House cancels session all week
Tuesday, Feb 13, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson Madigan Spokesman Steve Brown has confirmed that House session has been cancelled all week due to the winter storm. The House will reconvene on Wednesday, February 21st. Rich is currently unable to get to a computer to send out a Capitol Fax Extra; please pass the word on this announcement. Thanks. Consider this a local weather open thread. My roommate already nose-dived into a bank of snow on Second Street. Any horror stories?
- LINK - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 3:10 pm:
I see Springfield Mass Transit is shutting down at 3:45 today…
- A Citizen - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 3:30 pm:
It is fun to have a non political snow job in Springfield - refreshing.
- The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 3:41 pm:
The right lane of northbound Lake Shore Drive was closed up due to snow drifts as high as my window on my way home. If it stay three lanes for another hour, it’s going to be, well… you fill in the blank.
- Reddbyrd - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 3:55 pm:
Wow that Brown is a great guy
Thanks for the heads up.
We will all be required to spend twice as much next week to make up for the revenue dip.
- Rayne of Terror - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 4:07 pm:
The on ramp to I 74 in Bloomington take 3 hours.
- Heath - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 4:35 pm:
Thank God. We can all breathe easy for the next eight days. In the meantime, we can start praying for a blizzard on the 21st.
“No man’s life, liberty or property are safe while the legislature is in session.”
- Nearly Normal - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 4:36 pm:
AirTran cancelled all flights into and out of Bloomington except for one incoming tonight from Orlando. What a shock those people are in for.
I was supposed to fly out of Central IL Regional Airport today for a Florida vacation. AirTran called last night to say the 6 a.m. flight was cancelled and they put me on the 12:11 p.m. flight.
Went out to the airport this morning and was told that the flight was cancelled. Now I am on for Wednesday at 12:11. If I didn’t want to go before, now I REALLY REALLY want to be away from this mess.
I have a 35 inch high drift on my deck. The birds are circling looking for food and it is buried in the bench under the snow. No food until the wind dies down.
Sorry Tweeties.
- George Ryan's Cellmate - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 5:09 pm:
My office window faces a parking garage, so for hours I’ve been watching stupid drivers spin, swerve and slide up, down and around the top floor roof of the garage.
- Long Time Reader; First Time Poster - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 5:17 pm:
Reddbyrd- you crack me up.
- Reddbyrd - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 6:23 pm:
Happy to bring joy to your life!
Remember pitchers and catchers report tomorrow
And BrickheadJoe has returned with more great thoughts
- CardsAreWorldChamps - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 6:37 pm:
Maybe Brickhead Joe could manage the Cubs, they both are “proven winners at the highest levels”.
- Kiyoshi Martinez - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 7:23 pm:
Well, my car’s currently stuck in front of my house. And my roommate has the shovel…
- OrangeCrush - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 7:44 pm:
I don’t live in Springfield but how can the mass transit system shut down in a snow storm?? That’s when people need mass transportation the most.
- (618) Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 7:45 pm:
It is amazing to me how people who work for Government take off work for snow, or any reason they can think of, while those of us who work in the private sector, that pay the taxes, that pay their pay checks still have to make our fourty mile commute to work or risk losing our jobs.
- CardAreWorldChamps - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 7:53 pm:
Hey (618) Democrat, unlike some days, at least we may have done something productive today like shovel snow.
- Bill Baar - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 9:13 pm:
February 13, 2007
Gov. Blagojevich sets goal to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Illinois
Climate Change Advisory Group meets to address the serious and urgent issue of global climate change
“The impact of global warming in Illinois and around the globe could be devastating, and we can’t wait for the federal government to act because scientists worldwide have warned that we must address climate change within the next decade to avoid serious and irreversible consequences,†said Gov. Blagojevich. “The international community recognizes that rising temperatures, melting glaciers, and unusual weather patterns are warning signs telling us that climate change is a reality. Now, despite inaction by President Bush, we must deal with it. By committing ourselves to action in Illinois, we can help minimize the effects of climate change and ensure our children and grandchildren inherit a healthy world full of opportunity.â€
- Illinois House - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 9:36 pm:
Hey (618), just for that I’m takin tomorrow, Thursday and Friday off too.
- Illinois Senate - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 9:37 pm:
Yeah, me too.
- anon state worker - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 9:55 pm:
I’m in Florida. It’s raining and cool but sunny by afternoon. I don’t want to go home to the snow!!!!! No tan this time.
- Anon - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:33 pm:
Rich, you are married AND have a roomate? Arent you making enough money with teh FAX to cover the mortgage?
- looks like the inside of a pingpong ball - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 11:38 pm:
I have seen the 60-sera Chicago blizzards, and the one that propelled Jane Byrne into office. This one ranks right up there with those as far as Springfield goes. I had to run home for a special errand at lunch and lucky I left work when I did, barely made it out of the office parking lot and took over an hour to get thru the last 5 blocks to my driveway. Had I stayed in for lunch at work today, I’d be sleeping there tonight. And no, spartypants 618, I don’t sleep there in the daytime. Springfield is short on plows for something on a scale like this; the main streets and arterials will be the priority and will take multiple passes to clear, so they won’t get to my side-street I’m sure until maybe Thursday for one quick and ugly pass. As it is, if I could drive to work, the lot is choked with snow and there’s no place to park anyway. I’m thinking of changing my name to Donner.
- Crossfire04 - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 8:10 am:
Gee, it must be great to be in the legislature. My building is near theirs and we have to be at work to manage the servers and programs. Well, so much for any pay raises for the MC’s.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 8:16 am:
Anon 10:33, this was posted by Paul, not by me.
- Honest Abe - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 8:27 am:
If Blagojevich wants to halt the emission of greenhouse gases, he might start by keeping his mouth shut. Yesterday, thousands of students stayed home as their schools were closed on account of the Winter weather. Other schools that had opened for classes dismissed students early so that they might return home safely. Still others closed for day and cancelled night time classes. Two notable exceptions were the Chicago Public Schools and the City Colleges of Chicago. The brain damaged leaders of these institutions apparently wanted to collect state funds based upon the handful of students in attendance rather than respond to the reality of the Winter storm.
Hats off to Mayor Daley’s flunkies who run these schools and put dollars before student safety.
- Buck Naked - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 9:27 am:
Thata nonsense, Abe. Many of the students are from homes with twoworking parents, or a single parent who works. Lost wages hurt these families when the parent(s) needs to stay home because their child cant be at school. Furthermore, many of these students rely on the meals that they are served at school.
Lose the cynacism and get in touch with what goes on with working families in the city.
- Archpundit - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 10:26 am:
====Two notable exceptions were the Chicago Public Schools and the City Colleges of Chicago. The brain damaged leaders of these institutions apparently wanted to collect state funds based upon the handful of students in attendance rather than respond to the reality of the Winter storm.
Many of the students in CPS don’t have adequate winter clothing either. As such, calling off school early has real implications as to whether they have a safe place to get to quickly. Keeping schools open provides them a warm place and allows child care arrangements already in place to work.