Local Elections Roundup *Update*
Tuesday, Feb 20, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson *NEW* Complete interviews with Sandi Jackson and Darcel Beavers * Tribune Editorial Board interviews with Aldermanic candidates * Tribune Endorses Daley
* Several Sun-Times Aldermanic Endorsements * How Daley keeps the campaign cash flowing * All names stay on North Barrington ballot * Prospect Heights 5th Ward candidate off ballot; mayor survives challenge * Personal, Professional stresses weighing on Major Daley * Brown on the move: attempting to draw a Hillary endorsement and launches first TV ads * Natarus plays cleanup in 42nd ward
* Mundelein Trustee’s re-election campaign will continue * A look at the long shot challengers: * Mark Brown: What do teenage voters think of Chicago candidates? * Oak Brook trustee bounced from ballot for “major flaw” in paperwork * Q & A with Peoria and Pekin candidates * Shirley Coleman in tough 16th ward contest * Criticsm of Moore’s WTTW interview in 49th ward
* Claypool pokes at Daley…again * What about Bob Fioretti in the 2nd ward? * Daley pushes Gay Marriage bill
- jerry - Tuesday, Feb 20, 07 @ 8:53 am:
so, the Tribune wants to see the culture of corruption at city hall end. Ok, great!
Then, the logical conclusion the Trib comes to is endorsing the Mayor who allowed the culture of corruption to fester and grow?
What the?!
Ummm…Tribune…not gonna happen.
Call a duck a duck, Trib. Daley is great for big business and Republican interests in town, and you (Tribune) don’t care about the corruption, except when it helps sell papers. Real change would come from electing a new mayor. And a slew of new aldermen.
“Politicians are like diapers, they should both be changed often and for the same reason”
- dan l - Tuesday, Feb 20, 07 @ 9:03 am:
I just want to go on the record as saying “godspeed” to the SSM bill”.
- fedup dem - Tuesday, Feb 20, 07 @ 10:08 am:
The Tribune endorses Daley in the same issue that its front-page story unveils dirty laundry regarding his campaign contributions, and they say they hope Daley will end the culture of corruption over the next four years.
They might just as easily had said, “If we hope and wish really, really hard, then the Cubs can win the World Series each of the next four years.”
That was the final straw for me. I canceled my Tribune subscription the next monring. The lady who took my call pleaded with me to stay as a subscriber, but I politely told her, “When your newspaper gets an Editorial Board with an ounce of sanity, call me back.”
- Pat Hickey - Tuesday, Feb 20, 07 @ 10:25 am:
As George Dunne always said, ‘This Job is About People’ He made no distinctions Dead - Live - Macht Nischt! This job is about People!
Always a fine and generous man.
- Ravenswood Right Winger - Tuesday, Feb 20, 07 @ 10:40 am:
The Sun-Times endorsed Joe Moore for re-election in the 49th Ward? Didn’t the ST watch the debate last night on Channel 11? Moore came across as stiff and defensive on his campaign contributions.
Also Rich must be crying today since the ST endorsed Burt Natarus in the 42nd Ward. And sadly, the ST endorsed Gene Schulter here in the 47th ward.
- Wumpus - Tuesday, Feb 20, 07 @ 10:45 am:
Wonderful article/endorsement piece on Daley. What’s next, Why doesn’t Doc Walls call his mother more? or DOrothy Brown hates senior citizens>?
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 20, 07 @ 10:51 am:
“Also Rich must be crying today…”
Nah. I was absolutely sure that would happen.
- irishpirate - Tuesday, Feb 20, 07 @ 11:28 am:
NONE of the newspaper endorsements have any credibility. Natarus, Moore, Shiller, Matlak?
Who gets the next endorsement Alderman “all politicians are whores” Troutman.
The only time I pay any attention to newspaper endorsements is in judicial races.
If you want to see something amusing in the 46th Ward race head over to www.whatthehelen.com
Shiller is now holding pizza parties for handicapped folks and then providing transportation to the early voting site. I, da IrishPirate, questioned the veracity of this, but my partner in bad blogging has confirmed it. Considering how she openly flouted the League of Women Voters by posting debate video I would be surprised by little from her campaign.
- 42nd Ward Resident - Tuesday, Feb 20, 07 @ 1:42 pm:
Looks like the Sun-Times article printed Natarus’ attack on Reilly without noting that it’s all based on a lie:
Natarus argued he has capped contributions from individual developers at $1,500, while the sky’s the limit for the cash Reilly has received from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the prime movers behind the big box minimum-wage ordinance.
Records show Reilly has accepted at least $76,000 worth of cash and in-kind contributions from organized labor — $62,000 of it last week.
- Missing story? - Tuesday, Feb 20, 07 @ 2:03 pm:
I’m surprised Mark Brown’s column from Sunday (”Alderman’s challenger stumped by the case of the missing mail”, http://www.suntimes.com/news/brown/261490,CST-NWS-brown18.article)
did not get a mention here. I’d like to see what others thought of it.
- bad boy - Tuesday, Feb 20, 07 @ 2:34 pm:
Yeah, what happened to that missing mail story?
- Mike Williams - Tuesday, Feb 20, 07 @ 5:45 pm:
yes, I think there is more to that missing mail story in the 2nd Ward race. Although, I have to say that I don’t think any of Fioretti’s mailers have been lost/tossed. I have received more from that guy than anyone else. But other candidates I have spoken with share the concern.
- Bubs - Tuesday, Feb 20, 07 @ 6:49 pm:
The unions are as free to offer as much money as they like to Aldermanic cadidates. The issue is who accepts it, and how much.
My numbers might be off, but I figure the combination of Brendan Reilly’s personal funds plus Union money represents slightly over half the money he has raised, for a race in a Ward not known for its high percentage of municipal union residents.
Then there’s Leroy Jones in the 21st Ward, who is well over $100,000 in Union money with a week to go.
There is an emerging issue here that runs far beyond Big Box, but it is for the voters to decide.
- Jerry - Tuesday, Feb 20, 07 @ 8:46 pm:
I forgot to mention this before, but the Mayor should lose his job, if nothing else, over the horror show that has become the CTA.
The mayor appoints 4 of the 7 Board Members, including the CTA Board Prez. He has total control over the CTA, and he allowed it to fall into this massive state of disrepair. I don’t want to hear about funding issues with the state and all that crap, not when he’s wasting money on the pink line, on the circle line, on the “high speed” connection to O’Hare.