Local Elections Roundup
Thursday, Feb 15, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * NEW * Jesse Jackson Jr. Endorses Willie Cochran for 20th Ward Alderman [from press release]
* State Treasurer Giannoulias Endorses Sandi Jackson for 7th Ward Alderman [From a press release]
* Sun-Times Endorsements: Wards 2 through 8 * Tribune Endorsements: Ward 25 through 41 * Daily Southtown Endorsements: selected aldermanic races; Del Valle for Clerk * A new twist in school board election battle * City making example of sewer boss charged with passing Daley petitions on the job:
* Shame on Shiller:
* Del Valle claims motorists being gouged for stickers at currency exchanges * Clout Makes Cut: 62 finalists for Cook Co. Circuit Court judgeships * Two Carpentersville candidates claim forgery on petitions * Corruption allegation, ex-cons on the ballot: “At this juncture, people just shrug it off as more Chicago,” said longtime political consultant Don Rose. * Stone in real horserace for the first time in 16 years This is a local elections open thread.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 8:51 am:
There could be an upset brewing in the 32nd Ward.
Yesterday, a Matlak precinct captain got indicted for campaigning on city time.
Today, the challenger, Scott Wagueback got the Tribune endorsement.
It’s going to be an interesting couple of weeks.
- Pat Hickey - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 9:06 am:
Alexi Giannoulias did the right thing. The Jacksons backed his candidacy and he honored that debt. I hope that is all, Alexi! You’re off the hook, I hope. All kidding aside, Mr. Treasurer, Good going!
- paul - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 9:17 am:
The article on Stone is interesting, but I really don’t see him losing this race. Nor do I think he should. Is the race really that close? I wonder if there is a poll somewhere out there.
Regardless, I’m sticking with the Old Warhorse in this one. I think he’s done well for the ward.
- babs - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 9:42 am:
I’ve seen other candidates put stuff from their LWV debate on their websites and no one has complained, at least not that I know of. It only seems to matter if someone does complain.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 10:09 am:
The funny thing about the Shiller story is I thought the no video taping rule was put in to protect her, because her oppenents seem so much more active on youtubing and web-activism, and she is not the most photogenic of candidates.
- Vinron - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 10:16 am:
The Sun Times article is about alleged gouging at currency exchanges, not credit unions.
- Paul Richardson - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 10:23 am:
Vinron, thanks for catching my error. I appreciate the heads up.
- The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 11:10 am:
Shame on Shiller - One excellent editorial.
- Dignan - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 12:39 pm:
Daley was included in as a defendant in the Patterson case.
The Peoples Law Office with Flint Taylor included Daley and Byrne as defendants in the Cannon case.
The Burge torture could affect this mayoral election, maybe not to lose but in the numbers in the Black community–also it can affect the Olympics with the UN investigation and the ultimate historical legacy of Daley.
Black men had their testicles electrocuted and other unspeakable torture in CHICAGO.
The City is paying tens of millions in defense bills.
- Seyyed - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 1:14 pm:
The Burge torture is an afront against the African American people and God.
- Bubs - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 5:55 pm:
I agree about the growing possibility of a major upset in the 32nd Ward.
Scott Waugespack is an articulate and intelligent (though somewhat bland) bureaucrat who has both a history of working on public service projects in the Ward, and experience in municipal government from Berwyn. He is a little short on ideas, other than “working with everyone to find answers,” but he sure is smooth, and has done his homework on the issues.
Ted Matlak comes across as nearly bullying in his tone at debates, as if the job is his for life no one should dare to question him. (Think of a young Burton Natarus.) Everyone is well aware of Matlak’s “techniques” (for lack of better word) in running the ward. Lakeview in particular is a land of strong neighborhood organizations, and Ted has offended just about all of them over the years.
Catherine Zaryczny has strong plusses in that she is passionate about the Ward, is strongly anti-corruption and refuses (unlike Waugespack) to be bought by the SEIU, but it does not appear that she has her act together as well as Waugespack does.
I think it will be Waugespack in a runoff.
- 32nd Ward Resident - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 6:55 pm:
I agree about the 32nd Ward. I am a 15+ year resident of the ward and am sick and tired of Matlak. In community meetings and in person, he feigns to be for the residents and then turns around and gives the developers what they want. I hope Waugespack wins–he has my vote.
- the ole precinct captain - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 8:36 pm:
Nice endorsement for Marge laurino from the Tribune. She has a great ward office and gets things done.