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Question of the day

Friday, Mar 2, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

It’s a nasty, windy, cold day today, but out in Arizona and other warm climes, baseball players are starting the exhibition season. So, let’s try to have some fun to get our minds off the daily drudgery.

Question: Who is your team and how will it do this year? How will your team be different from last year?

[Go Sox.]


  1. - Levois - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 9:41 am:

    I can’t wait to see the new Cubs with Lou Piniella. I hope they do better than they certainly did last year. Perhaps they can work on health this year. Still I’m not optimistic that they’ll get to the playoffs, but this will be an interesting season regardless.

  2. - Old Shepherd - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 9:48 am:

    Proud to be a member of Cardinal Nation. Our team will be different this year because people will actually give them a little respect!

  3. - Robbie - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 9:49 am:

    Zomg! Cubs all the way!!!

  4. - Robbie - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 9:50 am:

    Shepherd, maybe this is my Cubs bias talking, but I don’t see the Cardinals garnering a whole lot of extra respect as they were awfully close to one of the biggest end of season collapses ever last year. Their playoff run was nice, but almost didn’t happen.

  5. - Old Shepherd - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 10:02 am:

    That “nice playoff run” that “almost didn’t happen” ended with a world championship.

  6. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 10:03 am:

    Chicago White Sox!! They will either make the playoffs or be riddled with injuries and dysfunction and finish below .500.

  7. - zatoichi - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 10:06 am:

    Been following the Sox since the Nellie Fox and Luis Aparicio days. Have enjoyed games in the friendly confines, but the South Side still grabs me. My loyalty can be bought with beer.

  8. - Buccos - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 10:33 am:

    Go Pirates!

    They’ve got a solid lineup — Freddy Sanchez, Jason Bay and Adam LaRoche make up the 3-4-5. I’ll take that anyday. The big question is whether their rotatation can be minimally competent.

    I say they’re just like the Packers. They’re still gonna suck, but sucking can be contending in their division.

    And the Cubs are still going to suck. They’ll just hit more homeruns than usual in their losses.

  9. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 10:45 am:

    When you add up the talent and the intangibles, the White Sox are head and shoulders above all other teams. Best manager, best pitching, best lineup top to bottom. And of course, the second best city in the world. Sorry Mayor Daley. Quincy, Illinois is the best in that department.

  10. - THE ORACLE - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 10:48 am:

    I am in total agreement with 10:45.

  11. - Taylor Street - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 10:49 am:

    The Cubs; for all the money they spent forgot to put money into pitching…which is the core of winning the game. Pinella doesnt have the arms he needs and will be ejected at least five times before All Star Break.

    It may be a long season at Clark and Addison…GO CUBS!!!

  12. - ColoradoNative - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 10:53 am:

    I really get the feeling that this year is going to be ‘The Year of the Rockies’.

  13. - Utility Infielder - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 10:54 am:

    Couldn’t have said it better anonymous, except of course that thing about second city. You probably meant second best planet. The first being that planet that cub fans live on who think that Championships don’t deserve respect.

  14. - Councilman Sinnock Online - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 11:10 am:

    Go Cards! (from a Quincy Senior High School Grad)

  15. - Reddbyrd - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 11:14 am:

    Clearly the repeat feat is in order from this perch.

  16. - Robbie - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 11:21 am:

    shepherd - Yes they won the championship, I am not ignoring that. What I am implying is that they are not a team that strikes fear into their opponents. They were only 5 games over .500 and only scored 19 more runs than they gave up. Not exactly the Murderers Row teams that the Yankees once put up. They lost a couple of arms in Marquis and Weaver. The only free agent I recall them signing that was of note was Adam Kennedy.

    I am not saying that we should just forget the won the world series, just that the Cardinals aren’t going to strike fear or respect into anyone’s minds. Well except when Pujols bats that is…

  17. - Robbie - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 11:25 am:

    anon @ 10:45 - White Sox, best manager, please! Ozzie Guillen is a moron. He needs to learn when to keep his mouth shut. I would take most managers in the league before Guillen.

  18. - Amy - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 11:28 am:

    Sox. bullpen looks better. ozzie is getting back
    to his colorful self and a more relaxed ozzie
    will help. glad that Erstaad is there to pick it up.
    love Pods but he just has not been the same as the
    first half of 2005. hope they can keep Dye. hope
    that A.J. understands that having a good backup
    catcher will help the team.

  19. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 11:37 am:

    Robbie, you’re treading awful close to bandom. lol

  20. - sbean - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 11:42 am:

    Do not be surprised if the Cardinals do better than the Cubs again this year.
    Lou told the players just to have fun; that means do not put pressure on you to win.
    Looks like the big”L” flag with continue to fly high in the northside.

  21. - Ryno - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 11:45 am:

    The sox will be much improved since cheater AJ Pierzynski and his fashionable mullet spent the off-season professional wrestling and moonlighting on Jerry Springer’s show.

  22. - Robbie - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 11:52 am:

    Rich - Don’t get me wrong, unlike the Cards, I think the Sox have a good team. I don’t know if I agree with anon about being heads and shoulders above everyone else. But I really think that Ozzie is as overrated as Devon Hester… But then again we remember how my prediction ended up in the Super Bowl about him! But seriously, he took all the credit when the players won the games, then didn’t want any blame when they lost. Plus he talks more s**t than I do, and that’s a LOT!!!

  23. - leigh - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 11:59 am:

    Go Go Go Go White Sox! Crede, Konerko, Dye, Pods, talk about a dreamy lineup! Oh yeah and they can play ball too!

  24. - Team Sleep - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 12:04 pm:

    The Boston Red Sox

    I think the Sawx can win it all this year. Think I’m pipe-dreaming? No matter what Bill James and Dayn Perry say, the Sawx have a dangerous lineup and a deep rotation. Terry Francona is a player’s manager who can work with Manny, Curt and Big Papi while getting the most out Josh Beckett and J.D. “I’ve Got a Hangnail, place me on the 60-day DL” Drew. And let’s not forget Dice-K Mania.

    On a side note, the Cubs will be this year’s biggest flop. The signings of Soriano, Marquis and Lilly will come back to haunt Jim Hendry enough that he will be bounced after this season. Seriously, $7 mil for Marquis? $10 mil for Lilly? Ugh.

  25. - YNM - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 12:07 pm:

    And what major signings did the Cards make last year? None. And who thought David Eckstein would do what he’s done? No one. Marquis is not a loss … Weaver potentially could be (though he really only shined in the postseason). Sure, the Cards may not strike fear into anyone, and sure they may not win 100 games this year, but I bet they’ll win 85-90 again and be in the hunt for the playoffs. I think the Cubs will be right there too.

    But the Cardinals didn’t spend 300 million in the offseason to make that happen. You might compare the Cubs success this year to the Gidwitz run for governor .. lots of money spent per win/vote, not much to show for it in the end.

    While I think the Pirates and Brewers (and the Cubs if they stay healthy) will be in the hunt, the Cards come out of the central either by winning or via the Wild Card. And Cub fans will be disappointed again come September.

  26. - ZC - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 12:39 pm:

    I agree with posters who say the Cubs don’t have the pitching to be serious contenders. They’ve got a lot of pitchers with 4.00+ ERAs and some monster sluggers who strike out too often.

    The Cubs will not be serious contenders after the All-Star break unless their hitting really catches fire and a bunch of players outperform all at once. Even then, I don’t see how their pitching holds up enough to carry them far in the postseason.

    There will be no joy in Wrigleyville this year. Expect the Cards and the Astros to do their usual jousting for the division. The dark horse this season is not the Cubs but the Brewers.

  27. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 12:53 pm:

    ===There will be no joy in Wrigleyville this year===

    Sure there will. Most of those people don’t care about the score.

  28. - Anon Too - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 1:08 pm:

    Cards!!! Both Chicago team lovers need to get serious. Cards expect to be in the play-offs every year and win the pennant every couple of times a decade and an occasional world series.

    White Sox were a brief flash in the pan two years ago and the Cubs…. well you got one year to go before it has been a century since you last won anything.

    That is why there is so many Bears fans. Baseball is always over when football pre-season starts in September for Chicago baseball fans.

    Fans got to Busch to watch a winner and Wrigley for the ambiance.

    Enough said. Deal with it.

  29. - thomas paine - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 1:12 pm:

    Thw Whitesox bullpen is stacked. The new kid Danks has some really nasty stuff and is being compared to Papplebon by guys like Steve Stone.
    If Uribe and Anderson can get there offensive production up to average MLB standards this team should be in a great position to compete for it all. I’m a little worried about A.J’s injury, from what I’m hearing he is nowhere near 100%.
    Go sox!

  30. - Jerry - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 1:18 pm:

    White Sox reloaded and are primed to make a run back to the World Series.

    Crede will take another step forward and force the Sox to sign him long-term, while Dye puts together a nice little season on his way out the door (after getting another ring, of course).

    As for the northsiders - They’re the new Rangers - $100 million for 65 wins.

    I predict that the surprise team of the year will be the Brew-Crew. Young Prince Fielder wins NL MVP as the Brewers win the Central.

  31. - Way Northsider - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 1:23 pm:

    THIS could be the year for the Cubs!

  32. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 1:26 pm:

    ===THIS could be the year for the Cubs!===

    For what?

  33. - Great Lakes, Great Baseball - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 1:31 pm:

    As a recent Springfield transplant from the great state of Michigan, I’m hopeful that the recently decent Detroit Tigers will have another good year. I wouldn’t be surprised if they went back to their sub-.500 ways, but as a lifelong fan, I’d have their back either way.

    BTW, the Wings play (read: will beat) the ‘Hawks this evening. Just a note.

  34. - Robbie - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 1:33 pm:

    I think the Cubs will suck again and miss the playoffs. I think that needs to be said. But, I personally think you guys are underrating the Cubs pitching. Sure, Lilly and Marquis aren’t winning any Cy Young’s, but they are decent pitchers that can put in innings. The Cubs have two young lefties that should be able to be more pitch better in regular slots in the rotation. Rich Hill has got some good reviews from scouts and could end up as a top end rotation guy. Sean Marshall seems to be good enough to fill out a rotation spot as well. If Prior can get back, thats even better, then they could take Marquis out of the rotation. With Zambrano as the ace, they just need guys that can pitch decently. Prior and Hill can be top end guys, and Lilly is a solid starter as well. If they have Zambrano, Lilly, Prior, Hill, and Marchall as a staff for most of the year, the Cubs will be much better than you guys seem to think. .500 might be in the future for the Cubs this season!

  35. - Robbie - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 1:38 pm:

    Zomg! Do we have a hockey fan in the house??? I’ve been a Wings fan for 10-15 years now. Rich, we immediately need an open thread about how the Red Wings will win the Stanley Cup this year!!! I don’t care if they aren’t from Illinois.

  36. - Wumpus - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 1:45 pm:

    Who cares what respect the cards get, the rings are all the respect one can ask for. They were the best of a bad division and won the WOrld Series, nuff said.

    Cubs w/Pinella, like upgrading to a higher quality toilet paper. Still crappy.

    Go flyers.

  37. - Skeeter - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 4:17 pm:

    I expect that Kubica will compete for GP victories, but Heidfeld will continue to under-preform.
    Renault will be a mess, and McClaren will continue to have issues with reliability. All thoses teams will be ripped for allowing Montoya to escape to NASCAR when he can clearly out-drive anyone on their rosters (including the new Spaniard at McClaren).
    In reading the comments above, however, they appear to be mainly centered on baseball. I may not be clear on the original post. I thought it was talking about a real sport.

  38. - capitol view - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 4:49 pm:

    The scrappy White Sox — destined for second in their division behind Detroit, but anything can happen in the playoffs with their young pitchers who are too green to be scared — as Bobby Jenks pitched in the playoffs and the World Series in ‘06.

  39. - Blue Dog - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 7:40 pm:

    The Cubs are in a weak division. No other teams in the division made any major moves. Milwaukee has a pretty good pitching staff, according to Baseball America, but no hitting. So, Cubs score eight runs a game and their pirching gives up nine.

    White Sox re-load with a good young staff for the future. As for now, 85 to 90 wins, provided that pitching improves from last year and Sox lead-off hiters get on base so the big guns in the middle of the line up drives them home.

    Detroit will be tested but I see Minnesota and White Sox fighting for the division crown.

    Cards end up at .500

    Is this a great sport or what!

  40. - Boone Logan Square - Friday, Mar 2, 07 @ 10:33 pm:

    2005 World Champs are the 2007 World Champs, on the strength of phenomenal lefty pitching out of the pen.

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