Election Results Open Thread
Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson
CBS 2 Live Election Coverage
Live Video
* 7:55pm
Ward 2
Bob Fioretti 865 26.1%
Madeline Haithcock 792 23.9%
David Askew 561 16.9%
Kenny Johnson 478 14.4%
Wallace Davis 359 10.8%
Larry Doody 259 7.8%
Ward 12
George Cardenas 898 59.6%
Carina Sanchez 375 24.9%
Jesus Salazar 73 4.8%
Alan Mercado 71 4.7%
Alberto Bocanegra 58 3.8%
Jesse Iniguez 32 2.1%
Ward 19
Virginia Rugai 3,680 56.5%
John Somerville 1,504 23.1%
Timothy Sheehan 1,328 20.4%
Ward 32
Ted Matlak 1,635 47.4%
Scott Waguespack 1,379 39.9%
Catherine Zaryczny 439 12.7%
Ward 42
Brendan Reilly 1,924 54.2%
Burton Natarus 1,627 45.8%
Ward 50
Bernard Stone 728 69.8%
Naisy Dolar 153 14.7%
Greg Brewer 123 11.8%
Salman Aftab 39 3.7%
* 8:01pm
Latest update: With 79% of preceincts reporting, Riley is ahead of Natarus in the 42nd ward by 800 votes. He won Natarus’s home precinct.
* 8:08pm
Ward 7
67.69% of precincts reporting
Jackson, Sandi 4,798 57.32%
Beavers, Darcel (i) 2,767 33.06%
David, Ron 653 7.80%
Brown, Eric
Ward 20
48.0% of precincts reporting
Willie Cochran 2,108 62.7%
Arenda Troutman 1,042 31.0%
Edward Chaney 210 6.2%
* 8:12pm
All major outlets have just called it for Daley. Shocking.
* 8:14pm
Ward 43
37.3% of precincts reporting
Vi Daley 1,630 47.4%
Michele Smith 1,122 32.6%
Tim Egan 413 12.0%
Peter Zelchenko 173 5.0%
Rachel Goodstein 99 2.9%
* 8:34pm
Precincts Reporting 26 96.3%
Sheila Simon 1042 53.19%
Brad Cole 759 38.74%
Jessica Davis 81 4.13%
Pepper Holder 74 3.78%
* 8:38pm
Ward 12
83.3% of precincts reporting
George Cardenas 2,230 58.4%
Carina Sanchez 1,088 28.5%
Jesus Salazar 169 4.4%
Alan Mercado 148 3.9%
Alberto Bocanegra 133 3.5%
Jesse Iniguez 50 1.3%
* 8:43pm
Ward 50
66.7% of precincts reporting
Bernard Stone 3,697 53.5%
Naisy Dolar 1,746 25.3%
Greg Brewer 1,078 15.6%
Salman Aftab 385 5.6%
* 8:55pm
Update: Expect a victory announcement from Brendan Reilly in the 42nd ward between 9-9:30pm
[Comments now closed. We’ve got a fresh thread above]
- Anon - Tuesday, Feb 27, 07 @ 7:59 pm:
The City of Chicago returns, as of 7:51, show 67.4% of precincts reported in the Mayor’s race, yet for the Clerk’s race only 26.5% are in. I don’t get it. Most of the ward returns are in the 20-30% range as well. How could these fancy computers report one race but not the other?
Both the Trib and the Sun-Times have the same numbers.
- Anon - Tuesday, Feb 27, 07 @ 8:04 pm:
Now, as of 8:00 pm, they’re up to 70.4% reported for both Mayor and Clerk, yet the percent reported for the aldermanic races is still low. Only a couplke of wards are reporting more than 50% so far, and most are well below that.
Oh, for those who care about such things, Daley’s at 71.8% and del Valle is at 58.5%.
- Juice - Tuesday, Feb 27, 07 @ 8:12 pm:
And the Sun Times has called it for Daley… surprise, surprise
- jerry 101 - Tuesday, Feb 27, 07 @ 8:17 pm:
damn. turnout is pathetic.
It can be summed up by my stoopid coworker:
“I don’t care about city politics. It does nothing for me”
- Anon - Tuesday, Feb 27, 07 @ 8:17 pm:
I’ve been trying to get the Chicago Board of Elections web site to load for the past 20 minutes without success. What up with that?
- Levois - Tuesday, Feb 27, 07 @ 8:18 pm:
Following the election there are a lot of surprising numbers. Some of my predictions are going to be proven wrong. But there are going to be some runoffs.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 27, 07 @ 8:23 pm:
Run-offs in 32 and 43
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Feb 27, 07 @ 8:25 pm:
Pat Hickey must be curled up in the fetal position somewhere, spewing weird non-sequiter snippets from Finegan’s Wake right about now. Granted, his candidate will surely prevail, but his nemesis is right on her heels.
And all this time I was relying on his advice in the 19th Ward, and all things Beverly. I guess you can’t believe everything you read on the internet.