The Peoria Journal-Star’s Phil Luciano takes a look at Obama’s cigarette vice.
I realized smoking can be deadly, but to political careers?
Barack Obama isn’t taking any chances. He says he wants to kick the habit for health. But pundits say smoking could be a political liability, as if a cigarette would make him an unsuitable commander in chief.
Let me understand this: Voters will tolerate womanizing, boozing, pot-smoking and all sorts of bad behavior - but not a perfectly legal activity such as smoking?
And the St. Petersburg Times also has a recent story about this…
“For many people, smoking is seen as a sign of weakness and lack of willpower, ” said John Banzhaf III, a law professor at George Washington University and executive director of Action on Smoking and Health, a group opposed to smoking. “A presidential candidate would not want to be seen as lacking strong will or lacking determination.”
But others say Obama’s smoking and his struggle to quit could enhance his image.
“I think it humanizes him,” said Chuck Todd, editor of the Hotline, a political Web site. “He’s got a vice. We all have vices.”
Obama has said he often smoked as a response to stress, particularly during campaigns and while writing books. Asked about it in 2005, he invoked a biblical phrase: “The flesh is weak.”
But he emphasized Tuesday that he was discreet about his smoking.
“I’ve never been a heavy smoker and don’t smoke in front of folks or in the house,” he said.
I’ve been surprised by how many people say Obama’s puffing is a complete turnoff for them and will effect their vote. Do you care, and if you do, why?
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 9:12 am:
My wife and I who have been Obama for Senate supporters are completely turned off.
And why not? Ever since we were in grade school we have been told that smoking is wrong. We have been seeing smokers shoved outside, forced to admit their habits, showed television ads for quitters and ads for the dangers of smoking.
After 45 years, what do you expect we’d think?
Smoking does not make him look human. It makes him look stinky and addicted.
He needs to quit and yesterday.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 9:15 am:
Geez, I’m not through.
The problem is smoking doesn’t fit what a modern leader does. I supported Topinka, but I’ve known ladies like her all my life and she fit that image. Obama as a smoker definately doesn’t work.
Besides, I hear smoking makes you ears big.
- jerry - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 9:16 am:
Couldn’t care less if he smokes.
A drinking problem would be a concern, but smoking? Nope.
- Pat collins - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 9:20 am:
I was about to write out a 1000 check to his campaign, and put out yard signs. Then I saw he was a smoker.
So I didn’t. *^^*
Seriously, it’s very ironic. When you are part of a party, you get it’s platform, for good or for ill. Remember what a big deal was made about Bill Bennett’s smoking?
What goes around comes around. Biden learned that, now it’s Obama’s turn.
I suspect that most real people don’t care. Too bad.
- Ambulance chaser - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 9:24 am:
I can’t believe this blog contributors are being serious to change their minds. I suspect they are play acting. I also think the story is a “leak” with political purpose. Has any local seen him smoke? I think he’s been very discreet about it and could have kept it under wraps indefinitely.
- Ali Bin Haddin - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 9:27 am:
The Smokenazis sharpen their knives and lurk in the shadows ready to attack.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 9:34 am:
Smoking is a big deal.
The censors reviewing an episode of Desperate Housewives had no problem with one of the lead characters committing statuatory rape with a teen, but did have problems with her smoking in bed afterwards.
And look at Dick Durbin. I have been spanked by Rich by bringing up the guy’s anti-smoking stands and wishing someone could convince him that Bin Laden was a smoker to make Durbin go after terrorists - I’m joking here, Rich - but it shows just how committed anti-smokers have become.
And we aren’t changing our minds, really. It is just that Obama’s image doesn’t mesh with smoking. Bill Bennett, yes; Topinka, definately, but Obama? Nope - doesn’t work. He has to quit!
- Bill Baar - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 9:36 am:
I’m convinced Obama want’s us talking his cig habit instead of this,
Democratic Sen. Barack Obama, of Illinois introduced a bill Thursday on the Senate floor to cap the number of troops sent to Iraq.
“It now falls on Congress to find a way to support our troops in the field while still preventing the president from multiplying his previous mistakes,” Obama said in a statement. “That is why I not only favor capping the number U.S. troops in Iraq, but believe it’s imperative that we begin the phased redeployment I called for two months ago.”
Get elected Prez, you have crushing stress. If tobacco your solution great. Now lets talk about war and the logic of what Obama proposes.
- ZC - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 9:41 am:
If we expect an otherwise outstanding candidate to have no minor vices of any kind, even private ones that he doesn’t parade in public, then we deserve the boobs that our democratic process will leave us with. Who the hell cares if Obama smokes? Anyone who admires FDR, JFK, Winston Churchill, go and compare their personal habits versus Obama’s.
Clearly these pecadillos do matter - one of the things my mom disliked about George Bush I was how he would openly pronounce that he didn’t like broccoli, and nobody was going to make him eat it. But I can dream.
- Leroy - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 9:45 am:
I’ll give him a pass for doing cocaine when he was younger, but I’m not giving him a pass when he continues to kill others (especially children) with his second hand smoke.
Is he that out of touch? Smoking bans are be passed on a daily basis here in Illinois.
- steve schnorf - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 9:46 am:
shame on the censors.
- Jeff - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 9:49 am:
I think the concern is going to come into play now that he announces he is going to try to quite smoking and the day he is still smoking. That’s like announcing you’re going to quit and a year later, you’re still doing it. This action shows a weak self-discipline and may make him appear negatively to the public eye.
And then the ads: “Obama can’t quick smoking, so you think he can pull our troops out of Iraq” Could you imagine him blowing smoke into the face of China’s leader? I think he has to succeed in this endeavor, or he’ll be a failure in more ways than one.
- Ivote - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 10:08 am:
Smoking is a horrible habit, and from what friends hae told me very very difficult to break. My mother quit at 82 after 60 years of smoking, tho–choosing to continue breathing rather than die of emphysema. The real problem with Obama smoking is what message it will send to America’s youth—”If President Obama can smoke, I can smoke” they’ll say–and the number of smokers (and, thus smokers’ illnesses and death and health care costs) will SKYROCKET. He’s gotta quit. Absolutely MUST! I can’t vote to send a message to American kids (and adults) that smoking is OK.
- Wumpus - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 10:12 am:
It is improtant when the dems make bashing big tobacco a part of their daily talking points. Not necessarily him, but they are anti tobacco and anti oil. It may be hypocrisy, but since Obama smokes, it will be deemed healthy.
- leigh - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 10:30 am:
I am a Republican so I don’t know if my thoughts count, but as I have said previously, it does affect my view of Obama in negative way. I think it is silly that it does, but it does.
- i d - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 10:32 am:
As long as he does not smoke in my presence, I don’t care. As long as he does not help my neighbors burn everthing including their Christmas wrappings, wet leaves, branches, newspapers, green branches and building waste, I don’t care.
- Utility Infielder - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 10:40 am:
IV, America’s youth are all watching MTV and Rap videos. They will be foulmouthed womanazing cop killers but thank God they won’t be smokers.
- Bubs - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 10:59 am:
Wow. Slow news day.
- Objective Dem - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 11:23 am:
While I don’t like smoking, it doesn’t bother me that Obama smokes. The interesting question for me is how many other politicians smoke and why is it not discussed.
Is it because the others typically smoke cigars? For instance, I have seen references that George W. smokes cigars but won’t let the media photograph him. I truly hate to reference it, but Clinton enjoyed cigars. Guiliani likes cigars. Mayor Daley likes cigars. I would bet a dime on the dollar that other presidential candidates smoke cigars.
It strikes me that cigar smoking is part of political culture. But likewise politicians avoid being seen with a cigar in the mouth because it symbolizes the smoke filled room and political bosses. Maybe Obama just needs to switch to cigars and the issue will go away.
- The Ghost - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 11:28 am:
I’m not supporting Obama anyway, but this moralizing ticks me off.
I have yet to see any footage of Obama smoking. He says he doesn’t smoke around his family or others. So he’s being politically demonized for a perfectly legal (albeit bad) habit.
The Smoke Police need to give it a rest. Many great leaders in our history were smokers. Sure, they didn’t know the health risks. But nobody called them weak or stupid.
Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em!
- Justice - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 11:39 am:
Smoking is a tough habit to kick. The problem, as I see it from a political standpoint, is that if he chooses to do something that he knows is bad for himself, and others, how does this affect his decisions regarding other things that may be bad for those around him, the citizens? It is always in the back of the minds of folks….it can become a matter of his willpower and ultimately a matter of trust. It’s all about spin!
- 105th Blues - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 11:42 am:
Being a smoker has extremely high negatives in polling. That’s your answer
- Papa Legba - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 11:51 am:
I don’t care. Hey it’s tax money. Right?
“For many people, smoking is seen as a sign of weakness and lack of willpower, †said John Banzhaf III, a law professor at George Washington University.
I guess Banzhaf III never heard of Eisenhower or Churchill. I wouldn’t classify them as “weak”.
- Ambulance chaser - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 12:20 pm:
If we want to be really jaded, let’s surmise that he’s not really addicted and this endeavor will give him another platform to shine when he climbs the smoke-free mountain.
- Cassandra - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 12:24 pm:
This sounds like Trivial Issues to Distract the Populace on the part of Obama’s handlers. The “madrasa that wasn’t”. The questions about the church’s charter. And now, smoking. This is all supposed to add up to Obama being persecuted because he’s African American. We’re supposed to be outraged and vote for him as a result.
Meanwhile, the man hasn’t provided an original or courageous idea yet on Iraq and the budget, two crucial issues for us all. His Iraq plan is a knockoff of other Democratic plans floating around and it isn’t going anywhere because the Senate has now completely dropped the ball on Iraq. And his only ideas for the budget so far are to raise the taxes of the top 1 percent of wage earners….among whom he is….like that’s going to happen.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 12:39 pm:
Cassandra, if I’m understanding you correctly, then that has to be one of the sillier posts you’ve done here. Are you really saying that Obama’s “handlers” planted the madrassa story? Not sure what the “church charter” story was. Please explain. Your hyper-cynicism appears to worsen over time.
- DOWNSTATE - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 12:45 pm:
I am not a Obama fan but holy jeez why don’t the press and their silly season go get a beer.Who cares if he smokes.You mean if someone smokes it puts their brain in the stop position.This world has bigger things than smoking to worry about.
- diane - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 12:47 pm:
I could care less about this. Half of Washington smokes something. We just got back from there and 60 percent of the conversation, in person and in the press, is about where to go to smoke and the inconvenience of the new smoking ban in the district.
- Scott Fawell's Cellmate - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 1:12 pm:
“Barack Obama, smoker - Discuss.”
Definitive slow news day.
Topinka smokes cigarettes by the carton and drinks coffee by the gallon and yet no one has ever asked in her long, long political career if this abuse to her body effects her ability to lead.
Actually, come to think of it, I think we prefer our leaders to let themselves go.
Blago and Bush are runners and health fanatics, but are unpopular and generally unloved. Whereas Topinka and Bill Clinton were known to throw back a beer and savor a chili dog and many people have warm feelings for them still. Teetotaler Jim Edgar is respected, but Jim Thompson and his legendary end-of-session parties is missed.
- ANON - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 1:15 pm:
“Quitting would make him seem more human…”
Don’t do it Barack- you’re supposed to be a superhero.
If he enjoys smoking, let him continue. I am sure he is perfectly aware of the risks.
- Bubs - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 1:16 pm:
Liberals should recall that their ultimate hero, John F. Kennedy, was a fairly heavy cigar smoker. He was forever putting his lit cigar butt in his pocket when he saw a voter (or a camera), and kept ruining his suits with burn holes. His handlers eventually lined all his suit coat pockets with asbestos cloth.
If it was good enough for “Camelot”, then . . .
- George Ryan's Cellmate - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 1:31 pm:
“Barack Obama, smoker - Discuss.”
Definitive slow news day.
Topinka smokes cigarettes by the carton and drinks coffee by the gallon and yet no one has ever asked in her long, long political career if this abuse to her body effects her ability to lead.
Actually, come to think of it, I think we prefer our leaders to let themselves go.
Blago and Bush are runners and health fanatics, but are unpopular and generally unloved. Whereas Topinka and Bill Clinton were known to throw back a beer and savor a chili dog and many people have warm feelings for them still. Teetotaler Jim Edgar is respected, but Jim Thompson and his legendary end-of-session parties is missed.
- True Observer - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 1:36 pm:
Camelot was Camelot. A fairy tale.
Except, some good writers and a man with a golden delivery to voice the lines.
Compare Obama’s halting delivery to JFK’s or MLK’s flawless delivery. No comparison.
Times change. People’s view of things changes.
Today smoking is frowned upon.
At any restaurant. Just look at the people who ask for non-smoking. Clean cut. Clothes don’t smell.
Acid Test -
How politicians treat potential voters.
No more preferred group than smokers to gang up on with taxes, etc.
- LeeM - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 1:38 pm:
Is smoking going to be the new version undocumented worker “nanny” litmus test?
What’s next? Are you intentionally trying to destroy the planet by driving a gas guzzler SUV?
- Shallow Pharnyx - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 2:12 pm:
There are worse vices!!
What the heck was Cassandra trying to impart? She soo lost me with her second sentence. If she isn’t ranting about state workers she is going off on some unintelligible rant. Please explain.
- Mike's Used Sports Section - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 2:26 pm:
Obama is okay by me either way, I don’t care one bit about him smoking or quitting.
BUT I would care if he tried to regulate my excessive drinking, over-eating or compulsive gambling habits. . . .
- Citizen A - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 2:47 pm:
Abraham Lincoln did not smoke ! Obviously Barry is no Honest Abe.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 3:23 pm:
What brand of cigarette?
Does he smoke menthols?
Low tar?
A few of my friends who are smokers and still living want to know which brand.
- grand old partisan - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 4:31 pm:
It’s doesn’t really bother me personally, but I understand why, as Rich says, many people find it to be a “turn-off.â€
Ultimately, it’s subconscious. Anyone here every read/see “Thank You for Smoking.†Hollywood (Ironically, Obama’s new friend) has planted the image in our minds that the only people who smoke are “RAVs†(Russians, Arabs, villains).
This may be a bit tongue-in-cheek, but my only concern is whether or not he’ll be covered by his own universal healthcare plan. Why should my tax dollars go towards helping to pay for the potential effects of the choices he made?
- Cassandra - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 4:37 pm:
Church story: in Tribune:
South Side church’s tenets spark criticism of Obama by some conservatives
By Manya A. Brachear and Bob Secter
Tribune staff reporters
Published February 6, 2007
My point is, none of this is relevant to whether he can do the job. Smoking. Where he went to elementary school. What his church thinks about anything. I want to know what he’s going to do about Iraq and about the huge fiscal and social problems facing the country. And I’m not hearing
much about that. Should I assume this is solely because the “right wingers” are filling the airwaves with trivia? Or do these distractions benefit the candidate, as he easily knocks them over to the cheers of supporters. This is a rough campaign for the most powerful job in the world,
after all.
I’m not “against” state employees. I think there are too many political hires, that the entry bar to the state civil service is way too low, that
the current draconian civil service protections largely protect the incompetent and those whose skills and capacities are outdated, and that the citizenry would be better served by a smaller, better educated, smarter civil service working at will like the rest of us.
Hardly revolutionary although perhaps scary to many current state civil servants.
- Huh? - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 7:33 pm:
Big deal, so what if he smokes! Last I checked, it is still legal to light a cigerette. The smoking police and government nannies need something to carp about, so here it is a presidential candidate smokes.
My question is - does he inhale?
- Caught Up - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 7:39 pm:
The smoking issue simply illustrates that what the public has seen to date is the Oprah Obama. The Grammy Obama. The Red State, Blue State Obama. We’re infatuated with his celebrity. All I know is that I dated many a smoker. But I didn’t marry one.
- Loop Lady - Wednesday, Feb 7, 07 @ 8:06 pm:
this is SUCH a boomer habit, so much for being a new breed of politician…besides, smoking is so self destructive. The press and the conservatives will do their best to destroy him, he shouldn’t do it to himself…he should have kept this habit under wraps. What does he gain from this admisssion?
- Loyal Whig - Thursday, Feb 8, 07 @ 12:19 am:
People base their votes on many different factors. Some will not vote for women, some will not vote for people of color. Not voting for someone who smokes is no more bizarre than, what already occurs. In a strange way, maybe, it is progress, that to some Obama being a smoker trumps his skin color.
- Old Shepherd - Thursday, Feb 8, 07 @ 11:15 am:
I heard that Hillary eats fois gras.
- Merryland - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 5:43 am:
Smoking affects my opinion of EVERYONE who does it, including Obama. I see them as weak-willed, weak-minded, and undeserving of my respect. Essentially, a loser. Knowing what we know about smoking, who in their right mind would engage in such a stupid habit? It takes a true idiot.