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Question of the day

Tuesday, Feb 13, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Today’s QOTD is a four-parter:

How often do you contribute to political campaigns? How much do you usually give? Who received your most recent contributions, and how much was it?


  1. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 9:49 am:

    Five or six times a year. Anywhere from $20 to $500. Barack Obama. $50.

  2. - DOWNSTATE - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 9:54 am:

    Only at election time and max is 25 per candidate and I only donate at the state and federal level.

  3. - Pat Hickey - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 9:55 am:

    Usually 19th Ward Organization $ 30; the DNC $ 50. Just dropped to Ginger Rugai - $ 50.

    Gave ” Scorn and defiance, slight regard, contempt and any thing that may not misbecome the mighty sender, doth he prize you at.” to Somerville’s candidacy - priceless.

  4. - Papa Legba - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 9:57 am:

    Never! The candidates seem to accumulate enough, no, have too much cash to work with already. They need to promote their platforms and inform the public instead of using boat loads of cash on negative campaigns and attack ads. It is gross and getting worse every cycle.

    They need to be allotted equal amounts of funding and not have to suck up to and be beholden to the multitude of special interest groups.

    Although I do wish I had contributed to Vallas.

  5. - ZC - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:14 am:

    Around election time, usually to two or three recipients. Donations in the $25-50 range. Brendan Reilly.

  6. - PAC Man - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:25 am:

    You mean personally right? Not PAC stuff. Persoanlly, only to people I know and know very well. Brendan Reilly got a hundred. Kudos to ZC. You supported a good man.

  7. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:26 am:

    I give to locals, because I know them. I also give to my relatives in office in other states. My last contribution was to Giuliani for $200, because I love him. My wife gave $200 to McCain for the same reason. There is no party bias, we give based on personality, realtionships and atta-boys.

    These people, regardless of party, are doing us all a favor by being out there taking the hits and insults. I swear they all must be wacked emotionally to run for office.

  8. - Skeeter - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:35 am:

    I’ve been known to attend fundraisers, usually where the tab is under $250 per person.

    The last candidate that got my money was Brendan Reilly. In 2006 I don’t recall any contributions. In 2004, I believe I donated about that much to Cong. Bean and also to Wes Clark (I attended an event for Bean which Gen. Clark attended and I also donated to Gen. Clark in the primary).

  9. - Bill - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:38 am:

    My own money-Never!
    The last candidate that I personally contributed to was Eugene McCarthy.

  10. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:41 am:

    Bill, no money to Gov. Blagojevich? Really?

  11. - DOWNSTATE - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:48 am:

    Rich anyone that covers the gov.’s backside like Bill does should get a free ride.

  12. - Bill - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:50 am:

    I didn’t say I didn’t give him any, just not my own personal funds. Do you think I have to declare my blogging as an in kind contribution?

  13. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:52 am:

    Let’s hope not.

    OK, sorry to interrupt with my snarky little comment. Let’s get back to the QOTD. lol

  14. - babs - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 11:01 am:

    I always contribute to friends - 06 had too many friends running and it cost me but most of them won. I never give to someone who is sure to win and has a huge balance sitting there. Since Barack announced exploratory I’ve given him more than any other candidate - ever and I hope this will be the first time I Max out. My checks are usually in the 150-250 range. But the internet makes it so darn easy to act with your heart.

    One final note, for every political donation I make an equal donation to charity. If I can’t afford both, then there’s no political donation.

  15. - bored now - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 11:33 am:

    most of my contributions go in my wife’s name. we probably contribute to 8-10 candidates/groups a year. i just gave barack another 250 in my name, though…

  16. - Anon Sequitor - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 11:37 am:

    I rarely break the $100 mark, but this year I’m going for broke for aldermanic candidates in Chicago - where I work - and the suburban city council/school board - where I live. My daughter’s college fund will be taking a hit this year.

    Brendan, you better beat Burt into oblivion or he’ll be after my hide.

  17. - The Horse - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 11:37 am:

    I give to local pols who ask, or who hold local fundraisers, and lets just leave it that I get christmas cards from several members Congress who support issues that are important to me, as well as from Dick, Barak and my local congressman.

  18. - Anon - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 11:40 am:


  19. - Anon - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 12:04 pm:

    I usually give when attending candidate’s fundraisers. Usually, the amount per donation is for $100 or less at each fundraiser. I probably donate between $1,000-$2,000 annually to the various candidates. Usually, I give cash to my daughters who are married since they have a different last name than my own and then have them donate to the candidate of my choice. That way, I avoid getting on a candidate’s future mailing list plus I don’t think it is anybody’s business but my own who I donate to politically. I seldom contribute much on a national level but prefer state and county levels for my donations. I have given as much as $1,000 at a time to a candidate but I haven’t found a candidate (Republican or Democrat) lately that I believe is worth that much in the way of a contribution.

    The last contribution I made was to Tom Cross for his fundraiser that he held 2/2/2007 in Aurora. I believe my wife made out a check to him for $100 or less for the two of us.
    I used to make healthy contibutions to a personal friend who happened to be a Democrat state senator. But, when I found out that he was taking money from his campaign war chest and making donations to fellow Democrat candidates that he wanted to see win, that ended my days of making contributions to him. It really made me upset. I won’t ever donate to any candidate (GOP or Democrat)that simply takes my money and turns around and designates who they want it to go to.

    Oh, and I did send a token amount ($50) to Tony Peraica even though I don’t live in Cook County. It was a token show of support on my part for Mr. Peraica having the courage and gumption of being willing to thumb his nose at the Chicago Machine and the outrageous Stroger Dynasty. If Barack Obama hadn’t endorsed Todd Stroger and Mayor Daley, I would also have been contributing money to him. Barack disappointed many of us when he showed that he was just another political party flunky that endorsed whoever his Party told him to endorse. I had always thought that here (finally) was a politician who was his own man. He really disappointed me.

  20. - oldie opah - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 12:13 pm:

    I only contribute in election years,usually around $50 to the DNC, although I just bought a ticket to Renee Kosel’s fund raiser she’s my state rep and I like her

  21. - GM - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 12:26 pm:

    Thanks to the profligate ways of the current administration, I no longer think “Republican” is synonomous with fiscal conservatism. My first hint was when I gave $25 to the RNC 5-6 years ago. I have no doubt they’ve spent twice that in mailings to me to get more. I began cutting up the card/letter and mailing it back in the postage paid envelope - STILL they come. It’s like the church awhile back that a bookkeeper pilfered $250,000 over a period of time….I thought that Church has WAY TOO MUCH MONEY. And so it is with these polital arms.

  22. - Wumpus - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 12:43 pm:

    $0.00 I give time and that trumps $. ANy goof can give money, but not all are willing to volunteer time.

  23. - train111 - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 12:52 pm:

    One time only — $50 to Ralph Nader back in 2000.

  24. - Jack George McGaffer - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 1:03 pm:

    I don’t give money. I don’t raise money. I spend money.

  25. - PalosParkBob - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 1:15 pm:

    $50 to Peraica and $50 to the Palos Republican organization.

    Before that, $100 to the Paul Vallas for Governor campaign( and a lot of campaigning time for me

  26. - Scoot - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 1:32 pm:

    $50 spot to Topinka; will be donating to Giuliani

  27. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 1:44 pm:

    I have never donated, but not because I don’t want to…rather, becauase I can’t afford to. Next election cycle (after the mayoral/city races) I will probably throw a few bucks around.

    One person I will NOT donate money to: whomever decides to run against Durbin. It would be better to spend my cash on any number of things other than that.

  28. - T.J. - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 1:53 pm:

    I donated three times to Jim Talent.

  29. - Goodbye Napoleon - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 2:05 pm:

    Anon- I think it’s funny that in the same paragraph you talk about giving money to the House Republican Leader and then say “I won’t ever donate to any candidate (GOP or Democrat)that simply takes my money and turns around and designates who they want it to go to.” Really?

    I give to ones I like and to ones I have to give to, a mix of both. Usually $100 a pop, enough to get me in the door.

  30. - Anon - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 2:07 pm:

    First and last contribution ever to a state wide candidate was Blago almost five years ago, before the primary. It was and will be my last.

  31. - i d - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 2:22 pm:

    The last time that I gave any donations to a politian was A. Woodson when he ran for mayor in Springfield against Karen Hasara. Springfield would be in much better shape if he had been elected. He also would probably have been a better governor than the last two.

  32. - Reilly Fan - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 2:38 pm:

    I give personally quite a bit - typically over $100 per event - I have to say most of the money I have contributed in the last year has gone to Brendan Reilly — well spent money in my book win or lose. And I am confident he will win. . .

  33. - Me - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 3:13 pm:

    I do not give because money buys elections. S/He who has the most tends to win. That’s wrong. Blago snowed the public soooooo bad. He couldn’t run on his record; he had to pay millions to smear his competition.

    Should the person with the most campaign cash be the one who wins? I think not. Maybe there should be a financial cap on campaign donations as well as restrictions on their sources.

    Oops. Maybe not. Might make for a level playing field, and the voters might actually be better informed and served. My bad.

  34. - City Voter - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 3:42 pm:

    JBT got $250 from me. I wish I could’ve added several more zeros to that number for her. A few $50s here and there to other candidates.

  35. - Boone Logan Square - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 3:47 pm:

    I usually give $50-100 to downticket state and local candidates (usually though not exclusively during primary season), though my most recent donation was to the Obama campaign.

  36. - Rayne of Terror - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 4:05 pm:

    It’s been awhile since gave since I’m in school and can no longer afford it. But when I worked I was more likely to buy supplies for local campaigns than give cash. If I saw they needed paper, I’d donate a box of copy paper. My husband has donated countless hours of computer support for campaigns.

  37. - steve schnorf - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 4:26 pm:

    I think last year my wife and I gave a little over $5000.

  38. - Mike Williams - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 5:26 pm:

    I gave $65 to Melissa Bean and $50 each to Patrick Murphy (PA), Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), Chris Murphy (CT), and Linda Stender (NJ). The last state contributions I gave were to Blago and Lisa Madigan in ‘02. I want my Blago money refunded.

  39. - Max Maxwell - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 6:37 pm:

    You would have to be insane to write a check to a candidate in this day and age. They either turn out to be complete disappointments, like Blago, or use your money to give to another candidate you may not wish to support(as another commenter noted above), or use their campaign fund as a general slush fund for travel, food, gifts and a higher standard of living than they can otherwise afford. Someone once said that they didn’t vote because “it only encourages them”- well, same thing for giving money to politicians. Why encourage them?

  40. - JakeCP - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 6:50 pm:

    My mother donates money to the politicians that she likes and that doesn’t have much money. she donated to Dan Rutherford’s campaign a couple of times ( I believe $25) and just recently we donated to Dorothy Brown’s Campaign which was $50. Oh by the way ya’ll her commercials are up on youtube. You should check them out.

  41. - JakeCP - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 6:53 pm:

    Actually her commercials are on my blog at oh and I think we also donated to Jusy Baar Topinka’s Campaign once or twice.

  42. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 7:38 pm:

    I give a few hundred dollars to a few (very few) thousand each year. I’ve worked on campaigns, so I know how important raising money is, it pays the salaries of people like me. I resent the notion that you must be crazy to donate, or that there is something inherently wrong with the practice.

    The overwhelming majority of individuals who contribute to political campaigns do so for noble, civic-minded reasons as much as any. We tend to know the candidates personally, or their staffs, and we tend to understand government, politics and elections. I can’t always vote for a candidate I like who happens to have a good race in a district or state that I can’t vote in. Thus, a check is a way of supporting candidates and causes I believe in.

    Max Maxwell, some candidates are worth encouraging, whether I can vote for them or not. Campaigns are expensive in part because so few Americans fully participate in the process. If more people paid closer attention, and more people voted, it would be less expensive to run advertising campaigns designed to “educate” the 25% of those eligible who actually bother to even vote.

    For the rest of you who don’t contribute, fine. But you’re missing a good opportunity to get more involved in the direction of our government. We know where your mouths are, it’d be nice if more people put some money behind the rhetoric.

  43. - (618) Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 7:50 pm:

    Every year I give well over $2000 to Federal, State and Local Democrat Candidates.

  44. - the ole precinct captain - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 8:38 pm:

    I give my donations and my time to the 39th ward and Palos Township (my local township organization).

  45. - Amcash - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:01 pm:

    In answer to your queries:
    1. We prefer to contribute as often and as much as necessary to the candidate who is the most moral, ethical and has the best hair.
    2-4. On Nov. 6, 2006, we contributed, like, $25,000 to Friends of Blagojevich

  46. - Ali Bin Haddin - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:54 pm:

    $2.00, Blago to win, Hillary to place, Obama to show

  47. - roy slade - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 10:58 pm:

    I usually give a total of $1000 a year- probably half to Sen Watson and the other half to local city and county office holders. If I am approached by Obama’s people- I will have to at least think about it seriously. I only respond to individual requests- never to direct mail pieces. I play quite a few golf fundraisers- I guess if I am going to pop for $50-$250 an event- it might as well be a good fun day!

  48. - Ivory-billed Woodpecker - Tuesday, Feb 13, 07 @ 11:16 pm:

    Recently, have been donating every election cycle. Usually on the order of $100 to $200 per guy (don’t recall every writing a check to a woman). Sent a little more to a highschool friend who ran (and lost) a longshot race for Brooklyn (NY) DA. Last donation was to the next POTUS, Bill Richardson. $250. Hoping the early support gets me a high ranking position in the Administration. Or at least Ambassador.

  49. - Ex-dem - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 6:35 am:

    I gave Blago 50 bucks during his first campaign (shame on me) and received an engraved invitation to the inauguration. When I sent in $78 check and didn’t receive any ticket, I was told that they overbooked and that my check would be returned. It was returned, cashed in my bank statement. Right from the git go I realized this guy was a crook. Where is Patrick Fitzgerald when you need him?

  50. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 7:33 am:

    I volunteer my time to good Conservative candidates. Never have voted for a Democrat let alone given them any support.Do have a track record for assisting in their defeat.

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