Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY (Part 2) - Ray Harris says “thanks”
Wednesday, Feb 21, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - HPV; Halvorson; Ameren; Haine; Hawthorne; Jackson; Will County; Predators; May; Taxes; Murphy; Interesting bills (Use all caps in password)
Wednesday, Feb 21, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Wednesday, Feb 21, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller Today is the last day for U of I sports mascot “Chief Illiniwek,” overshadowing the last home game for the Illini’s senior class. Media hordes are preparing to descend upon Assembly Hall, but they probably won’t find any protests by the anti-Chief crowd, and there’s still debate about what to do with the logo. But I don’t care about any of that. Question: Let’s come up with a new “mascot” for the U of I. Snark is heavily encouraged, debating the Chief’s demise is strongly discouraged. We’ve already been there, done that. It’s over. Let’s move on…
Say it ain’t so, Doogie
Wednesday, Feb 21, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller I remember the first time I met Dick Kay. I had watched him on TV for much of my life so when I saw him at the Rathskellar (the cafeteria in the Statehouse basement) I cautiously approached him and told him how much I always enjoyed his hard-hitting political reports. He was gracious and kind, and after that we developed a pretty good relationship. You may have heard that Kay has signed on as a spokesperson to help Gov. Blagojevich pass his health care proposals. Carol Marin, who knows everybody (she has George Clooney’s private number programmed on her cell phone, for crying out loud), replaced Kay as Channel 5’s political editor after Dick retired last year. Her Sun-Times column today (Marin has about fifty different jobs) is about Kay’s surprising move…
Reform and Renewal - Canary blasts the guv
Wednesday, Feb 21, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller Cindi Canary was an outspoken proponent of Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s reform ideas early in his first term. She has since come to realize that Blagojevich is all talk, little action (I hate to say I told her so, but…). Canary, who runs the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, penned a column for Crain’s the other day which was headlined “As other governors tackle corruption, what is ours doing?” As Canary details, he’s not doing much. This is how her column ends, but go read the whole thing…
Hat tip: David at Illinoize. Meanwhile, if you want to see how much gubernatorial candidates from 15 “key” states spent per vote, Governing Magazine’s blog has the list.
Local Elections Roundup
Wednesday, Feb 21, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Vi Daley announces her endorsements [press release] * Roud’em up: In a sea of angry commuters Tuesday morning, one aldermanic hopeful couldn’t help but grin.
* Troutman in trouble with loss of support from Bishop Arthur Brazier
* City Clerk candidates take aim at corruption * Summing up the Chicago mayoral race * Wheaton mayoral candidates look at city concerns * Political power play roils 12th Ward * So what does an alderman do? * Natarus’ new TV Ad… ![]()
Morning Shorts
Wednesday, Feb 21, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Surprise push to bring first Mayor Daley’s expressway dream to life:
* Sun-Times Editorial: We need to get moving on public transit * Dawn Turner Trice: Let us bury the Chief, not praise him * Ryan lawyers highlight unfair jury management
* Stroger, board near compromise: Todd Stroger and the commissioners who have just seven days left to pass a $3 billion budget. * Tribune Editorial: Crunch time for Cook Co.
* Stroger and Devine battle it out * Commissioners find ways to raise more cash * Pollution tax eyed by Cook Co. Board * Protests planned over Cook Co. medical cuts * Cook Co. budget fight getting tough * Commissioner goes without office to voluntarily cut own budget by 17% * County breaks talks with hospital billing firm: Cook County has reversed course again and ended negotiations with a controversial consulting firm because it wouldn’t cut a nice enough deal for the cash-strapped county. * Three alderman push for airline passenger’s bill of rights * Illinois, other states Bush administration over mercury emissions * Blunt hails bridge proposal, IL unsatisfied
* Blagojevich calls IL a national leader in child support collection [press release] * Transit ills fail to hurt Daley * Businesses prepare for smoking ban * Daley rebuts $14.8 million lawsuit from ex-inmates * ComEd and the city to help with bills:
* Springfield to expand public Wi-Fi, learns from California example * David Broder: Early primaries blot out the sun * Small Chicago paper given Polk award for Bronzeville Center probe