Obamarama - It’s the little things *** Updated x1 ***
Tuesday, Feb 13, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller I’m hearing that the Chicago Tribune is calling just about everyone who has ever given Barack Obama a publicly disclosed gift to see what was going on. From an e-mail:
The gift was a t-shirt. This is a Barack Obama open thread. Try to keep it Illinois-centric, please. Brief, “drive-by” comments, clearly non-Illinois posts and other weirdness will be deleted. Have at it. *** UPDATE *** I just got this e-mail from a very politically connected pal o’ mine:
It appears they don’t want to get beat on a local angle.
- Pat Hickey - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 9:41 am:
The Chicago Tribune editorial board has all of the imagination and integrity of LateAnna Nicole Smith’s collective male stable - claaaa -say!
- YNM - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 9:43 am:
I’m sure this is just the start. Life under the spotlight never comes without life under the microscope, and when you hail from the historically politically corrupt state of Illinois, everyone’s gonna be looking for something. Personally, I’ll find some discussion of substance refreshing compared to the heretofore references that he’s not electable because of his name, that he’s black but yet not black enough, or that he has no positions on the issues because he chose to not recite a Contract with America during his announcement speech.
There are many of us still undecided on the candidate and on this race, and the sooner we can start having some decent dialogue, the better. Of course, I’m not getting my hopes up. I’m not quite that audacious yet.
- Jeff Trigg - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:02 am:
Are they calling all the European sex clubs also?
- Anon - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:06 am:
I wonder how many lobbyists told Obama to take a hike after he trashed them and blamed all the ills of the nation on their very existence last Saturday.
I guess when he has the audacity to take their $ over the public financing he once favored, yet declined recently, he will find some way to apologize and all will be forgiven as usual.
Nobody expects the guy to be perfect, but he is setting himself up for failure as he continues to paint himself as an outsider to the ways of the political world of give and take. Tony Rezko case in point.
- Randall Sherman - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:06 am:
I wonder if the newspaper that is the flagship of the company that owns the Chicago Cubs will be contacting us at the Illinois Committee for Honest Government once we finally are able to present Senator Obama with his ICHG Distinguished Service Award Plaque. (We were planning to present it to him at our reception on Sunday afternoon, for his work in the Senate over the past two years, particularly for his work in getting legislation passed to make it easier for people to recognize budget earmarks in the federal budget. However, the Senator was just a bit preoccupied with other things this weekend, as you may already know. We will get the plaque to him in due course.)
While on the subject of disclosure, I’m wondering if the Tribune will bother to diclose what pet measures HDO-connected Aldermen like Pope (10th Ward) and Cardenas (12th Ward) have done for the Tribune to get that newspaper’s endorsement?
- Realist - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:11 am:
Naturally the Trib has every right to do this and perhaps even should. But if they do it to Obama, they should do it to all the major candidates. The fact that Obama is a Chicagoan is irrelevant. It’s a national election. Also, I hope that they are responsible and do not make mountains out of molehills. Any issues need to be discussed fairly in the context of what the other candidates have in their backgrounds. For example, as I recall, there was a story a couple of months back about the child of a donor being an intern for Obama. I wonder if there are any Senators or Congressmen who have not employed the child of a donor as intern at one time or another. If there are, it’s a very small percentage. Finally, if they do not find anything, they should run a story to the effect that they went through his background with a fine toothed come and he came up sparkling clean. I’m not sure that would be true for any other candidates in the race. Certainly McCain, Giuliani, Clinton, and Edwards all have some issues, some more serious than others.
- ZC - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:30 am:
However much the Trib likes Obama (and I still believe they do), there are few greater journalistic coups than to “bag” a President or a Presidential wannabe. A couple of things will set the media off. One is anything even slightly interpretable as a racial or ethnic slur; see Joe Biden. A second tried-and-true route is the faintest whiff of hypocrisy. Obama _is_ setting himself up with a high moral tone as regards ethics so he’s a natural target.
Hopefully this will wind up as some weak-assed Sunday-morning Tribune expose about the “tensions” or “complicated positioning” of Obama’s relationship with ethics and campaign finance. Nothing done wrong or illegal, but accusations of “nuanced” behavior by Obama - his actually being a politico, in other words (gasp!)
- amy - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:30 am:
pass out all the microscopes! after saturday, I
more unhappy with him.
1)he’s taking a page from the W playbook, the
“generation” theme, using the word over and over.
here’s a quote from The Case for Hillary Clinton
(Estrich) p. 152 “What would you do if you
were running against Hillary? - answer from a friend who isn’t but might want to work for her
someday - ….turn her into Ann Richards. Do
to her what George W. did. Nice old lady, but old
ideas. Mumbo jumbo. Part of the past. Nothing
personal. Still hasn’t gotten over health care.
Still talking about the Clinton administration.
He looks old. She sounds old. My guy is the next
he’s bashing Hillary, not Edwards.
2) was there one word in the speech about
reproductive rights? civil rights, gay bashing, but not reproductive rights. Illinois is
the bluest state in the nation on this issue and
we have worked hard to keep our state strongly
pro choice. why did he not say it in the most
important speech of his life? Women deserve
this in the speech. He’s a U.S. Senator from
Illinois. Why does he not represent us on this
issue with conviction?
not happy.
- Anon - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:57 am:
Amy, I’m a lobbyist, I was on the Old Capitol lawm, and he bashed the heck out of us. It was a great speech and he has my 100% support. He can’t say everything in a speech. Get over yourself. He has to go after Hillary, she is the front runner. The speech was short, partly because it was very cold. Had he mentioned reproductive rights or abortion, the media pack would have just gone down the block and given a bunch of coverage to the pro-life wackos chanting Life yes obama no.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 11:03 am:
Obama is the Tribune’s candidate. They fought for him by trashing Blair Hull and parading Hull’s divorce papers. Then they trashed Ryan the same way, digging out his divorce papers. The Tribune didn’t have to do this, but they paved the way for Obama. They made Obama senator.
Now they want him to be President. I highly doubt that they are “out” to get the guy they have given us as Senator, and are now touting to be President. The record shows otherwise. I suspect that they are digging around to cover him, not expose him.
- amy - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 11:17 am:
coverage was given to the wackos anyway. and,
what, did he have a line into the protestors
beforehand? can’t say everything
in a speech? he gave the virtual democratic
laundry list. he opposed gay bashing when the
ultra right is doing that. he just did not include
reproductive rights. as for going after Hillary,
that’s understandable. just don’t play the
age card and claim you are a nice guy.
- Objective Dem - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 11:18 am:
The Tribune’s behavior is the type of reporting that makes me dislike and distrust the media. They will constantly complain that they don’t have enough resources to do good investigative journalism, then they turn around and spend time and resources on minutia, so they can yell “gotcha” first. All it does is encourage people to be cynical and apathetic.
In turn they miss significant stories and fail to put issues in context. As an example, look at how the Tribune handled the Obama “intern issue.” As Realist mentioned above, the Tribune raised the issue of Obama hiring an intern who was related to a donor which is the standard practice in DC. My understanding is congressional internships are non-paying jobs and go to kids with connections. As a result, poor and middle class kids typically don’t become interns and don’t gain this valuable experience and the connections. The congressmen don’t develop personal relationships (no joke intended) with interns that provide a true representation of the general public. That’s a story that has real implications.
- Commonsense in Illinois - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 11:23 am:
amy…take off the rose-colored glasses for just a moment. if you’re only going to vote for someone based on whether and how much he/she devotes time to reproductive rights, your time in a voting booth is going to be very short indeed.
- Skeeter - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 11:23 am:
I welcome the coverage. If there is anything out there, let’s hope it comes out now so that we can rally around Wes Clark before its too late.
I’m a big fan of Sen. Obama, but it would definitely benefit the Democratic Party for anything bad to come out now rather than later.
- NW burbs - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 11:25 am:
Amy, Do you have anything substantive to discuss? Your first post on the same subject was enough. We get it. You hate Obama. You’re like a 4-year-old repeating the same thing over and over and over and over and over….. Get over it; it’s boring.
Maybe the Trib’s digging will stop all the kooky complaints that they “got” Obama elected by publicizing the Jack! Ryan intrigue.
Those same kooks always fail to mention that (1) the Ryans’ divorce records were public until Jack! went back to his ex- and a judge to ask that they be sealed, just before he began planning a run for elected office, and (2) that Gen. Borling’s campaign manager had a copy of the divorce papers from before they were sealed and was all too happy to publicize the info before the 2004 GOP primary.
Somehow, though, I doubt it will stop the myopic whining that the right-leaning Trib is “lib’rul” (and “evil” to boot).
- NW burbs - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 11:32 am:
PS: Maybe it just boils down to Jill Zuckman being jealous that Tweety keeps asking Lynn Sweet back…
- YNM - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 11:48 am:
Actually, Amy … after you take off the rose-colored glasses, spend some time doing some research too … and then try a bit to understand context. In the end, we’ll all be much happier and your comments will make much more sense.
I believe his reference to gays was in his list of “stop blaming others” … he didn’t address gay-bashing as an issue. His point was, we have no one to blame but ourselves.
And his generation line was not a shot at Hilary’s age … in fact, I’m not sure his “generation” has as much to do with age as perspective and ideas …
And, honestly, I’m not sure his point in his speech was to make you or anyone else “happy” … I tend to believe it was intended to agitate and inspire …. to encourage participation in the process. He is an organizer at heart, after all … and from the sounds of it, he has you agitated and involved.
Mission accomplished.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 11:51 am:
Obama was doing very well this weekend and the more he is heckled by uber-leftist morons with anti-war signage, the better Obama looks. Then he screwed up with his “wasted” statement.
Finally, Obama needs to can any comments that other world leaders are “pro-Bush”. As in the case of Australia, they are “pro-US” first and foremost. Australian bloggers have been very critical of Obama’s misstep on this point, while still critical of Howard.
Overall, Senator Obama did OK, he has some learning to do and this is the time to do it.
- amy - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 11:52 am:
Sorry, I do not think this is a site for Obama
lovers only. candidates are supposed to undergo scrutiny, Obama included.
I’m interested in Rich Miller’s reaction to the, was it Salon article(?), in which Miller is quoted. This article was an interesting look at the shift in Obama’s approach to talking with
people, attitude, etc.
- cms - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 12:26 pm:
I hope they dig deep and find out every shred they can. The sooner, the better. Dig through his family as well, let’s hear it all. Whatever there is to come out, will come out eventually. He can deal with it and move on. And to the person who is concerned he might not support Choice because he didn’t say so in his speech, he does. You’ll never have to worry about Roe v Wade being overturned with him. (And we won’t have to worry about a flag burning banning bill getting signed either, unlike with some people we know…)
- Disgusted - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 12:34 pm:
I just wish they would scrutinize everyone involved in Illinois politics. We aren’t called the most corrupt state for no reason. If Obama is put under the microscope, let’s take a closer look at Jones, et all. And of course, we’re all waiting patiently for Fitz to get past Libby’s trial to move on to Blago. They all need a good look and a swift kick.
- YNM - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 12:49 pm:
Amy … who claimed this site was for Obama lovers only? I’m not an Obama lover … but I do appreciate thoughtful comments and substantive arguments.
Regarding Australia … they don’t get a vote for President, at least not yet. And furthermore, I happen to think Obama was pretty much right on with his retort … in fact, I would have said essentially the same thing I think. Besides, as much as he wants to say he’s pro-US (does he want to say that?, I think there is an argument to be made that Howard is indeed Pro-Bush. If we’re about calling a spade a spade, I’d say Obama done just fine at that, and honestly, it’s one of the things I like about him.
Besides, why should Howard care what one candidate for President claims … especially if he’s so unelectable and if his sentiment is so “off-base” and outside the mainstream?
- CK1 - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 1:11 pm:
I am voting for Obama just because he did not let Rod Blago on the stage
the smartest hing Obama did was distancing himself from corrupt Il pols
- grand old partisan - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 2:23 pm:
CK1 -
Was endorsing Daley and Stroger part of his grand distance-himself-from-corrupt-IL-polls strategy?
- Little Egypt - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 2:26 pm:
Memo to Chicago Tribune: Start filing your FOIAs on GoverNOT Hairdo. It will take you 4 years to gather all the dirt you need to NOT endorse him when he runs again for governor. That is, unless he appoints himself to Obama’s senate seat when Obama becomes Prez.
- NW burbs - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 2:34 pm:
The conservatives’ war against Iraq has been a waste. Billions of dollars are “lost” and more than 3,000 brave troops dead because of Bush’s lies. That was precisely Obama’s point.
It has been a waste. It’s simply Malkin’s partisan spin that you’re reacting to, not the meaning behind the Senator’s statements.
“How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?”
It means the same thing.
- Chitownguy - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 3:11 pm:
NW burbs - If anyone here is a spinster then it is yourself. It was inevitable… We are just finishing off the job the UN should have done a few years ago. now is looks like north korea wants to start working some deals.. I dont blame them.. I’ve spoke to many troops who have served in iraq and afghanistan that would disagree with you… and I’ll take their accounts, experience and good stories over the daily propaganda blogs you get your information. You can call the lives lost a ‘waste’ all you want..but I’m embarrassed for you.
- anon - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 3:50 pm:
Who cares. The man has no experience. He hasn’t even been a Senator for a full term and we are to elect him as President! He’s a nice enough guy, but come on this is a joke.
- NW burbs - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 4:29 pm:
Chitownguy, thank you for keeping it “Illinois-centric”. What does North Korea have to do with Illinois? VanillaMan brought up the comments (without any context whatsoever) and I clarified.
You didn’t need to further the meme to bring North Korea into it.
Anon 3:50, Enough with the lame and weak “experience” tag.
It’s a straw man and we all know it.
Lincoln had as much experience.
Bush had a bit more.
Giuliani has less (or at least at a much lower level). H. Clinton has more.
So what?
Let’s hear what they have to say and look at what they’ve done with the experience they do have, in whatever aspect of their careers.
Then we can decide.
- Buck Naked - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 4:57 pm:
Good work, Tribune. Way to go after the one person giving people hope politically on a national level in an attempt to bury him with meaningless “scandal” stories. I hope Sam Zell buys you razes the very building where you print your bile.
- the wonderboy - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 5:10 pm:
NW Burbs…Obama has admitted that his “waste” comment was an error. Based upon his statement, I don’t think it’s spin; Obama needs to avoid such comments in the furure and feels that way according to his own statement.
- Little Egypt - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 6:17 pm:
OK, this is off subject but I’m shouting this to the world. LITTLE LITTLE EGYPT #1 WILL ARRIVE IN TEXAS ON FRIDAY after spending the past 12 months embedded with 700 Iraqi’s teaching them the necessary skills to take over the military and security responsibilities for their country. HOO AH!!!!!
- Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 6:32 pm:
Congrats, LE, on LLE’s safe return home. God bless him and all our troops.
- Pat Hickey - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 6:55 pm:
God’s Blessing on you and your heroic boy!
- Amy [Not the "real" Amy] - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 7:42 pm:
Just my opinion, but Hillary is going to be the candidate - unless something unexpected happens. This is a trial run for Obama.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 8:03 pm:
Just my opinion, but Barack Obama is going to be the candidate - unless something unexpected happens. This is a trial run for Clinton.
- Quizzical - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 8:20 pm:
I’m a little skittish about Obama’s ‘vision thing’. He claims that he’s running in order to ‘transform the country’. Right now I just want a President who can read and make it through the evening news without making fart noises.
I also think this ‘big vision’ is what got us into this Iraq mess. While I think that the country faces serious challenges, I also am wary of ’schemes dreamed up on college campuses’. Some times call for careful competence.
- Anon - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:18 pm:
From Drudge:
Tue Feb 13 2007 22:32:06 ET
NY TIMES edit queen Maureen Dowd unloads on Barack Obama in her Wednesday filing.
On the trail in Iowa, Dowd writes: “Obama’s so slender his wedding band looked as if it was slipping off… there was a wariness in his dark eyes.”
When a reporter asked him Obama whether he’d had a heater in his podium during his announcement speech in subzero Springfield, Obama hesitated.
Dowd slings: “He shot a look that said, ‘Are you from PEOPLE magazine?’ before conceding that, unlike Abe Lincoln, he’d had a heater.”
Dowd describes Obama as a “tad testy” as he was “traipsing around desolate stretches of snowy — and extremely white — Iowa.”
Obama had “moments of looking conflicted.”
Dowd claims that no fewer than three times last week, Obama got indignant about the beach-babe attention given to a shot of him in the Hawaiian surf.
“You’ve been reporting on how I look in a swimsuit,” Obama lectured a reporter.
Dowd snaps: “He poses for the cover of MEN’S VOGUE and then gets huffy when people don’t treat him as Hannah Arendt.”
- Little Egypt - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:25 pm:
YDD - high five!!!!
- amy - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 8:47 am:
to the person who posted as amy at 7:42 p.m.
your post name may be amy, but, just to
be clear to everyone else, this is not the
same amy who posted earlier in the day. I find
the coincidence to be very strange.
- amy - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 11:38 am:
and [not the “real” Amy] was added after the
message was first posted as Amy.