Local Elections Roundup
Wednesday, Feb 21, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Vi Daley announces her endorsements [press release] * Roud’em up: In a sea of angry commuters Tuesday morning, one aldermanic hopeful couldn’t help but grin.
* Troutman in trouble with loss of support from Bishop Arthur Brazier
* City Clerk candidates take aim at corruption * Summing up the Chicago mayoral race * Wheaton mayoral candidates look at city concerns * Political power play roils 12th Ward * So what does an alderman do? * Natarus’ new TV Ad… ![]()
- Skeeter - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 9:07 am:
I can’t believe that Natarus’s add included a reference to “problem bars.”
The “problem” with bars in the 42nd is that we have an alderman who sees guns on the streets and still refuses to take action against bars. What is even worse is his reason: He knows that if he was called as a witness, no judge or jury would believe him.
- 42nd Ward Resident - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 9:41 am:
My favorite is Natarus’ mail talking about a moratorium on 4 AM bars. His testimony in federal court tends to suggest otherwise…
- kl - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 10:09 am:
Paul/Rich, thanks again for paying attention to the aldermanic races, Naisy Dolar just released a new video in which she shares her bio and her vision for Chicago’s 50th ward.
Check it out at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK1YTEq3SlY
- Truthful James - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 10:18 am:
It is good to see Burt spending money. Very smooth commercial.
How will his opponent counter?
- Pat Hickey - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 10:41 am:
Russ Stewart’s Political Analysis forecasts Ginger Rugai the winner in the 19th Ward and John Somerville loses # 2.
- Downtowner - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 11:09 am:
That Natarus ad sure is slick - they should ride that ad through election day…David Axelrod better watch his back! That Haymarket Group sure runs a top-notch operation and now they’re branching into television advertising. Wow.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 11:10 am:
“Downtowner” you forgot to put “[/snark]” at the end of your comment.
- Downtowner - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 11:15 am:
No, I really mean it - great ad!
- Skeeter - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 11:22 am:
That was pretty funny. You almost had me there. You sound like something out of Goodfellas.
Any ad that makes reference to the candidate’s own most controversial failure cannot be a great ad.
What in the world were they thinking about talking about “problem bars” when Natarus:
1. Refused to take action when he saw a problem involving guns and bars; and
2. As a justification for refusing to take action, says that nobody believes a word that Natarus says (he also said that it would take too much of his valuable time).
I have no first hand info on this, but Reilly’s team must have laughed their heads off at that one. With lines like that, it is almost like Natarus actually wants to lose.
What in the world was Natarus thinking when he made the comment, and what in the world was Haymarket thinking when they produced the ad?
- irishpirate - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 12:17 pm:
Can’t we get back to the ONE and ONLY race that matters? Da 46th ward. Ok, I sense a distinct lack of enthusiasm.
Anyway, there was a debate last night on WTTW and it got nasty. No youtube video yet. I am hoping.
Over at www.whatthehelen.com there is a video from in front of the alderman’s office. Sec of State’s office just happened to be there offering State ID’s one week prior to da election.
The videographer, me, was questioned by a Shiller employee. She then danced. I kid you not.
It is not as good as Bridget Dooley’s video of the alderspawn going nuts, but it is the best I could do.
- Bubs - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 1:10 pm:
Street rumor is there will be a Natarus attack ad based on Reilly’s union money, currently at $75,000 and climbing. Emphasize “rumor.”
But the campaign won’t be laughing their heads off at that one.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 1:12 pm:
Bubs, if it’s cable, it may be too late.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 1:14 pm:
Watch the Natarus ad, then watch the latest Reilly ad, and tell me who you think does a better job of delivering their message. I’d say No Contest.
- Skeeter - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 1:19 pm:
“Bubs - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 1:10 pm:
Street rumor is there will be a Natarus attack ad based on Reilly’s union money, currently at $75,000 and climbing. Emphasize “rumor.â€
But the campaign won’t be laughing their heads off at that one.”
Imagine what Reilly’s people would do if Natarus blundered into that one?
Natarus took over $500,000 from developers and gave residents zero say in developments on their own block. And Natarus would claim about somebody else’s funding? Natarus took developer money and then worked for developer interests and not the interests of the residents.
Plus, Natarus has taken union money in the past and sought union money this time.
I suspect that such an ad campaign would [please don’t swear in your posts] the unions so much that they might talk publicly about all the steps that Natarus took to cozy up to them to get that money, including the documents he filled out asking for that endorsement. Of course the unions probably would toss in the fact that Natarus didn’t get the union money because the unions, like judge and juries (according to Natarus) don’t believe a word Natarus says.
Natarus has run a bad campaign, but I can’t imagine that he would screw up so completely as to run ads like that.
- 42nd Ward Resident - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 1:57 pm:
I’ll tell you what else the Reilly campaign isn’t laughing at- getting five mail pieces in a single day from Natarus. That’s five times as effective!
They sure are sharp over at Haymarket!
- Bubs - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 2:24 pm:
Guys, you really should get a hold of yourselves. It’s politics, and only an Aldermanic race at that. There are six days left and it will be over, and one will have won. 99+% of the 42nd Ward voters are not reading this blog.
Which one wins? Who knows at this point, since Burt is pouring in his dough. It looks very close, either way.
Rich, I think you are right. It might be a mailer, I can’t tell. Rumors are just that.
- Skeeter - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 2:37 pm:
Do you work for Natarus?
You really seem to share his “no big deal” attitude.
Guns on the street? No big deal.
Development out of control? No big deal.
Aggressive homeless people hassling residents while the police are forced to act as doormen for the bars that provide campaign money? No big deal.
For those of us who live in the 42nd, there is no bigger deal. The alderman has a more direct impact on our lives than any other elected official.
So yes, this election is a big deal.
And if Natarus sends out something like that, he might as well as send his office keys over to Reilly because it will blow up on him so badly that the race won’t be close at all.
- Bubs - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 2:43 pm:
1. Please read my previous post.
2. For a guy that claims he doesn’t work for Reilly, you sure take it personally when someone doesn’t share 100% of your view. That’s not good politics.
- Bubs - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 2:47 pm:
BTW way, no I don’t work for Burt. As a matter of fact, I am helping assisting a review on whether to sue him under the City’s ACLU consent decree.
If you need me to explain that to you, don’t bother.
- Pat Hickey - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 3:17 pm:
Welcome to my world. Skeeter is milky in the filbert is all.
- Downtowner - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 4:37 pm:
Haymarket Group made a brilliant tactical decision to have 5 direct mail pieces simultaneously hit mailboxes yesterday - once again, Haymarket Group proves they’re cutting-edge strategists.
I just wanted to say, the mailroom in my building had hundreds of Natarus pieces littered across the floor and sticking out of the garbage bin…that’s excellent visibility - especially with my neighbor who likes to pick through garbage cans!
If I ever run for office, I am definitely hiring Haymarket Group…has Barack Obama signed them up yet? If not, he should - these guys know how to win campaigns!
- Bill - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 5:25 pm:
The haymarket group has their flashes of brilliance. Just ask Jim Morici.
- Jerry - Wednesday, Feb 21, 07 @ 8:17 pm:
Man, I hope Matlak loses. Waguespeck probably picked up at least a coupla dozen votes with that.
Too bad he didn’t start showing up at Damen when the cold and snow hit. Every freaking day was a disaster. I spent half an hour plus on the platform pretty much every day for two or three weeks straight. And I wasn’t the only one.