* Claypool endorses Reilly for Alderman [from a press release]:
Brendan Reilly shares my drive to reform government and hold the line on taxes, by eliminating wasteful spending and holding elected officials and public employees to the highest ethical standards,” said Claypool.
“With his years of experience working as a senior advisor in the state legislature and serving in his current post as an executive for a Fortune 50 Company, Brendan Reilly has the values and the leadership skills to make a difference on the City Council.”
To be alderman of the 42nd Ward is akin to being mayor of a medium-size city: the booming Loop, North Michigan Avenue, Streeterville, River North and the Gold Coast. Natarus can be eccentric, cranky and, sometimes, outrageous, but his judgment on what’s right for this teeming area tends to be sound. He expertly guides complex zoning and development issues. He is justly proud of bringing 32 acres of new park land to the ward
But Mayor Daley insisted Thursday that the lessons of 1979 had nothing to do with his decision to order a “Phase 3″ snow-removal plan after this week’s snowstorm. Phase 3 dispatches a blitzkrieg of 750 city workers normally assigned to other duties to shovel sidewalks and crosswalks.
Forrest is working his way out of the wood-shed, while cutting a mean figure as a snappy dressing reformer. There are heaps of timber like old Forrest; your guy can cut it without that noodle - spined reformer. Keep sluggin’ Kiddo!
We’ll take it. All Bernie has to do is name a time and place, and Greg Brewer will be there. I’m sure we can find some reporter or community group that would moderate this on a moment’s notice. Maybe the reporter who quoted Stone would be will, or maybe Russ Stewart or Jeff Berkowitz would be available (or even Rich, if he can get out of Springfield).
It is so gratifying that the Chicago Tribune endorsed Naisy Dolar for the 50th! Thanks, Trib!
50th Ward (North Side): Ald. Bernard Stone has
represented this ward for 33 of his 79 years. He has had a long and rich career, and the council has often benefited from his direct, plain-spoken advice. But he seems to have lost some of the drive for the job. His opponents argue it’s time for a change, and they’re right. He has three challengers: architect Greg Brewer, businessman Salman Aftab and Naisy Dolar, a diversity training consultant and former director at the city’s Commission on Human Relations. Dolar’s years as a community leader have prepared her for this. She has a broad platform for improving her city and her community, and she’s an energetic political
newcomer. Dolar is endorsed.
I was convinced that Reilly would win, but the Trib endorsement of Natarus was a stunner, even deflected by Claypool, and the Mayor and Jesse White are jumping in for Natarus. So now I’m just mildly convinced.
What were they thinking? Reilly ain’t no Wonderboy, and the whole SEIU thing really stinks in a lot of ways, but four more years of Burt???
The interesting thing about the unions is that in prior years, Natarus had no problems taking their cash. This year, though, he claims to be against them.
“Natarus’ long-winded speeches are wearing thin, and people in his ward complain he tends too much to personal business and not enough to the public.” -Chicago Tribune, 1991
“For Natarus, such service means getting on the horn to press city inspectors to do a favor for Pat Marcy, the 1st Ward political boss and reputed mob link to City Hall.”- Chicago Tribune, 1993
“Voters can do themselves a favor and dump Natarus.” -Chicago Tribune, 1995
“Natarus can be eccentric, cranky and, sometimes, outrageous, but his judgment on what’s right for this teeming area tends to be sound.” -Chicago Tribune, 2007
Skeeter, stop trying to spin it back on Natarus, as usual. I’m not certain how much support the SEIU is giving to Reilly, who AGREES with Burt on Big Box, but rumor (emphasize “rumor”) it is large, perhaps six figures - but correct me if needed. He certainly he gets the benefit of the commercials.
Strong SEIU support and “reformer,” just doesn’t add up to me. Reilly may say on TV that all he owes the unions is to “be a good alderman,” but I’m sure the union bosses will take a very different view of that if he wins.
42nd Ward - I agree, that is why this endorsement is a stunner. What’s really behind it? SEIU?
Until this year, Natarus was happy to take union money. Now that they’ve endorsed the other guy [by the way not just the one union, but Police and Fire unions also back Reilly], Natarus claims that he doesn’t want the endorsement.
What is really behind the Tribune is absolutely clear: They don’t want to see unions become more powerful, and they think that if Natarus loses, it will have that impact. It ignores the fact that Natarus was a union guy before this year. Completely ridiculous.
One additional note: After the first vote on Big Box, Natarus publicly mulled changing his vote to pro-Big Box. After the others switched the other way, he felt he had cover so he didn’t.
Natarus has said that he did not report seeing guns near the Ice Bar because if he was called to testify in court, no judge or jury would believe his testimony. He sure is right about that. Nobody believes a word he says.
I am happy to talk about Brendan Reilly and the unions. They have been very helpful the past few months.
Brendan Reilly told the unions that he does not support Big Box legislation. He told them that he was in favor of reasonable development in the 42nd. He told them that he would not lie to them.
Honesty matters. The FOP, the fire union, and other unions have been a great help, which the campaign needs to counter the $500,000 given by the developers to Natarus.
If there is something I’m not addressing here Bubs, be more specific.
Reilly has strong union support. Big box is only one issue in labor’s long list of grievances against the mayor and his geriatric yes men. At least Reilly claims to be telling them the truth and Ill believe him until proven wrong. We all know not to believe a word Burt says even when he does sound somewhat coherent(which isn’t often).
I don’t have the exact numbers. There is no denying that the support is significant. That’s why Natarus sought the endorsement. He wanted their money and now is very upset that he doesn’t have it.
The number is far less than the $500,000 that the developers gave Natarus. Given the record of the developers in my neighborhood — who in the world can believe that every block needs a new 60 story building? — I would far rather support a union-backed candidate that is for limited government, like Reilly, than a nanny-state big tax big spender like Natarus who is in the pocket of the developers.
What “bull”? That’s pretty offensive. I haven’t sworn at you so I’m not sure why you decided to use that term.
If you are going to accuse me of dishonesty, you better have some basis. “Simmering anger” at Democrats, which apparently is all you have, doesn’t make the grade.
Actually, I don’t have the Natarus numbers at my fingertips. The $500,000 developers figure is round number that has been widely reported.
I could call the headquarters except for the fact:
1. I am not a paid staffer. Between postings here, I do real work; and
2. I am not your clerk. Want numbers? Give them a call. You have to understand though, that this campaign is working on convincing 42nd Ward voters of our cause, so your call might not be their top priority.
The exact numbers are pretty irrelevant anyway. The campaign is not exactly hiding the fact that union support has helped. That is why Natarus sought the endorsements.
What is also true though is that Brendan Reilly has made it clear to everyone that he is against Big Box. He made that clear despite the fact that it might have caused the unions to sit on their hands. Reilly could do that because even before they came in, he was the best funded challenger that Natarus has ever had. The other thing that is true is that during his years in Springfield, Reilly had a strong reputation for honesty. In contrast, Natarus requires federal immunity to appear in court and has recently said that he did not report crimes because no court would believe his testimony.
Want to bash unions? Go ahead. That’s up to you and the Chicago Tribune.
Ultimately, Bubs, since you don’t live in the ward, I’m not sure why you even care. The 60 story buildings without parking — they are not going up in your neighborhood.
You used a profane phrase against me and called me a liar. I don’t accept that from anybody and I told you so. If that is attacking the questioner then we will both have to live with it.
I gave you an answer. You didn’t like it. That’s unfortunate. Hope it doesn’t ruin your weekend.
- Chicago Denizen - Saturday, Feb 17, 07 @ 12:30 pm:
Bubs and Skeeter:
To date, I believe the unions have provided most of their “financial support” to Reilly in the form of Anti-Natarus, in-kind expenditures in the form of direct mail and some phone work.
I am impressed by the fact that an executive at a Fortune 50 corporation has attracted the support of the labor unions in the race - despite the fact that he has made it perfectly clear that he did not support the 2006 Big Box ordinance. Good for Reilly!
Unlike the massive, direct cash contributions the developers have been heaping on Burt Natarus during this election ($250,000 this cycle alone) - Reilly is benefiting from independent expenditures by the unions (the unions are doing this in a number of wards across the city).
I think the unions have spent about $75,000 in the 42nd Ward race - not in support of Reilly, but criticizing Natarus. While it’s a significant amount of money, it’s a drop in the bucket compared to the $400,000 the Reilly Campaign has raised on its own.
The Chicago Tribune blew it on this race…I wonder if their endorsement decision had anything to do with the fact that they are a major land-owner in the 42nd Ward?
50th: Bernard Stone, who turns 80 this year, says he is determined to serve another term, maybe two — and not install his daughter in the grand style Chicago knows all too well. But his aloof old-school politics no longer serve his evolving ward. With a notable rise in Asian Americans, people of color make up nearly half of its residents. The time is right for Naisy Dolar to become the first Asian-American alderman –
and, at 34, the Council’s youngest member. She’s
energetic, has deep roots in the Devon Avenue area and as a former human relations liaison with the city, is experienced at building coalitions. Architect Greg Brewer, whose strong suit is development, is an impressive candidate. Technology consultant Salman Aftab is shadowed by a series of criminal arrests.
- Ravenswood Right Winger - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 8:41 am:
Thank you, Chicago Tribune, for not endorsing Joe Moore in the 49th Ward. However, no thank you for your endorsement of Gene Schulter.
- Fire Ron Guenther - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 8:41 am:
Hey Rich, looks like the Tribune didn’t read your endorsement of Mr. Reilly. Does Burt have the goods on the Tribune?
- Bridget Dooley - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 8:50 am:
Claypool also endorsed Bernie Stone, which I found odd. Bernie is about as far from a reformer as you can get!
- dan l - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 8:56 am:
Thanks for the link Rich.
- Pat Hickey - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 9:08 am:
Forrest is working his way out of the wood-shed, while cutting a mean figure as a snappy dressing reformer. There are heaps of timber like old Forrest; your guy can cut it without that noodle - spined reformer. Keep sluggin’ Kiddo!
- NW burbs - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 9:20 am:
Thanks for the diversity of locales Paul. Always interesting to see where things are heating up.
- Paul Richardson - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 9:23 am:
- irishpirate - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 9:33 am:
The Tribune also endorsed Helen Shiller in the 46th ward and complimented her regarding the proposed “Wilson Yard” development and movie theaters.
The movie theaters have been nixed for about a year. Kerasotes, a big Illinois based company, pulled out.
Speculation in da ward is that the Trib always endorses Shiller because she allows Cubs parking in a public park and on Irving Park Road.
I think that is too conspiratorial. I think they just don’t do their homework.
Oh well.
- Dieter - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 10:07 am:
The Tribune endorsement of Natarus is insane. Have they ever met Alderman Natarus? Have they reviewed some of his actions over the last four years?
If they had, Reilly, Mickey Mouse, or (insert your name here) would have been a smart endorsement.
Reilly is a strong candidate with fresh ideas. Best of all, he’s not Burt Natarus.
- orb - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 10:28 am:
Bernie Stone in Thursday’s Chicago Reader says that he’ll debate any of his challengers one on one.
We’ll take it. All Bernie has to do is name a time and place, and Greg Brewer will be there. I’m sure we can find some reporter or community group that would moderate this on a moment’s notice. Maybe the reporter who quoted Stone would be will, or maybe Russ Stewart or Jeff Berkowitz would be available (or even Rich, if he can get out of Springfield).
We’re ready. Is Bernie?
- orb - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 10:32 am:
Sorry about the bad link.
Owen Brugh
Citizens for Brewer
- Skeeter - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 10:41 am:
The Chicago Tribune endorsed Natarus and Forrest Claypool endorsed Reilly?
The 42nd went nearly 60/40 in favor of Peraica last November, after Natarus endorsed Toddler over Danny K. Davis.
Given the choice of the two endorsements, I will take Claypool’s in the 42nd any day.
- Hector Villagrana - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 11:01 am:
In the 12th ward, Carina Sanchez got the Sun-Times endorsement over George Cardenass (he got the Trib). Way to go Cari!
- GoodThinking - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 11:08 am:
It is so gratifying that the Chicago Tribune endorsed Naisy Dolar for the 50th! Thanks, Trib!
50th Ward (North Side): Ald. Bernard Stone has
represented this ward for 33 of his 79 years. He has had a long and rich career, and the council has often benefited from his direct, plain-spoken advice. But he seems to have lost some of the drive for the job. His opponents argue it’s time for a change, and they’re right. He has three challengers: architect Greg Brewer, businessman Salman Aftab and Naisy Dolar, a diversity training consultant and former director at the city’s Commission on Human Relations. Dolar’s years as a community leader have prepared her for this. She has a broad platform for improving her city and her community, and she’s an energetic political
newcomer. Dolar is endorsed.
- Bill - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 11:53 am:
Brewer is coming on strong in the 50th. Stone is toast!
- Pat Hickey - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 12:25 pm:
Bill, Old Top!
Brewer seems to be one of the best candidates running against an incumbant in all 50 Wards. Bridgey is working for a quality guy.
How’s things away from the mushroom Capitol of North America for a few days?
- Bubs - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 12:26 pm:
I was convinced that Reilly would win, but the Trib endorsement of Natarus was a stunner, even deflected by Claypool, and the Mayor and Jesse White are jumping in for Natarus. So now I’m just mildly convinced.
What were they thinking? Reilly ain’t no Wonderboy, and the whole SEIU thing really stinks in a lot of ways, but four more years of Burt???
- Skeeter - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 12:56 pm:
The interesting thing about the unions is that in prior years, Natarus had no problems taking their cash. This year, though, he claims to be against them.
- 42nd Ward Resident - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 1:16 pm:
One of these things is not like the other…
“Natarus’ long-winded speeches are wearing thin, and people in his ward complain he tends too much to personal business and not enough to the public.” -Chicago Tribune, 1991
“For Natarus, such service means getting on the horn to press city inspectors to do a favor for Pat Marcy, the 1st Ward political boss and reputed mob link to City Hall.”- Chicago Tribune, 1993
“Voters can do themselves a favor and dump Natarus.” -Chicago Tribune, 1995
“Natarus can be eccentric, cranky and, sometimes, outrageous, but his judgment on what’s right for this teeming area tends to be sound.” -Chicago Tribune, 2007
- Bubs - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 1:27 pm:
Skeeter, stop trying to spin it back on Natarus, as usual. I’m not certain how much support the SEIU is giving to Reilly, who AGREES with Burt on Big Box, but rumor (emphasize “rumor”) it is large, perhaps six figures - but correct me if needed. He certainly he gets the benefit of the commercials.
Strong SEIU support and “reformer,” just doesn’t add up to me. Reilly may say on TV that all he owes the unions is to “be a good alderman,” but I’m sure the union bosses will take a very different view of that if he wins.
42nd Ward - I agree, that is why this endorsement is a stunner. What’s really behind it? SEIU?
- Skeeter - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 1:36 pm:
It has nothing to do with “spin.”
It has to do with simple facts.
Until this year, Natarus was happy to take union money. Now that they’ve endorsed the other guy [by the way not just the one union, but Police and Fire unions also back Reilly], Natarus claims that he doesn’t want the endorsement.
What is really behind the Tribune is absolutely clear: They don’t want to see unions become more powerful, and they think that if Natarus loses, it will have that impact. It ignores the fact that Natarus was a union guy before this year. Completely ridiculous.
One additional note: After the first vote on Big Box, Natarus publicly mulled changing his vote to pro-Big Box. After the others switched the other way, he felt he had cover so he didn’t.
Natarus has said that he did not report seeing guns near the Ice Bar because if he was called to testify in court, no judge or jury would believe his testimony. He sure is right about that. Nobody believes a word he says.
- Bubs - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 1:40 pm:
The “simple fact” is that you only want to talk about Natarus and the unions, not your guy and the unions.
- Skeeter - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 1:56 pm:
I am happy to talk about Brendan Reilly and the unions. They have been very helpful the past few months.
Brendan Reilly told the unions that he does not support Big Box legislation. He told them that he was in favor of reasonable development in the 42nd. He told them that he would not lie to them.
Honesty matters. The FOP, the fire union, and other unions have been a great help, which the campaign needs to counter the $500,000 given by the developers to Natarus.
If there is something I’m not addressing here Bubs, be more specific.
- Bill - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 2:43 pm:
Reilly has strong union support. Big box is only one issue in labor’s long list of grievances against the mayor and his geriatric yes men. At least Reilly claims to be telling them the truth and Ill believe him until proven wrong. We all know not to believe a word Burt says even when he does sound somewhat coherent(which isn’t often).
- Bubs - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 3:05 pm:
“If there is something I’m not addressing here Bubs, be more specific.”
No problem. How much have they given, or committed to give, Brendan Reilly in cash?
- Skeeter - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 3:15 pm:
I don’t have the exact numbers. There is no denying that the support is significant. That’s why Natarus sought the endorsement. He wanted their money and now is very upset that he doesn’t have it.
The number is far less than the $500,000 that the developers gave Natarus. Given the record of the developers in my neighborhood — who in the world can believe that every block needs a new 60 story building? — I would far rather support a union-backed candidate that is for limited government, like Reilly, than a nanny-state big tax big spender like Natarus who is in the pocket of the developers.
- Bubs - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 3:19 pm:
What bull, you have the numbers on Burt at your fingertips, but when we ask about Reilly and the unions it’s “Gosh, I dunno”?
Why don’t you make a phone call to the HQ? I’m sure you have the number.
See, we already know Burt has been bought and paid for by developers. We just want to see who else is making purchases in the political supermarket.
- Skeeter - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 3:42 pm:
What “bull”? That’s pretty offensive. I haven’t sworn at you so I’m not sure why you decided to use that term.
If you are going to accuse me of dishonesty, you better have some basis. “Simmering anger” at Democrats, which apparently is all you have, doesn’t make the grade.
Actually, I don’t have the Natarus numbers at my fingertips. The $500,000 developers figure is round number that has been widely reported.
I could call the headquarters except for the fact:
1. I am not a paid staffer. Between postings here, I do real work; and
2. I am not your clerk. Want numbers? Give them a call. You have to understand though, that this campaign is working on convincing 42nd Ward voters of our cause, so your call might not be their top priority.
The exact numbers are pretty irrelevant anyway. The campaign is not exactly hiding the fact that union support has helped. That is why Natarus sought the endorsements.
What is also true though is that Brendan Reilly has made it clear to everyone that he is against Big Box. He made that clear despite the fact that it might have caused the unions to sit on their hands. Reilly could do that because even before they came in, he was the best funded challenger that Natarus has ever had. The other thing that is true is that during his years in Springfield, Reilly had a strong reputation for honesty. In contrast, Natarus requires federal immunity to appear in court and has recently said that he did not report crimes because no court would believe his testimony.
Want to bash unions? Go ahead. That’s up to you and the Chicago Tribune.
Ultimately, Bubs, since you don’t live in the ward, I’m not sure why you even care. The 60 story buildings without parking — they are not going up in your neighborhood.
- Bubs - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 4:11 pm:
I haven’t seen that much bobbing and weaving since Ali retired.
Deflect by attacking the questioner all you want, it is entertaining.
But when you and the campaign are willing to give a straight answer to a simple question, we will be listening.
- Skeeter - Friday, Feb 16, 07 @ 4:25 pm:
Actually, Bubs, I didn’t attack the questioner.
You used a profane phrase against me and called me a liar. I don’t accept that from anybody and I told you so. If that is attacking the questioner then we will both have to live with it.
I gave you an answer. You didn’t like it. That’s unfortunate. Hope it doesn’t ruin your weekend.
- Chicago Denizen - Saturday, Feb 17, 07 @ 12:30 pm:
Bubs and Skeeter:
To date, I believe the unions have provided most of their “financial support” to Reilly in the form of Anti-Natarus, in-kind expenditures in the form of direct mail and some phone work.
I am impressed by the fact that an executive at a Fortune 50 corporation has attracted the support of the labor unions in the race - despite the fact that he has made it perfectly clear that he did not support the 2006 Big Box ordinance. Good for Reilly!
Unlike the massive, direct cash contributions the developers have been heaping on Burt Natarus during this election ($250,000 this cycle alone) - Reilly is benefiting from independent expenditures by the unions (the unions are doing this in a number of wards across the city).
I think the unions have spent about $75,000 in the 42nd Ward race - not in support of Reilly, but criticizing Natarus. While it’s a significant amount of money, it’s a drop in the bucket compared to the $400,000 the Reilly Campaign has raised on its own.
The Chicago Tribune blew it on this race…I wonder if their endorsement decision had anything to do with the fact that they are a major land-owner in the 42nd Ward?
- SunTimesSaysTimeIsRightForNaisyDolar - Tuesday, Feb 20, 07 @ 7:58 am:
50th: Bernard Stone, who turns 80 this year, says he is determined to serve another term, maybe two — and not install his daughter in the grand style Chicago knows all too well. But his aloof old-school politics no longer serve his evolving ward. With a notable rise in Asian Americans, people of color make up nearly half of its residents. The time is right for Naisy Dolar to become the first Asian-American alderman –
and, at 34, the Council’s youngest member. She’s
energetic, has deep roots in the Devon Avenue area and as a former human relations liaison with the city, is experienced at building coalitions. Architect Greg Brewer, whose strong suit is development, is an impressive candidate. Technology consultant Salman Aftab is shadowed by a series of criminal arrests.