Morning Shorts *** Updated x1 ***
Thursday, Feb 15, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson *NEW* Barack’s Message Man, David Axelrod * Government rejects attempt to trademark “Obama Bin Laden” * State GOP executive director steps down * Duckworth’s husband to be deployed to Iraq * Aviation chief Shea says, “It’s my job to build you all an airport.” * FAA asks state to pick a preferred option for 3rd airport:
* 13 commissioners offer budget amendments to save Cook Co. jobs and services:
* Stroger backs off plan to dilute his own power: Fritchey was taken aback by Stroger’s shift in support. “I would assume . . . I could take him at his word,” he said. * Illlinois Board of Higher Education selects new chairwoman * Editorial: Safety concerns should guide teen driving laws * Eric Zorn: Coming around to support to primary change idea * A look at the myriad of pension related bills currently on the table * Her cousin Barack Obama was fast becoming a rising star in the Illinois state Senate * Editorial: Primaries are for the voters, not the candidates * U of I’s Institute of Govt. & Public Affairs urges state to get financial ship in order *** UPDATE *** The full report can be downloaded here. [pdf file} * Midwest Generation eyed for new tax revenue * Stroger and Quigley “make up” on Valentine’s Day:
* “Alternative Budget Plan” would cut 397 high-paying Cook Co. management positions; Stroger responds * Foes seek to add Daley as defendant in police brutality suit * Kane County Clerk’s spending back in the spotlight
- Pat Hickey - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 8:43 am:
G. Flint Taylor is bulldog for that Lottery Ticket - trouble is that his case has no eveidence. As recent study attested - ‘plenty of allegations to warrant’ an iquiry but no eveidence.
I wonder if Flint is still trying to cas in those old tattered and worn albums of S&H Coupon Stamps for valuable premiums. As long as the dopes in the media keep this alive, he will have more days in court. Simon Wisenthal would have put away police bullies, twenty years ago - of course he is not funded by the Peoples Revolutinary Comintern and 367th World Justice Coaltion. keepahappy thought Flint.
- So-Called "Austin Mayor" - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 8:48 am:
“Government rejects attempt to trademark “Obama Bin Laden—
It is important to keep this in mind: The government is not prohibiting this jerk-ass from using the mark “Obama Bin Laden” it has merely rejected his bid for monopoly use of the mark.
That is, the jerk-ass wanted to have an exclusive right to use the phrase and to have the government enforce his exclusive use under trademark law.
Now, he can still use the phrase “Obama Bin Laden” but every other jerk-ass can use it as well.
- So-Called "Austin Mayor" - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 8:51 am:
“Duckworth’s husband to be deployed to Iraq”
And the Roskam re-election team will be scrambling to figure out how to stop it.
- Pat Hickey - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 9:32 am:
Paul, what prompted the deletion of my last comment regarding Maj. Duckworth’s husband’s deplyment to Iraq? It is horrific that this war continues. I take a light view of politics, but this is no such occassion.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 9:38 am:
I deleted it. Over the top. Let’s stick to Illinois, please.
- Pat Hickey - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 9:47 am:
Fair enough. Illinois Veterans Affairs Director Tammy Duckworth’s connection to SCAM’s Post through me off through me off. My apologies.
- washy-washy - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 10:04 am:
I have to tell you, too often after reading the “Morning Shorts”, I get soooo P#$%ed off, I end up having to climb into my “Afternoon Shorts”.
And don’t get me started on why I have to THEN jump into my “Evening Shorts”. Hmmmmppp.
- Paddy - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 12:42 pm:
Hey Hickey,
What do you think about your friends Flint and Locke including DALEY and Jane BYRNE as defendants in the Burge torture??
I listen to WVON and it is all over the radio, on WBBM too but that doesn’t matter. You may think it is not true because Area 2 does not have a radiator but if it is a lie as you suggest a lot of people have drunk the kool aid. Listen to Black talk radio and the Burge issue and police torture really resonates. I think it might give Dorothy Brown an extra 5 points. She may break 30.
- One_Mcmad - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 1:06 pm:
I applaud the Cook County Commissioners who have chosen to eliminate waste, fraud and abuse in County government as opposed to cuts.
I say, No Cuts. Continue rooting out corruption, waste, fraud and abuse and the budget will balance itself.
And as a last result; raise taxes.
- Pat Hickey - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 1:18 pm:
Paddy asks,
‘What do you think about your friends Flint and Locke including DALEY and Jane BYRNE as defendants in the Burge torture??
Not much - saw this movie; it will be on UHF channels well into the next millenium. G.Flint don’t want closure and he’s not a closer.
- One_Mcmad - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 2:08 pm:
These questions are for Cook County Board President Todd Stroger:
Who paid for the yellow flowers? Was it tax dollars? Or did your cousin, the Cook County Budget Director write you a check? Don’t you think that hiring your cousin as Budget Director creates many conflicts of interest (not to mention nepotism) in dealing with public monies and open you and her and your office to more public scrutiny especially from the federal gov’t?
Do you think anytime in the near future you’ll face an indictment?
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 8:05 pm:
Rex, Wiggins, Evans, Deepwater. All the same person. How do I know? I can see your IP address. The same one for “all” of you.
I don’t allow that sort of sock-puppetry here. Pick a name and stick with it. Multiple, consecutive posts from the same IP address designed to make it look like a groundswell is building on an issue are gonna get deleted.
Just for good measure, I deleted another comment from a different thread.
- Rizzo - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 12:01 am:
Todd Stroger is a poor excuse for a county board president. I am ashamed to live in Cook County right now. Adding to my disgust is the selection of Liz Gorman as the head of the Cook County GOP. Gorman and her husband are puppets for the corrupt “Fast Eddie” Verdolyak, and it is no secret that Gorman is in bed with the Democrats. She worked behinds the scenes with Todd Stroger during this last election, and has appointed Democrats to positions on mass transit boards (Brad O’Hallaran and Democratis State Central Comitteeman Kyle Hastings are two examples). Gorman should have run against Berrios for head of the Cook County Democratic Party. People like Gorman and Stroger are but two of the reasons Cook County is a laughing stock.