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Local mail and TV

Thursday, Feb 22, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Click the pics for larger images]

* Alderman Ted Matlak’s 32nd Ward opponent has gone negative…

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* Ald. Burt Natarus has also gone negative…

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* But SEIU has gone negative in a big way on Natarus…

SEIU_42nd_favor.jpg SEIU_42nd_favor_back.jpg

* And more from SEIU on Natarus…

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* I’m told that Natarus had five mailers hit on the same day. Probably not a smart move. I have many of the mailers, but I’m too busy today to upload them. Hopefully I’ll post them tomorrow.

* 50th Ward candidate Naisy Dolar talks about her campaign…

* Alderman Ed Smith’s TV ad can be found at this link

* A WYCC report on the 32nd Ward race…

This is a Chicago elections open thread.

Also, I’m planning to be in the city next Monday and Tuesday to have a closer look. Any suggestions?


Afternoon shorts

Thursday, Feb 22, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

I missed some items in Morning Shorts and the local elections roundup, and others have popped up since then, so I’ll add ‘em now…

* Senator Murphy to host online chat this evening on his bill that would ban access to “social networking” Websites in certain public facilities.

Under the proposed legislation sponsored by 27th District state Sen. Matt Murphy, all public libraries and schools in Illinois would have to prohibit access to sites such as My Space, Facebook and personal blogs from computers.

The proposal, which Murphy’s office says is the only one in the nation that calls for a complete ban on these sites, has been a hot topic since it was introduced Feb. 9. It has since been referred to the rules committee.

Murphy’s live online discussion will be held 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday at his blog, The freshman senator will answer questions people have on his bill.

Be there or be square.

* Environmentalists are near a meltdown over plans to recycle nuclear fuel an hour southwest of Chicago

* Charlie Johnston: GOP Senate Race Reality Check

* Bill Baar: Jesse Jackson Jr to Todd Stroger: there are consequences to a vote

* Slusher: Sticky issue of putting ideological labels on political candidates

* Rosemont gaming license still in play

* Governor’s backlog of clemency requests draws fire

* ArchPundit thinks the story on Daley paying $100 to students for election day work was seriously flawed.

* “Today, the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law released a new report finding that Illinois’s campaign finance system is broken and badly in need of reform.” [From a press release]

* Alone among major Midwestern states, Illinois places no restrictions on campaign contributions, allowing unlimited donations from any source.

* Disclosure laws, supposedly the bulwark against corruption instead of contribution limits, are easily evaded.

* The State Board of Elections has been hamstrung by partisan gridlock and has failed to enforce the law. Wary of conducting investigations and resolving cases that could have political ramifications, the Board has signaled that campaign finance laws can be evaded without repercussion.

* The report also finds that Illinois is the only state in the Midwest that has no public campaign finance system of any kind. Under a public financing system candidates agree to limit campaign spending in exchange for campaign financing provided by the state – either through matching funds or an outright grant.

* Mayor Daley’s last TV ad of the season…


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Thursday, Feb 22, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Thursday, Feb 22, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

First, the setup

A Chicago Democrat wants Illinois to be the second state to legalize gay marriages.

State Rep. Greg Harris plans to introduce legislation today that will permit same-sex couples to get married. Although four states recognize civil unions among gays, only Massachusetts provides for gay marriages.

“It would extend the same rights and obligations of marriage to same-sex couples in Illinois as are previously enjoyed, or not enjoyed, by heterosexual couples,” Harris said. “If you look at recent polls … people of Illinois very thoroughly understand that same-sex couples deserve the same rights and benefits” as heterosexual couples.

David Smith, executive director of the Illinois Family Institute, disagreed.

Smith’s group collected over 300,000 signatures to put an anti gay marriage question on the November ballot. The group didn’t have enough valid signatures, however.

Anyway, to the question: Could you support this idea? Could you support a variation on this proposal, like civil unions? Why or why not?

And, please, keep it civil. Over the top stuff will be dealt with harshly.


Beyond shocking

Thursday, Feb 22, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

I’ve been telling subscribers lately that Ameren’s gigantic electric rate increase last month is causing political heartburn all over downstate Illinois.

This is a typical story

After paying an average bill of $223 a month for the past two years, Huckelberry still is having a hard time believing his latest Ameren electric bill after the rate freeze was lifted was for $870 - a hike of nearly 300 percent.

Yesterday, a group of legislative Republicans held a press conference, but didn’t propose any solutions….

Convinced that Illinois is in the midst of an “electric rate crisis,” a group of Republican state lawmakers on Wednesday said Gov. Rod Blagojevich ought to schedule a summit to help consumers with their dramatically higher power bills.

Some electricity bills - especially for all-electric households - have more than doubled since a 10-year rate freeze expired at the beginning of 2007.

At a state Capitol news conference with more than a dozen fellow Republicans, Rep. Bill Black of Danville accused the Democratic governor of failing to show leadership on the electricity issue.

Black said the proposed “electric rate relief summit” should include Blagojevich, the four legislative leaders and the chairman of the Illinois Commerce Commission, which is the state’s utility regulator.

That’s the usual Springfield game. Punt the hot potato to someone else.

Meanwhile, down in Carbondale, the Southern Illinoisan has been hot and heavy on the rate hike beat, with columnist Jim Muir penning three columns in the past ten days or so about the issue. His latest takes Senate President Emil Jones to task…

A few days after the Nov. 7, 2006, election the Illinois House passed a measure to extend the rate freeze but Senate President Emil Jones refused to call the legislation for a vote. The Senate then passed some bogus legislation calling for a 42 percent rate hike scattered over three years. The legislation passed by the Senate looked like it was written by Ameren and ComEd and it was never called for a vote in the House. In the end, as we all found out when we received our electric bill this month, the General Assembly did nothing and the freeze was lifted.

As I was poring over the various campaign contributions I found it interesting that during a three-week period before Senate President Jones sat on his hands and did nothing to help Illinois residents, Ameren contributed $25,000 to “Citizens for Emil Jones” and another $10,000 to the “Illinois Senate Democrat Fund.”

Am I saying that Jones took a kickback? Certainly not. But, I am saying that those contributions combined with a do-nothing General Assembly created an appearance of impropriety. I challenge anybody, including Sen. Jones, to debate me that it didn’t. In my view this single issue has exposed Illinois politics for what it is - a land where “pay-to-play” has taken precedence over common sense, logic, decency and simply doing the right thing.

[Emphasis added]

One of the hottest spots of opposition to Ameren’s rate hikes is the St. Louis Metro East area. Ameren is beginning to respond to the crisis by hiring a longtime St. Louis TV anchor as its VP for public relations. That won’t be enough, however.

The Citizens Utility Board is doing its level best to fan the fires

As if being hit with skyrocketing utility prices was not enough, more than 20,000 Illinois residents may also become unemployed due to electric rate hikes by Ameren and ComEd, says a study released Monday by the Citizens Utility Board.

Even municipalities are feeling a pinch

But individual households aren’t the only ones suffering electric bill sticker shock. Illinois’ 93rd District Rep. Jil Tracy says that a number of communities in her district got big bills.

“Likewise I’ve heard from many municipalities–towns, very small towns, which have very small budgets. And they certainly did not anticipate these kinds of increases,'’ said Tracy. “I mean, some of them are looking at more than 300 percent increases for the streets lights and the like. And it’s an ongoing expense that’s vital to public safety.”

Right now, this is the biggest story in Downstate, and it’s political dynamite for all state legislators.


“Popular vote” pact eyed

Thursday, Feb 22, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

I’m curious what you think of this idea

In light of the 2000 electoral debacle, some state lawmakers want Illinois and Missouri to join a movement in which states would agree to give all their electoral votes to the nation’s popular vote-getter in the presidential race.

The idea is to make sure the candidate who gets the most popular votes nationally also wins the election. […]

“It’s one man, one vote,” [the IL House sponsor of a similar bill last year Rep. Tom Holbrook said.] “You can muddy the water all you want. If you think every voter is equal, then you support this.”

Supporters of popular-vote measures point to the 2000 presidential victory of George W. Bush over popular-vote winner Al Gore. After a messy election dispute in Florida that went to the Supreme Court, Bush won a majority in the U.S. Electoral College. That group of electors, set up by the Constitution, cast ballots based on the popular vote within individual states. Their vote trumps the popular vote, and in 2000 it gave the election to Bush.

However, the new system being proposed would come with its own potential pitfall: A state could be forced to give all its electoral votes to a candidate who lost in that state.



Local Elections Roundup

Thursday, Feb 22, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bridget:

Today one of Alderman Berny Stone’s supporters called and told me that he was going to “firebomb” our office. When I asked him if he was threatening us, he said that he’ll “do whatever it takes to keep Bernard Stone in office” and reiterated his intention to “firebomb” the office. I hung up and called the police.

The bomb squad came and checked out the place and took a police report. While it was probably just some idiot running his mouth with no intention to do much more than that, I was not about to take any chances.

This is the same person who called on Feb. 16th after repeatedly sending us emails saying that Greg Brewer “had a lot of nerve to run against Bernard Stone”.

* Heated developments in the 2nd Ward

* Two aldermen endorse Walls over Daley:

Arenda Troutman (20th) and Howard Brookins (21st) are believed to be the only aldermen taking sides against Daley, the favorite in Tuesday’s election. The fact that Troutman and Brookins chose Walls over Dorothy Brown makes the endorsement even more surprising.

* Alderman complains of spliced youtube video showing drinking & driving

* Daley to pay college students $100 for election day help

* Last Day for early voting in Chicago

* Retail debate in Lidenhurst mayoral race

* Ex Daley foe, Del Valle, now an integral part of mayor’s ticket:

“Given the changing political dynamics in the city, this was a good time for the mayor to reach out to me,” del Valle said. “I’ve evolved too. I’m more of a policy person than when I started. One thing you need to learn is to be a consensus builder.”

* No fines issued against Villa Park president’s party

* Pradel And Krause Endorsed By Daily Herald In Naperville Mayoral Primary

[I’ll post Mayor Daley’s newest TV ad later this morning.]


Morning shorts *** Updated x1 ***

Thursday, Feb 22, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Chiefs last hurrah; crowd mourns end of tradition

* Fred Couch: Fans left orange and blue

* Todd’s trash talk:

On the eve of his biggest day as Cook County Board president, Todd Stroger took to name-calling of elected officials he says have whined too much about having to cut their budgets. State’s Attorney Richard Devine and Sheriff Tom Dart are “prima donnas” who have complained about cuts on “just about every talk show,” Stroger said Wednesday.

* Daley’s Crosstown Expressway vision includes only trucks and a CTS lane: One day after House Speaker Michael J. Madigan (D-Chicago) put the Crosstown chip on the table in the game of legislative poker, Daley piled on with a more costly and elaborate proposal.

* Sun Times Editorial: Crosstown plan worth another look

* 1,000 Cook County workers given the notice on possible layoff:

* Editorial: Hold line on taxes, cut ‘exempt’ jobs, consolidate clinics

* Showdown comes for Cook Co. budget

* Eric Zorn: Tough fight over the Judicial Advisory Council, small slice of big pie

* Cook County lacks the votes to delay March 15th smoking ban

* Jesse Jackson Jr. rips Stroger’s budget plan

* Rosemont gaming license still in play

* Madigan files suit to end tow-truck scams

* Will County officials reject Jackson’ revised ALNAC plan

* Harvey still searching for missing records

* Experts: Boys should also get HPV vaccine

*** UPDATE *** Audio of Tuesday’s appellate oral arguments in USA v. Larry Warner & George Ryan have been posted online. Listen below…



* Roundup: Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson fends off congressional Republicans (Updated)
* Federal judge issues sweeping preliminary injunction against Trump administration's unilateral budget cuts: 'An agency is not harmed by an order prohibiting it from violating the law'
* It’s just a bill
* Illinois might stick with its ‘seal on a bedsheet’ flag after all
* Open thread
* What Is A Credit Union?
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today's edition
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
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* Yesterday's stories

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