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Tuesday, Feb 20, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Tuesday, Feb 20, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

First, the setup

Stung by the deaths of two teenagers in a drunken homecoming night car crash last fall, north suburban lawmakers proposed legislation on Monday that would toughen the penalties for parents who condone underage drinking in their homes.

It already is illegal for parents to knowingly allow minors to drink in their homes and to provide them with alcohol or fail to control access to it, but the stiffest penalty is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine and up to 364 days in jail.

Under the bill proposed by state Sen. Susan Garrett (D-Lake Forest), if bodily harm occurs, parents could be charged with a felony punishable by 1 to 3 years in prison or probation and up to a $25,000 fine.

“[This] is not designed to put unwitting or unknowing parents in jail,” Garrett said at a news conference with other state lawmakers, police officials and activists at the Lake County Building in Waukegan. “We are attempting to heighten awareness of and increase sensitivity to the dangers of underage drinking.

Now, the question: Would you favor this concept? Why or why not?

Bonus question: Do you think we should have more laws that hold parents accountable for their knowing approval of illegal behavior by their children? Offer examples.

Also, there are more details in the story, so if you have more questions, go read the whole thing. Don’t just ask other commenters to clarify something for you. Thanks.


Backlash against the backlash

Tuesday, Feb 20, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

I’ve kept this issue confined to subscriber-only blog posts because it’s a legislative issue and I felt that the debate has been so distasteful, but now that the mainstream press has picked up on it, we might as well get it out in the open here.

Legislation to vaccinate pre-teen girls against a sexually transmitted virus that can cause cervical cancer has sparked a heated debate at the Illinois Statehouse.

The discussion has even moved to the point where one opponent of the legislation has publicly called on a sponsor to reveal her sexual history.

At issue is the human papillomavirus, or HPV, the primary cause of cervical cancer in females. A new vaccine, Gardasil, has been shown to protect against HPV strains that cause 70 percent of the cancer cases. The National Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices has recommended vaccinations for 11- and 12-year-old girls - before they are likely to become sexually active.

An Illinois House bill would require girls to be vaccinated before they enter sixth grade beginning in 2008-09 unless their parents formally opt out. A similar Senate bill would have schools provide information about HPV and cervical cancer to 11- and 12-year-old girls beginning this fall and then would require immunizations - again, unless parents decide against them - in 2009.

As the New York Times notes, the manufacture of the vaccine, Merck, is making a national state-by-state push to require the shots, adding…

And in Illinois, a bill introduced by a legislator who had the virus the vaccine is intended to prevent prompted a conservative group’s blog to speculate that she had been promiscuous.

“I’m offended by their ignorance, but if I have to take a hit to educate people, I’m willing to do it,” said the bill’s sponsor, Debbie Halvorson, the Democratic majority leader in the Illinois Senate.

Ms. Halvorson is also a director of Women in Government, a national association of state legislators that has embraced the fight against cervical cancer and has received funding from Merck. The group has posted model mandatory vaccination legislation on its Web site, The rush for mandatory inoculation — most of the state proposals have been introduced since the beginning of the year — is unusual. It was only last June that federal regulators approved the vaccine, called Gardasil.

Jill Stanek has taken the lead among the conservative Right in opposing the bill. One of her first posts on the legislation was a doozy

…So when state Sen. Debbie Halvorson admitted she had HPV and worried others might get it, you would think she’d focus on her behavior that caused her to contract that sexually transmitted disease.

Halvorson would be most helpful by discussing the health consequences of pre- or extra-marital sex. […]

But no, Halvorson does not advocate avoiding a risky behavior that leads not only to HPV but to 20+ other STDs and their strains, along with unplanned pregnancy. Halvorson merely advocates trying to avoid the consequences of risky behavior. Shame on her.

I left out some very pointed, very personal even weird “questions” that Stanek demanded answers for. Read it yourself if you want.

Stanek’s reaction has overshadowed the legislation itself. Here’s a recent column from Kristen McQueary, who notes that she would oppose the Halvorson bill if she were in the General Assembly…

For someone with a well-worn barometer for political mean-spiritedness, I was stunned by an online diatribe hurled at state Sen. Debbie Halvorson (D-Crete) from a fellow Southlander. […]

Stanek demanded that Halvorson disclose “whether it was her husband who passed HPV on to her after sleeping with other women” or how, exactly, the Senate majority leader believes she contracted the virus. […]

Stanek’s vitriol does nothing to further her cause. In fact, her shark mentality often hurts the very issues for which she so desperately crusades. Even those in her small circle of flag-wavers cringed at her remarks.

I’ve always liked Jill, but her remarks crossed the line of decency and could backfire. The legislation could pass just because of the tactics used against it. This slash and burn stuff might work in the national media (although its influence seems to be fading fast), but people here are a bit more reasonable than the DC gasbags.

Anyway, discuss below.


Reform and Renewal - Where’s the check?

Tuesday, Feb 20, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

As I wrote in this morning’s Capitol Fax, I don’t think that this is a particularly huge deal

Gov. Blagojevich and his wife, Patti, upgraded their Northwest Side bungalow in 2003 by renovating their family room and building a deck.

What makes the home improvement project noteworthy is who Illinois’ first family put in charge of it: a company owned by now-indicted political fund-raiser and real estate developer Antoin “Tony” Rezko.

Even this part doesn’t really trouble me…

Chicago Construction Services began overseeing the Blagojevich work in July 2003, six months after Rezko began pushing the governor to place friends and associates in key state posts. The project took place during a 16-month period in which Patti Blagojevich, a real estate broker, netted about $86,000 from Rezko-orchestrated real estate deals.

I do have a problem with this, however…

Despite repeated inquiries, the Blagojeviches declined to provide bills or canceled checks for the work or a list of subcontractors.

Normally, it might be unseemly to demand that a governor “prove” his innocence. But Rezko raised a lot of money for the guv, “recommended” a whole lot of high-level appointees (some who contributed big bucks to the guv’s campaign fund around the same time), did a bunch of work with the First Lady (some of which looks like she was added to the list of realtors at the last minute) and has been indicted by the feds.

The governor has also refused to divulge how much cash he and his family have received as “gifts” from other inner circle members. That leaves me with no alternative except to ask…

Where’s the check, governor?


Local Elections Roundup *Update*

Tuesday, Feb 20, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson

*NEW* Complete interviews with Sandi Jackson and Darcel Beavers

* Tribune Editorial Board interviews with Aldermanic candidates

* Tribune Endorses Daley

Here’s what should be at the top of that list: ending the culture of corruption at City Hall. We endorse Richard M. Daley’s re-election as mayor with the hope that he’ll spend the next four years doing just that.

* Several Sun-Times Aldermanic Endorsements

* How Daley keeps the campaign cash flowing

* All names stay on North Barrington ballot

* Prospect Heights 5th Ward candidate off ballot; mayor survives challenge

* Personal, Professional stresses weighing on Major Daley

* Brown on the move: attempting to draw a Hillary endorsement and launches first TV ads

* Natarus plays cleanup in 42nd ward

“If you spend too much time . . . on tangential issues and trying to micromanage our personal lives, you lose sight of larger priorities,” said Reilly, a former aide to state House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago). Madigan, whose law firm files property tax appeals on behalf of many downtown businesses, has issued a glowing letter in support of Natarus.

* Mundelein Trustee’s re-election campaign will continue

* A look at the long shot challengers:
Dorothy Brown and Dock Walls

* Mark Brown: What do teenage voters think of Chicago candidates?

* Oak Brook trustee bounced from ballot for “major flaw” in paperwork

* Q & A with Peoria and Pekin candidates

* Shirley Coleman in tough 16th ward contest

* Criticsm of Moore’s WTTW interview in 49th ward

* Dead Man Donating

And Mayor Richard Daley’s swelling re-election campaign fund now has received money that originally was donated for the political account of Democratic powerbroker George Dunne. The late George Dunne.

* Claypool pokes at Daley…again

* What about Bob Fioretti in the 2nd ward?

* Daley pushes Gay Marriage bill


Morning Shorts

Tuesday, Feb 20, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson

* Rich Miller: Big Three can’t even agree when they agree

* Enron case may help convicted Daley aides

* The 1995 Reader story that got Sun-Times reporter handcuffed

* Madigan joins other AGs in letter regarding Anheuser-Busch’s beer-themed site

* Dick Kay unretires to work for governor

* Obama’s liberalism to draw heat as campaign progresses

During his eight-year stint in the Illinois Senate, Obama carried the reputation of a liberal Democrat, a standing gleaned from his votes on abortion, guns and other key or controversial issues.

* Obama not your typical Chicago politician

* Some Customers Facing Unexpected Power Hikes on Top of the Expected Ones; sparking fresh debate

* More delays for statewide achievement tests

The delays mean schools will have to administer another round of tests next month without having a chance to learn from last year’s results. The state tests are used to judge schools under No Child Left Behind federal standards, and schools face sanctions if too many children fail.

* McCain: GOP can’t give up on Illinois

* Layoffs announced in Cook Co. State’s Attorney’s office: In the first wide-scale job cuts resulting from Cook County’s budget problems, State’s Atty. Richard Devine announced Friday that he was laying off 43 prosecutors and 10 investigators.

* Supreme Court upholds serial killer’s death sentence

* More passengers riding Metra and Amtrak in Illinois

* Tribune Editorial: Illiniwek departure long past due; Zorn advocates understanding

* Tribune sues Fox News over use of RedEye name

* Editorial: Approve bill to shine light on ethics investigations

* Cook Co. Board fee hike debate

* Judges navigate through DUI laws

* Second chance for Ryan: Appeals court to look at juror replacement rulings

* Neil Steinberg on this Presidents Day

* State slow on FOID draw

* Editorial: In favor of tougher teen-drinking responsibilities for parents

* Orland Hills mayor has particularly busy schedule

From 2000 to 2003 Hastings earned $1,250 per month to review the college’s safety procedures and collected another $2,304 for teaching two classes. In total he received $46,679 from South Suburban College, financial documents reveal. All the while, he held down a full-time job as a “business liaison” with the Illinois secretary of state’s office.

* Tribune: Let the llinois Health Facilities Planning Board fade away

* Editorial: We don’t need a law to tell us what to eat

* State to sign new Bright Start deal

* Voting Machines upgraded for Feb. 27th election


* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Campaign update
* Rate the interview
* When RETAIL Succeeds, Illinois Succeeds
* Roundup: Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson fends off congressional Republicans (Updated)
* Federal judge issues sweeping preliminary injunction against Trump administration's unilateral budget cuts: 'An agency is not harmed by an order prohibiting it from violating the law'
* It’s just a bill
* Illinois might stick with its ‘seal on a bedsheet’ flag after all
* Open thread
* What Is A Credit Union?
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today's edition
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
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* Yesterday's stories

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