Peterson: No new signs
Thursday, Feb 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
This seems like a pretty good idea….
Tollway signs emblazoned with Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s name have again come under fire, this time from a suburban lawmaker who wants to ban them.
The signs, which hang above open-road tolling plazas, would be added to a list of items in state ethics laws that cannot bear the name or image of a state official or lawmaker.
The plan to ban the signs is being pushed by state Sen. Bill Peterson, a Long Grove Republican.
Peterson said he introduced the legislation because he felt the governor was abusing an ethical loophole. […]
The catch is that even if Peterson’s plan becomes law, the existing signs wouldn’t come down. It would only prevent new signs from going up.
The problem is, Peterson is a Senate Republican. The Senate Republicans are irrevelvant at the moment, considering they have just 22 members in a 59-seat chamber. But I’ve seen more stories about bills they’ve introduced than just about anyone else. That may change as reality sinks in.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Feb 8, 07 @ 9:00 am:
The reason for the stories is because most Illinoians do not like this self promotion. It is tacky and embarrassing. When Blagojevich ran, he knew this too, so he ran against it. Got elected and ’surprise’ - does the same damn thing.
He also called it an ethical violation. But just like his other promises, he broke it.
The Governor could have easily lead by example. He didn’t. Someone else obviously needs to do it.
- Anon - Thursday, Feb 8, 07 @ 9:01 am:
Irrelevant? Please. These guys are in heaven. They get all the perks of office with no responsibility. They’re getting nice press pops for these proposals and will have to do little to no work on getting them passed. They can focus entirely on getting re-elected while collecting free meals, per diem and living off the scraps the Dems throw them for some occasional support…
- Bill - Thursday, Feb 8, 07 @ 9:01 am:
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- grand old partisan - Thursday, Feb 8, 07 @ 9:05 am:
I’ve shared a little story explaining my position on this issue over at Illinoize:
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Feb 8, 07 @ 10:18 am:
Maybe if the state capital was named after him, he’d show up for work now and then?
- Illinois Eddie - Thursday, Feb 8, 07 @ 10:43 am:
I notice that Bill Peterson has no reservations about cashing two Illinois government paychecks. Peterson is a State Senator as well as the Vernon Township Supervisor.
- JimMc - Thursday, Feb 8, 07 @ 10:45 am:
uhh boyee, these cranky ban-everything-I-don’t-like GOP curmudgeons have no imagination whatsoever.
the obvious answer is to put the guv’s name on miserable failures too! fer instance, when a school gets taken over by the state due to poor performance or fiscal starvation (no thanks to state ed funding!), let the community have the option of emblazening the governor’s name all over it. until the school is turned around of course.
that’s just one example. i’m sure people can think of plenty better ones.
- ole timer - Thursday, Feb 8, 07 @ 11:56 am:
Be interested to know what the purpose of the enclosed overhead walkways are and what they cost. And, sure, Hairdo should be paying for ‘his’ self promotions signs from his campaign funds; fat chance.
- City Voter - Thursday, Feb 8, 07 @ 1:29 pm:
Let him splash his name all over the place, it makes the fall so much more fun to watch.
PS-VanillaMan, it’s only self-promotion if someone other than Governor Blago is doing it. Shaas.
- Tabs - Thursday, Feb 8, 07 @ 3:35 pm:
Let’s not forget that all those Illinois Tollway signs emblazoned with Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s name are also lit up from dusk to dawn.
Electricity costs? Maintenance costs? Hmmmmm!