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Salvi vs. Durbin?

Thursday, Feb 15, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Dick Durbin beat Al Salvi for US Senate back in 1996. And now Charlie Johnston reports at Illinoize today that Kathy Salvi, Al’s wife, may run against Durbin in 2008.

Speaking of Kathy Salvi, hers is the only name I hear mentioned seriously and frequently as a potential candidate for U.S. Senate against incumbent Democrat Dick Durbin. I spoke briefly to her husband, Al, a few weeks ago. He said she has not given it serious consideration, but some people have talked to her.

I hear from others that an intense effort to create a “draft Salvi” movement has been underway for over a month. The only question is whether it would be for the U.S. Senate nomination or for another bid for Congress in the Eighth District.

Kathy Salvi lost the 8th District primary last year to David McSweeney. Al Salvi, you may recall, was a former state Representative who lost a secretary of state’s race to Jesse White in 1998.

What do you think of this?


  1. - Some Guy - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 10:56 am:

    I know the IL GOP has seen better days, but is there really a movement to draft someone who lost a party primary in the suburbs for a statewide race?

    Aside from that, her name recognition comes from the fact that she’s married to someone who became prominent for not being able to win statewide elections. I suppose finding candidates named Salvi isn’t as bad an idea as lining up candidates named Ryan.

    The only real advantage I can see is that she takes enough votes away from conservatives in the primary to keep Oberweis from gaining the nomination. It’ll help make sure the general election won’t be a fiasco, but it also goes a long way to ensuring a victory for Durbin.

  2. - Squideshi - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 11:11 am:

    Here’s another factor to consider in the race for U.S. Senator in Illinois:

    “The Green Senatorial Campaign Committee (GSCC) was granted national Senate campaign committee status by the Federal Election Commission on Thursday, February 8, giving the committee the ability to raise and spend money under rules similar to those for the Democrat and Republican House and Senate national campaign committees. The GSCC assists Green Party candidates running for the U.S. Senate.”

  3. - grand old partisan - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 11:11 am:

    Where does someone who lost a congressional district primary get off thinking they might be qualified to run for the Senator of this state? Oh, wait…….

    With a resume like that, she can go all the way! Salvi for President, 2012!!

    Okay, snark aside, it’s not necessarily the craziest idea - I mean, she’s never run for office in another state or anything before, has she?…..sorry, guess there was more snark to be had after all.

    Okay, seriously - why not? No one else is interested, and someone needs to make the principled arguement against Durbin.

  4. - George Ryan's Cellmate - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 11:29 am:

    I speak Italian, but I did a quick Google Translate search to confirm - yes, Salvi is Italian for “loser.”

    The IL GOP is in dire straits when its pushing a Salvi - either of them, any of them - for a federal Senate race.

    So it looks like this is the 2008 GOP IL Senate Primary: Kathy Salvi v. Jim Oberweis v. Joe Birkett v. John Cox v. John Boerling v. Jack Ryan v. Jim Ryan v. Ryan Ryan v. Mike Ditka v. Alan Keyes, with all the GOP begging Jim Edgar to please, please, please run.

  5. - Bluefish - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 11:29 am:

    I guess Al and Kathy can’t take a hint even when it is delivered with a sledgehammer.

  6. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 11:33 am:

    But what about Andy Martin?

    Is the GOP looking for find some sucker so they don’t have Andy Martin representing the party?

  7. - Levois - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 11:34 am:

    What ever happened to Al Salvi? Why won’t HE go for a rematch?

  8. - DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 11:34 am:

    Once again the old timers that control the party can’t get beyond the past.To bad for the party that there is not a mandated retirement age.

  9. - Bill Baar - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 11:34 am:

    bad idea

  10. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 11:49 am:

    Just how many times do the Salvis need to be told “NO!” by voters to get a clue?

    Running either Salvi would be worst than letting Durbin run unopposed.

  11. - respectful - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 11:57 am:

    I suspect Kathy Salvi is smart enough to recognize a no-win race when she sees one. Why spend $millions of her own money in such a scenario? She’d have a better chance taking on Bean in the 8th CD than taking on Durbin statewide.

  12. - RMW Stanford - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 11:59 am:

    My party is in bad shape but who, outside of the Salvi family, could possible think this is a good idea? We dont need someone that has lost a primary running for statewide office or the rehashing of a statewide candidate that was blown out twice. Or candidates who egos out weight the good of the party or the state. We need a new generation of leadership, not a group of warlords.

  13. - demgrrl - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 12:23 pm:

    maybe salvi didn’t get the memo that illinois is a dark blue state and far right conservatives need not apply. maybe she she should conisder a change in location to say, indiana?

  14. - True Observer - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 12:24 pm:

    Durbin has never had to answer for why/how he, being a catholic, could go from being a pro-life congressman downstate to a pro-life Senator.

    Obvious answer is that his moral compass was affected by the heavy magnetic pro-choice mass in Chicago.

    Kathy, being a Catholic, will be able to capitalize on this.

  15. - Wumpus - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 12:25 pm:

    Is IL the Bizarro world? Only in the world of Bizarro ILGOP, do peopl ewho lose races get an opportunity for a promotion. She lost (handily) McSweeney, now she gets to play in the big leagues! Here is an idea, win a race first before you decide to go for bigger and better. This is why we see Cox, Bi Polarweis(TM) etc always running for seat after seat.
    To her credit, she is an accomplished woman, who will look good at the debates. I think she is smarter than Durbin, but won’t raise the money of a Durbin.

    Where is Aaron Schock?

  16. - True Observer - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 12:27 pm:

    correction -

    Meant to say that he became pro-choice on the road to Chicago.

  17. - Bushleague - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 12:36 pm:

    Are there ANY Illinois Republicans with a pulse?

  18. - Councilman Sinnock Online - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 12:52 pm:

    Sounds like the GOP couldn’t get Keyes. I’ve made this argument before - the GOP needs to concentrate on new, down ballot candidates. They need to build a farm system so they are not continually embarassed by not having candidates to run in the higher profile races.

  19. - Lovie's Leather - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 12:52 pm:

    Aaron Schock is too young to run for Senate. And if my options for Senate are Salvi or Oberweis, I’ll take Keyes and be happy. Right now, in this state, there isn’t a chance Durbin will be unseated, especially if Obama is the nominee or VP nominee. Quite honestly, right now there is nothing to be excited about… Blago won reelection, Durbin is safe, I guess that is why the whole state is crapping their pants over Obama… Let’s make it interesting… how about Blago, Alexi, White, Little Miss Lisa, or Hynes take on Durbin in the primary, now that would be hilarious…!

  20. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 12:53 pm:

    The RSCC will not put money into the 2008 Illinois senate race. 21 of the 33 seats up for grabs are currently held by Republicans. Whoever runs will either have to self-finance themselves or take a beating and run for the good of the party. It’s doom-and-gloom but else can be done?

  21. - Lovie's Leather - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 12:55 pm:

    Ha ha, I almost forgot, we got Norm Hill… oy….

  22. - Skeeter - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 12:56 pm:

    Since when is losing a GOP primary a mark of dishonor?

    Look at the track record those people have. Primary losers might be your best candidates.

    In all seriousness, something is wrong with the ILGOP’s candidate selection process. They have failed to nominate candidates who can win. It is time to look at the alternatives.

  23. - anon - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 12:56 pm:

    True Observer….
    Durbin very clearly, passionatly and very honestly did answer the question as to why he changed his view on the choice issue. It was at the City Club of Chicago this past fall and he received a very loud ovation for his thoughtful comments.

  24. - Skeeter - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 1:00 pm:

    True Observer:

    How about you explain why Salvi can call herself a Catholic but be pro-death penalty? She also is favor of laws that allow divorce.

    If you are asking for total consistency with Rome, then demand it of everybody. Otherwise, let Sen. Durbin worry about his soul and you can worry about your own.

  25. - chalkline - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 1:02 pm:

    The total ineptitude of Illinois’ Republican Party has gone from humorous to pathetic. Guess i’ll have to straighten you Repubs out. LET OBERWEIS RUN FOR SENATE! Let him spend his own money and get clobbered by Durbin. He will run out of money,and be humiliated at getting fewer votes than Keyes. Then he will go away and leave you people alone. Glad I could be of help.

  26. - True Observer - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 1:04 pm:

    Famous Predictions -

    1. A black can’t be elected mayor of Chicago.
    2. Moseley-Braun can’t beat Dixon.
    3. Fitzgeral can’t beat Moseley-Braun.
    4. No way Obama who lost to Rush can win for Senate.
    5. No way Bean can beat Crane.

  27. - Lovie's Leather - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 1:08 pm:

    Skeeter, it just proves that Salvi is a lawyer first and a Catholic second.

  28. - Edward - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 1:16 pm:

    I think it shows how out of touch Charlie is, and he’s probably trolling for another losing campaign to latch onto.

  29. - RMW Stanford - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 1:18 pm:

    “They need to build a farm system so they are not continually embarassed by not having candidates to run in the higher profile races.”

    Thats 100 percent right, the state GOP needs to focus on finding good young candidates for lower level offices that will be able to move up in the future. The party needs a new generation of leadership, not rehashes from the 1990s.

  30. - True Observer - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 1:22 pm:


    Durbin has never had to answer for his conversion to the voters.

    A bunch of business people applauding someone who is already in power doesn’t do it.


    Kathy’s position is not inconsistent with the Catholic faith.

    “You must render unto Caesar…”.

  31. - fedup dem - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 1:23 pm:

    What was your question again, Rich? I forgot what it was while laughing thru these comments.

  32. - Skeeter - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 1:36 pm:


    It appears that your views diverge from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:

    “We do not teach that killing is wrong by killing those who kill others. Pope John Paul II has said the penalty of death is “both cruel and unnecessary”. The antidote to violence is not more violence. In light of the Holy Father’s insistence that this is part of our pro-life commitment, we encourage solutions to violent crime that reflect the dignity of the human person, urging our nation to abandon the use of capital punishment.”

  33. - Veritas - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 1:40 pm:

    I have to agree with Edward here. This smells too much like Charlie Johnston hoping to create enough hype to convince Mrs. Salvi to run and thereby give himself a chance to profit from her losing campaign.

  34. - LK CO repub - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 1:46 pm:

    Just because someone’s name is floated for an office does not mean that that person actually wants to run for that office.

    Kathy Salvi is a good republican and a good person. She won’t do something just because someone (especially Johnston) says it’s a good idea.

  35. - charlie johnston - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 1:49 pm:

    It would be a mistake to underestimate Kathy Salvi. Despite her loss, she ran a very creditable race last spring. I suspect the Senate race would be tougher than a race for the House, but Kathy would more than hold her own. She is very disciplined.

    Skeeter, the Catholic prohibition on elective abortion is absolute and binding on all the faithful. The recommendation on the death penalty is not. While a Catholic is required to give due weight to such a teaching, they may, in good conscience, dissent. I am personally opposed to to the death penalty in this country. But I see no moral or logical disconnect in people who advocate sparing the innocent and executing the guilty. I see a great moral and logical disconnect in people who advocate sparing the guilty and executing the innocent.

  36. - True Observer - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 1:55 pm:

    The Catechism states: “…the traditional teaching of the Church has acknowledged as well-founded the right and duty of legitimate public authority to punish malefactors by means of penalties commensurate with the gravity of the crime, not excluding, in cases of extreme gravity, the death penalty.”

  37. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 1:55 pm:

    Let’s try not to get too far into this Catholic thing, shall we? Thanks.

  38. - charlie johnston - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 2:17 pm:

    Look guys, whenever I have a relationship with a candidate I write about I disclose it. When I am seriously considering working with a candidate but have not signed, I don’t write about them. Contrary to what some here believe, I do not have to troll for candidates. In the last 30 years I can only think of four primaries I’ve lost. There may be another one or two, but the point is it is very rare regardless of how long the initial odds seem. My track record on non-partisan races is the same. That said, I can’t seem to buy a partisan general election these days (a situation shared by most GOP consultants working in Illinois. Still, that’s not good enough.)

    Even so, I am considering 6 serious options right now. (I dismissed one a week ago). Some of my friends in Washington have been urging me to take a race out of state because the climate in Illinois is so bad. I have decline that before, but this time four of the options I am seriously considering are out-of-state. It’s not what I want, but one has to take a cold, hard look at the Illinois climate - which is why I am delaying a decision for now.

    The Salvi’s are not among those options. That is not to say I would never consider such a thing. I am personally very fond of them. But it is not high on my list - and if it were, I would do as I always have and disclose it.

  39. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 2:21 pm:

    Yeah, c’mon people, stop bashing the messenger.

  40. - George Ryan's Cellmate - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 2:55 pm:


    Thanks for posting to Illinoize and for the intel. Illinoize and CapFax are blogs for shooting the political breeze, and on a slower news day, the Salvis make for a good thread.

  41. - Phil the Driver - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 3:01 pm:

    Al Salvi should have never been given a chance to face Dick Durbin in the 1996 General Election. Bob Kustra, then Lt. Governor, was not given the proper GOP support in the Primary. Governor Edgar had his army out backing Bob Dole against George Ryan’s chosen candidate Phil Gramm. Neither GOP leader thought about the potential outcome of a low turnout primary. And the State of Illinois and the US Senate have suffered. And now the GOP is looking to back another Salvi run? The GOP needs to identify forward thinking candidates that are not tied to single issues. By the way, Bob Kustra is now the President of Boise State University and judging by the smile on his face when Boise State won the Fiesta Bowl two months back, he’s very happy.

  42. - True Observer - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 3:15 pm:

    Famous Predictions (continued):

    Al Salvi can’t beat Kustra.

    Oh, what the h…

    Kathy Salvi can’t beat Durbin.

  43. - God's Country - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 3:17 pm:

    Draft Ditka.

    Not that he’d take the pay cut, mind you, but he’s probably the only “name” Republican save Jim Edgar that has a chance of winning.

    Which says a lot, sad to say.

  44. - Bomber91 - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 3:25 pm:

    You guys convinced me. I’m seeking the GOP Senate nomination. I never lost a primary OR an election (except that one time in the 8th grade…)

  45. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 3:28 pm:

    In a way, it’s nice to have one name out in the foray (sp?). I would rather someone run against Durbin than no one.

  46. - Way Northsider - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 3:29 pm:

    Perhaps you Republicans should consider the possibility that it is not your messengers who are weak but your message? You seem to think that if you had better candidates you would win elections. I doubt it - your better candidates have to have policy positions that make sense. Your positions are out of touch with the voters. That’s why you lose.

  47. - Bubs - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 3:37 pm:

    When I think about the potential GOP nominees for the race against Durbin, I begin to wonder where I put that paper bag.

    Not the one with the holes in it. Being a member of the Illinois GOP, I’ve moved up to the ones the airlines use.

  48. - Pete's Sake - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 3:48 pm:

    Salvi would not “more than hold her own” against Durbin, to think that shows how out of touch someone is with the political make up of this state, even if they have “six options” to consider.

  49. - Some Guy - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 3:49 pm:

    By the way, Bob Kustra is now the President of Boise State University and judging by the smile on his face when Boise State won the Fiesta Bowl two months back, he’s very happy.

    Kustra now lives out of state? Well, that should make him a more attractive senatorial candidate for the IL GOP.

    I’m with the person above who said they should just let Oberweis take it. Tell him to finance his own campaign and put the money into defending Kirk and Roskum and going after Bean. Then hope Oberweis gives up his quest for statewide office without completely alienating the state’s Hispanic population from the entire party.

  50. - po'd - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 4:45 pm:

    Durbin is the safest Democrat in the Senate, and in the US. He’s rock solid on his votes and character. He gets misquoted often so it’s hard to believe but he’s very centrist. You don’t become the Illinois Parliamentarian by making a name forself as a crazy liberal. Dick Durbin should be running for President right now. The man doubled the NIH fund on multiple occasions, was party to the creation of the homeland security department, voted against the war, has fought to make sure that the burden for post-grad education does not weigh too heavy on civil servants, and cares deeply about Illinois and it’s development. There is no better person to represent this state, and this country. We already had Durbin V. Salvi and Illinois answered. Don’t waste your breath a second time…

  51. - Capt. Obvious - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 5:01 pm:

    Now the GOPs want Durrbin to move to Idaho so he could thump Kustra…can’t he just stay here and wait for:
    (a) Aaron to get that dreamey crushed red velvet jacket out of the cleaners or
    (b) chapin rose to launch his bid.

  52. - True Observer - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 5:13 pm:



    The Kustra people, which included the entire GOP establishment, voted against Salvi.

    Same thing happened with Railsback’s people who helped put in Evans.

    Durkin v. Durbin!!!

  53. - Dieter - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 5:20 pm:

    How much do you want to bet that Charlie will be on the Salvi 2008 payroll?

  54. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 5:50 pm:

    The Salvi’s were too far right for Illinois in 1996, and ten years later the only thing that’s changed is that Illinois is more Democratic.

  55. - True Observer - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 6:05 pm:

    The only time the “far right” was able to get past the primary was with Fitzgerald and they won.

  56. - Conservative Republican - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 7:18 pm:

    1. Kathy Salvi is an attractive candidate with great personal appeal. This would easily come across on the campaign trail.

    2. Man-Behind-The-Curtain-Miller proclaims that everybody should just “shut up” about the Catholicism angle.

    Seems to me Durbin was pretty frank to the Sun Times a couple of years ago that he is a pretty wishy-washy Catholic, is not very motivated by his religion, and attends his particular church in Chicago only because its very liberal approach makes it easy for him to swallow. Seems like Durbin very much put this issue into play. Maybe Kathy Salvi can peel away some Chicago Catholic votes from Durbin.

    3. Salvi would be in a good position to revive the Durbin “US soldier = Nazi” remarks on the Senate floor. The “nice lady” would be cut some slack in raising the issue, and Durbin needs to be put on the defense for his remarks.

    4. No one better is being mentioned these days. So why not Kathy?

  57. - Ethan Allen - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 7:31 pm:

    If Charlie has the chance to work outside of IL let me be the one to start the gas money collection.

    He and the ILGOP are what’s wrong with the Party…old has beens with old ideas who latch on to right wing candidates who can only win primaries….winning a primary does not make you a success, I don’t care what you say.

    I’m sure this is hard for someone to hear when they’re in the evening of their days when it comes to politics.

  58. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 8:02 pm:

    CR, bite me. If you didn’t notice, I was trying to stop the criticism of Salvi’s religion. Go take your knee-jerk attitude somewhere else.

  59. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 8:13 pm:

    CR, I think recent elections show that about 30% of Illinois voters agree with conservtive abolutists like you and Kathy Salvi. At most.

    The rest of us would prefer a conversation grounded in reality, which is often takes place on Capitol Fax, unlike the Ill Review.

    Take it back over there where it’s appreciated.

  60. - Duckworth08 - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 9:20 pm:

    I’ve heard from political insiders that on most every vote, its Barack going to Durbin for the advice. Durbin is too smart and powerful to not win the 08 race by double-digits. Losing his seat is out of the question, especially since I suspect Iraq will still be an unresolved issue on the table come November of next year.

  61. - Come On - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 9:59 pm:

    Durbin is a smart guy, but I strongly doubt that Barack goes to Durbin for advice on every vote.

  62. - the wonderboy - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 11:46 pm:

    Sorry I missed the fun that was on this thread all day…would have been exciting to watch.

    Discussion of whether someone is “catholic enough”, Rich telling CR to bite him, and a gas fund for Charlie Johnston! And all of this from a question of how people felt about a Salvi candidacy?

    The beauty of our system is that anyone can run. If Kathy wants to run, she should go for it. If I had my pick, though, I would want to see Oberweis against Durbin. At least then he would lose 70-30 and the GOP could finally move on.

  63. - Rizzo - Thursday, Feb 15, 07 @ 11:47 pm:

    Durbin is rock solid in votes and character? Give me a break. He is a demagogue and an absolute disgrace to our state and our nation. His remarks about the brave men and women who serve this country are beneath contempt. Why isn’t Durbin speaking out against Todd Stroger, who he backed for Cook County Board President. Stroger’s proposed budget does all of the horrible things Democrats accuse Republicans of doing to the needy and then some. Durbin is a gutless waste of space who desperately needs a serious opponent in 2008, not someone who will lose big like Kathy Salvi.

  64. - whatever - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 11:22 am:

    This is moot. Kathy’s not going to run. Pay no attention to the hacks hoping to pick up a paycheck.

    I would say however that the folks attacking Kathy on the grounds that she lost a Congressional Primary last year, might want to serve themselves a big helping of crow.

    Hmmm, who lost a primary for Congress and then went on to become a U.S. Senator? Think, think, think. Oh yeah, some guy named Barack Obama.

    That said, Kathy’s a Republican, this is Illinois, and she’s not running.

    By the way Ethan Allen, set up that fund for Charlie’s gas money and Republicans will buy the guy a Winnebego with a full tank.

  65. - Dieter - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 1:47 pm:

    Here here. I will also contribute to the Charlie Johnston gas fund.

    Salvi got blown out of the water by McSweeney, losing by a 10 point margin.

    Charlie Johnston is a “consultant” and uses blogs like these to drum up business with potential candidates. I’ve seen it too many times.

    Al & Kathy: Please make the right decision, don’t let “consultants” pressure you.

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