Cullerton: Ban smoking statewide
Thursday, Jan 11, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
Yet another hot-button issue for the spring session.
Though a patchwork of cities and suburbs already have banned smoking in public places, state lawmakers today introduced legislation that would prohibit smoking in all public spots in Illinois — from taverns and restaurants to stores and bowling alleys.
State Sen. John Cullerton (D-Chicago), who introduced the bill, said the time has come for Illinois to join more than a dozen other states with broad smoking bans. He said medical studies prove secondhand smoke is dangerous to patrons and employees, especially those working in bars and restaurants. […]
Legislative leaders and the governor reacted cautiously to the measure, one of the first bills to be introduced in the newly minted General Assembly. The offices of Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich and House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) said they wanted to see the legislation first.
“We’ll look and see what’s happening,” said Senate President Emil Jones (D-Chicago). “I don’t make off-the-cuff decisions on critical issues like that.”
[Comments closed. Move to the fresh thread.]
This just in… Troutman to run for re-election
Thursday, Jan 11, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
Check out Alderman Troutman’s raucous news conference here. Unedited video. Must see. Chicago politics at its craziest.
Tribune story:
At a raucous City Hall news conference before today’s City Council meeting, Ald. Arenda Troutman asserted that she has been “an upstanding alderman for 17 years,” and will continue to seek reelection in February.
She said she “will continue to fight for my people and this city and the 20th Ward and stand strong.”
With about 50 supporters behind her, Troutman would not talk specifically about the bribery charges lodged against her, but her attorney, Sam Adam Jr., said the government’s case is baseless.
To Troutman’s challengers in February, Adam said, “Bring your ‘A’ game because Ald. Troutman is back.”
“I am bringing my ‘A’ game,” shot back David Neely, one of her challengers, who attended the news conference. “I will be the alderman of the 20th Ward,” he said as the Troutman supporters booed.
Attorney David Neely, who is on the Feb. 27 ballot trying to unseat Troutman, attended Troutman’s City Hall news conference, Neely repeated his call for a two-term limit for Chicago aldermen and, to the jeers of Troutman’s supporters, said: “If you look at the history of Chicago, every time a politician has been charged with committing a crime, they have press conferences. Their attorneys stand up and say they didn’t do it. There are tape recordings. There are videos. She will be indicted by Friday. And the people of the 20th Ward are being neglected.â€
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More engagement announcements
Thursday, Jan 11, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
First it was Joe, then Jake, then Mike and now Kevin and Eddie? The old gang is breaking up. Is Dring getting nervous?
Congratulations to all.
Sorry, they made me promise not to open up comments.
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Question of the day
Thursday, Jan 11, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
I linked to this in Morning Shorts, but Mark Brown’s column today is about 48th Ward aldermanic candidate Chris Lawrence, who may be booted off the ballot on a technicality.
Correa will recommend that Lawrence be dropped from the ballot because he failed to file a receipt with election officials to prove that he had properly filed another document called a “Statement of Economic Interest” with the county clerk.
As a stunned Lawrence complained afterward that the scenario was “Kafkaesque” and the punishment draconian, Raucci had to remind him that “politics ain’t bean bag.”
What flabbergasted Lawrence was that he had actually met the requirement of filing the Statement of Economic Interest, sometimes referred to as an ethics disclosure because it requires candidates and officeholders to divulge information about where they make their money. But Lawrence admits he screwed up on the receipt.
Question: Should Illinois’ ballot access laws be loosened to allow more candidates to run? Or should the tight rules remain intact to discourage tons of amateurs from “cluttering” up the ballot.
[Bumped upwards and excerpts added for discussion purposes.]
You can listen to Speaker Michael Madigan’s Wednesday afternoon media availability below.
* Sun-Times: State to flirt with date for Obama - Madigan backs moving up ‘08 presidential primary so Illinois voters can impact election
Illinois would join a slew of states eyeing Feb. 5 primaries or caucuses. But only four — Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire and South Carolina — would hold presidential contests sooner.
‘’These states are . . . clearly not as representative of America as Illinois would be,'’ Madigan said, adding that the Democratic presidential nomination might be unofficially clinched by Illinois’ current mid-March primary date.
* Tribune: Madigan: Earlier primary would help Obama bid
Madigan also said it was not decided whether primary contests for state offices, such as the legislature, would be held on the earlier date.
* AP: Madigan wants to aid Obama by changing primary date
Senate President Emil Jones, D-Chicago, said he wants to discuss the idea with Obama, his political protege. ‘’This came out of the clear-blue sky. I don’t know whether that would help Obama or hurt him,'’ Jones said.
* Hotline Blog: IL To Move Primary To Help Obama?
“That’s like lowering the hoop for Shaq,” an aide to one of Obama’s potential rivals tells the Hotline.
* Daily Herald: A move to help Obama
State Sen. Terry Link of Waukegan said he doesn’t see Madigan’s point.
“I think Barack will carry Illinois without moving up the primary,†said Link, the Lake County Democratic chairman. “I’m not sure why this would be significant for Obama. His momentum will be when he carries Iowa and New Hampshire.â€
* Copley: Madigan wants to move ‘08 primary to February - Would give state more clout, might boost Obama
Andy McKenna, chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, did not take a position Wednesday on Madigan’s proposal.
“I think it’s healthy to fully examine the potential to make Illinois more relevant in the presidential primary process, but it’s bad precedent to craft significant change purely around the ambitions of one individual,” McKenna said.
Listen, read then discuss.
School funding is a super-hot topic right now
Thursday, Jan 11, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
One way to avoid public calls for more money for public schools (and, therefore, higher taxes) is to silence public bodies designed to calculate the financial need.
A government board charged with recommending state school funding missed a Jan. 1 deadline to report to lawmakers because Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s administration has not reconvened the panel. […]
Still, it is the second time Blagojevich has been slow to marshal EFAB, which consists solely of his appointees. By law, the five-person panel every two years must recommend a per-pupil “foundation” level - the minimum amount of money deemed necessary to give most Illinois children an adequate education.
Under the threat of a lawsuit two years ago, the governor’s office filled vacancies on the board, and the panel - three months late - recommended a foundation level of $6,405 per student. The budget lawmakers and Blagojevich approved later that year fell short of the mark, providing for a foundation of only about $5,200.
Meanwhile, Senate President Emil Jones made it pretty clear yesterday that he wants a tax increase for education.
Jones outlined an ultimate goal of having state government provide more than half of all school funding. He called for increasing the amount of money the poorest schools in the state receive as well as a funding plan for new school construction.
Jones said all options are on the table now, except for raising the state sales tax because it is too regressive. He has long supported increasing the income tax and expanding gambling as well as various ways to exchange a higher income tax for lower property taxes.
“The state has a revenue problem, not a spending problem,” Jones said. “It’s our job to come up with a solution to solve the problem.” [..]
“Governor, I want to thank you for the job you’ve done the past four years to increase (education) funding,” Jones said. “You are on the right track, but we must go further.”
He said the top 20 districts spend $14,000 to $28,000 per year on each student, while more than 600 districts spend the minimum of $5,334 per student. He compared that to the $21,000-per-year average to house an inmate, and noted that 62 percent of prisoners are high school dropouts.
And House Speaker Michael Madigan all but said he would push for higher taxes.
I’m prepared to engage in unpopular choices,†said Madigan, who warned that the state is facing a huge backlog of unpaid bills. […]
For Madigan, the focal point of the upcoming session will be the state’s shaky finances. He said he’s made tough choices in the past and is ready to make them again.
“I’m not going to be feint of heart,†said Madigan.
Kj on the hot seat again
Thursday, Jan 11, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
While Kjellander is often a too-convenient scapegoat for both the media and conservative Republicans, this controversy is not going away until he does.
When they gather this weekend near Chicago, leaders of the state GOP may end up confronting the proverbial elephant in the room: the continuing backlash against Republican National Committeeman Bob Kjellander.
The meeting agenda of the Republican State Central Committee does not specifically mention Kjellander, the Springfield consultant who serves as the Illinois GOP’s national representative and RNC treasurer. But state party directors probably will hear about him if Fayette County Republican Chairman Randy Pollard addresses the panel, as he said he intends to do.
Pollard, who oversees the statewide organization for county GOP chairmen, said a group of 30 of his colleagues unanimously passed a resolution in November seeking Kjellander’s resignation. Specifically, he said, the measure urged Illinois Republican Party Chairman Andy McKenna to ask Kjellander to step down.”It was brought up at our meeting. It was handled. It was over with, and we moved on,” Pollard said this week.
Only 30? Was the vote rigged in advance?
Kjellander also said the county chairmen’s meeting in November was called with two days’ notice, and drew only a fraction of the 102 county GOP leaders in the state.
“I was not given an opportunity to address the group,” Kjellander said, “and I have spoken to Randy Pollard subsequently and offered to meet with the county chairmen’s association at their convenience.”
Have at it.
Morning shorts
Thursday, Jan 11, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Zorn: “Day in and day out, the pantomime routines in the General Assembly can fool you into thinking that the process is pretty much like what your middle-school civics teacher taught you about how a bill becomes law. But when it comes to big, controversial issues, it’s much more like what your history teacher taught you about how monarchs dominated the peasantry.”
* New group wants public review for legislation - Claims measures often approved too quickly
* Cook County Dems could pick first Hispanic party chief
* Brown: Just getting on the ballot is more than half the battle
* Editorial: Look who’s not talking about corruption
* Editorial: A chip off the old political bloc
* Troutman denies ‘ho’s’ remark - Attends meeting despite arrest
* Ethanol plant set to grow
* County leader rips Springfield - 40 layoffs in DuPage blamed on nixed tax
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