Local Elections Roundup
Wednesday, Feb 14, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Third Candidate Drops Out, Endorses Reilly over Natarus * Natarus facing uphill battle for reelection:
* Wal-Mart begins contributing to incumbent aldermanic campaigns * Daley disappointed by weak labor support * Sun Times Endorsements: Daley for Mayor; Del Valle for Clerk * 10 of 49 aldermen face no Election Day opponent:
* Tribune City Council Endorsements: 20th through 24th wards * Crowded race in 18th ward * Two immigrants and architect take on incumbent Stone * Signature deception in 50th ward * In the 20th ward, Willie B. Cochran is endorsed by ACORN’s PAC and Father Bruce Wellems, Back of the Yards Pastor. * Reilly goes on the attack: ![]()
- Pat Hickey - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 8:38 am:
Burton has got nothing on the hang-nail of Beverly, perenial loser John Somerville. The unctious dope walked uptothe executve director of BAPA - the local community developemnt 501(c)3 orgainization - and gushed ‘hi, what’s new?’ The problem was that Single Numbers Somerville had slammed BAPA in the morning’s paper.
A good race istaking place in the 19th Ward between Tim Sheehan and Ginger Rugai and the only slush being tossed is by the mope who won’t make single digits. Burt would love this guy - Somerville would make Natarus look like Adlai Stevenson.
- Skeeter - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 8:59 am:
In an otherwise pretty bland debate, Natarus took an interesting shot at labor. He accused organized labor of misconduct related to secondary boycotts and said that he didn’t want their support. And he pretty much called one of the union presidents a liar. When Burton gets angry, he’s a mess.
As a side note: I did not get the name of the interviewer, but was it just me or did she look unprepared? I was pretty unimpressed by her. She could have used nearly the exact same questions about any ward. I was disappointed with the way the debate was run. An informed interviewer could have made the debate worth watching.
- Anon - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 10:17 am:
I agree with skeeter about the questions asked. I wasn’t impressed with Reilly and he had to impress in this debate since he’s the underdog. He doesn’t talk with much conviction and doesn’t seem excited to be running. Maybe he’s just running because Madigan wants him to.
Natarus seems to be worn down by the job. Neither of the two candidates impressed me. They don’t elicit much excitement or energy for the issues they bring up. It’ll be a close race.
- Skeeter - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 10:35 am:
Anon 10:17:
I admit my bias here — I do some volunteer work for the Reilly campaign, so take these comments in that context:
In person, Brendan Reilly is a great guy and shows real enthusiasm for the race and the job ahead. He’s running because he wants to be alderman and not because somebody else wants him to. When he meets in person with voters, he gets a very positive response.
That being said, I do agree that there was a lack of emotion by both of the candidates until the end when Natarus became aggravated. Also, you saw a glimpse of what makes Reilly a great candidate in person when he needled Natarus a bit about the union endorsement.
They both seemed to be very defensive and worried about saying something wrong, rather than with really making a case for election.
It is too bad because with a talented moderator this could have been a real debate about Natarus’s record and about both of their plans. The 42nd Ward is undergoing some major changes now making this a very important election. We needed a prepared moderator to ask about those changes.
We also needed better follow up questions. When Natarus made his accusation of secondary boycotts, a good moderator would have followed up with the when and why questions, or asked Reilly pointedly if he thought the unions were guilty of that contact. Under the moderator, the remark just faded away which is unfortunate. If the moderator had simply left a short script with the basic questions, there would have been no difference in the debate. And as noted above, I don’t recall any questions that could not have been asked in nearly identical form to any candidates running for alderman this year.
- NW burbs - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 12:21 pm:
Paul, I’ve noticed the “local” elections roundups seem really to be “Chicago” elections roundups.
Are there other issues in local elections throughout the state?
After a few interesting ballot challenges two years ago throughout the northwest suburbs (incl. several which got people knocked off ballots) this year seems to have been a bit quiet.
One item that could’ve become interesting ended up being nothing: Even though former Libertarian candidate Scott Bludorn picked up the packets from the incumbents in High School District 214 nothing came of it.
You may remember 214 as the district in which a social conservative board member wanted to ban a bunch of books last year. That board member (the lone right-winger on that board) now apparently has 2 allies running as challengers this time around. The 3 incumbents (moderates all) have banded together and are waging a legislative-style campaign, complete with a brand spanking new election HQ and big fundraisers sponsored by mayors.
It is unclear, though, why a Libertarian would be carrying water for social conservatives that want to impose a nanny-state government on the community based on their radical views. But as long as Roeser’s money is getting wasted… good for them.
- Pat Hickey - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 12:27 pm:
News Flash - Somerville ( 19th Ward erzatz candidate) Campaign Chairman Tim Enright is off Team Somerville - He was there last week!
Now there are four left. Somervillains are energized in attacking Tim Sheehan as well as Ginger Rugai check out the nut blog
http://www.19thwardagenda.com/ for the latest calumnies. These clowns are what is wrong with the
political process - what is right is being carried on in the 19th Ward by two very capable and energetic candidates - Ginger and Tim.
- irishpirate - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 12:33 pm:
In Da ward of 46 Helen Shiller is being skewered by da local press. Check out this editorial.
For further love and good tidings toward Helen Shiller check out http://www.whatthehelen.com
- Skeeter - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 1:40 pm:
Update from the 42nd:
Natarus has Haymarket Group doing robo-calls for him, featuring Daley and Jesse White.
Those calls are a fine way to annoy voters. Plus, he wouldn’t want to have actual contact with voters. Not his style.
- Pat Hickey - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 4:13 pm:
Dias Duit maith agat!
- Eamon Zapata - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 11:11 pm:
Good day and thank you are short and meaningful.
Your Spanish is not bad either.
But I am not sure about your politics.
You are right though on Bruce Dolt and Desiree Rogers.
- Chicago Denizen - Wednesday, Feb 14, 07 @ 11:56 pm:
Although the interview was conducted poorly, I think Reilly was able to present a clear contrast for voters…he showed maturity, knowledge of the issues and got in a few jabs on the alderman, without looking like an overly aggressive young upstart…
Natarus lost votes as a result of Chicago Tonight.
- Joe SP - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 12:32 am:
Unfortunately, not many people watch Chicago tonight. But maybe in 42 it will be good.
Did Reily ever redo the Berkowitz show?