Friday, Feb 2, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller Chris Hayes has an article in The Nation about David Axelrod that Chris thought you might be interested in. Go have a look. Also, Eric Krol asked that I pass this one along to you. It’s a funny little story by the Daily Herald’s John Patterson, entitled “Elusive Blagojevich sighted.” Krol’s latest DH column, which he may have been too modest to mention, hands out some attaboys: “Handing out a trio of props to statewide officials.” Go read them both. And when you’re done with all that, or even before you start, make sure to check out Illinoize. Have a great weekend. Go Bears! Oh, and one more version of Bear Down before I go…
Bear down!
Friday, Feb 2, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller I love our fight song.
And so the other day I went looking for versions of the song at YouTube to post on our last work day before the Super Bowl. This, in my opinion, is how a real Chicagoan sings Bear Down… Embedding has been disabled on this one, but it’ll warm the hearts of cute baby lovers everywhere. Click on the pic to watch… ![]() The immigrant version… Cinéma Vérité… Kind of a punky/jazzy version from Manic Sewing Circle… What collection of Bear Down versions could be complete without singing sock-puppet chickens?… OK, this last one isn’t for everyone, but it’s so flat-out bizarre that I just had to post it. Some of the language renders it NOT SAFE FOR WORK, so please DON’T click on it if you’re at work and could get in trouble. And, seriously, it’s pretty weird. Consider yourself warned… Go Bears! Anybody got a ticket? I need a miracle! ![]()
Obamarama - The Barack-Mobile
Friday, Feb 2, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller I think my father may have finally popped his cork. My dad’s most prized possession is his 1963 Cadillac convertible. It’s a beautiful car. Totally sweet. He’s had the Caddy for over 30 years. It was my date car when I was a teenager, but I was always afraid to drive it because I feared somebody would crash into me or scratch it or whatever and then I’d be in HUGE, GIGANTIC, DANGEROUS trouble. When my parents moved back to Europe, they stored the Caddy for a time in my garage, but all those bad memories came back from my youth and I barely drove the thing, afraid I’d hit a deer or something. Anyway, as I think I’ve told you before, my father is a big Barack Obama fan. One of the biggest. The two of them have become close over the years (don’t ask, long story), and Obama refers to Dad as “Brother Miller” whenever they greet. It’s quite amusing. Here’s a photo of the two of them together… ![]() My dad has wanted Obama to run for president since before Obama was elected to the US Senate. Dad had buttons made up for a Washington, DC reception after Obama was sworn in to his Senate seat. Everybody out there wanted one, and I believe he had to have more made to accomodate the demand… ![]() The first campaign my dad ever worked on was Barry Goldwater’s doomed 1964 presidential bid. A few years ago, Dad actually put a Goldwater sticker on the Caddy’s bumper, which shocked me. He had violated the Caddy with a bumper sticker, of all things. But Dad dearly loved AuH20, and he thought it was cool to have that sticker on his car, and who am I to judge? So, I guess I shouldn’t have been too surprised when my father had some new and absolutely ginormous stickers specially made for his Cadillac, which he intends to drive to Springfield for Obama’s announcement and, I would bet, throughout Iowa during the upcoming campaign. Dad has never been one for half-measures, but for crying out loud, just look at this photo, and click on it for a frighteningly large version… ![]() Here are some more. Click on each for larger, scarier images. ![]() ![]() ![]() At first, I thought he had just photoshopped the stickers onto his car, but Mom assures me they are real. You can’t see it in the pics, but there’s another sticker across the trunk which reads “The Time Is Now.” By the way, the Goldwater sticker is gone.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Campaign finance summary for all legislative targets (Use all caps in password)
Friday, Feb 2, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Friday, Feb 2, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller You’ve no doubt heard about the Cartoon Network’s guerilla advertising campaign that backfired in Boston.
The Chicago coppers weren’t happy either, and pulled down 20 of the signs yesterday, even though nobody had called 911 in panic, as happened in Boston.
To the question: Who do you think is more irresponsible here? The Cartoon Network for placing the signs in the first place? Or the police, public officials and the media for reacting as they did? Explain.
Governor makes big news in California
Friday, Feb 2, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller The governor was in California yesterday to announce that Illinois will share in a $500 million grant from British Petroleum to research alternative fuels.
That’s great news for Illinois and the nation, of course. And it’s probably a good thing that Blagojevich made his announcement in California, considering the press reports about his mounting legal bills and the serious holes in his administration’s case against two CMS employees. One also can’t help but wonder whether he scheduled a Cali fundraiser this week. IlliniPundit points out an irony in the governor’s announcement. [emphasis added]
“CFAR” is the Illinois Council on Food and Agricultural Research. The governor’s change of heart since then has been complete and, as shown above, politically beneficial.
Grieving mother calls for driving age limits
Friday, Feb 2, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller You may have seen this news story…
The mother of the little boy was understandably distraught and angry, sending the driver this note that was made public by Ryan Wesling’s survivors.
And now she’s calling for action.
Here are some recent incidents cited by that AP report.
According to the AP, two dozen states require seniors to jump through certain hoops to keep their licenses. Illinois requires road tests after age 75.
Thoughts? And let’s try to have some empathy for all sides, please.
Morning shorts
Friday, Feb 2, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * A look at spending differences in statewide races * A look at Ill. congressional campaign finance reports * Statewide Democrats blank their opponents with money, new records show * Davlin far ahead of Strom in funding - Mayor has more than seven times as much as opponent * Joe Mysak: States Should Follow Illinois, Get Out of Gambling * Editorial: Sale of lottery won’t be a big winner for Illinois * Chief Justice Roberts says judges should be judges, not statesmen * Mayoral foe Brown pitches sales tax holidays - Says benefits to small businesses would offset cost * Biggest contributor giving mayor, wife a lift to Miami * Simpson: Why Dorothy Brown would make a good mayor * Berrios named county Dem chief - Challengers step aside for first Hispanic in post * Cell-phone charges: Let the buyer beware * Firing range scare leads to increase in safety - Stray bullet nicked state police cadet back in November * Top 10 Treo Accessories * Payment is issue in fired state workers case - Governor’s office not paying firm that probed hiring procedures * Businessman admits cheating IDOT, other government agencies * Editorial: Pandora’s box