote

“You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Reporters and bloggers are a lot like Pavlov’s dogs. They regularly replicate story memes that are guaranteed to attract attention. In many reporters’ and bloggers’ minds, widespread attention of their reporting or posts validates their existence. CNN’s debunking of the madrassa-jihad weirdness, for instance, was universally heralded as a great piece of journalism, even though it was really just basic stuff (with a souped-up travel budget). But the attention the story attracted was more important in many ways than the actual content.

The growing meme on Obama is that the bigots and the right wing are out to smear him. Couple that with the obvious recognition rewards for helping debunk those smears, and, for now at least, there is a strong incentive for reporters and bloggers to get into the act.

So, Biden’s latest comments might provoke some unhelpful reportorial and bloggy type pokes through his remarks and Senate votes on racial issues. It’s already starting.

What is happening with Obama is almost completely the opposite of Hillary Clinton’s treatment. She cracked a little joke the other day about “evil men” and the media and the blogs analyzed it to the point of bizarre superfluity.

Reporters, pundits and Hillary-hating bloggers seem to amplify every attack on her, often devising their own when others aren’t available. Part of the reason for this is that reporters, pundits and bloggers have tagged her as supremely calculating, so they believe they must parse every word to discern what she “really” means. The “best” of these are then praised by other pundits/bloggers/Drudge who share the same “insight” into Hillary’s character. That recognition, of course, just provides additional incentive to concoct more silly stories, columns and blog posts.

Meanwhile, Obama has been hammered on liberal blogs for not being tough enough on the right wing, but today many are noting approvingly this Washington Post blog story that he is apparently still holding a grudge against the much-hated (on the left) Fox News for broadcasting the ridiculous madrassa-jihadist story and never fully retracting or apologizing for it.

…the Obama camp has “frozen out” Fox News reporters and producers in the wake of the network’s major screw-up in running with the erroneous Obama-the-jihadist story reported by Insight magazine.

“I’m still in the freezer,” one Fox journalist said, noting that the people at Fox “suffering the most did nothing wrong.”

Perhaps in an attempt to make up for the madrassa stories and/or to jump on the “Obama is being smeared, we must report” bandwagon, Fox News has a new story on the Biden controversy which claims that the Delaware Senator had “fighting words” for Obama.

And finally, our old buddy Rush Limbaugh has apparently dropped the “half minority” label for a catchier version: “Halfrican American.”

Hey, Barack Obama has picked up another endorsement: Halfrican American actress Halle Berry. “As a Halfrican American, I am honored to have Ms. Berry’s support, as well as the support of other Halfrican Americans,” Obama said.

He didn’t say it, but — anyway, there are those out there — greetings.

I’m telling you, folks, and I am not making this up, the man is a twit.

*** UPDATE *** Hotline blog: Biden Calls Obama To Clarify

Rush, apparently, feels no need to do the same.

And if this is not an unseemly analogy, I don’t know what is. “How Obama is Like Barbaro.” Just so there’s no confusion of what I mean: They just killed the horse.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Too funny. Instead of talking about his brand new presidential campaign today, Biden is now being forced to constantly praise Obama to the heavens with every breath. No soup for him.

Back in ‘04, the big joke was that Obama had some sort of supernatural power, or that he was being watched over by a very powerful political god. Everyone who stood in his way was vaporized, often in a gruesome manner. Apparently, he’s still got the mojo.


  1. - Pat Hickey - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 1:34 pm:

    Rush Limbaugh - say with me brothers and sisters - Rush Limbaugh - sounds like bubbles bursting ina bathtub! YesIndeedy!

  2. - OneMan - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 1:35 pm:

    Don’t be too hard on Rush, he is off his meds.

  3. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 1:50 pm:

    I thought Biden hit an all time low when he stole from Neil Kinnock (spelling?). Did he think that news can’t cross the sea?

    I was wrong. Another new low. I looked at the link provided hoping for some context. Apparently, the context was that he thought the comment was funny.

    What is the world he is thinking? He won’t crack 2% in any primary.

  4. - Justice - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 2:01 pm:

    You can forget Biden. As for Obama…hope he can take the heat. They will do everything in their power to beat him down. He just needs to focus and stay on message. I must admit, some of the rhetoric is really funny, if he can get past the prejudice bs. Hope he does well, also hope he keeps his distance from Durbin. I don’t think Durbin adds to Obama’s positive image at all. It’s going to be great watching him react to the slings and arrows, and even greater to see him survive the early primaries!!

  5. - zatoichi - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 2:03 pm:

    Rush needs to get back on the Oxycotin just to rationalize these kind of comments.

    Biden needs to remember the technology is everywhere and it catches the unflatering stuff as easily as the good stuff. His comments will get pounded in blogs and the Chris Mathews of the world. Is there nothing these people say or do that does not get analyzed for the slightest slip or dumb statement. Have to admit Biden’s statements are dumber than the stuff I heard in high school debates. Pretty amateurish.

  6. - Anon - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 2:05 pm:

    Biden is getting all this ink because he hit a nerve.

    Obviously, Obama is getting this attention because he is a clean cut candidate (at least until something more turns up).

    Chisolm - not serious candidate

    Jackson - accompanying Clinton with girl friend while ministering to him after Monica. Also, master of the shakedown.

    Sharpton - Rents his clothes to avoid paying judgment.
    Moseley Braun - Has mother transfer assets to her to avoid medicare getting them.

  7. - amy - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 2:08 pm:

    you are correct sir, the bloggers are overanalyzing
    Hillary to the max. they are either very left
    or very right, and Hillary being in the center,
    and the frontrunner,gets hit from both sides.
    strong women are used to attacks from men and
    weak jealous women. funny thing is, the women
    in the room in Iowa just loved Hillary and
    many mainstream pundits did too. as a long
    time observer of Hillary,she seemed natural
    and having fun. that’s dangerous for anyone
    running against her. underestimate and misjudge
    her at your peril if you are an opponent.
    and, she has many supporters in Illinois, though
    everyone is fearful to go public, what with
    the fawning Obamania of the party leaders.

  8. - Objective Dem - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 2:11 pm:

    Don’t forget Biden’s recent “You CANNOT go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts without an Indian accent.” Sometimes the media can jump a little too hard on a politician’s clumsy joke, but there is something a little off with this guy. Definitely not a presidential sense of humor.

  9. - Archpundit - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 2:15 pm:

    I have the video up of his clarification on the 7-11 line. It’s great that Indians aren’t only engineers and high tech … only now.

    It really has to hurt to be that dumb. I’ll put up my favorite activist story on Biden from 1988 soon.

  10. - Bill Baar - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 2:24 pm:

    Somehow I think politicians prefer these kinds of stories as opposed to getting into the details of real issues. It reminds me of when I lived in Oak Park and Pols would spend endless hours debating making OP nuke free when the real issue was the pot holes. The symbolic, even symbolic slurs, easier to contend with than the d–n pot holes.

    That said, you do wonder when Biden lets lose with a bizarre comment like this, just how much time does he spend with African Americans? Would you speak of a whole group of people this way if you just didn’t think of them as a remote group to be manipulated?

    I think he’s kissed his candidacy good bye here. It’s like Kerry’s Mary Cheney moment. Right or wrong, people view it as a window on a person’s soul and it’s going to leave people uneasey.

  11. - OneMan - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 2:28 pm:

    The other thing that popped into my head was that line from A Hard Day’s Night

    ‘He’s very clean’, perhaps Sen. Obama is Paul’s grandfather?

  12. - Establishment Republican - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 2:36 pm:

    Besides insulting Chisolm, Jackson, Sharpton, Braun, and Keyes, Biden might have to explain how Doug Wilder, the then Governor of Virginia, did not fit the mold when he ran for President in the 1992 cycle.

    Also Rich, I I think it is very possible that Rush might be borrowing that term, which was previously used by someone on the left.

    He has a thing called “illustrating absurdity by being absurd” and people who do not listen to his show in context or who only get their information from left-wing websites like Media Matters, may not realize what he is saying or trying to do.

  13. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 2:37 pm:

    Bill, it’s “loose.” L-O-O-S-E. The opposite of “tight,” not the opposite of “win.”

  14. - Johnny USA - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 2:39 pm:

    Biden spews racial hatred, so we all pile on Rush Limbaugh here instead? I love it….

  15. - Establishment Republican - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 2:44 pm:

    Rush Limbaugh did not invent the term “Halfrican-American”.

    It has been used by many biracial people to describe themselves and was likely used by someone praising Obama or identifying him as such.

    Limbaugh is using that sort of absurd language to do commentary on how he believes people on the left are putting too much emphasis on Obama’s racial background.

  16. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 2:47 pm:

    Let me get this right, ER:

    Limbaugh is making a racist comment to show that people on the left are racists?

    That’s pretty clever.

  17. - train111 - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 2:50 pm:

    To Rush Limbaugh

    As the proud parent of a “Halfrican American”

    Do us all a favor and kindly shut-up!!!!!


  18. - Establishment Republican - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 2:53 pm:

    No, he may very well be using an absurd comment to illustrate the absuridity of those on the left who think that Obama’s racial background sets him aside from others in politics and somehow gives him more credence on that alone. We can see that sort of thinking based on the foolish comments that Biden just made.

    Now, I have not listened to Rush Limbaugh’s program every minute in the past few days to know where exactly he is bringing the particular term up from, but having listened to his show enough, I can say that it would be quite easy for a left-wing site like Media Matters to present something without context or explanation as it relates to Limbaugh’s stated desire to “illustrate absuridty by being absurd.”

    Rich Miller is a hardworking and busy man and I seriously doubt he listens to Rush Limbaugh for three hours every weekday and is able to report on what he says directly.

    He should just know better to not rely on an ideologically driven website like Media Matters as the final authority on this sort of thing as it relates to a provocative radio program.

  19. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 2:57 pm:

    - Johnny USA - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 2:39 pm:

    “Biden spews racial hatred, so we all pile on Rush Limbaugh here instead? I love it…. ”

    I love this comment. It is the perfect mix of ignorance and paranoia that is found on the far right.

    For the record:
    At the time of Johnny’s statement, there were 14 comments.
    3 of them seemingly had nothing to do with either Rush or Biden.
    Of the remaining 11, 8 ripped Biden.

    It seems like Johnny got it exactly wrong. What a perfect fit for the Rush audience.

  20. - John Ruberry - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 2:59 pm:

    Biden should leave the senate, too. Of course, he he does, his son, currently Delaware’s A.G., will probably replace him.

  21. - True Observer - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 3:07 pm:

    Public education has failed us.

    Spoken english is different than written english.

    Shakespeare could draft and redraft.

    The best spoken english involves the use of a lot of short hand and figure of speech.

    “You can’t go into a 7-11 without an Indian accent”

    Any educated person would immediatley recognize that he’s saying that Indians own and manage a whole bunch, if not most, of the 7-11s.

    Any absolutely true statement.

    Instead of applauding him for a wonderful use of the english language, trust the politically correct to make something of it.

    ” I wonder what the looney left is going to say if I start if off with: Four score and …”

  22. - Jeff Trigg - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 3:12 pm:

    Isn’t it interesting that Biden gets more flack for this than his close ties to Joseph Cari Jr. Gotta love Democrats priorities.

  23. - Belle - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 3:17 pm:

    Bid Biden farewell now and save time later. This country has never had a minority that was a serious contender for the presidency. Now we do. Deal with it. And I like that he has banned reporters whose publication printed an unverified story! First you check and see if it’s true….I’m starting to like this guy!

  24. - History buff - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 3:17 pm:

    Are these Biden’s actual words, or is he lifting them off someone else’s work? (1988 anyone?)

  25. - ChiCountryGuy - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 3:23 pm:

    Rich, Limbaugh used “Halfrican” at least one or two days ago. Just because a liberal takes a shot at Obama doesn’t mean you have to find a conservative to do the same just to even it out.

    And if you want to resort to name calling, I think Biden has more of a track record of being a “twit”

  26. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 3:31 pm:

    It is amazing that the people would choose to defend Limbaugh. You would think his record of drug abuse would have ended his career, but apparently that is not a big deal for these people who are happy to excuse both that and his record of racist comments.

    That being said, the fact that both Rusty Limbaugh and Sen. Biden were included in the same post was interesting.

    Rusty wants to say things to get attention and to get ratings.

    Biden wants to say things to make people vote for him.

    It is interesting that both would think that veiled racist statements are the best way to accomplish their goals. It is a pretty savage comment about the state of race relations in America in 2007.

  27. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 3:33 pm:

    ChiCountryGuy, I agree. Biden is also twittish, but that doesn’t diminish Limbaugh’s twithood.

    As far as my motives for posting both pieces, I don’t believe you are capable of reading my mind.

  28. - Objective Dem - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 3:36 pm:

    I have mixed feelings about Obama’s people “freezing out” Fox. My immediate reaction is great, they are partisan hacks and shouldn’t be given the time of day. I wish more people would quit treating them like serious journalists. Then I realized that it sends the message that Obama will ignore and hide from people who play dirty with him. A more complex approach, where he neither yields to nor ignores the right wing media is needed.

  29. - Commonsense in Illinois - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 3:37 pm:

    Does anybody remember the last campaign that was decided on policy and not gutter politics and name calling….Eisenhower maybe…didn’t think so.

  30. - Establishment Republican - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 3:49 pm:

    Rich, did you actually hear Limbaugh’s program yourself or are you relying on media matters?

    Do you concede it may be possible that Limbaugh was doing somewhat of a thought-provoking satirical commentary regarding things that have been said by others about Obama or attitudes that people have about him due to primarily to his racial background?

    I just think you may be jumping to conclusions without having listened to the show.

  31. - ChiCountryGuy - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 3:54 pm:

    I’m still confused how “halfrican” is a racist term.

  32. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 3:55 pm:

    ER, I think Rush can take a little ribbing from little ol’ me. You ditto heads are so hypersensitive.

  33. - Papa Legba - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 3:56 pm:

    Relax everybody. The primaries are only one year away. The body count will add up and all this prattling will be for naught.

  34. - Establishment Republican - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 3:59 pm:

    Rich, it is not that I agree with everything Rush says or even that I enjoy every aspect of his show. I just think if you are going to be so bold to call him a “twit” on multiple occasions, that you at least have all the facts about what might have been said.

    Otherwise, it just looks like you have an ideological problem with a particular show.

  35. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 3:59 pm:


    I suspect that, as a Rusty Limbaugh fan, you are completely ignorant of American history. That makes you part of Rusty’s target audience.

    To see why the term might be offensive, you may want to read our Constitution and see that document’s references to percentages and Americans of African origin.

    When you start talking about people of African origin being a percentage of an American, it brings up some nasty implications.

    Of course, I’m sure that was Rusty’s intent.

  36. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 4:00 pm:

    And perhaps you should stop to think that I may have posted the twit stuff just to get a rise out of you poor, misunderstood dittoheads. lol You guys amuse me with your blanket criticism of anyone who claims offense and then JUMP to demand justice whenever anyone slights your little hero.

  37. - Establishment Republican - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 4:05 pm:

    Rich, I definitely would not say that he is my “hero”, but whether you were trying to get a rise out of people or not, I think you should expect others to be interested in keeping you honest, since your reputation, and that of this blog, is one of a serious, journalistic nature, and not just another left-wing Carl Nyberg style rant-fest.

    If you want to criticize Rush Limbaugh, that’s fine, and you may have some reason to do so in some circumstances (his former drug addiction problem, which Skeeter brought up would not be one), but it only makes sense for someone who wants to be seen as a fair-minded journalist to have actually considered what might not have been mentioned on a left-wing site like Media Matters.

  38. - ChiCountryGuy - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 4:07 pm:

    You would suspect wrong Skeet. I think the man is pompus and arrogant. I just don’t see how the term is racist if infact somebody is half of one thing and half of another.

    You know what assuming does Skeet.

  39. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 4:09 pm:

    “ChiCountryGuy” I think you completely missed Skeeter’s point about the history of assigning racial labels based on a percentage of one’s ancestry. Better read up on that first before commenting again.

  40. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 4:10 pm:

    ER, I have always called them like I see them. And, as far as I’m concerned, Rush Limbaugh is a twit. You’re not gonna change my mind on that point. There’s a long history of this behavior from him (remember MNF?), so you’re gonna have to deal with it.

  41. - Establishment Republican - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 4:16 pm:

    You can have your opinion of course, but its misguided related to what he said about Obama if he is simply using the same sort of rhetoric that others have used to praise Obama.

    Thank you for allowing others to come into the comments here and disagree with you and correct you if necessary, such as when you made a serious factual mistake about Ronald Reagan a few weeks back.

    I am not sure what you mean by MNF?

    Monday Night Football? He wanted the job but it went to Dennis Miller.

  42. - Belle - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 4:22 pm:

    I didn’t think the twittishness of either the left or the right’s blowhards was the point of this. They all blow. It’s what they do. Boring!

  43. - ZC - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 4:29 pm:

    “Rich, did you actually hear Limbaugh’s program yourself or are you relying on media matters?”

    I am very leery of this complaint. Is the implication that it is improper to criticize Rush Limbaugh’s statements unless you listen to his entire show, and regularly? That you cannot take his full sentences and analyze them?

    I do occasionally listen to Rush’s show. Surely listeners would not disagree that a huge percentage of his SHOW is devoted to trying to capture isolated sentences from his enemies, and to criticize them?

    Obviously try and do the best you can, with Biden and with Rush, and extend a principle of charity. But this idea you cannot analyze a quote unless you watch the show too, if taken too far, is ridiculous (and laughably hypocritical, coming from a Limbaugh supporter).

  44. - Establishment Republican - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 4:39 pm:

    ZC, the assumption that I am taking issue with is that Limbaugh should be assumed to have invented the term himself or is using it in a way to suggest that is how he views Obama instead of the possibility that he is laughing at how others view Obama.

    One does not have to listen to every minute of his show to be critical of him,but if they are going to take issue with a specific incident, they should know the facts.

  45. - Crimefighter - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 4:46 pm:

    Rather than calling him a twit, you should try completely debunking what he said. The MNF example is rather way way overblown.

  46. - Crimefighter - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 4:47 pm:

    People have cut and pasted Rush’s words for many years. CONTEXT is everything. If people are outright lying about the meaning of things spoken they should be trashed.

  47. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 4:50 pm:

    Again, it is my considered opinion that he is a twit. It is also my considered opinion that some of ye doth protest too much.

  48. - Archpundit - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 4:50 pm:

    ===You can have your opinion of course, but its misguided related to what he said about Obama if he is simply using the same sort of rhetoric that others have used to praise Obama.

    Examples? Who has used something like halfrican to praise him?

    How does the phrase halfrican make any sense given most African-Americans are from some sort of mixed racial background anyway?

    What is funny about the ‘joke’? The common defense here is that there is some great number of people who are defending Obama because he has parents of different races, but mysteriously no one can point out who these people are, but we all are supposed to know they exist.

    I see it as a plain appeal to those who think miscegenation is wrong somehow. Otherwise,what’s the joke?

  49. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 4:52 pm:

    What AP said.

  50. - Establishment Republican - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 4:57 pm:

    If you do a google search, you can find examples of people proudly calling themselves Halfrican-Americans.

    Now, I have said I do not know exactly where all this started from, but my point is that *neither do you folks*.

    I do know that Rush Limbaugh did not invent the term and is not saying that Obama’s racial background is a reason to vote against him.

    AP, did you wind up apologizing to Jerry Weller?

  51. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 4:59 pm:

    AP apologized. Will Rush?

  52. - Establishment Republican - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 5:02 pm:

    I have no idea what he would necessarily need to apologize for, if he was not claiming that Obama’s race is a negative, but thats up to him.

    If you have pre-concieved notions about Rush Limbaugh based on things you said, I think you would at least understand why some people would look at Arch-Pundit or Carl Nyberg in a similar way for things they said in the Jerry Weller situation.I won’t resort to name calling though.

    At least Rich tried to warn them off.

  53. - Garp - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 5:03 pm:

    I can’t stand Rush Limbaugh. Listening to him makes my skin crawl and makes me wish there were 5 more sports radio stations.

    Having said that, that Halfrican American stuff is going to stick. I have a feeling conservajoke radio is going to beat it to death.

  54. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 5:07 pm:

    ==I have a feeling conservajoke radio is going to beat it to death.===

    All the while claiming that they’re not being racists, I’m sure.

    ER, I have a good friend (white) who is married to a black woman. They have children. Do you think it would be appropriate to ask my friend how his “Halfrican” kids are? If you think it would be OK, then allow me to introduce you to this man. I’m sure he’d like to clue you in.

  55. - Establishment Republican - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 5:12 pm:

    No Rich, but I am referring to the fact that you could go do a google search for the term and find instances of biracial people who specifically use that term,and who have named their blogs or myspace pages, after it, etc.

    I certainly think it is a dumb term and I think that people are out of line to oppose or support Obama if their primary reason for doing so is his racial background, but you have to admit that you do not know for certian that Limbaugh was using the term as an attack against Obama, when his history of saying absurd things just to get a rise out of people or to illustrate absurdity means he was more interested in critiquing those who fawn over Obama because of his race or who go out of their way to point it out like Joe Biden did.

    Let Obama rise or fall based on his own merits.

  56. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 5:18 pm:

    Again, if it’s inappropriate to refer to my pal’s kids as Halfrican, then Rush is being a twit. Intentional or parody, it’s twittish. The issue isn’t what some people call themselves. It’s what Limbaugh called Obama and Berry.

  57. - Establishment Republican - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 5:21 pm:

    My theory is that it is his main point to say that the people who used that term to gush over Obama (or who criticize him that he isn’t black enough, such as what was used against him in the 2000 campaign) are being twitish, and he is trying to illustrate that absurdity.

    I concede that I have been listening to his show less frequently during the past few weeks, because I have been more interested in hearing Bears talk, but it seems like Rich is admitting that he has not listened to the show at all.

    Rush may be agreeing with you Rich.

    And I have to go now, so have a good evening, and on something that most people here can agree on, Go Bears!

  58. - Archpundit - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 5:27 pm:

    ===No Rich, but I am referring to the fact that you could go do a google search for the term and find instances of biracial people who specifically use that term,and who have named their blogs or myspace pages, after it, etc.

    Of course, this is only half of what you claimed saying that Rush was making fun of people who were supporting Obama because he had parents of different races.

    Where are these examples? They have to exist for the joke to make sense. Where are they? Saying do a google search and you might find someone like that isn’t credible since one would assume picking out some random guy on-line doesn’t represent a widespread movement.

    So who is saying Obama should be supported because of having parents of different races? The multiple voices in Rush’s head don’t count.

    And let me make a point about me screwing up the Weller story. I did apologize and I still bring it up fairly regularly. When I make mistakes I attempt to issue corrections and apologies to both readers and the people affected.

    That you are calling me on that while trying to defend Rush Limbaugh who has sputtered nearly every right wing conspiracy theory for years and seldom issues corrections is a bit bizarre. For that matter, Fox News hasn’t corrected its story nor apologized related to the madrassa story. Let me guess you are also a big Fox News fan. So I did what you are suggesting–are you up in arms when Limbaugh and Fox doesn’t do the same?

  59. - Archpundit - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 5:32 pm:

    ===My theory is that it is his main point to say that the people who used that term to gush over Obama (or who criticize him that he isn’t black enough, such as what was used against him in the 2000 campaign) are being twitish, and he is trying to illustrate that absurdity.

    Okay, who is using his parents being of different races as the reason to back him? If it’s so widespread, show where people are saying it’s great he is a halfrican. You’ve set the bar higher than you seem to understand. First you have to show that halfrican is not insulting and generally finding a few people on web sites using the word just as some people might use the n word to describe themselves isn’t a standard to cling to.

    Beyond that, you have stated the joke is that all these people support and use the term halfrican as a reason to back Obama. I know of no serious examples of this, though I’m sure I can find people who will say about anything on the internets.

    If it is satire of people using the word, then where is the word being used to describe Obama by people who use it as a reason to back him. Very simple.

  60. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 31, 07 @ 5:35 pm:

    Larry gets the last word. I’m not cutting this off because of the Rush stuff. I quite enjoy the rough and tumble sport of it. I’m cutting it off because I’ve deleted three blatantly racists comments (all caught, thankfully, by my moderating software before they appeared) and I’m not gonna babysit this post all night. Three’s my limit.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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