Question of the day
Thursday, Feb 1, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller The governors of Illinois and Indiana and the mayors of Chicago and Indianapolis have placed their Super Bowl bets. It’s mostly just local food products. Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn has a more interesting bet with his Hoosier counterpart. [Emphasis added.]
I like that a whole lot better, but the Cubs? Quinn’s office says the White Sox weren’t in town that day, so he had little choice. Whatever. Anyway, to the question: If you were the governor, mayor or light guv, what would be your Super Bowl bet? Snark strongly encouraged.
- Paul Richardson - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 9:32 am:
Nothing compares with the Wrigley experience. Boatloads of booze and the risk of getting hit by falling concrete. What can compete?
Need it be said, “This is the year.”
- Tom B. - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 9:33 am:
The best bet in the world would be a hair swap between Rod and Mitch Daniels. Rod would have to shave if he lost and Mitch would have to do the Elvis wig.
For those who haven’t seen the gov of IN.
- Jake from Elwood - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 9:39 am:
If the Bears win, Chicago is allowed to annex the Horseshoe Casino in Hammond.
If the Colts win, Indiana is permitted to annex Balmoral race track in Crete.
Or we could permit the winning team’s state to lease the losing state’s lottery out to a for-profit company.
- Collin Hitt - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 9:40 am:
Now that’s state-sponsored gambling!
If the Bears offense is on their game, and playing well (not great), they put 28 up on Indy. Easy.
If the Bears defense is on their game, and playing well (not greate), no offense in the history of the game should be able to put 28 up on them.
In short: if the Bears come to play, they win.
- Ivote - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 9:44 am:
If the Bears win, Illinois gives Inidana OUR Governor. If the Colts win, Indiana takes our Governor. Talk about a win-win situation.
- Wumpus - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 9:47 am:
I am sure the veterans would prefer job opportunities under veterans preference Patty O’Teabag.
- ZC - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 9:49 am:
If the Colts win, Daley pays two fiberclass cows stuffed with unmarked bills.
- Pat Hickey - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 9:50 am:
Having lived in the wonderful State of Indiana (from 1988-1998), peopled by patriots and rock-ribbed good folks and Amish buggy passers, I can say with cold-blooded certainty that Illinois loses, when the Bears win.
Aside from, homey fare and jars of pickled everything ( listners, smellers, gravel agitators, and even light fixtures - brined and pickled) the food is as exciting and tasty as particle board. Rib-sticking to be sure - but worth a Superbowl? Illinois stands tall above our neighbors to the east as far as barter chow goes.
- Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 10:04 am:
The lottery, Thompson Center and a U.S. Attorney for the brickyard, Butler University and Terre Haute.
- Belle - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 10:32 am:
Why not have the losing Guv wash the winning Guv’s vehicle in full makeup and drag and heels, in public, with a crowd - sell tickets, give the money to a food bank. (don’t let the Illinois Guv or his people handle the money, you’ll never see it again!)
- Ali Bin Haddin - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 10:52 am:
Bears win, Blago gets two years off his sentence at the Federal Pen in Terre Haute.
Colts win, Blago gets two additional years added to his sentence and enough smokes to bribe the prison barber.
- Skeeter - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 10:52 am:
We could trade our lottery for their tollroads.
No, sorry. Can’t do that. They sold their tollroads, and we are selling our lottery.
- Dooley Dudright - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 10:58 am:
Colts win: Bears must give back “The Pride of Indiana”, Rex Grossman (a native of Indy) and Kyle Orton (Purdue graduate). This ensures that Bears go 14-0 next season and win Super Bowl XLII.
Colts lose: Indiana is forced to take back Rex Grossman and Kyle Orton, thereby ensuring that Colts go 0-14 next season.
Bears win: Indiana must accept everyone Patrick Fitzgerald indicts this year for extraordinary rendition in Kokomo.
- not on the clout list - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 11:05 am:
How about Waukegan for Gary straight up.
Maybe Quinn bet cubs tix because he didn’t want to give up his sox season tix in the 500 level
- Nick Naylor - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 11:06 am:
Why would any soldier want to go to 35th and the Dan Ryan? I thought the idea was to get them OUT OF A COMBAT ZONE!
Send them to Wrigley, and remind them of the way of life they are fighting to preserve!
1060 W. Addison = Hot girls, fun bars, and yes …even a little baseball
- Levois - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 11:12 am:
I’d go for making sure our veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan get some tickets to some sporting events when they get home. And I can go for donating some money to charity too.
- South Sider - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 11:43 am:
Nick Naylor: You haven’t been around the Cell lately, have you?
Bridgeport is gentrifying. The projects across the Dan Ryan don’t even exist anymore. $300,000 condos are rising in their place. IIT is building dormitories. Bronzeville is a hot address. A Metra stop is being built at 35th Street.
The area’s come along way since the old Comiskey.
- Just Observing - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 12:22 pm:
What is Dan Hynes betting with the Indiana Comptroller?
- Pat Collins - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 12:36 pm:
If the Colts win Rod needs to spend 30 consecutive days and nights in Springfield.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 12:48 pm:
This is the year for what, Paul? Worst record ever?
Apparently, I not only have to teach this guy about Illinois politics, but I also have to show them the light about baseball.
- Veritas - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 1:56 pm:
Personally, I’d much rather spend a day in Wrigleyville than down at Sox Park.
- Justice - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 2:34 pm:
If the Bears win, Blogo stays in Chicago and only teleconfrences. If the Bears lose, Blogo stays in Chicago and only teleconferences. If it ends in a blowout or is really close, Blogo stays in Chicago! If the game is called….Blogo stays in Chicago. Bears by 16!!
- Lovie's Leather - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 2:34 pm:
If Chicago wins, all of Blago’s family gets patronage jobs in Indiana and vice versa.
- ELuv - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 2:39 pm:
The reason that Pat Quinn bet Cubs tix was so that the Indy Lt. Gov had much less of a chance of being mugged at Wrigley. Personal experience with horrible fans during the Detroit series at US Cellular last year. Anytime a 63 year old man is threatened because he’s wearing another team’s hat–lets just say that it shows poorly on the entire city.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 2:42 pm:
It doesn’t show poorly on the entire city. It shows poorly on one idiot. Move along, please.
- Shallow Pharnyx - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 2:58 pm:
If the Bears win, Indiana’s Governor’s mansion becomes Blagos summer home.
If the Colts win, Indiana’s Governor gets to keep Illinois’ Governor’s mansion.
- Frank Booth - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 3:46 pm:
Here’s a good trade: UIS for UIPUI
Translation: University of Illinois at Springfield for Indiana Unviversity-Purdue University Indianapolis
- Some Guy - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 4:28 pm:
Colts win, they get Ditka.
Bears win, we get Bobby Knight.
Oh, I know Knight ain’t there anymore, but it’s Indiana, what else am I going to say? A memorial hood from D. C. Stephenson?
Bears win: Colts are forced to take back Indiana native son Rick Mirer.
Colts win: Bears forced to put him back on the roster.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 4:32 pm:
===Colts win, they get Ditka.
Bears win, we get Bobby Knight. ====
Shouldn’t that be the other way around?
- Bears by 10 - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 6:55 pm:
I have no idea what the bet should be but if I was Gov. Daniels I would get it in writing.
- Papa Legba - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 6:57 pm:
Tainted weenies corrupted by the machine processing. No matter who wins, Chicago will always have them.
- Huh? - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 7:06 pm:
Bears by 10 - Rather than getting it in writing, I would have the booty held by a second party.
- Beowulf - Thursday, Feb 1, 07 @ 7:40 pm:
If the Bears lose, Mayor Daley must offer 10 members of the Indianapolis Mayor’s family and friends Chicago trucking contracts or they can choose instead to go on as Chicago ghost payrollers.
- HappyToaster - Friday, Feb 2, 07 @ 11:10 am:
Are they kidding with the Indy 500 tickets? They hand those out at tire stores now days. The Brickyard race is the hot ticket. Even if it means putting up with a drunken Hoosier NASCAR fan barfing into your cooler in 105° heat.
- Nick Naylor - Friday, Feb 2, 07 @ 12:06 pm:
South sider -
No offense - just following the “snark encouraged” guidelines. I was there last season for a game. It is better than it used to be, but we still got to the red line asap once the game was over.